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    レジャー 関連語 シンガポール ボーイング シンガポール航空 エアバスA380 カンタス 成田空港 外相中曽根弘文外相
    • Australian airline Qantas to pack up to 100 more on its A380s
      A380 superjumbo's reputation for luxury and extra room has given way to commercial reality at Australian airline Qantas, the Sydney Morning Herald reported on Friday. It will increase the number of seats on its flagship aircraft by as many as 100 because of a long-term trend of passengers preferring to fly closer to the back, the newspaper reported. When the A380 was unveiled in France five years ago, airlines trumpeted that the super-jumbo would offer passengers bigger seats, inflight lou ... ぜいたくのためのA380型機のジャンボの評判と余分な部屋商業現実にオーストラリアの航空会社カンタス航空の方法を与えており、シドニーモーニングヘラルド紙が伝えた

    • Another Qantas jet grounded
      AS Qantas staged a major PR exercise to mark the return of its A380 fleet to service, another 747, was grounded with engine failure. ASのカンタス航空はエンジントラブルで接地されたサービスへのA380の艦隊の戻り値を、別の747、マークへの主要な広報運動を繰り広げた

    • Qantas to resume some A380 flights
      Qantas Tuesday announced the partial resumption of A380 flights but said most of its superjumbos would remain grounded and the trans-Pacific Los Angeles route was off-limits after a mid-air engine blast. カンタス航空火曜日はA380のフライトの部分的な再開を発表したが、そのsuperjumbosのほとんどは、接地太平洋を横断するロサンゼルスのルートが空中エンジン爆発の後に立ち入りをしたままにすると述べた

    • Rolls-Royce Loses Stock Value After Engine Fire
      Rolls-Royce loses billion in stock value as Qantas CEO blames it for A380's engine fire カンタス航空CEOがA380型のエンジン火災のためにそれを非難するようにRolls - Royce社は、株式価値の億を失う

    • CAAC encourages carriers to change
      &$ &$A flight attendant awaits the arrival of Emirates Airlines' first A380 at Pudong International Airport in Shanghai. The Civil Aviation Administration of China said it will take measures to encourage carriers to explore the international market. (Photo / China Daily)&$&$ China's civil aviation authority on Wednesday encouraged the country's airlines to add more wide-body jets to their fleets. The Civil A ... &$&は$客室乗務員は、上海の浦東国際空港でエミレーツ航空の最初のA380の到着をお待ちしております

    • Engine troubles continue to haunt Qantas
      SYDNEY - Qantas' woes with its A380 fleet are still not over, with the airline yesterday revealing one of its superjumbos flew into London on three engines last week because of an oil problem.A similar incident occurred on the... シドニー - そのA380の艦隊とカンタス航空の苦境は、そのsuperjumbosのいずれかを明らかに昨日の航空会社で、まだ終わって上で発生した油problem.A同様の事件のための最後の週に3エンジンでロンドンに飛んだ...

    • Oil leaks keep Qantas A380s grounded
      SYDNEY - Qantas will keep its six A380 superjumbos on the ground for at least the next 72 hours, as testing on their Rolls-Royce engines continues after oil leaks were discovered on three aircraft.Airline chief executive Alan... シドニー - オイル漏れは、3つaircraft.Airline最高経営責任者アラン上で発見された後、カンタス航空は、ロールスロイスのエンジンのテストとして、少なくとも72次の時間の地面に、6つのA380のsuperjumbosを持参していくだろう...

    • Airbus delivers 38 planes in Feb.
      Airbus on Friday said it had delivered 38 aircraft in February but received no new orders for the month. The European plane maker said on its website that the February delivery had included six A321s, 21 A320s and six A319s, a second jumbo A380 to Air France, two A330-200s to integrated global aviation companies AerCap and CIT and two A330-300s to Singapore Airlines and Finnair. Yemenia-Yemen Airways confirmed its January order of 10 A319s while an unnamed private customer confirmed an ord ... エアバスは20日、2月に38機が納入したが、月間の新規受注した

    • Qantas Grounds Fleet After Finding Anomalies in A380 Engines
      The Australian airline discovered anomalies on three Airbus engines and is keeping its fleet of the superjumbos grounded beyond an initial 48-hour deadline for further checks. オーストラリアの航空会社は、三エアバスエンジンの異常を発見し、さらにチェックのための最初の48時間の期限を超えて接地superjumbosその艦隊を維持しています

    • London stock market little-changed in opening
      After reaching a 29-month closing high on Friday, the London stock market opened little-changed on Monday. The FTSE 100 index was down by 3.97 points, or 0.07 percent, at 5,871.38 points in early trade. Shares in Rolls-Royce fell a further 2.3 percent after Qantas said that it had found oil leaks on three Rolls-Royce engines in Airbus A380 planes. Banking shares were among the early risers, with Lloyds up 1.4 percent. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 金曜日の29月決算高に達した後、ロンドンの株式市場は月曜日オープン少し上で変更-

    • Qantas suspends all A380 flights
      Qantas on Wednesday suspended all further A380 superjumbo flights until further notice following a dramatic engine explosion on a QF32 flight over Indonesia. カンタス航空は水曜日にスーパージャンボ便は追って通知があるまでインドネシアでのQF32便に劇的なエンジン爆発、次のそれ以降のすべてのA380を中断した

    • Rolls-Royce didn't disclose modifications to new A380 engines
      Rolls-Royce modified a problematic section on new models of its engine for the world's largest jetliner months before one caught fire and blew apart over Indonesia, a Lufthansa spokesman said.The chief executive of Qantas also... Rolls - Royce社は、1つに火の前に世界最大の旅客機の数ヶ月のためのエンジンの新しいモデルに問題のあるセクションを修正、インドネシアも、カンタス航空のルフトハンザの広報担当者のsaid.The最高経営責任者以上離れて吹いた...

    • Lufthansa on a high with A380
      Europe's largest carrier Lufthansa AG started flying the Airbus A380, the world's largest aircraft, between Beijing and Frankfurt on Thursday to cater to strong demand in the world's fastest growing aviation market. The German carrier became the second foreign airline to fly the A380 to China, following Emirates Airlines last month. The plane, which bears the name Beijing, is the German carrier's third A380 from the 15 super jumbo aircraft it ordered from Airbus. Lufthansa Chief Exec ... ヨーロッパ最大の航空会社ルフトハンザAGは、A380をエアバス開始飛行の間、北京、フランクフルトで2009年の最大の航空機は、世界市場の航空成長最速の世界に対応するために強い需要が、ドイツのキャリアは、中国となった第2外国にA380を飛行する航空会社、次のエミレーツ航空は先月、飛行機、北京を負いません名は、Exec注文からエアバス

    • Rolls-Royce Loses $1B from Qantas Engine Fire
      Australian Airline Blames British Aerospace Company for Violent Mid-Flight Disintegration of Engine on Airbus A380 オーストラリアの航空会社はエアバスA380のエンジンの暴力的な中期フライト崩壊のブリティッシュエアロスペース社を非難

    • China Southern Airlines' first A380 makes its maiden flight
      The first Airbus A380 of China Southern Airlines, the biggest Chinese airline by fleet size, made its maiden flight on Friday. The plane flew from France to Germany for cabin work and painting, the French producer Airbus said in a statement. The first of five Airbus A380s ordered by China Southern Airlines flew to Hamburg, Germany from Toulouse, France, after completion of the final assembly and system tests in Toulouse, Airbus said. The A380, coated in green against corrosion was power ... 中国南方航空、車両サイズで中国最大の航空会社の最初のエアバスA380は、金曜日に初飛行を行った

    • New Oil Leaks Keep Qantas Airbus Jets Grounded
      Qantas said it would ground its six Airbus A380s after oil leaks were discovered in three of them, three days after a mid-air engine explosion led to an emergency landing. カンタス航空はオイル漏れが緊急着陸に導いた空中エンジン爆発の三日後に、それらの3で発見された後に、6機のエアバスA380を接地すると述べた

    • Video: Qantas A380s remain grounded as oil leak investigated
      Qantas chief executive officer Alan Joyce tells a news conference at the airline's headquarters in Sydney that its fleet of Airbus A380 aircraft will not fly as investigations continue into last week's mid-air engine failure. Tests have uncovered oil leaks in the engines of three of Qantas's grounded A380s カンタス航空のCEOアランジョイスが調査は先週の半ば空気エンジンの故障に続けているエアバスA380機の艦隊は飛ぶことができないことをシドニーの航空会社の本社で記者会見を説明しています

    • Qantas files against Rolls-Royce as investigators find engine defect
      Qantas stepped up pressure on engine maker Rolls-Royce to settle damages related to an engine failure on one of its giant Airbus A380 aircraft, but said it would keep the door open for an out-of-court settlement. カンタス航空は、その巨大なエアバスA380機のいずれかでエンジントラブルに関連する損害賠償を解決するためのエンジンメーカーのロールスロイスの圧力を強化し、それはのためにドアを開いたままにすると述べたアウト和解の

    • Oil leaks keep Qantas A380 jets grounded
      Even as he dashed hopes of an early return to the skies for his airline's flagship fleet of Airbus A380s, Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce last night turned vice to virtue.Qantas may be taking a hammering on the stockmarket,... 彼はエアバスエアバスA380の彼の会社の主力艦隊は、カンタス航空のCEOアランジョイスの最後の夜の空への早期復帰の希望を破線にも、株式市場に打撃を取ることができるvirtue.Qantasと逆になって...

    • Qantas to check up to 14 engines for flaws
      SYDNEY - Up to 14 Rolls-Royce engines on Qantas A380s will need to be inspected and possibly replaced, the airline's chief executive Alan Joyce says.Rolls-Royce had indicated about 40 A380 engines needed to be swapped worldwide,... シドニーは - カンタス航空エアバスA380の最大14 Rolls - Royce社のエンジンと検査する可能性が置き換えられる必要がありますが、航空会社の最高経営責任者アランジョイスsays.Rollsは、ロールスロイスは、世界的に交換するために必要な40 A380のエンジンについて示していた...

    • S.Korea's Asiana Airlines to buy six Airbus A380 superjumbos
      South Korea's Asiana Airlines said Thursday it had agreed to buy six Airbus A380 superjumbos in a deal worth $1.8 billion, as it tries to cash in on booming demand from China and the rest of Asia. The country's second-largest carrier said the European manufacturer had agreed to deliver the planes from 2014-17. The agreement, worth 2.04 trillion won ($1.8 billion), comes amid an easing of visa rules for South Korean visitors to the US and as an ever-growing number of Chinese travelers fans ... 韓国のアシアナ航空は、中国からの活況を呈し需要とアジアの残りの部分で現金しようとすると、それは18億ドル相当の取引の6つのエアバスA380 superjumbosを購入することで合意したと発表した

    • Airbus to fly A400M, A380 at Farnborough Int'l Airshow
      The European aircraft manufacturer Airbus will present in-flight demonstrations of its two flagships, the A400M and the A380, at the Farnborough International Airshow 2010 in Britain, according to a statement released Monday by Airbus. The biennial Airshow, one of the world's most iconic global aviation events, is scheduled from 19 to 25 July. The A400M will conduct demonstration flights from Monday to Thursday, while the A380 passenger aircraft, the world's most advanced in service today, ... 欧州の航空機メーカー、エアバスはエアバスの声明発表月曜日でファーンバラ国際航空ショー2010年に英国によると、、軍用輸送機A400MとA380をご紹介しますでは、主力飛行の2つのデモを、そのの隔年航空ショーを、1つの象徴的なのは世界で最も世界の航空イベントは7月25日予定されてから19軍用輸送機A400Mは木曜日から月曜日行う便をデモ一方、エアバスA380の旅客機、世界で最もサービスの高度な今日、...

    • Airbus realizes record high deliveries in 2010
      European aircraft maker Airbus said Monday it has reached record high deliveries in 2010 with 510 commercial aircraft deliveries to 94 customers, of which 19 were new, in addition to 20 military transport aircraft. The deliveries list included 401 A320 family aircraft, 91 A330/A340s and 18 A380s, exceeding the 2009 record of 498 aircraft in total, while for military provision, Airbus Military delivered 20 light and medium transport aircraft, four units more than the 2009 figure, the company s ... 欧州の航空機メーカー、エアバスはそれが19は20軍用輸送機に加えて、新しいものだった94お客様に、510の民間航空機の納入で2010年には過去最高の出荷に達したと発表した

    • Qantas to fly A380s on LA route
      Qantas will resume flying Airbus A380 flights between Australia and Los Angeles from 16 January, the airline said yesterday. カンタス航空は16月からオーストラリアとロサンジェルスの間のエアバスA380のフライトを飛んで再開される、航空会社が明らかにした

    • S.Korea's Asiana to buy six Airbus A380s
      South Korea's Asiana Airlines said Thursday it had agreed to buy six Airbus A380 superjumbos in a deal worth $1.8 billion as it tries to cash in on booming demand from China and the rest of Asia.The country's second-largest carrier said the European manufacturer had agreed to deliver the planes between 2014 and 2017, adding they would be used on routes to Europe and the United States. 韓国のアシアナ航空は、それが欧州のメーカーが合意したと述べた中国からの活況を呈し需要Asia.The国の第二位のキャリアの残りの部分で現金しようとすると1800000000ドル相当の取引の6つのエアバスA380 superjumbosを購入することで合意したと発表した彼らはヨーロッパや米国へのルートに使用される追加、2014年から2017年の間に面を実現しています

    • Qantas grounds A380s
      A Qantas A380 with more than 450 people on board made a dramatic forced landing in Singapore Thursday, trailing smoke from a blackened engine after the Airbus superjumbo's first mid-air emergency. ボード上の450以上の人々とカンタス航空のエアバスA380は、エアバスの超大型の最初の空中緊急の後に黒くエンジンから煙を末尾に、シンガポール木曜日劇的に強制着陸した

    • Video: Qantas A380 engine failure filmed by passenger
      A passenger on the Qantas flight that was forced to return to Singapore after an explosion films part of the damaged engine and the announcement made by the pilot on board 破損したエンジンの爆。膜部とボード上のパイロットによって作ら発表後シンガポールに戻ることを余儀なくされたカンタス航空の搭乗

    • Troubled A380 lands in Singapore
      A troubled Qantas Airbus A380 plane landed in Singapore on Thursday with smoke coming out of the underside, and was quickly surrounded by six fire engines, an AFP reporter said. 困ったカンタス航空エアバスA380機は、煙が下から出てくると木曜日にシンガポールに上陸した迅速。消防車に囲まれ、AFP通信の記者は言った

    • A380s have new engines
      British engine-supplier Rolls- Royce may replace up to 40 engines on Airbus A380 superjumbos flown by three airlines, Qantas said Thursday, after a midair explosion sparked safety fears over the world's biggest passenger jet. The number accounts for nearly half of the Trent 900 engines powering A380s operated by Australia's Qantas, Singapore Airlines and Germany's Lufthansa, and follows extensive checks after the November 4 blast over Indonesia. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... 英国のエンジンサプライヤーRolls - Royce社は、航空会社3で飛行A380のsuperjumbosエアバス40エンジンにまで可能性があります交換、カンタス航空によると木曜日、ジェット後空中乗用車の世界最大の爆発がきっかけ安全性の懸念を経由

    • Rolls-Royce Blames A380 Emergency on Engine Part
      The company said a “specific component in the turbine area” caused an oil fire that forced an A380 Airbus to make an emergency landing in Singapore last week. 同社は。。u0026quot;タービンエリア内の特定のコンポーネントは、。。u0026quot;エアバスA380エアバス社は先週、シンガポールに緊急着陸を余儀なくさ油火災の原因となったと述べた

    • Qantas Returns A380 Planes to Use
      An investigation continues into the disintegration of an engine as a plane took off from Singapore on Nov. 4. 飛行機は11月4日にシンガポールからの離陸になる調査は、エンジンの崩壊へと続く

    • Australia urges Indonesian residents returning Qantas plane parts for investigation
      Australian authorities on Sunday asked residents of Indonesia's Batam Island to help them find a crucial piece of debris lost from a Qantas Airbus last week. On Thursday, a Sydney-bound Qantas Airbus A380, carrying 433 passengers and 26 crew, made an emergency landing in Singapore after turning back following a mid-air explosion in one of its four engines. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), who has been investigating Thursday's mid-flight failure in the number two engine of the ... 日曜当局は、オーストラリアの週の最後のエアバス失わからカンタス航空残骸の質問部分を見つける重要なことに役立つために島のインドネシアのバタム島住民の木曜日で、A380は、搬送433人の乗客と26の乗組員をエアバスシドニーバインドカンタス航空で作ら緊急着陸シンガポールエンジン四そのの空気の爆発の1つの中間実行した後に引き返さない

    • Qantas says fleet safe after 'unrelated' mid-air incidents
      Dramatic mid-air engine failures that struck two Qantas aircraft in as many days are unrelated, the airline said, adding it was confident of the safety of the planes it is flying.Qantas grounded its A380 superjumbos on Thursday after one carrying 466 passengers and crew was forced to return to Singapore after an engine exploded during ascent, raining debris onto an Indonesian island. 多くの日は無関係であるように2つのカンタス航空機を打った劇的な空中エンジンの故障は、航空会社は、1つは466人の乗客と乗組員を運ぶ後は、木曜日には、A380のsuperjumbos接地flying.Qantasです飛行機の安全性を確信していた、と述べたエンジンは、インドネシアの島の上に破片を雨が降って、上昇中に爆発した後、シンガポールに戻ることを余儀なくされた

    • Singapore Airlines grounds A380 fleet after Qantas incident
      Singapore Airlines grounded its fleet of 11 A380 planes on Friday after significant engine failure caused an Airbus superjumbo operated by Qantas to make a dramatic emergency landing in Singapore on Thursday The airline has replaced its A380s with Boeing 777s for flights between Sydney, Melbourne and Singapore, spokeswoman Susan Bredow told Australian Associated Press on Friday. Bredow said the decision to ground the A380 fleet was based on the advice of the engine manufacturer Rolls Royce ... シンガポール航空は、シンガポール、メルボルンの間に、シドニー便の777型機A380を、ボーイングは、その艦隊を置き換えている航空会社は木曜日着陸をシンガポールの緊急劇的する11のA380にカンタス航空操作で超大型エアバスが原因で障害が発生したエンジン飛行機金曜日後に有意に接地広報担当者はスーザンBredowはRoyceエンジンメーカーのロールスロイスのアドバイスの金曜日にAP通信に語ったオーストラリア関連基づいていた艦隊をA380の接地Bredow当該決定を...

    • Airlines Worry Over Possible Shortage of A380 Engine Spares
      The reports come as Qantas Airways said that one of its Boeing 747s had to return to Australia on Monday after experiencing electrical problems. カンタス航空として来るのレポートは、ボーイング747のいずれかの電気的な問題が発生した後の月曜日にオーストラリアに戻っていたという

    • Emirates to launch A380 route between HK and Dubai
      Emirates, operator of the world's largest fleet of Airbus A380s, will from October 1 begin a daily service using the world's largest commercial jet between Hong Kong and Dubai via Bangkok, making Hong Kong the 11th destination for the UAE-based airline's A380 fleet. 首長国連邦、エアバスA380s世界最大の艦隊の演算子を10月1日からバンコクを経由し、香港とドバイの間に世界最大の商業用ジェット機を使用して、香港アラブ首長国連邦ベースの航空会社のエアバスA380の艦隊第11回行先を毎日サービスを開始します

    • Airbus lifts average jet price by 5.8%
      The European plane maker Airbus announced on Friday its plan to lift its catalogue price of current jets by 5.8 percent in average, the first price hike in two years. The European aircraft manufacturer raised the proposed A350-380 's price by 7.8 percent to 225 million U.S. dollars and lifted the list price of A380 superjumbo to 346.3 million U.S. dollars from 327 million dollars. The list prices for A350-900 and A350-1000 were also hiked by 5. 8 percent. The price hikes were caused by ... エアバスは22日、計画を平均で5.8%、現在のジェット機は、カタログ価格を解除すると発表した、欧州の航空機メーカー、2年ぶりに値上げし、欧州の航空機メーカーが提案A350調達- 380。。u0026#39;225から7.8パーセントによって価格を掲。百万ドルと327万ドルからA380型機346300000ドルにジャンボの販売価格を持ち上げた

    • A380 glitches no barrier to bookings
      Qantas Airways, Australia's biggest airline, says technical glitches with its fleet of Airbus A380s have failed to dent demand for seats on the world's biggest commercial aircraft. カンタス航空、オーストラリア最大の航空会社、エアバスA380sの艦隊との技術的な不具合は、世界最大の民間航空機の座席のくぼみの需要に失敗している

    • Airbus plans job cuts
      Airbus SAS plans to progressively cut about 1,000 temporary workers hired to work on the A380 superjumbo after the planemaker made progress producing the world's largest passenger plane. Airbus improved production and is moving ahead with industrialization of the plane, spokesman Tore Prang said. Letting temporary workers go is part of the nine-point plan that Airbus Chief Executive Tom Enders has established to cut costs on producing the superjumbo plane, Prang said. &$&$Source: Chin ... エアバスの後にエアバス進捗状況は、世界最大の旅客機製造した徐々に1000一時的な労働者のA380型機ジャンボ上で動作するように雇用を削減する計画だ

    • Hong Kong Airlines may cancel A380 order
      HONG KONG (AFP) - Hong Kong Airlines may cancel an order for 10 Airbus superjumbo A380 jets, a report said Thursday, as Chinese opposition to the European Union's airlines carbon emissions fee intensifies. Beijing has banned its airlines from complying with the EU scheme, which was imposed from Jan 1 although no airline will face a bill until 2013. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Fixing Airbus A380 wing cracks to 'cost ?100mn'
      Tiny cracks detected in January in the wings of some Airbus A380s will cost around 100 million euros to fix, the German weekly Der Spiegel reports in its edition to appear on Monday.Experts and internal sources at Airbus estimate that repairs and inspections on the super jumbos, ordered by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), would cost about one million euros ($1.3 million) per aircraft, for a total of 100 million euros, Der Spiegel said. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Checks extended to all 68 super jumbos
      Fresh safety concerns emerged yesterday about tiny cracks in the wings of the world's largest airliner, the Airbus A380.European air safety authorities ordered that checks, announced last month on microscopic cracks inside the wings,... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • A380 superjumbos to undergo checks
      &$<embed id='v_player_cctv' width='561' height='346' flashvars='videoId=20120121107876&filePath=/flvxml/2009/01/21/&isAutoPlay=true&url= allowscriptacc ... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • EADS Delays A350 but Avoids Heat of Crisis
      Airbus parent EADS pushed back its A350 carbon-fiber jetliner by six months with a $270 million charge as it seeks to avoid errors like those that nearly derailed Europe’s A380 superjumbo. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Disc could hold key to Qantas jet scare
      INVESTIGATORS keen to locate missing part of turbine disc of stricken A380 which may explain cause of plane's engine failure. 調べでは、熱心な飛行機のエンジン故障の原因を説明することがあります被災A380のタービンディスクの欠落部分を探します


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