Gaddafi's daughter gives birth to baby girl in SE Algerian province &$
&$Aisha Gaddafi, daughter of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and director of the Libyan Waatassimou Charity association, arrives to attend the end of the 6th international women's Koran reading competition in Tripoli August 30, 2010. (Xinhua/Reuters File Photo)&$&$
DJANET, Algeria, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- Muammar Gaddafi's daughter Aisha, who entered Algeria from Libyan Monday morning, gave birth to a baby girl earl ... &$&$アイシャカダフィ、リビアの最高指導者カダフィMuammarとリビアWaatassimouチャリティ協会理事の娘は、トリポリ2010年8月30日第6回国際女性のコーラン読み競争の終わりに出席するため到着
'I'm screwed', says unholy smoker AUSSIE atheist could lose his university job after smoking the Bible and Koran on YouTube. オーストラリアの無神論者はYouTubeで聖書とコーランを吸って後、彼の大学の仕事を失う可能性があります
UK bans extremist pastor A US pastor who had threatened to burn a Koran on an anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks has been barred from visiting Britain. Florida pastor Terry Jones had planned to address a right-wing group, England... 2001年9月11日、テロ攻撃の記念日にコーランを燃やすと脅していた米国の牧師が英国を訪問してから禁止されている
Atheist smokes Koran, Bible 'joints' BRIBANE - A lawyer who videoed himself smoking what appeared to be joints made with pages from the Bible and the Koran expects to lose his job at a Queensland university.In the video, posted on YouTube, Queensland University of... BRIBANEは - 何クイーンズランドuniversity.Inでビデオを自分の仕事を失うと予。聖書とコーランのページで作られたジョイントであることが示された自分の喫煙を録画してる弁護士は、YouTubeのクイーンズランド大学に掲載さ...
China denies Gmail hacking accusations - video Chinese spokesman foreign ministry rebuts Google's accusations that the country is involved in hacking into the email accounts of hundreds of US and South Koran officials, as well as those of Chinese political activists
Iraqi Muslims, Christians pray for calm in north KIRKUK (Iraq) - IRAQI Muslim leaders have joined their Christian counterparts for prayers at a church in Kirkuk, in a public bid to ease tensions in the disputed northern city. Around 1,500 people - including Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen - gathered at the Chaldean Cathedral late on Tuesday, singing Christian hymns before reciting prayers and verses from the Bible and the Koran. キルクークは(イラク) - イラクのイスラム教指導者は、係争中北部の都市の緊張を緩和するために公開入札では、キルクークの教会での祈りのために、キリスト教の対応に参加しています
Video: Imran Farooq murder: 'The biggest shock in MQM history' Mourners gather at the London home of Imran Farooq, a leader of Pakistan's Muttahida Qaumi Movement party granted asylum in the UK, after he was stabbed to death
Demonstration turns to violence in S Afghan town A demonstration held in Kandahar city on Saturday to condemn the reported burning of Muslim holy book Quran in U.S. turned to violence as firing is heard, a local official said.
&$&$Source: Xinhua &$&$
</ ... 土曜日のカンダハル市で開催されたデモでは、米国ではイスラム教徒の聖典コーランの報告書き込みを非難して焼成が聞かれるように暴力になって、地元の関係者は語った
Afghan Koran protest resumes in Kandahar Hundreds of people took to the streets of Kandahar on Sunday to protest against the burning of a Koran in the US, an official said, a day after 10 people died during similar demonstrations in the southern Afghan city.The deaths on Saturday came amid intense anger over the burning of a copy of the Koran by a Florida pastor in the United States.The mob turned violent after police blocked their march towards UN and government offices in Kandahar, which is the spiritual heartland of the Taliban insurgency. 何百人もの人が激しい怒りの中で来た10人は土曜日に南部アフガニスタンcity.Theの死で同様のデモ中に死亡した後、米国ではコーランは、公式によると、一日の書き込みに抗議して日曜日にカンダハルの街に繰り出した警察がタリバンの精神的な中心地であるカンダハルで、国連や政府機関に向かって行進をブロックした後日本States.The暴徒フロリダ州の牧師によるコーランのコピーの燃焼で暴力的になって
Pastor Jones and a dreaded ghost Special United Nations envoy Staffan de Mistura quickly blamed the Taliban for the killing in Mazar-i-Sharif of five Nepalese guards and three UN employees following American pastor Terry Jones overseeing the burning of a holy Koran in the US. De Mistura has missed the plot. The incident is a wake-up call that if pushed too far, non-Pashtuns will take up arms to counter the return of the Taliban to Afghan political structures, and especially in the case of the notorious Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, likely to be freed from Guantanamo Bay. - M K Bhadrakumar (Apr 4, '11) 特別国連特使スタファンデMisturaはすぐにアメリカの牧師テリージョーンズは、米国の神聖なコーランの燃焼を監督して次の5つのネパールガードと三国連職員のマザリシャリフで殺害タリバンを非難した
2 killed in protest against Koran burning Two protesters were killed Sunday by the Afghan army as it broke up a crowd demonstrating over now-cancelled plans by the pastor of a small US church to hold a Koran burning, an official said. それはコーランの燃焼を保持するための小さな米国の教会の牧師で今でキャンセルされた計画でデモ群衆を解散のような2つのデモ隊がアフガン軍の日曜日殺された、と述べた
Iran clerics for slaying Koran burners Two top Iranian clerics said anyone desecrating the Koran must be killed, Fars news agency reported, as hundreds of people protested Monday outside the Swiss embassy in Tehran. 二つの先頭へイランの聖職者は数百人の人々は、テヘランのスイス大使館の外で月曜日に抗議し、コーランを汚して誰もが、ファールス報道機関が報告、殺される必要があると述べた
Afghans demonstrate over Koran burning Hundreds of Afghans poured onto the streets of Kabul Wednesday to protest plans -- cancelled days ago -- by a US church to burn copies of the Koran, officials and witnesses said. アフガニスタンの何百ものカブールの。水曜日に計画に抗議する - キャンセル日前注が - 米国の教会でコーラン、関係者や目撃者のコピーを書き込むと述べた
Jewish settlers vandalize West Bank mosque Jewish settlers in the West Bank set on fire a section of a Muslim mosque near the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, Palestinians said on Monday.
Witnesses said Israeli settlers stormed Al-Anbiaa Mosque in Beit Fujjar area and burnt its rug ground and some books of Muslim 's holy Quran. They also wrote slogans against Palestinians and Islam.
Palestinian firefighters have succeeded in stopping the fire from eating up the whole mosque, added the witnesses.
On Thursday, settlers launched a ca ... 西岸のユダヤ人入植者は、ベツレヘムに設定された都市のパレスチナ人のモスクの近くにイスラム教徒のセクションを火災、パレスチナ人がイスラム教徒によると月曜日の目撃者によると書籍- AnbiaaモスクのAlイスラエル入植者が襲撃ベイトFujjarエリアや焼け、そのいくつかの接地ラグ。。u0026#39;は、神聖なコーランだ
Pastor decides against burning Koran on 9/11 A Florida minister who had created an international furore with his plan to burn the Koran on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks today canceled the event under intense pressure.The Rev. Terry Jones said he agreed to... 彼の計画同時多発テロの9周年を迎え、今日コーランを書き込むために国際的な騒ぎを作成したフロリダ大臣は、強烈な圧を牧師テリージョーンズの下でイベントをキャンセルして彼が合意した...
Pastor agrees to hold off Koran burning A Florida pastor put on hold plans to burn hundreds of Korans and said he would cancel the event if a controversial mosque project near Ground Zero i... フロリダ牧師はホールド計画コーランの何百もの書き込みに入れて、彼はイベントをキャンセルと述べた場合、グラウンドゼロは、ƒ ...近くに物議を醸すモスクプロジェクト
Pastor in Koran-burning row flying to New York A firebrand pastor who said he had called off plans to burn the Koran in exchange for the relocation of a New York mosque was flying to New York City, a friend said. 彼はニューヨーク市に友人が言った飛んでいた計画をニューヨークのモスクの移転と引き換えに、コーランを燃やすオフと呼ばれる、と述べた扇動牧師
Six die during protest Protesters claiming that international troops destroyed copies of the Koran clashed with Afghan and foreign security forces, leaving six people dead, Afghan officials said. The protest of about 2000 people was in Helmand province's... デモ隊と主張した国際部隊は、コーランのコピーを破壊されたアフガニスタンと外国人の治安部隊と、6人が死亡する衝突し、アフガニスタン当局は述べた
US marks 9/11 anniversary amid Islam tensions Remembrance ceremonies, marred by global tensions over a Florida pastor's threat to burn the Koran, were to take place Saturday in New York and at the Pentagon on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. 記憶の式典では、グローバル緊張フロリダ州の牧師の脅威コーランを燃やす以上損なわ、土曜日、ニューヨークで行わし、国防総省で9 / 11テロの9周年を迎えていた
WH concerned over Koran burning plan The White House on Tuesday raised concern about a US church's plan to burn a Koran and backed its Afghan war commander's warning that it could put US troops at risk. ホワイトハウスは日米教会の計画コーランを書き込むには懸念を提起し、そのアフガン戦争の司令官の警告を、それが危険にさらさ米軍を置くことが支持した
UN warn against Koran burning The UN and an umbrella body representing aid groups in Afghanistan warned Wednesday that civilians and aid workers in the country could be killed if a US church goes ahead with a plan to burn the Koran. 国連と傘の体は、アフガニスタンでの援助グループを表す水曜日、米国教会は基本計画コーランを燃やすとなる場合は、その国の市民は、と援助の労働者が死亡すると警告した
Koran burning to go ahead An evangelical Florida church Tuesday vowed to press ahead with plans to burn the Koran to mark the anniversary of 9/11 despite mounting concern that it may endanger allied troops in Afghanistan. 福音フロリダの教会は24日先の計画コーランを書き込むには9 / 11周年を記念して押すようにとの懸念が、それは危険にさらす可能性がありますにもかかわらず、誓ったアフガニスタンに軍隊を結んでいる