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    ビジネス 経済 関連語 VAIO ルノー インセンティブ
    • From Lithuania, a View of Austerity’s Costs
      As European nations consider the social and political costs of cutting public sector spending, Lithuania offers a case study of the societal trade-offs. 欧州諸国は、公共部門の支出を削減の社会的、政治的コストを考慮として、リトアニアは、社会のトレードオフのケーススタディを提供しています

    • Chinese producers dominate US$8.2b EU fakes market
      Chinese producers, with the aid of organised criminal networks, control the US$8.2 billion European market for designer-clothes knock-offs, fake electronics and uninspected aircraft parts, the United Nations says. 組織犯罪ネットワークの助けを借りて中国の生産は、制御ドル8200000000デザイナーの服ノックトレードオフは、偽の電子機器の欧州市場と検査の済んでいない航空機部品、国連は言う

    • Pirates hope to ride on iPad's global launch
      Mainland pirates hawking a new crop of Apple iPad knock-offs are hoping the real product's global launch will provide much-needed publicity for their slow-selling wares. 本土の海賊は、アップル計算されたノックトレードオフの新しい作物を売り込む実際の製品の世界展開が遅い販売用品の待望の広報を提供することを望んでいる

    • US govt says internet monitoring a necessary 'trade-off'
      The chair of homeland security for the US says fighting homegrown terrorism by monitoring internet communications is a civil liberties trade-off that the US government must make to beef up national security.Homeland Security Secretary... 米国国土安全保障の議長は、インターネット通信を監視することによって国産テロとの戦いの市民的自由のトレードオフは、米国政府が強化にしなければならないと言う国家security.Homelandセキュリティ長官...

    • New US jobless claims grow less than forecast
      The number of Americans claiming unemployment benefits for the first time barely rose last week, after two weeks of sharp drops, further evidence that lay-offs are easing. アメリカ人の数は、最初の時の失業給付と主張やっと先週、急落し、2週間後に、緩和ているレイアウトのさらなる証拠トレードオフとなった

    • The recipe for earning happiness
      Does earning a higher salary make you happier? It's an issue that tugs at many of us: the trade-off between a satisfying job and a satisfying pay cheque. Students have to ponder the question when considering a college degree or embarking on a career. Workers are concerned about it when weighing a promotion that would bring longer hours and more stress along with higher pay. 高い給料はあなたが幸せに稼ぐか?それが問題だと私たちの多くでタグボート:やりがいのある仕事で満足のいく給与チェックの間のトレードオフ

    • Uganda offers an important lesson in education | Jonathan Glennie
      Despite its shortcomings, the country's policy of free universal primary education has helped millions of children go to schoolIn 1997 Uganda introduced free and universal primary education. Enrolment rose from 2 million to 7 million by 2000 and the country's achievement was touted around the world as a great development success story.However, it was evident from very early on that finding extra, well-qualified teachers in a country where 50% of the population is under the age of 15 was going to be a challenge, as was providing the infrastructure to match the sudden increase in student numbers. And so it has turned out. Student pass rates have fallen and rates of transition to secondary school are also sliding. As standards fall in public education, a social divide is emerging between the public and private sectors, with private schools being regarded as offering a significantly better education. According to Lawrence Bategeka, from the Economic Policy Research Centre, a Ugandan thinktank, around 90% of current university students in Uganda were taught in private schools. Moreover, as private schooling is not profitable in rural areas, the urban-rural divide is opening up as well. Many governments have to make a trade off between universality of provision and standards. It is easy to provide quality education just to a select elite, as happened in many wealthy countries until around 100 years ago.I asked Bategeka whether it was a mistake to open the school gates to millions more children when Uganda was obviously not ready to teach them. Wouldn't it have been more sensible to increase enrolment more gradually, in line with the realistic possibilities of infrastructural and teacher development? Bategeka thinks the policy could have been implemented better, but he does no その欠点にもかかわらず、無料、普遍的初等教育の国の政策は、ウガンダでは初等教育無料で普遍的に導入1997子どもたちの何百万人もschoolInへ貢献してきました

    • U.S. policymakers have tough tradeoffs on deficit cuts: CBO chief
      U.S. policymakers are facing difficult tradeoffs in deciding how quickly to implement policy changes to reduce future budget deficits, Douglas Elmendorf, director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), said here on Monday. There is a diverse array of plans to narrow the budget gap in the nation, Elmendorf said at the ongoing 27th annual National Association for Business Economics (NABE) economic policy conference, adding that some plans focusing on spending cuts and others emphasizing tax ... 米国の政策立案者がどのように迅速に、将来の財政赤字を減らすためにポリシーの変更を実装する方法を決めるときには難しいのトレードオフに直面している、ダグラスエルメンドルフは、議会予算局(CBO)のディレクター、月曜日にはここを述べた

    • The Looming Failure of Obamacare, Part 3: Rent-Seeking
      Over the past two weeks, I discussed information and incentives issues inherent in Obamacare.  The law requires that the judgement of a few bureaucrats in Washington be substituted for the individual decision-making of hundreds of millions of Americans.  This is an impossible task, no matter how smart or well-motivated our rules claim to be, because every individual has his or her own unique incentives, information, and preferences in making price-value trade-offs for care. この2週間で、私は情報とインセンティブの問題Obamacareに固有の説明

    • The Looming Failure of Obamacare, Part 2: Incentives
      Last week, I discussed information problems that were fundamental to third-party payer health care systems like Obamacare.  By eliminating the prosaic act of shopping, the government has cut themselves off from critical information about the preferences and tradeoffs made by three hundred million Americans.  As a result, any attempts to set pricing top-down are doomed to failure, as evidenced by the impossibility of implementing the "doc fix" to change Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors. 先週、私はObamacareのようなサードパーティ製の支払者医療制度の基本とされた情報の問題について討論しました

    • WikiLeaks has created a new media landscape | Clay Shirky
      By avoiding national secrecy laws, WikiLeaks has begun a publishing trend that no regime can stopWikiLeaks affects one of the key tensions in democracies: the government needs to be able to keep secrets, but citizens need to know what is being done in our name. These requirements are fundamental and incompatible; like the trade-offs between privacy and security, or liberty and equality, different countries in different eras find different ways to negotiate those competing needs.In the case of state secrets v citizen oversight, however, there is one constant risk: since deciding what is a secret is itself a secret, there is always a risk that the government will simply hide an increasing amount of material of public concern. One response to this risk is the leaker, someone who believes that key elements of political life are being wrongly kept from public view, and who circulates that material on his or her own.Because this tension between governments and leakers is so important, and because WikiLeaks so dramatically helps leakers, it isn't just a new entrant in the existing media landscape. Its arrival creates a new landscape.This transformation is under-appreciated. The press often covers WikiLeaks as a series of unfortunate events, one crisis or scandal after another. And Julian Assange, of course, is catnip – brilliant, opinionated, a monocle and a Persian cat away from looking like a Bond villain. The press has covered him as dutifully as any movie star, while paying too little attention to what his invention means about the wider world.To understand the system WikiLeaks is disrupting, it helps to focus on a key moment of its formation. In 1946, the English-speaking Allies – the UK, US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand – decided that the pooling of their intelligen 国家機密法を回避することで、Wikileaksはない政権ができますstopWikiLeaksは民主主義の重要な緊張のいずれかに影響すること出版トレンドを開始しています:政府が秘密を保持できるようにする必要がありますが、市民が私たちの名前で行われているかを知る必要があります

    • James injury scare clouds Cavs' progress
      The top-seeded Cleveland Cavaliers advanced to the second round of the NBA play-offs by claiming a 96-94 win against the Chicago Bulls. LeBron Jame... トップキャバリアーズシードクリーブランドジェーム第2ラウンドの高度にブルズ

    • U.S. launches trade probe against Chinese drill pipe
      The U.S. government will investigate charges against import of oil well drill pipe from Chinese companies, said the Commerce Department on Thursday. The case, which was filed by the United Steelworkers union and a group of companies from Texas and Illinois, is the first U.S. trade probe of this year against China after about a dozen in 2009. The petitioners have asked for anti-dumping duties ranging from 429 percent to 496 percent. They also want additional countervailing duties to offs ... 米国政府も、中国企業からパイプドリル、石油の輸入を告発調査し、商務省が発表した


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