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    • 7 of top 10 cos add over Rs 33k cr to m-cap
      7 of the country's top 10 firms added Rs 33,728 crore to their combined market capitalisation during the past week amid a bullish market that saw the benchmark Sensex cross the magical 20,000-mark. 国の上位10企業の7のベンチマークセンセックスは魔法の20000マークを横切るのを見た強気の市場の中で過。週の間に、それらの組み合わせの時価総額にRS 33728ルピーを追加しました

    • Baby on highway causes panic
      ANKARA - Security cameras in Turkey have recorded the sight of a baby crawling onto a highway and startling drivers who waved frantically to other motorists to get out of the way. The 1-year-old toddler survived.The video footage... アンカラは - トルコのセキュリティカメラ赤ちゃん高速道路と必死になって、他のドライバーに邪魔を得るに手を振った驚くべきドライバにクロールの姿を記録しました

    • Chip Designer Prepares for Wider Demand
      ARM, which designs low-power chips, commands a prime position amid one of the next technological revolutions. ARMは、低消費電力チップを設計し、1つの次の技術革命の中で主要な位置をコマンド

    • Security for Oct 14 uprising anniversary
      About 200 police will be assigned to oversee the political gatherings marking the 37th anniversary of the Oct 14, 1973 uprising against Thanom Kittikachorn on Thursday, acting city police chief Chakthip Chaichinda said on Wednesday. 約200人の警察が長Chakthip Chaichindaによると市内の警察行動木曜日にタノムキチカコーン将軍に対して1973年10月14日蜂起の37周年を記念政治集会を監督するために割り当てられます

    • Medical victims gather at parliament
      About 30 members of the victims of medical malpractice network gathered outside the parliament on Tuesday morning, calling on the Public Health Ministry to quickly introduce a bill on medical malpractice victim protection to the House. 保健省に呼びかけて火曜日の朝には議会の外に集まった医療過誤ネットワークの犠牲者の約30のメンバーは、すぐにハウスに医療過誤の被害者の保護に関する法案を紹介しています

    • Angolan radio journalist shot dead at his home in Luanda
      Alberto Chakusanga, a presenter on an Angolan radio station critical of the government, was found shot dead in his home in Luanda on 5 September. He is the first journalist to be murdered in Angola since 2001.He was shot in the back and it is suspected that the gun was equipped with a silencer because his sister-in-law, who was in the house at the time, heard nothing. Chakusanga, 31, hosted a programme on Radio Despertar, a station that was founded in 2002 as a result of the peace accords between the ruling MPLA and the opposition UNITA. The station supported UNITA.Source: Reporters Without BordersJournalist safetyAngolaPress freedomGreenslade on AfricaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds アルベルトChakusangaは、アンゴラのラジオ局、政府の重要なのプレゼンター、9月5日にルアンダの自宅で射殺発見された

    • Sanan: Seek opinions on amnesty
      All parties should ask for the people’s opinion on the Bhumjaithai Party's proposal for amnesty for political protesters, advisory chairman of the Chartthai Pattana Party and Deputy Prime Minister Maj-Gen Sanan Kachornprasart said on Wednesday. すべての当事者は、政治的デモ、Chartthai党首党副首。少将-ジェンサナンKachornprasartの諮問委員に対する恩赦のBhumjaithai党の提案に、人々の意見を求める必要があります明らかにした

    • BJT: Amnesty would help reconciliation
      Amnesty should be granted to political prisoners because it would help efforts towards reconciliation, according to the coalition Bhumjaithai Party. それは和解に向けた努力を助けるため、アムネスティは、連立Bhumjaithai党によると、政治犯に付与する必要があります

    • Anil Ambani's Reliance Broadcast betting big on IP biz
      Anil Ambani's Reliance Broadcast Network (RBNL) is betting big on its intellectual properties (IPs) and has lined-up massive plans for this vertical going forward, a senior company official said. アニルアンバニのリライアンスブロードキャストネットワークは、(RBNL)とその知的財産権(IPアドレス)に大きな賭けている並んでいるこの今後垂直のための大規模な計画に、同社の幹部職員は語った

    • Side Effects May Include Lawsuits
      Antipsychotic drugs are the top-selling pharmaceuticals in America. But with the surge in use has come an increase in questions — and lawsuits — about aggressive marketing and the scientific soundness of drug companies’ studies. 抗精神病薬はアメリカでベストセラーの医薬品です

    • Hitler exhibition opens in Berlin
      An exhibition titled Hitler and the Germans at the German Historical Museum focuses on the personality cult that sprang up around the Nazi dictator ドイツ歴史博物館でヒトラーとドイツという展覧会は、ナチス独裁の周り跳び個人崇拝に焦点を当てて

    • Thailand's flood death toll soars to 38: NIEM
      At least 38 people have been reported dead in 13 provinces that were hardest hit by flood during Oct. 10-24, according to Medical Emergency Institute of Thailand (NIEM) Sunday. The highest death toll of six were reported in each of the provinces of northeastern Nakhon Ratchasima and Buriram as well as central Lop Buri. Among the dead was a two-year-old boy in central Nontaburi province who drowned at the backyard of his own house. Several northeastern and central provinces in the countr ... 少なくとも38人がの地方の各報告の日曜日でした

    • Neoliberalism is destroying Europe | Christian Marazzi
      Austerity and repression won't bring Europe out of crisis, we need a social struggle against freemarket politicsThe European sovereign debt crisis, which was caused by member states' public debt but increased because of the actions taken to rescue the banks after the 2008 crisis, demonstrates at least three things. First, that currency does not exist without a state. Second, that capitalism cannot be managed by the market alone. And third, that the austerity measures will not bring Europe out of the crisis but will in fact continue to make it worse – until the euro crashes.However, the most important point to emerge from the crisis is that Europe's political reinvention will depend exclusively on the social struggle against neoliberal politics. Neoliberalism, the absurd idea of economic government based solely on the market and its ability to self-regulate, is at the root of the great illusion of a leaderless Europe supposedly unified by a euro that has controlled the internal economic and social differences according to the logic of the financial markets.And yet, neoliberalism is still the only language used by European politicians to confront the crisis and to face the social conflicts that will break out over the next few months. There exists no European government; only management of austerity measures and of repression.The European banking stress tests were of little use – they only breathed a bit of life back into the German and French banks that had been exposed to the sovereign debt of the outlying countries of the EU. The recent economic successes of Germany – the increase in exports, in particular to areas outside the eurozone – cannot reverse the direction of the euro's crisis.In fact, the cracks between the economically strong countries and those that are in 緊縮財政と弾圧は、危機のヨーロッパを引き出すれませんが、我々は、加盟国の公共債務によって引き起こされただが、2008年危機後の銀行を救済する実行されるアクションのための増加フリーマーケットpoliticsThe欧州ソブリン債務危機に対する社会的闘争を必要とする少なくとも3つのことを示しています

    • Impasse threatens Australian PM Gillard's rule
      Australian leader Julia Gillard moved into the prime minister's official residence Sunday, but a political standoff threatened to derail her fragile rule just two days before parliament was due to begin.Gillard, Australia's first female prime minister, seized the leadership in a party coup 13 weeks ago but refused to move into The Lodge until she'd been elected prime minister in her own right.She scraped back into office after last month's vote produced the closest election in 70 years, forcing Gillard to seek a tenuous coalition with four minority MPs. オーストラリアのリーダージュリアギラードは、日曜日首相官邸に移動政治的な行き詰まりは、議会は、begin.Gillard、オーストラリア初の女性首相に起因される前に、わずか2日間彼女の脆弱なルールを脱線させると脅した党クーデターでリーダーシップを13週間押収しかし彼女は彼女自身のright.Sheで首相に選出されていたまでロッジに移動を拒否して前に、先月の投票はギラードは、4つの少数議員との微妙な連立を模索して強制的に、70年間で最も選挙を生成した後オフィスに戻ってすりむいた

    • More CCTV at Ayutthaya sports stadium
      Ayutthaya governor Witthaya Piewpong on Saturday morning ordered the authorities to install closed circuit television cameras around the provincial sports stadium to monitor political activities by the red-shirt people group, reports said. アユタヤ知事Witthaya Piewpongは、土曜日の朝赤シャツの人々のグループが政治活動を監視するために地方の競技場周辺の閉回路テレビカメラをインストールするには当局を命じたときは、レポートは言った

    • MP: Red guard on House committee
      A Democrat MP on Wednesday demanded Jatuporn Prompan, a Puea Thai MP, show responsibility for making a red guard leader a member of the House committee on political development, mass communications and public participation. 水曜日に民主党MPが要求Jatuporn Prompan、PueaタイMPの、赤いガードリーダー政治的発展、マスコミと一般市民の参加の下院委員会のメンバにするためのshow責任を負いません

    • Four killed in Tajik helicopter crash
      A Tajik National Guard helicopter has crashed in the east of Tajikistan, killing four people and injuring three, according to reports reaching here from Dushanbe Wednesday. The Mi-8 helicopter went down in the morning and a rescue operation was currently underway, the reports said. According to the Tajik Khovar news agency, technical failures may have caused the accident. Policemen on board the helicopter were reported to be searching for insurgents who killed 28 Tajik National Guard se ... タジク人国家警備隊のヘリコプターが水曜日ドゥシャンベからここに到達レポートよると、4人が負傷、3つの殺害、タジキスタンの東にクラッシュしました

    • Nouri al-Maliki's return would damage Iraq | Nussaibah Younis
      A coalition government dominated by Nouri al-Maliki and the Iranian-backed Sadrists would do little to solve Iraq's problemsCoverage of the Iranian-brokered deal between Nouri al-Maliki and Muqtada al-Sadr has focused on fears that Iranian influence is eclipsing US power in Iraq. But the threat to the US is exaggerated. Being forced to turn to Iran for help has been embarrassing for Maliki, who ran an Iraqi nationalist election campaign that distanced itself from Iran and emphasised Iraq's sovereignty.Rabid anti-Iranian sentiment among both Shia and Sunni Iraqis, including many of Sadr's supporters, mean that Iran's grip over Iraq is largely limited to times of political desperation. Among ordinary Iraqis, Iran is almost as unpopular as the US. Thus, with some political will, the US can claw back the narrow strategic advantage that the Iranians may win through a Shia coalition deal.A far more worrying prospect is the irreparable damage that a Maliki-Sadrist government could inflict on Iraq. Maliki's power and intransigence have been a major cause of delay in the formation of a new Iraqi government. Early in the post-election period both the Sadrists and the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI) offered to negotiate a coalition with Maliki's al-Da'wah party on the condition that Maliki would not be prime minister. Maliki refused.Negotiations with Iyad Allawi, leader of the secular-Sunni Iraqiya list, broke down over the same issue, namely Maliki's insistence on remaining top dog. And Maliki is not a force to be ignored. As he used his first term in office to build a formidable power base among supporters and in the military and intelligence establishments, many fear the level of power that Maliki may be able to accrue with another four years in office. Some Iraqis are e ヌーリマリキとイランの担保Sadristsによって支配さ連立政権は、イランの影響で米国の力を食されていることを懸念に焦点を当てているヌーリマリキとムクタダサドルの間にイランの仲介取引のイラクのproblemsCoverageを解決するためにはほとんどないだろうイラク

    • E.U. Considers Easing Rules on Biotech Crops in Animal Feed
      A draft proposal would allow a tiny amount of unapproved genetically modified material in imports of animal feed, but not food. 原案は、動物用飼料の輸入承認されていない遺伝子組み換え材料の少量をではなく、料理できるようになります

    • Colombian army officer jailed for hacking deaths
      A former Colombian army officer was sentenced to 44 years in prison for his role in the deaths of more than 245 civilians, many of whom were hacked to pieces with a power saw, officials said.Retired major Alirio Antonio Urena received the sentence for killings systematically carried out out against the local population of the town of Trujillo in western Colombia between 1986 and 1994. 元コロンビア陸軍士官が見た多くの人の力でバラバラにハッキングされた以上の245民間人の死で彼の役割のための刑務所で44年を言い渡されたと、当局は、主要なAlirioアントニオUrenaは、体系的に殺害の判決を受けたsaid.Retired 1986年から1994年にかけて西部のコロンビアでTrujilloさんの町の地元住民に反対を行った

    • In the Form of a Study, a Salvo From the Left Questions Obama’s Trade Goals
      A group skeptical of globalization’s impact on American workers responds to arguments made in favor of more free trade. グループは、アメリカの労働者のグローバル化の影響には懐疑的より自由貿易の支持で行われた引数に対応します

    • Shareholder brokering Gome deal
      A key shareholder of Gome Electrical Appliances Holding is believed to have proposed an increase in the number of seats on the company's board to give jailed founder Wong Kwong-yu a voice in decision-making. Gome電気用品ホールディングの主要株主は、意思決定の声創設して、Wong Kwongさんの湯を投。与えるために、同社のボード上の座席数の増加を提案していると考えられている

    • Special Report: International Education: Skill Shortage Clouds Prospects for British Energy Industry
      A lack of engineering and technical skills in Britain poses a serious threat to the country's ability to expand its renewable energy industry. 英国でエンジニアリングおよび技術的なスキルの欠如は、再生可能エネルギー産業を展開する国の能力に深刻な脅威を与えている

    • 'Africa's future prosperity depends on harnessing our potential for the benefit of all' | Mo Ibrahim
      A landmark year has highlighted Africa's dynamism and drive, yet challenges of governance and leadership remain2010 is a milestone year for Africa. The World Cup was hosted on African soil for the first time. Seventeen African countries marked their 50th year of independence. We marked 10 years of pursuing the millennium development goals. These events present a great opportunity to take stock of the continent, where we are and where we are going to.  The picture is largely optimistic. Since independence, the continent has undergone significant transformations. Almost every country in Africa has now instituted multi-party democracy. We are witnessing a significant growth of the African middle class, set to drive economic development and also demand political change where appropriate. The telecoms revolution, in which I have played some role, has already transformed the continent, allowing us to advance in leaps and bounds. Africa's average growth, after the recent crisis, is now almost five times the Euro zone average growth, according to the latest update to the International Monetary Fund's half-yearly World Economic Outlook. At the beginning of this new century, there is dynamism and drive in Africa. These changes, however uplifting, are not the only story. We continue to lag behind in many key areas. Although we can blame many factors for this, none is more central than the lack of high quality governance in Africa. We are the richest continent, with the youngest population, we are home to vast swathes of natural resources, and yet these are not yet translated into improved life quality for all citizens. Harnessing our potential for the benefit of all is the governance challenge in Africa. This is why I launched my foundation in 2006 – to tackle this crucial challen 画期的な年は、アフリカのための節目の年でありながら、ガバナンスとリーダーシップremain2010の課題をアフリカのダイナミズムとドライブをハイライト表示されている

    • Gunman kills himself, mother at US hospital
      A man who became distraught as he was being briefed on his mother's condition by a surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital pulled a gun and shot the doctor Thursday, then killed his mother and himself in her room at the world-famous medical... 彼は母親の条件にジョンズホプキンス病院で外科医による報告をされていたとして狼狽した男が銃を引っ張り、木曜日医者を撃ったし、彼の母親を殺し、自分自身の世界的に有名な医療で彼女の部屋で...

    • Resource survey finds 900 new mineral deposits
      A new land resources survey found a total of more than 900 mineral deposits, of which 152 are large and over-sized. These minerals will reduce the risks for commercial geological prospecting work and provide a large number of exploration reserve areas. The land survey of mineral resources is underway smoothly and has turned up a number of important mineral resources, including 130 billion tons of coal, 50 million tons of iron ore, 38.5 million tons of copper, 449 million tons of bauxite, 1,83 ... 新しい土地資源調査では、そのうちの152は、オーバーサイズの大きさ900以上の鉱床の合計を発見した

    • Radical Yemeni-US imam appears in video
      A new video featuring wanted radical Yemeni-US cleric Anwar al-Awlaki has been posted on the Al-Shammukh jihadist Internet website. フィーチャーした新しいビデオは過激イエメン米聖職者アンワルアルAwlakiは、Al - Shammukhの聖戦インターネットのWebサイトに掲載されていました

    • BJT: There is a movement to topple govt
      A politician living in foreign country who wants to return to power has joined forces with a political party in trying to topple the Democrat-led coalition government, spokesman of the Bhumjaithai Party Suphachai Chaisamutr claimed on Saturday. 電源に戻るには、望んでいる外国の政治家の生活は、民主党主導の連立政権を打倒しようとしているの政党に強制的に参加しており、Bhumjaithai党Suphachai Chaisamutrのスポークスマンは、土曜日に主張している

    • Equity fund distances Wen son from windfall
      A private equity fund co-founded by Wen Yunsong, the son of Premier Wen Jiabao, has distanced the princeling from a windfall it gained in a proposed Hong Kong listing of a mainland pharmaceutical maker. プライベートエクイティファンドの共同温Yunsong、温家宝首相の息子によって設立された、それは本土の製薬メーカーの提案香港上場で得た棚ぼたから幼。距離をしています

    • Are delays in aid funding inevitable?
      A small sum to replace savings stolen from poor farmers in Katine, Uganda, has taken five months to reach them. Are such delays necceessary? Please post your viewsGetting donors' money smoothly and quickly into the hands of those who desperately need it - and know how to use it - is a perennial problem faced by both governments and non-government agencies. Joseph Malinga, our reporter based in Katine, north-eastern Uganda, only yesterday wrote on our site that it has now taken five months for funding to arrive in Katine to replace the losses suffered by a farmers' savings group following a robbery last year.Katine is a community project, involving 66 villages in six parishes across a large area and covering the full range of development issues. The non-government agency Amref (African Medical Research Foundation), which is implementing the project, funded by Guardian readers and Barclays Bank, works in several countries and through various national and local administration offices in Africa and elsewhere. Each office handling the funds requires them to go through an exhaustive checking procedure to ensure the targeted community group receives the money.The question is whether there is a faster, more efficient way of processing funds. Incomprehensible or unexplained delays in funds reaching destinations can shatter people's hopes and dreams - delays sadly common within many NGOs funding development work. Despite the Guardian's repeated calls to Amref to speed up the transfer of funds to the Emorikikinos farmers' village saving and loan association, Amref has still taken five months to move the money from its HQ office in Nairobi, Kenya, to Katine, Uganda - Kenya's southern neighbour. Surely, regardless of all the sound reasons given for delays, there needs to be an chan 少額だが、ウガンダは、それらに達するために5か月を要して貯蓄をKatineで貧しい農民から盗まれた置き換えます

    • Fresh promises at anti poverty summit
      A three-day summit to push global leaders to meet United Nations goals to significantly reduce poverty by 2015 wraps up today with new financial pledges from countries but no certainty there will be enough money and political commitment... 3日間のサミットは、世界の指導者が大幅に2015年までに貧困を減らすために国連の目標を達成するためにプッシュする国からの新たな金融公約が十分なお金と政治的コミットメントがあるでしょうは確信を持って今日までラップ...

    • PM to testify in graft case
      BANGKOK: Thailand's Prime Minister is due in court today as his party tries to fend off a possible ban that threatens to further shake the kingdom's fractured political landscape. バンコク:彼のパーティは、さらに王国の骨。政界を揺さぶる脅かす可能な禁止をかわすしようとするとタイの内閣総理大臣は、今日の法廷でによるものです

    • Sinochem Seeks Government Support For Potash Bid: Paper
      BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese chemical conglomerate Sinochem Group has formally asked the government to back a bid for Canada's Potash Corp, a local newspaper reported on Sunday. 北京(ロイター) - 中国語の化学コングロマリットシノケムグループが正式にカナダのポタッシュ社、地元の新聞、日曜日に報告のための入札をバックアップするよう政府に求めている

    • Management Tip of the Day: Master the Art of Being Assertive
      BOSTON (Reuters Life!) - The Management Tip of the Day offers quick, practical management tips and ideas from Harvard Business Review and HBR.org ( Any opinions expressed are not endorsed by Reuters. ボストンは、(ロイターライフ!) - 今日の管理ヒント任意の意見は、ロイターが承認されていない表現(ハーバードビジネスレビューとHBR.orgからの迅速な、実用的な経営のヒントやアイデアを提供しています

    • Injury sidelines Barca's Pedro for Euro qualifiers
      Barcelona winger Pedro Rodriguez will miss Spain's Euro 2012 qualifying matches against Lithuania and Scotland after injuring his calf, his club reported on Monday.Pedro, a key member of the Spanish team that won the World Cup in July, picked up an injury to his left calf in the final 15 minutes of his side's 1-1 home draw with Real Mallorca on Sunday.The 23-year-old will be unavailable to play for three weeks after medical exams on Monday confirmed an initial diagnosis made on Sunday evening that he had torn a calf muscle, the Catalan club said on their website. バルセロナウィンガーペドロロドリゲスが彼の子牛を負傷した後リトアニア、スコットランドに対するスペインのユーロ2012予選を欠場することに、彼のクラブはMonday.Pedro、7月のワールドカップで優勝したスペインのチームの主要メンバーについて報告した彼の左にけがをピックアップ月曜日に健康診断は、彼が持っていた日曜日の夜に行わ初期診断を確認した後Sunday.TheにRealマジョルカと彼の側の1-1での引き分けの最後の15分23歳の子牛は3週間のためにプレーして使用できなくなりますふくらはぎの筋肉を引き裂かれた、カタロニア語クラブが自分のウェブサイトを明らかにした

    • Skydiver sentenced to 30 years in jail for love rival's murder
      Belgian teacher sabotaged fellow skydiver's parachuteA Belgian teacher who killed a love rival by sabotaging her parachute was sentenced to 30 years in prison today.Els Clottemans, 26, who was convicted of murder yesterday, had faced a maximum sentence of life in jail. The judge told her the only mitigating circumstance was her feeble psychological condition. Clottemans attempted suicide in 2008.Els Van Doren plunged to her death in November 2006 after both her parachutes failed.She and Clottemans, members of the same parachute club, were involved with the same man, a Dutch skydiver. A jury in the town of Tongeren agreed with the prosecution that Clottemans was motivated by jealousy.The jury said Clottemans acted with premeditation and that, as an accomplished jumper, she knew very well how to disable a parachute. Evidence at the trial showed she sent anonymous letters about Van Doren's love life to mutual friends and that she was psychologically unstable.Her trial opened on 24 September with the accused sitting nervously near the mudcaked parachute bag and helmet that Van Doren wore on the day she died.The jury saw video footage from a camera mounted on her helmet that Van Doren shot during what would be her last jump.She and Clottemans were among the last four jumpers to leave the Cessna plane.The video showed how the victim looked up, yanking at her gear, hoping to see an open canopy above her.Neither parachute opened and she crashed into a garden in the town of Opglabbeek and died instantly.Throughout her trial, Clottemans maintained her innocence.Belgiumguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ベルギーの先生は刑務所での生活の最高刑に直面していたが、刑務所today.Elsで30年の刑を言い渡された昨日の殺人の有罪判決を受けたClottemans、26、彼女のパラシュートを妨害、愛のライバルを殺して仲間のスカイダイバーのparachuteAベルギー教。妨害

    • President's foul play
      Bolivian President Evo Morales kneed an opposing player in the groin during a soccer match against a team of political rivals after an apparent hard foul by the opponent, images of the altercation show. In video aired by local... 明らかにハード相手にファウルの後の政治的ライバルのチームを相手にサッカーの試合中に脚の付け根のボリビアのモラレス大統。蹴った相手選手、口論ショーのイメージ

    • Dublin's brave slashers have sent Ireland back into recession | Michael Burke
      Britain would be well advised to follow Spain's growth-boosting recovery plan rather than emulate Ireland's dismal failureBritons are notoriously inept at learning foreign languages. But, given London's role as the world's leading financial centre, it comes as a surprise to learn that the insularity applies equally to its economists, politicians and economic commentators. For, while the nation obsesses about the public sector deficit, it has failed almost entirely to learn from striking developments in the European Union and the different paths of public finances there.Those paths are very different. At one extreme is the government in Madrid, which is has seen its deficit halve in the first part of this year. At the other is the Dublin government which has presided over a doubling in its deficit to more than 14% of GDP, higher even than in Greece. It is probably worthwhile examining how their economies arrived at these diametrically opposed points.The Irish economy lapsed back into recession in the second quarter of this year. In reality, the domestic economy (excluding the activities of multinationals – many of whom simply book profits in Ireland to take advantage of its ultras-low taxes), has now entered its third year of slump. This compares to the European recession as a whole, which lasted a less painful four quarters. Worse, the Irish economy is also experiencing a Japan-style deflation, where the price of goods and wages are both falling. This is disastrous for all those with debts, including the government, as taxes are recouped at the new, lower price level. It is the slump in taxation receipts that is the source of the deficit, as government spending as barely risen at all following the deep cuts.A host of rightwing commentators, and Conservative politicians 英国はよくではなく、スペインの成長昇。復旧計画に従うことをアイルランドの憂鬱failureBritonsは、悪名高い外国語の学習で無能さをエミュレートほうがいいだろう

    • Passing the postal parcel
      Business Secretary Vince Cable has sent George Osborne a surprise gift as the Chancellor prepares for the toughest week of his political career. The Royal Mail will deliver £20bn to the Treasury coffers as Osborne tackles the huge deficit in Wednesday's Comprehensive Spending Review, with government departments bracing themselves for financial cuts of up to 40 per cent. 首相は、彼の政治キャリアの中で最も過酷な一週間の準備として、ビジネス事務ヴィンスケーブルはジョージオズボーンに驚きのギフトを送っています

    • Tourist dies in Egypt road crash
      CAIRO - An Egyptian medical official says a van speeding down a highway in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheikh overturned, killing one Italian tourist and injuring four other people.The head of South Sinai Emergency Services,... カイロは - エジプトの医療関係者は、1つイタリア観光客を殺害し、南シナイ緊急サービスの他の4つのpeople.The頭を負傷、シャルムエルシェイクの紅海のリゾート地で高速道路を高速車が転。言います...

    • Ethical fashion a win-win for political wives
      Championing eco labels allows spouses of politicians to support the fashion industry without being criticised for frivolityIn recent years it has become de rigeur for the wives of politicians to champion ethical fashion. It is seen as a way of supporting the industry while swerving inevitable criticism for being a frivolous fashion fan.Before Miriam Durántez González added her influence to the EcoLuxe event she was already associated with eco fashion when she was photographed carrying a bag made of interlocking recycled ring pulls. It was hand-made in Brazil, by fair trade workers trained by the charity Bottletop.Sarah Brown, meanwhile, is a fan of high street ethical label People Tree and was photographed wearing the brand's signature striped T-shirt to go electioneering. She also championed ethical statement jewellery by fair trade label Made.Michelle Obama is also a fan of ethical jewellery. In August this year she was photographed on the president's birthday wearing chunky bangles by award-winning label Monique Pean. The designer uses recycled gold and conflict- and devastation-free diamonds in her fine-jewellery line.In 2007, however, Samantha Cameron and the luxury goods label Smythson – where she was creative director at the time – invoked the ire of animal rights campaigners over a £950 handbag. Politicians' wives and the issue of ethical fashion – always a hot issue.FashionSarah BrownMichelle ObamaSamantha CameronEthical businessImogen Foxguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds エコラベルを擁護frivolityIn近年、それがなっているチャンピオン倫理ファッションに政治家の妻のための絶対条件を批判されることなく、ファッション業界をサポートするために政治家の配偶者ができます

    • Video: Venezuela's El Sistema brings classical music to Merseyside schoolchildren
      Children in one of Britain's poorest areas are embracing orchestral music, inspired by El Sistema, the movement in Venezuela that has sparked a revolution in learning and lifeEd VulliamyKen MacfarlaneAntonio Olmos 英国で最も貧しい地域の一つで子供たちはエルシステマ、学習に革命を巻き起こしたとlifeEd VulliamyKen MacfarlaneAntonioオルモスをベネズエラの動きに触発オーケストラ音楽を採用している

    • Chinese Communist party meeting opens
      China's Communist party began its secretive annual meeting to discuss the next five-year economic plan amid tight security and a backdrop of unusually outspoken calls for political reform 中国の共産党は厳重な警備の中で、今後5年間の経済計画を議論し、その秘密主義の年次総会、政治改革のための非常に率直なコールの背景を開始

    • Pay attention to equity bubbles: central banker
      China's central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said the regulators should keep vigilant against a slew of risks including excessive loaning, equity bubbles and a cyclical rise in bad bank loans. Addressing a financial forum in Shanghai on Thursday, Zhou also urged efforts to cap the rising inflationary pressure, which erodes the livelihood of the growing middle class in the country. China's inflation picked up pace to reach 3.6 percent in September. Growth of the world's second-largest econ ... 中国の中央銀行の周小川総裁は、ローンという銀行の不良の上。循環や気泡資本規制当局が必要保つ警戒に対する過度の貸し出しなど、スルーレートのリスク

    • Commerical property sector set to expand
      China's commercial property sector is expected to maintain rapid expansion, with rental prices continuing their upward momentum in the fourth quarter, according to leading real estate service providers. Surging economic growth and strengthening consumer confidence saw demand for retail space remaining strong in the third quarter, according to Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL), a United States-headquartered real estate service provider. Many international brands have quickened their entry into the B ... 中国の商業不動産セクターは、プロバイダのサービス不動産実際につながるよると、レンタル料金は、四半期の4番目の勢いを継続的に上昇し、拡張され期待さを保つ急速に当四半期のスペース、残りの強力な第三の小売の需要を自信を見た消費者の強化とSurging経済成長、プロバイダのサービスに従って、ジョーンズラングラサール(JLL)は、米国に本社を置く不動産、多くの国際的なブランドがあるBにエントリを速めた彼ら...

    • Official: 4.5% inflation warning level acceptable in China
      China's inflation warning level can be raised to 4.5 percent instead of being limited to 3 percent because China can still maintain a 9 percent increase in its economic growth, said Li Yining, deputy director of the Economic Commission under the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at Ward Wealth Expo 2010 Saturday. Li Yining said that if the international oil, iron ore prices and food prices continue to rise, imported inflation would be ... 中国のインフレの警告レベルの代わりに4.5%に上げることができる中国は依然として経済成長は9%増を維持することができますので、3%に制限されて、李イーニンは、中国人民の第11回全国委員会の下に経済委員会の副所長で区。万博土)政治協商会議は、(政協委員の李イーニンは次のようになります続けて言った場合には、国際石油、鉄鉱石価格の価格は、食品として上昇、インフレは、インポート...

    • China stocks close 0.5pc down
      China's key stock index closed 0.5 percent lower with volume at multi-year highs, paring earlier gains after breaking through a key psychological leve... 中国の主要株価指数が心理的leveを突破した後、以前の利益をペアリング、複数年ぶりの高値でボリュームと0.5パーセント続落...

    • Bourse ends at highest in 6 months
      China's key stock index closed up 0.6 percent Thursday, its highest in nearly six months, but pared gains after breaching a key technical level Thursday. Banks such as Everbright Bank rose on the prospect of more liquidity globally and in the domestic market. The Shanghai Composite Index was at 2,879.6, after poking through a key technical level. The index extended its fifth consecutive daily rise to gain 8 percent since opening after the holiday last Friday. Analysts said profit taking ... 中国の主要株価指数は、月約6の、最高の木曜日0.6%を閉じたが、木曜日にレベルの技術キーpared利益を後に違反する

    • China stocks gain 0.6pc at close
      China's key stock index closed up 0.6 percent, its highest in nearly six months, but pared gains after breaching a key technical level during the day.... 中国の主要株価指数は日中の重要な技術レベルを突破した後0.6パーセント、そのほぼ6ヵ月ぶりの最が、pared利益を閉じて....

    • China to strengthen ties with ASEAN
      China's top political adviser pledged on Tuesday to strengthen economic and trade ties with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), stressing wider and deeper cooperation in areas including infrastructure, construction, and livelihood projects. The strategic partnership between China and ASEAN serves the fundamental interests of all involved nations, while the ties are deepening when the adjustment of the world's political and economic patterns are accelerating, Jia Qinglin, chair ... 中国のトップ政治顧問は、プロジェクト生活、建設分野などのインフラで、強調)諸国連合(ASEAN広く深い協力関係をアジア協会の東南アジアとの関係を貿。約束の火曜日を強化する経済と中国とASEANとの間の戦略的パートナーシップは、基本的な機能すべての関係国の利害が、ネクタイは、世界の政治的、経済的パターンの調整は、賈慶林、椅子を加速しているときに深化している間...

    • Sinopec to invest US$7.1b in Repsol unit
      China Petrochemical, the country's second-largest oil and gas producer, will invest US$7.1 billion in Repsol YPF's Brazilian unit as the Spanish oil company raises funds to develop offshore projects. スペインの石油会社がオフショアプロジェクトを開発するための資金を調達、中国石油は、国の第二位の石油と天然ガスの生産、レプソルYPFのブラジル人単位で、米国に71億ドル投資する予定である

    • China's alternative power generation expansion world-leading: top energy executive
      China is a leader in the development of non-traditional electrical power, with its world-leading expansion of alternative power generation, says the head of the country' s energy company at the World Energy Congress 2010 on Wednesday. Liu Zhenya, chairman and chief executive officer of State Grid Corp. of China, the nation' s largest grid operator, said wind and water power projects are growing at a fast rate. Since 2000, electrical generation from wind grew exponentially, by 21 times, while ... 中国は次世代代替エネルギーの主要な拡張力で、世界の電気の伝統的な開発の非のある指導者は言う兼会長水曜日劉Zhenya、2010年世界エネルギー会議の会社の頭の国のエネルギー中国国家グリッド社、国内最大規模のグリッド演算子の執行役員は、風や水電力プロジェクトは、速い速度で成長していると述べた

    • Rules on private capital in health by Oct-end: NDRC
      China will encourage private investment in the healthcare sector, and related rules are likely to be released by the end of October, according to a statement by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Sunday. Private capital can find its way into hospitals and community health services, the NDRC has outlined in the statement. Meanwhile, private medical institutions can apply to be part of the nation's medical insurance system, and their employees will be provided training ... 中国は、医療部門民間投資を奨励する関連規則は10月末までにリリースすること可能性がある、日曜日に国家発展改革委員会()ステートメントによって国家発展改革委員会によると

    • New Rules Put Clinical Testing in Doubt
      Clinical testing of medication may become illegal in Russia after the government issued insurance requirements for participating patients that are practically impossible to satisfy. 政府は実質的に満足させるのは不可能である患者を参加するための保険要件を発行した後、薬の臨床試験は、ロシアでは違法になる場合があります

    • Germany says embargo poisons Zimbabwe's political environment
      Continued sanctions are poisoning the political climate in Zimbabwe and making it difficult for SADC- appointed facilitator South African President Jacob Zuma to mediate the dialogue between Zanu-PF and the two MDC formations, a diplomat has said. German Ambassador to Zimbabwe Albretch Conze was quoted by Saturday's the Herald as saying that the European Union, of which Germany is a member, is looking at ways to revise the sanctions. SADC (the Southern African Development Community), Afric ... 継続的な制裁は、ジンバブエの政治情勢中毒され、形成作り、それは、MDC困難にSADCの整ったファシリテーター南アフリカ共和国大統領二PFと、ジェイコブズマに仲介対話の間ジンバブエアフリカ民族同盟愛国戦線、外交官は述べている

    • Video: Hitler and the German people exhibition opens at Berlin museum
      Curators at capital's Historical Museum hope display will show role of German society and illustrate that Hitler was only one aspect of Nazi system 首都の歴史博物館希望の表示でキュレーターは、ドイツ社会の役割が表示され、ヒトラーがナチスシステムの一側面であったことを示しています

    • Judge overturns Texas man's child rape conviction
      DALLAS - A judge overturned the 1993 conviction of a deaf man who was sent to prison for raping a five-year-old girl despite an absence of physical evidence linking him to the attack.The district attorney's office supported Stephen... ダラスは - 裁判官はattack.The地区検察局に彼を結ぶ物理的な証拠がないにもかかわらず、五歳の少女を強姦したために刑務所に送られた聴覚障害者の男1993年の有罪判決を覆して、Stephenサポートされて...

    • The Boss: From Electrical to Medical
      David Schlotterbeck says he’s glad he made the switch from engineering to the health care field. デビッドSchlotterbeckは、彼が喜んで、彼は保健医療分野、エンジニアリングからスイッチを作ったと言う

    • Venezuela: the price of victory | Editorial
      Demonising critics as traitors will not turn around an economy which is in deep trouble. Hugo Chávez needs to listen to his critics as wellIn the end, Hugo Chávez did not find himself addressing a jubilant crowd from the balcony of the presidential palace, Miraflores, but tweeted his victory instead. It was still a performance that any leader who had been 12 years in power would have been happy to achieve, for his United Socialist party won at least 90 of the national assembly's 165 seats. But his supporters were subdued.The share-out of seats to the ruling party will doubtless be put down to changes in electoral law earlier this year that favoured sparsely populated rural seats where the opposition are weaker. But this would leave the overall share of vote unaffected. If it turns out that the opposition won, as they claimed 52%, or a majority of the vote, or even if they came close to getting half of the vote, then Chávez's election slogan that the people hold power becomes a harder stretch of the imagination. We the people and we in the party become two different things. For a populist leader to lose a crushing majority is more of a blow than the fact that the opposition have secured one third of the seats (although this allows it to block critical legislation and the appointment of supreme court justices). If the criticism of Chávez is that he has hollowed out the institutions of state by packing them with friends and family, then he will be less in a position to do this now.Chávez's revolution undoubtedly reflects the will of some of his people. He remains a powerful champion of the poor and the dispossessed, and the idea to import 30,000 Cuban health specialists into the country to bring free healthcare to millions and to train Venezuelan health workers who would r 深い問題を抱えている経済を好転されません裏切り者として批判をDemonising

    • Wall Street Sputters on Last Day of Month
      Despite economic reports that were stronger than expected, investors decided to lock in profits at the end of a historically strong month. 予想よりも強かった経済報告にもかかわらず、投資家は歴史的に強力な今月末に利益確定することを決めた

    • Egypt's Wafd party opts to take part in election
      Egypt's liberal Wafd party has chosen to take part in upcoming parliamentary elections, its newspaper said on Saturday, ignoring calls from other opposition groups to boycott the poll.Wafd party members voted at their general assembly on Friday, with 504 in favour of participating in the November election compared with 407 against, the daily Al-Wafd reported.The move came despite earlier calls from within and outside the party to boycott the election due to the failure of the regime to meet demands for political reforms. エジプトのリベラルワフド党の党が総選挙を間近に参加することを選択した、その新聞は20日、poll.Wafd党員は金曜日に彼らの総会で、参加に賛成504での投票をボイコットする他の野党グループからの呼び出しを無視している11月の選挙では407に対抗し、日刊紙Al -ワフド党のreported.Theの動きが内をボイコットする党内外の選挙制度の失敗政治改革の要求を満たすためにに起因する、以前の呼び出しにもかかわらず、来て比較した

    • Stem cells: A factfile
      Embryonic stem cells have crossed a threshold with the announcement Monday that this novel but also contested treatment has moved out of the lab and into a clinical trial. 胚細胞はこの小説だけでなく、激戦の治療は、ラボの外に移動したことを臨床試験への発表は月曜日としきい値を超えている幹

    • Monty plays fair over Ryder Cup golf course
      European Ryder Cup captain Colin Montgomerie has resisted the urge to tinker with the Celtic Manor course even if it means drastically reducing home field advantage.The 47-year-old Scot said he wanted the course to be fair to both Europe and defending champions America, even though two of his predecessors, Sam Torrance (2002) and Ian Woosnam (2006), did tweak the layouts. ヨーロッパのライダーカップキャプテンコリンモンゴメリー、それが大幅にadvantage.The 47歳のスコットは、彼はヨーロッパと前回優勝アメリカに公平にコースを望んでいる家のフィールドを減らすこともセルティックマナーコースと手を加えたい衝動に抵抗してきた彼の前任者もかかわらず、二人は、サムトーランス(2002)、イアンWoosnam(2006)、レイアウトを微調整した

    • British govt: Balancing on a political tightrope
      Even at a moment of heightened drama, Labour struggles to make a break with the past. In strange circumstances Ed Miliband is its first leader to be elected in a proper contest since 1994. A new generation takes over. Finally the... 高まりドラマの瞬間にも、労働は、過去と決別するのに苦労する

    • FDA Rejects Arena Pharma Diet Drug Lorcaserin
      FDA rejects Arena Pharmaceuticals' diet drug lorcaserin FDAはアリーナ医薬品。。u0026#39;ダイエット薬lorcaserinを拒否

    • FBR Still Sees $75 For Prudential
      Firm reiterates its highly bullish view on Prudential but we're skeptical of the name. 当社は、プルデンシャルの高度に強気な見方を改めて、私たちは、名前には懐疑的だ

    • Fish or frankenfish? US weighs altered salmon
      Fish or frankenfish?A US company wants to market a genetically engineered version of Atlantic salmon, and regulators are weighing the request. If approval is given, it would be the first time the government allowed such modified... 魚、またはfrankenfish?米国企業アトランティックサーモンの遺伝子組み換えのバージョンを市場にしたがっており、当局は要求を圧迫している

    • Gen Sonthi: Situation not worrying
      Former coup leader Gen Sonthi Boonyaratkalin says there is no cause for worry in the current political situation and violence in capital and neighbouring areas, and he believes the government can solve the problems. 元のクーデターのリーダーゲンSonthi Boonyaratkalinは、現在の政治状況や暴力、資本および近隣地域での心配のない原因があると言うと、彼は、政府が問題を解決できると信じている

    • Sanofi Makes Hostile $18.5 Billion Bid for Genzyme
      French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi-Aventis launched a hostile bid for Genzyme at $69 per share, or $18.5 billion, setting off what could be a protracted battle for control of the American biotech company. フランスの製薬大手サノフィアベンティスは、アメリカのバイオテクノロジー企業の制御のための長期戦何ができるかオフに設定すると、69ドル一株当たり、または18500000000ドルでジェンザイムの敵対的買収を開始した

    • Lanxess hopes to cash in on urbanization
      German specialty chemicals company Lanxess launched a new production unit for high-quality black iron oxide pigments on Thursday in Shanghai in a bid to capitalize on China's rapid urbanization. The site, located in the outskirts of Jinshan district, has a designed annual production capacity of 10,000 tons. Lanxess, whose chemicals are widely used in the construction industry and the paint and coating sectors, is eyeing the growing market both in China and other major Asia-Pacific markets, ... ドイツの特殊化学品会社は、ランクセス都市の中国の急速な活用木曜日に上海で入札に顔。酸化鉄ブラック品質高の単位を開始新しい生産

    • Global drug firms eye mainland market
      Global drug firms have embarked on clinical trials for diseases prevalent among Chinese people, an area they had previously ignored, as they jostle to develop products targeted at the mainland's massive and ageing population. 彼らは本土の大規模かつ人口の高齢化をターゲットに製品を開発してフェリーの世界的な医薬品会社の病気中国の人々の間で流行のための臨床試験に着手して、面積が、以前は無視していた

    • Chinese pharma sales to boost global demand
      Global pharmaceutical sales may rise 5 to 7 percent next year to $880 billion on soaring demand in developing nations led by China as it becomes the world's third-largest drug market, according to IMS Health Inc. The 2011 projection compares with this year's 4 to 5 percent growth in drug sales to $840 billion, the research company based in Norwalk, Connecticut, said in a report released on Thursday. Emerging markets including China and India are expected to expand by as much as 17 percent to ... 世界の医薬品売上高は、株式会社保。応じてIMSの医薬品市場を最大の第三世界になるそれは中国を中心に発展途上国の横にある年に880000000000ドルの高。需要%を7にあります上昇5 2011投影はと比較して、今年の4〜5 840000000000ドル、ノーウォーク、コネチカット州に拠点を置く調査会社への薬物販売のパーセントの成長率は木曜日に発表した報告書で述べている

    • Gold tests 1,300 USD again, but fails to hold on
      Gold futures on the COMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange tested the psychological mark of 1,300 U.S. dollars per ounce in Monday's morning session and fell back thereafter, closing at 1,298.6 dollars. The silver inched up 7.2 cents in the day. The most active gold contract for December delivery gained 50 cents, or 0.04 percent, to close at 1,298.6 dollars per ounce, a new closing high in history. The softening dollar is the most contributive force behind Monday morning's rall ... ニューヨークマーカンタイル取引所のCOMEXの部の金先物は、月曜日の朝のセッションでオンス当たり1300ドルの心理的なマークをテストし、1,298.6ドルで終了、その後戻ってしまった

    • Censorship in Asia: following the great firewall of China
      Governments across south-east Asia are following China's lead on internet censorship to keep political dissent in check. Meet five key bloggers in the region who fear a further repressive crackdown on freedom of expressionBen DohertyPaddy Allen 南東アジアの各国政府は、チェックで政治的意見の相違を保つために、インターネットの検閲中国のリードを以下の通りです

    • 'Dr Death' plans to sell human body parts on internet
      Gunther von Hagens, the originator of the controversial Body Worlds anatomical exhibitions, has provoked a fresh storm of criticism in Germany with plans for an online store selling plastinated human body parts.Von Hagens, who... グンターフォンハーゲンスは、論争のボディ世界解剖学的な展示会の創始者、人体parts.Vonのハーゲンスをplastinated販売オンラインストアの計画は、ドイツでの批判の新鮮な嵐を誘発した人...

    • PLA training helps builder read political landscape
      Having served in the People's Liberation Army for 17 years, Shi Jian understands the value of following political direction. 17年の人民解放軍に従軍持つ、市建は、政治的方向を次の値を理解しています

    • Bird flu on Cambodian border
      Health authorities are on high alert for bird flu along the Thai-Cambodian border after two Cambodians were reported to have died of the avian virus, Public Health Ministry permanent secretary Paijit Warachit said on Tuesday. 保健当局は、2つのカンボジア人が鳥インフルエンザウイルスで死亡したと報告された後、タイカンボジア国境に沿って鳥インフルエンザのための厳戒態勢にある、保健省事務次官Paijit Warachitが明らかにした

    • Mistress, not wife, greets Chilean miner on exit
      He played a crucial role during the trapped miners' long ordeal underground.Yonni Barrios, thanks to his medical training, became the unofficial physician to his 32 comrades deep below ground, administering medicines, taking blood... 彼は、医療訓練には、閉じ込められた鉱夫の長い試練のunderground.Yonni Barriosさんの間のおかげで重要な役割を果たして、彼の32の仲間地下深くに非公式の医師となり、薬を投与、血液を取って...

    • Saturday nights are for understanding Russia
      Hong Kong-listed aluminium company Rusal has taken the unusual step of producing a four-part TV series on the Evolution of Russia. In a statement, the company says the series will "highlight the country's social, economical, political, and cultural development". By way of explanation, the company says: "The Russian-Chinese relationship has strengthened and the two countries have close cultural ties, making them naturally bound to co-operate. However, Russia still keeps a low profile, and its recent impressive transformation is little known to the Chinese audience." 香港上場アルミニウム会社ルスアルは、ロシアの進化上の4つの部分からのテレビシリーズを製造する異例の一歩を踏み出した

    • Hang Seng Index closes 1pc down
      Hong Kong stocks pulled back from an eight-month high as technically overbought conditions and a spurt of corporate capital raising prompted a mild se... 香港株式市場は、8月、技術的に買われ過ぎの条件や企業の資本調達のスパート高を確認するメッセージが表示から引き戻さ自体軽度...

    • Itineraries: Hotels Take ‘Locally Grown’ a Logical Step Beyond
      Hotels are going local, establishing partnerships with area farmers and growing food in rooftop gardens. They are catering to travelers seeking to eat healthily on the road. ホテルは、地域の農民や屋上庭園で食物を育てるとのパートナーシップを確立し、ローカルの予定です

    • New spy game: trade secrets sold overseas
      Huang Kexue, federal authorities say, is a new kind of spy. For five years, Huang was a scientist at a Dow Chemical lab in Indiana, studying ways to improve insecticides. 黄Kexueは、連邦当局が言う、スパイの新しい種類です

    • Hungary red sludge flood
      Hungary has declared a state of emergency after sludge containing poisonous chemicals from an alumina plant flooded nearby villages, killing three people and injuring 120 ハンガリーはスラッジはアルミナ工場から有毒な化学物質を含む近隣の村が殺到、3人が死亡し、負傷120の後に非常事態を宣言している

    • Hurricane Lgor reachs category 4 in Atlantic
      Hurricane Lgor reached category 4 on the five-category Saffir-Simpson scale on Sunday in the Atlantic Ocean, 1,800 km from the Lesser Antilles in the southeast Caribbean. According to the U.S. National Hurricanes Center (NHC), Lgor is moving at the speed of 220 km per hour in the Atlantic, but it has not caused any risk to the Caribbean islands. There have been nine tropical storms and four hurricanes in the Atlantic since June 1, of which three reached category 4. Meanwhile ... ハリケーンLgorは、カリブ海の南東部に達したカテゴリ4のスケールを日曜のシンプソン- Saffir五カテゴリ領アンティル諸島の小海、1800キロから大西洋)公団によると、米国国立ハリケーンセンター(Lgorの速度は移動で大西洋で時速220キロが、それは島カリブのリスクをどのていることが原因

    • West Virginia: Yikes | Michael Tomasky
      I've had a bad feeling about this one for a little while. From TPM:The new survey of the West Virginia Senate race from Public Policy Polling (D) shows a serious danger for Democrats -- with Republican businessman John Raese with a narrow lead against Dem Gov. Joe Manchin in the race to succeed the late Sen. Robert Byrd.The numbers: Raese 46%, Manchin 43%. The survey of likely voters has a ±2.6% margin of error. There is no previous PPP survey for direct comparison. The TPM Poll Average gives Manchin a lead of 48.4%-42.2%Manchin is without a doubt the strongest candidate Democrats could have recruited, as he is a very popular two-term governor. However, Manchin's pitfall is very obvious: He is a Democrat in a historically Dem state that has nevertheless been trending to the Republicans, and President Obama is very unpopular here.I've followed Raese (rhymes with lacey) for a long time. Our fathers knew each other and were social friends but professional foes: Dad represented the Newspaper Guild in a 1972 (or so) strike against the local paper's ownership, i.e., the Raese family, who still own it. Dad was never quoted in the papers much. Though I never really knew John, I did get to know his brother, Dave, who was a very nice guy. He may have been to the right of Torquemada for all I knew, but all we ever talked about was sports.Anyway, my understanding was that John and his wife have barely been living in the state these recent years, spending most of their time in Florida. Maybe that's changed.Manchin is one of the most popular governors in the country. What's the problem? West Virginia is alas one of the states where Obama is the least popular. So people seem to be saying we like you, Joe, but if you're gonna go over there and vote with...the president, maybe we'll try 私はしばらくの間、この1つの悪い感じを過ごしました

    • Powerful earthquake hits eastern Indonesia
      INDONESIA - A strong offshore earthquake hit off eastern Indonesia early Thursday and a local agency warned it had the potential to trigger a tsunami.The US Geological Survey put the preliminary magnitude of the quake off Papua... インドネシアは - 強い沖地震は、インドネシア東部木曜日早くと意気投合した地元の代理店は、tsunami.The米国地質調査所は、パプアオフに地震の予備的な大きさを入れ引き金となる可能性があったと警告...

    • Political exile beaten to death
      ISLAMABAD: Detectives and colleagues of a senior Pakistani opposition politician stabbed and beaten to death in a residential street in north London said on Friday night they were working on the assumption it was a political assassination. イスラマバード:探偵、シニアパキスタン野党政治。刺さの同僚と。北部の住宅街にロンドン彼らが働いていた金曜日の夜に前提にそれが政治的暗殺だった殴ら

    • What is faith without God? | The question
      If people believe in neither God nor social democracy, where will social action come from and how can we have faith and hope?The central problem for any society is how to make people behave unselfishly or for the general good. This can't just be a matter of force, or else North Korea would be the ideal state. Nor can it be a matter of entirely rational calculations of self-interest. If everyone behaved like the economist who worked out that it was cheaper for him to pay the occasional parking fine than to observe the restrictions on disabled parking lots, society would also come to an end.What's needed are a set of social norms, simple prohibitions that everyone observes without stopping to calculate whether it would be better to cheat. Traditionally religion provided these, and also balanced and strengthened its prohibitions with hope. When Christianity faded in Europe, for much of the 20th century, social democracy seemed to promise both hope and common decencies.So, if people nowadays believe in neither God or social democracy, where is social action going to come from? How can we have faith and hope without God or socialism? This is not a polemic question, but a practical one, which will become increasingly urgent in the next few years.Religionguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 人々はどちらの神も社会民主主義を信じるならば、ここでは、社会貢献活動からの来ると、どのように私たちは信仰と希望を持っていることができますか?どのような社会のための中心的な問題は、人々は利他的または一般的な利益のために動作させる方法です

    • Iraq war logs: Pictures from one hellish day of the conflict
      Images from 17 October 2006, a typical 24 hours in one of the bloodiest years since the invasion 2006年10月17日、侵攻以来、血なまぐさい年間のいずれかの典型的な24時間の画像

    • Ringfencing aid may do more harm than good | Nilima Gulrajani
      Increasing the aid budget in exchange for demonstrable value for money will erode the benefits of the development programmeThe Department for International Development (DFID) is a highly performing development agency, the world's best in many global rankings of aid donors and a powerful symbol of Britain's commitment to international development. Nevertheless, supporters of foreign aid need to reflect on the value for money that their cause is getting with the coalition government's announcement to expand DFID's budget as other departments are slashed and burned. Immunity for DFID from fiscal belt-tightening may not be desirable for achieving a sustainable and effective foreign aid programme in the long run.Eradicating global poverty is a complex task, particularly in the politically messy environments of the developing world. DFID has managed to engage in such contexts better than most. It is staffed by some of the foremost experts on development, many of whom are located on the frontlines of the impoverished communities they serve.Notwithstanding calls for greater transparency and accountability, DFID has generally served as a model of both these over the last 10 years when compared to other aid agencies. Government capability reviews consistently praise DFID as an unqualified civil service success.Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons why supporters of international development policy should be wary of the announcement that Britain's aid budget will increase by 50% over four years to £11.5bn. Granting exceptional status to foreign aid increases the pressure on it to deliver quick, measurable wins. But this is not the same thing as delivering long-lasting development impact. Making health systems run or schools work or growth take off requires more than higher c 価格の適正実証値と引き換えに援助予算を増やすと国際開発省(DFID)の開発programmeThe部の利益を侵食する高パフォーマンス開発機関、世界最高の援助国の多くの世界ランキングで、英国の取り組みの強力なシンボルである国際的な発展に貢献する

    • Funds pile into high-dividend stocks
      Investors pouring record amounts of money into stocks of the fastest-growing economies are favouring shares typically bought by the most conservative money managers. 最も急成長している経済の株式への資金の記録量を注いで投資家は、通常、最も保守的なお金の管理者が購入した株式を支持されます

    • Bank regulator: No plans to alter capital adequacy rules
      In response to reports that the China Banking Regulatory Commission plans to increase the maximum capital adequacy rate of big banks to 15 percent, the commission said on Sept. 16 that the CBRC currently has no new regulatory requirements towards the capital adequacy rate of big banks. Commission officials said that they required commercial banks to set up on counter-cyclical additional capital and systematic importance additional capital based on the 8 percent of minimum capital adequacy rat ... は、中国銀行業監督管理委員会は15%に大手銀行の最大の自己資本率を高める計画報告書に応じて、委員会は9月16日、生命情報は、現在大手銀行の自己資本率に向かって、新しい規制要件を明らかにした

    • Xinjiang to expand petroleum refining capacity by 40 million tons
      In the next few years, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region will establish four internationally competitive petroleum refining bases with production capacity of 10 million tons each in Dushanzi, Urumqi, Karamay and Kuqa to promote the construction of industrial clusters and extend related chains of petroleum and petrochemical industries. This move will allow Xinjiang's resource advantages to transform into an economic advantage and Xinjiang's previous status as simply an exporter of oil and gas r ... 今後数年間では、新彊ウイグル自治区は、産業クラスターの構築を促進するための独山子、ウルムチ、克。。依とクチャで1000万トンの生産能力4つの国際競争力のある石油精。拠点を確立し、石油および石油化学産業の関連チェーンを拡張する、ガスrと油この動きができるように輸出の利点と新疆の以前の状態として、単に経済的な変換にして新疆のリソースの利点は...

    • Talking shop: Transatlantic translations | Matt Seaton
      In this week's Talking shop, ask not – but tell us – what our US comment site can do for you. What you can do for it, is postAllow me to introduce myself formally: my name is Matt Seaton, and I edit the Comment is free America site (Cif America, as it is on the navigation bar). I've actually been editing the site for a couple of months, first from London and now, for the last three weeks or so, from New York City, where I am now resident. Some of you may know me from when I worked on the bridge of the mothership, Comment is free.Formal bit done, I'd like to use this, my turn contributing to the Talking shop series, to give you a very brief outline of what I hope to do on Cif America in the near future, and solicit your views about the site, what it should be doing and what you'd like to see on it. By the way, because this came up in a discussion thread before, I'm not doing a new job for the Guardian: the original editor of Comment is free America was my Washington-based colleague Richard Adams, who now writes from there a highly informed and eminently bookmarkable news blog. The only change, besides personnel, is that the post has moved to New York.If you suppose that this relocation suggests a possibly broader remit, less defined by a straight DC-political agenda, you'll be right, I think. But the larger existential issue for Cif America is defined by facing both ways across the Atlantic: it certainly needs to be a window of commentary on US politics and concerns for interested users from the UK, Europe and elsewhere; but primarily, it has to serve an American audience of people who are drawn to a Guardian-hosted site for US-interest comment and debate. It follows that Cif America must inhabit the culture and politics of the Americas (even if, idiosyncratically, we pe 今週のトーキングショップではなく、質問 - しかし、教えて - 私たちの米国のコメントサイトはあなたのために何ができるか

    • Irish PM teeters on brink
      Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen is battling for political survival after a radio interview in which he was widely judged to be the worse for wear after late-night drinks.Political murmurings about Cowen, which began with that... アイルランド首相ブライアンコーウェンは政治的な生存のための、彼が広く摩。悪いコーウェン、始まったの深夜drinks.Politicalつぶやき後に行われると判断されたラジオのインタビュー後に闘っていること...

    • Sharp drop in mainland iron ore imports forecast
      Iron ore imports into the mainland could fall dramatically by the end of this year as government curbs on electricity consumption by the country's steel mills start to bite and mills cut steel production. 本土劇的に国の製鉄所での消費電力に関する政。縁石、今年末までに落ちる可能性がに鉄鉱石の輸入は噛まないようにと工場は鉄鋼生産を削減を開始します

    • PM Abhisit wants peace before election
      It is possible that the next general election could take place early next year if the red-shirts and the opposition Puea Thai Party can prove that they would refrain from violent political activities, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said. それが赤シャツとPueaタイ党は、彼らは暴力的な政治活動を控えることを証明して野党は、内閣総理大臣アビシットは言った場合は、次の総選挙は来年早々に場所を取ることができる可能性があります

    • Wong fails to win back control of Gome board
      Jailed billionaire Wong Kwong-yu's bid to regain management control of Gome Electrical Appliances Holding failed yesterday, with shareholders rejecting a bid to sack the company's chairman and install Wong's sister. Gome電気用品ホールディングの管理制御を取り戻すために投獄された億万長者ウォンKwongさんの湯の入札は、株主は、袋に会社の会長を入札を拒否し、ウォンの妹をインストールすると、昨日に失敗しました

    • Wong offers stores carrot in Gome battle
      Jailed billionaire Wong Kwong-yu, who is wrestling for control of Gome Electrical Appliances Holdings, may offer to sell 376 of his privately owned Gome stores to the listed company in exchange for a bigger stake in the firm. 投獄されて億万長者ウォンクォン湯は、Gome電気用品ホールディングスの制御のためのレスリングは、上場企業に会社で大きな株式と引き換えに、376彼の個人所有のGome店の販売を提供できます

    • Hands up for Burma
      James Mackay's exhibition Even Though I'm Free, I Am Not aims to raise support for Burma's political prisoners. Here, we show a selection of portraits of former political prisoners and their high-profile supporters 私は無料だにもかかわらず、ジェームズマッケイさんの展覧会では、私はビルマの政治犯のサポートを高めることを目的としています

    • Johnson & Johnson Mulling $2.3 Billion Crucell Bid
      Johnson & Johnson said Friday that it was in advanced talks for the 82 percent of Crucell, a Dutch biopharmaceutical firm, that it does not already own. ジョンソン&ジョンソンは金曜日、それはCrucell、オランダバイオ企業、それが既に所有していない82%の高度な交渉中であると述べた

    • Malaysia bans book criticizing government
      KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia has banned a book by an opposition-affiliated political analyst citing security concerns, but the author said Friday that the government was abusing its power to crack down on dissent.Kim Quek, a member... クアラルンプール - マレーシアは、セキュリティ上の懸念を理由に野党系政治評論家の本を禁止している者は、政府がdissent.Kim Quek、メンバーを取り締まるため、その力を乱用したと発表した...

    • Paris fashion week: Chanel show is theatre, not catwalk
      Karl Lagerfeld opts for monochrome and pastel in fantasy garden settingIt would be inaccurate to describe any Chanel show as a catwalk. New collections from the world's most famous Parisian brand are now more like 20 minutes of fashion theatre directed by Karl Lagerfeld. Today's extravaganza at Paris fashion week was no exception.On arrival at the Grand Palais, guests found themselves on the set of an enormous manicured black and white formal garden. The white gravel underfoot echoed the dusty ground of the nearby Jardin des Tuileries. Three working stone fountains completed a set entirely enclosed by a trelliswork fence. To hammer home the fashion-as-theatre message a full orchestra was installed at one end of the Palais.The classical set was an oblique clue to the collection, which was dominated by monochrome, with powder pink, lemon and peach thrown in for good measure. Black feathers and chunky bejewelled bangles were used as decoration. Although the show featured its fair share of tweed trickery this was a classic Chanel show. Lagerfeld did not forget who his moneyed customer is: someone who requires sheer black dresses complete with feathers for the evening and pastel tweed suits for the day. It is hard to imagine that this customer will want her £1,000 tweed suit to be covered in ragged holes as some of them were this morning, but this was theatre and no doubt the holes won't be present in the versions that go on sale next summer.In the make-believe park the Chanel customer was represented by 53-year-old model Inès de la Fressange, an ex-Chanel muse who has been welcomed back and is rumoured to be starring in the brand's next campaign. Her graceful catwalk return was greeted by appreciative applause from the audience. Lagerfeld could not be accused of casting his カールラガーフェルドは、キャットウォークの任意のシャネルのショーを記述するために不正確になるモノクロ、パステルファンタジーガーデンsettingItのために付き合えない

    • Puea Pandin: No plan to topple govt
      Kittiwattana Pokmontri, list MP of the Puea Pandin Party, denied a political faction inside his party led by Pinij Jarusombat was planning to topple the Democrat-led government as claimed by the Bhumjaithia Party’s spokesman. Kittiwattana Pokmontriは、Puea Pandin党のリストのMP、Bhumjaithia党のスポークスマンが領有権を主張としてPinij Jarusombat率いる彼の党内派閥は、民主党主導の政府を打倒するために計画していたが拒否されました

    • 'I'm not a faceless Labor man'
      LABOR frontbencher and political powerbroker Mark Arbib has vehemently denied that he is one of the party's shadowy figures. 労働frontbencher政治単一化マークArbibは激しく、彼は1つの党の謎の人物は否定しています

    • Catalogue of terror, torture... and how the US tried to keep it all quiet
      LONDON - A detainee tortured with live electrical wires here, children shot by United States troops at a checkpoint there, insurgents using children to carry out suicide bombings somewhere else; on and on, through 391,832 documents.At... ロンドンは - 留置ここに住んでいる電線と拷問、子どもたちは、あるチェックポイントで、米国の軍隊によって撃たどこかに自爆テロを遂行する子を使用して反乱;やで、391832 documents.Atを介して...

    • Cameron pledges army plan
      LONDON: The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has unveiled a ''radical'' plan for the future of its armed forces in a move to end the row over defence. ロンドンは:イギリスの総理大臣は、デビッドキャメロン、防衛上の行を終了するには動きの中、その軍の将来のための。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39; radical 。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39;計画を発表した

    • Casino mogul's $13.4m child support bill
      LOS ANGELES - Billionaire Kirk Kerkorian has agreed to pay more than US$10 million ($13.4m) in back child support plus US$100,000 ($134,000) a month for a child his ex-wife admits is not his biological daughter. Lisa Bonder Kerkorian... ロサンゼルスは、 - 億万長者のカークカーコリアン元妻は彼の生物学的な娘されていない認めて子供のために子供のサポートに加えて10万ドル(134000ドル)月に$ 10百万円(13.4メートル)米ドル以上を支払うことに合意した

    • Letters: Keynesian balance
      Larry Elliott (US closer to nuclear option in the currency war, 11 October) didn't explain what Keynes suggested at Bretton Woods in 1944 to cope with global payments imbalances and to induce symmetrical adjustment of surplus and deficit countries. Surplus countries would have been penalised with ever higher interest rates on their surpluses with his proposed International Clearing Union in excess of their quotas. Why is the International Monetary Fund not now considering a similar scheme of charging interest on countries' surpluses in excess of their quotas with the IMF, to discourage large supluses and provide resources for greater lending to poor deficit countries? That would be a sensible way forward without relying on nominal currency realignments which, in any case, haven't been noticeably successful in rectifying payments imbalances in the past.Professor Tony ThirlwallUniversity of KentIMFGlobal economyEconomicsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ケインズは、グローバルな決済の不均衡に対処するために黒字と赤字国の対称調整を誘導するために1944年にブレトンウッズで提示したものラリーエリオットは(米国に近い通貨戦争で核オプション10月11日)説明していない

    • Turkey's Felicity Party Leader resigns, signals to form new party
      Leader of the Felicity Party (SP) Numan Kurtulmus Friday said he resigned from both the chairmanship and party membership, the semi-official Anatolia news agency reported. Following a court order handing the SP to a board of trustees which will hold a new congress, Kurtulmus finally announced his decision at a press conference in the SP headquarters. Kurtulmus resigned from both Chairmanship and the party, signalling to start a new political formation. The series of events that lead to ... リーダー)のフェリシティ党(SPのニューマンKurtulmus金曜日は、会員の当事者、彼が辞任したから両方の会長、半公式アナトリア報道機関が報じた

    • Tropical Storm Matthew threatens Central America
      MANAGUA, Nicaragua - Nicaragua began evacuating about 10,000 people from the path of Tropical Storm Matthew as the storm drenched the Caribbean coast and threatened much of a Central American region prone to disastrous flooding.The... マナグアは、ニカラグア - ニカラグア。降り注ぐカリブ海沿岸の熱帯性低気圧のマシューパスから約1万人を避難させ始め、中米地。悲惨flooding.Theしやすい多くの脅迫...

    • Sihuan, Springland plan HK listings
      Mainland-based Sihuan Pharmaceutical and Springland International will soon list on Hong Kong's main board, a people familiar with their offerings has confirmed. 本土ベースSihuan薬とスプリングランドインターナショナルは、香港のメインボード、人々が自社製品に精通して認識していますにすぐにリストされます

    • ASEAN needs mechanism to resolve territorial disputes
      Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said here on Friday that ASEAN leaders should develop a mechanism to resolve issues such as territorial disputes as such issues could affect the relationship among member countries. This was especially so when leaders succumbed to domestic political pressure, said Najib at the Seventh ASEAN 100 Leadership Forum held here. The forum is an annual meeting and dialogue of leaders from business, government and civil societies of ASEAN countries. Najib als ... Razakさんによると、ここで金曜日は特にされたこのは国などの加盟国間関係に影響を及ぼす可能性のある問題は、このような領土紛争問題がASEANの解決するためのメカニズムを開発する指導者が必要がありますので時に死亡して国内のナジブによると政治的圧力、日EU首脳は、ナジブマレーシア総理第7回ASEAN 100リーダーシップフォーラムは、ここで開催されたこのフォーラムは、ALSは年次総会とナジブの

    • Malaysia to tap in foreign talent when needed
      Malaysia will rely on foreigners when there are not enough Malaysians to fill the job vacancies created under its economic transformation program (ETP). Idris Jala, Malaysian Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, told reporters here on Tuesday that some 3.3 million jobs would be created under the ETP, of which 46 percent fell into the categories of vocational and technical. While hoping to see the 3.3 million jobs to be filled by Malaysians, Idris said the country would still have to re ... マレーシアは、オフィスの意志に頼るの大臣首相の外国人ではいるが、マレーシア、十分にマレーシアに記入の求人を作成の下で経済改革プログラムジャラ(ETP)は

    • The Media Equation: Blurring Satire and Politics
      Media and entertainment figures like Glenn Beck and Jon Stewart are increasingly taking off the studio mikes and grabbing the political megaphones. メディアとグレンベックとジョンスチュワートのようなエンターテイメントの数字はますますスタジオマイクをオフに取っていると政。拡声器を奪って

    • Boston Scientific Turns It Around With Q3 Profit
      Medical device firm reverses losses in the same quarter a year ago. 医療機器会社は、前年同期の損失を反転させます

    • China Medical postpones bond sale
      Medical device maker China Medical Technologies Inc has postponed its planned $175 million, five-year bond issue callable after three years, a source close to the deal said Wednesday. The firm held a global bond investor road show in Asia, the US and Europe last month, according to the source. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... 医療機器メーカーの中国メディカルテクノロジーズ社は、年間三ている延期の予定175000000ドル、5年後に呼び出し債券発行をする契約の近くには、ソースを明らかにした

    • CTP likely to support amnesty bill
      Members of the Chartthai Pattana Party will meet this afternoon to decide whether to support the bill granting amnesty to political protesters proposed by the Bhumjaithai Party, CTP spokesman Watchara Kannika said on Tuesday. Chartthai党首党のメンバーは今日の午後かどうか法案を政治的抗議Bhumjaithaiパーティー、CTPのスポークスマンWatchara Kannika提案に恩赦を与えるサポートを決定していくことを明らかにした

    • HSBC condemns 'diabolical' plot to undermine Geoghegan
      Michael Geoghegan, the outgoing chief executive of HSBC, was told over dinner in London's Goring Hotel 10 days ago that he was not to be the new chairman. マイケルGeogheganさんは、HSBCの発信最高経営責任者は、その前に彼は新議長されることができませんでしたロンドンのゴリンホテル10日間で夕食の席で言われた

    • Blavatnik Fights Back on Lyondell Creditors Claims
      NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Len Blavatnik and his company Access Industries on Friday hit back at claims he knew the $12 billion 2007 leveraged buyout that created petrochemicals maker LyondellBasell would fail. ニューヨーク(ロイター) - 億万長者の投資家レンBlavatnikと彼の会社は、金曜日にアクセス産業彼が作成された石油化学メーカーLyondellBasellが失敗すること12000000000ドル2007レバレッジドバイアウトを知っていたの主張に反撃

    • Twins thieves jailed
      NEW YORK - Identical twin thieves from New York are headed to prison for scamming more than US$2m ($2.7m) from dozens of people by making phony promises of can't-lose stock investments. Makara and Tsele Nkhereanye were sentenced... 【ニューヨーク - ニューヨークから同一の双子の泥棒can。。u0026#39;tの偽の約束を行うことで、たくさんの人々からドル以上2メートル($ 2.7メートル)scammingために刑務所に向かっている、株式投資を失う

    • Nepali parties urged to find way out of political deadlock
      Nepali Constituent Assembly (CA) Chairman Subas Chandra Nemwang urged parties to find a way out of the political deadlock at the earliest to take the country out of the state of indecision. In an interview with Sunday's The Himalayan Times a day after the 11th round of prime ministerial elections failed on Wednesday, the CA chairman attributed the failure to form a government to deepening mistrust among major parties, lack of substantive dialogue to sort out differing stands, linking governme ... ネパール制憲議会(CA)が会長SubasチャンドラNemwangは優柔不断の状態国のうち最も早い取るデッドロックの政治から抜け出す方法をのを見つけるよう締約国に求めた

    • Philippines high on equality, but Nordic nations are better
      Nordic countries continue to dominate The Global Gender Gap Report's Index. In case you aren't immediately familiar with this, it's an index compiled by the World Economic Forum which measures equality between the sexes, on the basis of the division of resources and opportunities among males and females. The report measures inequality in four main areas, economic participation and equality, educational attainment, political empowerment and, lastly, health and survival. 北欧諸国は、グローバルジェンダーギャップレポートのインデックスを支配し続けています

    • N.Korea meeting likely to set stage for dynastic succession
      North Korea will this week launch its biggest political meeting for 30 years, apparently paving the way for another dynastic succession in the impoverished hardline communist nation.The Workers' Party conference, scheduled to begin Tuesday, was delayed from early September for reasons which -- like much else in the reclusive country -- remain a mystery to the outside world. 北朝鮮が今週明らかに火曜日を開始する予定労働党の会議では、理由対象は9月上旬より遅れた貧しい強。共産nation.The内の別の王朝の後継の道を開いて、30年間の最大の政治集会が起動されます - 多くの他の閉鎖的な国のように - 外の世界には謎のままです

    • Men's 1m Springboard Preliminary at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi
      Not exactly jumping for joy ... more diving in Delhi. Men's faces betray the physical strength they are summoning during day seven of the Commonwealth Games in Delhi 正確には喜びのためにジャンプ...詳細デリーでのダイビング

    • Lotto numbers come up - twice
      Now that's a lucky number.For the second time in a month, Israel's biweekly national lottery produced the same winning combination: 13, 14, 26, 32, 33 and 36.The results of Saturday night's draw were identical to those of... 今では幸運number.Forは一ヶ月の間に二度目だ、イスラエルの隔週全国宝くじは、同じ勝ちの組み合わせを生成:土曜日の夜の引き分け13、14、26、32、33、36.The結果のものと同一であった...

    • Growing Pains for a Centerpiece of Health Overhaul
      Obama's health insurance plan for people with medical conditions gets lukewarm reception healthinsurance - Insurance - Financial services - United States - Business ぬるま。受信healthinsuranceを-保険取得の条件医療の人々と- -金融サービス健康オバマ氏の保険計画は、米国-ビジネス

    • Soldier accused of Russian roulette lie over death of Bernadette Friel
      PSNI historical enquiries team say Thomas Ramsay should have been charged with murder of Derry victim in 1975A Waking the Dead-style police unit investigating unsolved crimes of Northern Ireland's Troubles has accused a British soldier of lying about the death of a woman he claimed was a result of Russian roulette.The PSNI's historical enquiries team (HET) said the ex-soldier should have been charged with the murder of the Derry woman in 1975.A report released today to the family of 22-year-old Bernadette Friel said a claim that she was shot during a game of Russian roulette was fabricated.The team said Thomas Ramsay deliberately shot Friel and then told investigators a series of lies about what happened. In 1975 Ramsay's version of events was accepted and he spent eight months in jail.Friel died from a single wound to the head, two days after she was shot in the bedroom of Ramsay's home in Carnhill, Derry.Ramsay was charged with murder, but it was reduced to manslaughter, after the director of public prosecutions accepted his version of events.The Russian roulette story was the officially accepted version of events for 34 years, until the publication of the HET report today.Ramsay's 16-year-old brother-in-law Hugh Stanley was also staying at the house on the weekend of the shooting. On Sunday 19 October 1975, Ramsay and Stanley followed Friel upstairs to a bedroom. Almost immediately a shot was heard and Friel sustained a single gunshot wound to the head.During a subsequent search of the house, firearms were discovered.Stanley was given a two-year conditional discharge for firearms offences, but no action was taken over the manslaughter offence, on the direction of the DPP.IrelandCrimeMilitaryPoliceHenry McDonaldguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 PSNI歴史的なお問い合わせチームはトーマスRamsayさんは北アイルランドのトラブルの未解決の犯罪を調査してデッドスタイルの警察部隊を目覚め1975Aのデリー被害者の殺人罪で起訴されているはずと主張した女性の死について嘘をついて、英国の兵士を非難していると言う結果だったロシアroulette.The PSNIの歴史お問い合わせチームの(はヘート)元兵士は22歳して、Bernadetteフリの家族に本日発表1975.Aレポートでデリーの女性の殺人罪で起訴されている必要が請求項が言った彼女はロシアのルーレットのゲーム中に撃たれたfabricated.TheチームはトーマスRamsayさんは意図的にフリを撮影し、一連のは約何が起こったのかにあると供述言われていた

    • Video | Brazil election: 'A great jingle can account for 50% of a campaign'
      Paulino Mocidade explains how apolitical popular composers like himself can make money writing jingles for election candidatesTom Phillips PaulinoさんMocidadeは、彼自身のような非政治的な人気のある作曲家が選挙candidatesTomフィリップスのためのお金の書き込みジングルを作成する方法について説明します

    • Free medical care for flood victims
      People who fall sick while caught in the floods will be treated free of charge at all hospitals in their respective areas, Public Health Minister Jurin Lucksanavisit said on Wednesday. 洪水で引っかかりながら病気で倒れる人々がそれぞれの領域内のすべての病院で無料で扱われる、保健大臣Jurin Lucksanavisitが明らかにした

    • Police want reds to end rally at 5pm
      Police has coordinated with co-leaders of the United front for Democracy against Dictatorship to end their political rallies at 5pm on Sunday to avoid possible unrest, police chief Pol Gen Wichean Potephosree said on Saturday. 警察は、可能な不安を避けるために、日曜日の午後5時に彼らの政治集会を終了するには独裁に対する民主主義のための米国のフロントの共同代表と調和した、警察署長ポルゲンWichean Potephosreeは土曜日に語った

    • Republican 2012 hopefuls start their jockeying for position
      Possible candidates for the White House in 2012 have stepped up their jockeying for position, not just in a string of high-profile public events but also out on the political battleground, building a power base by endorsing candidates... 2012年にホワイトハウスの可能な候補者は推薦候補者の権力基盤を構築し、知名度の高い公共のイベントの文字列だけではなく、政治的な戦場からのでは、位置のために主導権争いを強化している...

    • Deficit cutting may be high on Obama's agenda
      Preparing for political life after a bruising mid-term election, US President Barack Obama will put greater emphasis on fiscal discipline, a nod to a nation sick of spending and to a Congress poised to become more Republican, conservative and determined to stop him. He is already giving clues about how he will govern in the last two years of his term. Obama will try to make gains on deficit reduction, education and energy. He will enforce his health care and financial overhauls and try to ... 選挙期間中あざの準備のための政治生活をした後、米大統領はバラクオバマ氏は彼を止めることを決定し、より多くの共和党になる保守的になる入れ態勢に重点をより議会として支出の病気で、財政規律の国民にうなずく彼をエネルギーであり、教育削減は、すでに赤。益がしようとするオバマ氏は長期

    • PM arrives to testify in charter court
      Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva arrived at court amid tight security Monday as his ruling party fights to avoid a political ban that could bring fresh upheaval to the deeply divided kingdom. 内閣総理大臣アビシットに深く分け王国に新たな混乱をもたらす可能性が政治的な禁止を回避するために、彼の与党の戦いは月曜日厳重な警備の中で裁判所に到着した

    • PM to explain Thai situation at UN
      Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Wednesday he will explain Thailand's economic, political and social situation to world leaders during the 65th United Nations General Assembly in New York from Sept 22 to 26. 内閣総理大臣アビシット彼は9月26日22日からニューヨークで第六十五国連総会の間に世界のリーダーとタイの経済的、政治的、社会的状況を説明する、と発表した

    • Leaked Reports Stir Political Disputes in Iraq
      Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki denounced the reports, while his opponents called them an indictment of his administration. 彼の反対派は、彼らに政権の告発と呼ばれながら首相ヌリして、Kamalマリキは、レポートを非難した

    • Genomics research firm to develop drugs with Merck
      Public genomics research institute BGI signed an agreement with the US pharmaceutical giant Merck &Co Wednesday to initiate cooperation in using genomic science and DNA sequencing technologies to develop new drugs. This statement of intent is a first step designed to bring together Merck's expertise in pharmaceutical development with the sequencing and bioinformatics capabilities of BGI, said Peter Kim, president of Merck Research Laboratories. BGI, formerly known as the Beijing Ge ... 公共ゲノミクス研究機関BGIは、薬をアンドカンパニーメルク署名した契約書を、米国大手製薬会社の新しい開発技術をシーケンス水曜日に開始協力をDNAと科学ゲノムで使用する

    • Jatuporn spurns amnesty bill
      Puea Thai list MP Jatuporn Prompan on Wednesday spurned the Bhumjaithai Party's push for the passage of legislation for amnesty all people facing criminal charges for offences during political protests. 水曜日にPueaタイリストのMP Jatuporn Prompanは恩赦法案を通過させるための政治的な抗議行動中に犯罪の刑事告発を直面しているすべての人々をBhumjaithai党のプッシュを拒絶

    • Gome founder sweetens offer to oust chairman
      Ratcheting up the pressure in the battle for Gome Electrical Appliances Holding, jailed billionaire and founder Wong Kwong-yu openly blamed current management for diluting shareholders' interests and losing the electrical appliance retailer's leading position in the market. Gome電気用品ホールディングの戦いの圧力をウォンクォン。億万長者とファウンダー投獄までラチェット公然と株主の利益を希釈し、市場での家電小売業者の指導的地位を失うため、現経営陣を非難した

    • Red-shirts begin activities in capital
      Red-shirt supporters of the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) in Bangkok gathered on Sunday morning to mark the fourth anniversary of the September 19, 2006 coup and the political violence in Ratchaprasong four months ago. バンコクで反独裁民主主義の反政府統一戦線の赤シャツの支持(UDD)日曜日の朝に4カ月前に2006年9月19日クーデターの4周年をラチャプラソンの政治的暴力マークに集まった

    • DSI: Red weapons training confirmed
      Reports of red-shirts being given weapons training in readiness to create unrest and assassinate important people, especially on days marking important political events, have been confirmed, Department of Special Investigation (DSI) chief Tharit Pengdit said on Tuesday. 赤シャツのレポートは、特別捜査(DSI)のチーフTharit Pengdit学科、確認されている火曜日によると、不安を作成し、重要な人々を暗殺、重要な政治的なイベントをマークする日は特に準備の武器の訓練を与えられている

    • Obama seeks to turn back tide as Republicans eye big win
      Republicans seem poised, just over a week before congressional elections, to forge a Washington powerbase to shackle President Barack Obama's reform quest -- despite their own deep unpopularity.A paradoxical result appears in prospect in the November 2 poll -- with Obama's Democrats viewed more positively than Republican lawmakers but likely to pay for being in charge at a time of public anger and economic anxiety. 11月2日投票の見通しに表示される自分の深いunpopularity.A逆説的な結果にもかかわらず、 - - 共和党は、オバマ大統領の改革クエストをシャックルにワシントンpowerbaseを築くために、議会選挙を前に、一週間だけで、穏やかなように見えるオバマ氏の民主党と詳細表示積極的に共和党議員が、可能性は、国民の怒りと経済不安の時に担当されてためにお金を払うよりも

    • Rubber prices stretched
      Rubber declined for a second day, led by a slump in the nearest-dated contract, amid speculation that physical deliveries may increase at its expiry next week. September-delivery rubber on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange, which will expire on Sept 24, plunged as much as 4.7 percent to 284 yen per kilogram ($3,324 a metric ton) in afternoon trade, extending Wednesday's 1.8 percent drop, before settling at 289.5 yen. February-delivery rubber lost as much as 1.3 percent to 292 yen per kilogram bef ... ゴムは、2番目の減少のための日日付-最寄りの主導で低。契約9月、中の憶測に期限切れで物理的な配達は可能性があります高める商品取引所、、東京、その有効期限は来週9月にゴムを配信24として急落キログラム(3324ドルトン)あたり284円に4.7%も午後の取引で、289.5円1255.88日の1.8%の低下を拡張します

    • Cops on steroids 'for no medical reason'
      SIX Gold Coast police were found to be using anabolic steroids for no medical reason, the Crime and Misconduct Commission inquiry has been told. シックスゴールドコースト警察は医学的理。蛋白同化ステロイドを使用することが明らかになった、犯罪や不正行。委員会お問い合わせは、と言われています

    • $1.4m lottery winner does it again
      ST LOUIS - The odds against winning US$1 million ($1.35 million) in the lottery: Astronomical. How about doing it twice?It happened to a man from Missouri, lottery officials said yesterday.Ernest Pullen, 57, won US$1 million... セントルイス - 宝くじで100万ドルを(135万ドル)の獲得に対するオッズ:天文台

    • Judge Backs Minn. Disclosure Law on Political Cash
      ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- A federal judge refused on Monday to interfere with a new Minnesota law that revealed political donations from Target Corp. and other companies, saying the public has an interest in knowing who speaks and who pays for those messages as the election approaches. STは

    • Saudi PetroraRabigh Says Outage Halts Refinery Ops
      Saudi PetroRabigh says electrical outage halts operations サウジアラビアPetroRabighは、停電の停止操作を言う

    • Pharma firm seeks IPO
      Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd, China's largest cardio-cerebral vascular drugmaker, seeks to raise up to $741 million through its Hong Kong initial public offering. It marked the latest in a flurry of stock offerings in the city in recent months. Hong Kong has become a top choice for healthcare companies like Sihuan Pharmaceutical seeking to raise cash, thanks to the high valuations investors give new listings, as China promises to spend billions to reform its antiquated medical ... Sihuan薬ホールディングスグループ公司は、中国最大の心臓脳血管製薬会社、製品、公共の初期香港香港万を通じて741シークに引き上げるドルまでそれになる製品が香港は香港ヶ月最近の都市のストック突風のマークの最新の中国は時代遅れの医療を改革して数十億を費やすことを約束として高い評価を投資家に現金のおかげで、調達しようとしてSihuan薬のようなヘルスケア企業のための最有力候補は、新規上場を与える...

    • Wong plots Gome war from cell bunker
      Somewhere in Beijing, a bustling city of 20 million residents, there is a lonely cell that one man has turned into his own personal war room. He is Wong Kwong-yu, the 42-year-old founder and former chairman of Gome Electrical Appliances Holding and once the richest person in China. どこかに北京で、20万人の賑やかな街は、そこに孤独な細胞は、一人の男が自分の個人的戦争の部屋になっているです

    • Korean singer 'pulled teeth to avoid conscription'
      South Korean police said on Friday they are investigating popular hip-hop singer MC Mong on suspicion of evading conscription into the military by having his own healthy teeth pulled out.The National Police Agency said the 31-year-old singer would stand trial on charges of dodging the draft by having three healthy teeth extracted by a dentist between 2004 and 2006 in order to fail a physical. 韓国警察は金曜日には軍事的に自分自身の健康な歯は不明。警察庁を引いたことで徴兵を回避の疑いで31歳の歌手は、容疑で裁判を受けると述べた人気ヒップホップ歌手MCモンを調べていると3つの健康な歯を、2004年〜2006年歯科順。物理が失敗するには、抽出することによってドラフトを避けている

    • Reds to gather at prison tomorrow
      Supporters of the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) plan to gather outside Bangkok Remand Prison on Tuesday, calling for the release of political protesters detained under the emergency decree over the past six months, acting Bangkok police chief Chakthip Chaijinda said. 独裁(UDDの)に対して民主主義のための赤いシャツ統一戦線の支持者によるとバンコク警察署長Chakthip Chaijinda代行、過去半年間の緊急。拘禁政治的抗議のリリースのために呼び出すと、火曜日にバンコク差し戻し刑務所外の収集を計画して

    • Reds gather around Democracy Monument
      Supporters of the red-shirt protest movement started to gather around Bangkok's Democracy Monument on Sunday, calling for the release of political prisoners detained for more than four months, reports said. 赤シャツの抗議運動の支持者は以上の4ヶ月間拘留政治犯の釈放を求めて、日曜日にバンコクの民主記念塔の周りに集まるし始め、レポートは言った

    • Synopsys Buys Software Firm Optical Research
      Synopsys Inc. on Thursday said it has acquired Optical Research Associates, a privately held optical design software and optical engineering services company. 木曜日にSynopsys社は、光リサーチアソシエイツ非公開光学設計ソフトウェアおよび光エンジニアリングサービス企業を買収したと述べた

    • Jim Hopkins: Lucky we can blame our woes on weather
      Thank heavens for the weather. Which we must do, literally, of course, but there should be metaphorical thanks as well.Seriously. We should thank heavens for the weather. It may be appalling; no, it is appalling. Vile, grotty,... 天候のため天をありがとうございます

    • Gallery: Biodiversity 100 – the actions in pictures
      The 26 actions compiled by the Guardian and its readers is to prompt governments into action at the Convention on Biological Diversity meeting later this month in Japan. Here are those actions, in pictures 『ガーディアン』と、読者によってコンパイルされた26のアクションは後に生物多様性会議に関する条約、日本では今月で行動に政府に要求することです

    • Sensex gains 184 pts, ends above 20K
      The BSE benchmark Sensex climbed by 184 points to a fresh 32-month high on Friday, regaining the magical 20,000 points level after a gap of two days on sustained capital inflows from overseas investors. BSEのベンチマークセンセックスは184ポイント上昇した新鮮な32月、金曜日に、海外投資家からの持続的な資本流入の2日間のギャップの後の魔法の20,000ポイントのレベルを取り戻す高い

    • Beijing to promote foreign investments with 17 measures
      The Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce recently released a report containing practical measures to support and encourage the development of foreign-funded enterprises in Beijing in terms of market accessions, annual inspections, oversight and management. In terms of the market accession for foreign-funded enterprises, the new measures will help the investors of foreign-funded enterprises to convert their creditors' rights to the enterprises into registered capital. It will ... 商工北京政権が最近、資金外国人のための市場アク検査年間、監督の用語と管理

    • Brazilian committee probes former chief of staff over scandal
      The Brazilian president's Ethics Committee Friday decided on Friday to investigate former presidential Chief of Staff Erenice Guerra, who resigned Thursday amid an influence- peddling scandal. The committee unanimously voted to turn the preliminary inquiry into an official investigation and planned to give an ethical warning to Guerra for not providing her private information when she took over as chief of staff in late March. The Veja magazine and the Folha de Sao Paulo daily accused Guer ... ブラジル大統領の倫理委員会金曜日は、スキャンダルを決めた行商の-辞任木曜日の中での影響から金曜日まで調査元大統領、チーフのスタッフEreniceゲラを委員会は全会一致での公式予選問い合わせに投票に向ける調査警告を倫理的、計画に与えるゲラは、3月後半の長のスタッフとしてではなく上で情報を民間彼女を提供したとき、彼女は

    • China's CNSC merged with SINOPHARM
      The China National Service Corporation for Chinese Personnel Working Abroad (CNSC), a centrally-administered state-owned enterprise (SOE), has merged with the China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (SINOPHARM), the country's state-assets authority said Monday. The merger comes after the approval by the State Council, China's Cabinet, and it would make CNSC a wholly-owned subsidiary of SINOPHARM, said a statement on the website of the State-Assets Supervision and Administration Commis ... 中国の勤務する職員海外株式会社は、中国国家サービス(CNSC)、集中管理の国有企業(SOE)は、権。資産-がマージさと中国国家製薬グループ株式会社(SINOPHARM)、国の状態を明らかにした

    • China's top 500 private enterprises
      The China Non-Governmental Enterprise Directors Association, the National Statistical Society of China and the research center for the enterprises of the China Academy of Management Science jointly released the country's 2010 top 500 private enterprises list, in which Jiangsu Shagang Group, Suning Appliance, and Legend Holdings Ltd. occupy the top three places. Shagang Group, with a revenue totalizing 146.31 billion yuan ($21.93 billion), has been on the top of the list for consecutive ... 中国の非政府企業取締役協会、中国国家統計学会経営科学の中国アカデミーの企業のための研究センターが共同で国の2010年のトップ500の民間企業のリストを発表する江蘇Shagangグループは、蘇寧アプライアンス、および伝説ホールディングス株式会社は、場所を占めてトップ3

    • Chinese ship takes free medical care to Africa
      The Chinese Navy hospital ship Peace Ark offered free medical attention to Kenyans while it visited Mombasa. それはモンバサ訪問したが、中国海軍病院船は平和の箱舟はケニアへの無料医療手当てを提供する

    • Closing statements set for Nov 29
      The Constitution Court has set Nov 29 for the Democrat Party and the Election Commission to make their closing statements in the 29 million baht political fund party dissolution case. 憲法裁判所は29万バーツ政治資金パーティーの解散の場合にその終了ステートメントを作成する民主党と選挙管理委員会の11月29日設定されています

    • EU aims at closer transatlantic partnership
      The European Union (EU) declared a desire to strengthen the transatlantic partnership in draft conclusions for an informal meeting here Thursday. At the European Council meeting, heads of the EU's member states decided to concentrate on ways of creating an effective EU-U.S. partnership based on the bloc's respective strengths, specificities and common values. The next European Council meeting, due to be held in October, will define the key political messages that the EU's representatives w ... 欧州連合(EU)は木曜日宣言ここの会議のための非公式結論ドラフトパートナーシップを欲望を強化する大西洋

    • Letters: World Cup claims
      The Jordanian government categorically denies allegations made by unnamed sources (Report, 30 September) that it was behind the jamming of al-Jazeera broadcasts of the World Cup. These allegations are baseless. The government is ready to co-operate with any team of independent experts to examine the facts, and is certain that any such examination will prove these allegations false. The government also rejects the speculation and opinions expressed by sources in al-Jazeera about the reaction of Jordan to the collapse of negotiations to buy the terrestrial broadcast rights.Jordan had approached al-Jazeera with an offer to buy these rights almost four months before the start of the World Cup, but al-Jazeera did not begin to negotiate until a few days before the launch. Four days before the kick-off, al-Jazeera made an offer, demanding $8m for the broadcast rights of 20 games of its choosing, and over $50,000 for the broadcast on each screen that would have been placed in underprivileged areas. The government did not accept the offer because it believed it was made too late and the matches offered did not justify the cost. The government respected the confidentiality of these negotiations and has maintained its professional relationship with al-Jazeera.Amal JreisatPrime minister's office, Amman, JordanAl-JazeeraTelevision industryTV newsJordanMiddle EastWorld Cup 2010guardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ヨルダン政府は断固として無名のソース(レポート9月30日)はW杯のアルジャジーラ放送の妨害の後ろにあったことによって作ら疑惑を否定している

    • Help for stressed out flood victims
      The Public Health Ministry will dispatch mobile medical units to aid people who are suffering from stress caused by heavy flooding, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Monday. 保健省は、大洪水によるストレスに苦しんでいる人たちを助けるため、携帯の医療ユニットを派遣する、内閣総理大臣アビシットが明らかにした

    • PT wants Sanan as a chief adviser
      The Puea Thai Party has plans to set up a political alliance network and Deputy Prime Minister Sanan Kachornprasart is on the alliance list, a key member of the opposition camp, Col Apiwan Wiriyachai, said on Thursday. Pueaタイ党が政治同盟のネットワークをセットアップする副首相サナンKachornprasart同盟のリストに含まれている計画を持って、野党、コルApiwan Wiriyachaiの主要メンバーが明らかにした

    • Senate committee wants decree lifted
      The Senate committee monitoring the political situation on Thursday issued a statement calling on the government to lift the emergency decree, which is still in force in seven provinces. 木曜日の政治状況を監視する上院の委員会は、7州で施行されても、緊急時の命令を解除する政府に要求する声明を出した

    • Sunni-backed coalition willing to bend on top job
      The Sunni-backed political coalition that narrowly won the most votes in Iraq's parliamentary election yesterday appeared to be giving up its demand for the premiership, boosting the Shiite Prime Minister's drive to keep his job.The... 辛うじて昨日、イラクの議会選挙で最も多くの票を獲得したスンニ派の担保政治連合は、彼のjob.Theを保つためにシーア派の内閣総理大臣のドライブを高め、首相のための需要をあきらめるように見えた...

    • Court accepts case against Sanoh
      The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions on Thursday accepted for trial a case filed by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) against Pracharaj Party leader Sanoh Thienthong for alleged abuse of authority over the Alpine Golf Club and Housing Estate. 木曜日に政治的ポジションの保有者のための最高裁判所の刑事部は、審判のアルパインゴルフクラブや住宅団地の権限の疑。虐待Pracharaj党三桜Thienthongに対する国家腐敗防止委員会(NACC)によって提出される場合を受け入れた

    • Ukrainian court supports more power for president
      The Ukrainian constitutional court showed support for a more powerful president after announcing Friday that the parliament had violated numerous procedures in making the political changes in 2004 which gave more power to the legislative body. In a statement, the court stressed that a majority of 18 court justices agreed the changes carried out during the so-called Orange Revolution were invalid. The ruling, which takes effect immediately, orders lawmakers to bring current legislation back ... ウクライナ憲法裁判所は、身体の立法したより多くの電力を、2004年の変化を測定したサポートを政治的意思の手順を多数の議会が持っていた違反しているの金曜日後発表社長より強力な

    • The good life?
      The White House and Elysee Palace are slapping down claims that Michelle Obama told Carla Bruni-Sarkozy her life was 'hell'. Would you give up your current life to be a political leader's spouse? ホワイトハウスとエリゼ宮によると、ミシェルオバマ氏は彼女の人生は地獄。。u0026#39;でしたカーラブルーニサルコジ語ったダウンぴしゃりです

    • Jatuporn defends Aree's appointment
      The appointment of Aree Krainara, a red guard leader charged with terrorism who is still at large, to the House committee on political development, mass communications and public participation complied with the regulations governing House committees, Puea Thai Party list MP Jatuporn Prompan said on Thursday. 政治的発展、マスコミ、ハウス委員会の規制を遵守し市民参加の下院委員会にアリーKrainara、まだ大規模にあるテロで起。赤いガードリーダーの選任、Pueaタイ党のリストのMP Jatuporn Prompanによると

    • Files underscore US failure to appreciate what they were up against
      The challenge in assessing the hundreds of thousands of documents released by WikiLeaks on the Iraq war is to avoid the early onset of sensory numbness and, later in the process, sheer mental and physical fatigue. How can a reader continue to be shocked? イラク戦争にWikileaksは発表した文書の数十万人を評価する上での課題は、感覚のしびれの早期発症を避けるためであり、後工程では、純粋な精神的、肉体的疲労

    • C'wealth Games medical chief falls sick
      The chief medical officer for the beleaguered Delhi Commonwealth Games has fallen sick with suspected typhoid just days before the event kicks off, an official said Friday.In the run-up to the troubled showpiece, which begins Sunday, health fears have mostly centred on a serious outbreak in the capital of dengue fever, a potentially fatal mosquito-borne disease.Typhoid, a food and water-borne illness, is also an ever-present danger in India and athletes have been warned to be very careful about their food and water intake. 悩めるデリーコモンウェルスゲームのためのチーフメディカルオフィサーは、イベントがキックオフほんの数日前に腸チフス疑いにかかってしまって、関係者はFriday.Inアップは日曜日に始まる困った手本に、健康への懸念は、ほとんどを中心とした実行言ったデング熱、潜在的に致命的な蚊が媒介するdisease.Typhoid、食料や水を媒介と病気の首都で深刻な発生は非常に自分の食料や水には注意が必要と警告されているにもインドや選手の常に存在する危険があります摂取量

    • Paris exits Chirac case
      The city of Paris pulled out of a long-standing corruption case against former French President Jacques Chirac yesterday after he and his conservative political party agreed to pay ?2.2 million ($4 million) in losses sustained by... パリの街は、反対の元フランスのシラク大統領昨日、彼と彼の保守政党が支払う?合意した後で持続的な損失が2.2百万円(4000000ドル)...長年の汚職事件から引き出さ

    • Suthep: Amnesty will undermine law
      The coalition Bhumjaithai Party's support for an amnesty for political protesters is aimed at helping people who broke the law, Deputy Prime Minister and Democrat Party secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban said on Wednesday. 政治的な抗議者に対する恩赦のための連立Bhumjaithai党のサポートは、律法を、副首相と民主党事務総長ステープThaugsuban破った人々を助けることを目的とされる、と述べた

    • BJT launches amnesty petition
      The coalition Bhumjaithai Party on Thursday morning began gathering names in support of a petition for amnesty for political protesters for offences between Sept 19, 2006 and May 31, 2010. 木曜日に連立Bhumjaithai党は朝2006年9月19日および2010年5月31日の間の犯罪のための政治デモ隊に対する恩赦の申立てのサポートの名前を集め始めた

    • Death toll rises to 9 in Turkey land mine blast
      The death toll rose to nine after a passenger van hit a land mine in the southeastern province of Hakkari Thursday morning, provincial Governor Muammer Turker said. Another four, including a baby, were injured in the land mine blast. The baby was sent by ambulance to a hospital in southern Van province for medical treatment, Turker was quoted as saying by the semi-official Anatolia news agency. The agency reported earlier that eight people were killed and three others injured in the blast. ... 南東部地域の朝木曜日ハッキャーリ死者数は、地雷を打つ旅客車が後に上昇、9、地方の知事Muammer Turkerは言った

    • Creation in a gulping worm
      The exquisite complexity of a tiny and wholly insignificant creature shows Richard Dawkins is right about creationismSome years ago I wrote a book about a very small, transparent hermaphrodite worm, described by Lewis Wolpert as the most boring organism in existence.The fascinating thing about this nematode, c.elegans, was that it was the best understood and most studied multi-cellular organism in the world, the first to have its genome completely sequenced; yet it still wasn't understood. You would have thought it would be quite impossible for it to do anything unpredicted or impossible to understand. It has no brain, and only 959 cells (for the hermaphrodite). Every single cell in its body is now mapped from the moment of emergence to its death. But until recently, no one knew how it did anything so simple and vital as feed itself. We knew what it ate – bacteria – and how it crushed and digested them; but the worm is a filter feeder, which manages somehow to separate the bacteria from the liquid that they swim in and no one knew exactly how. It was all in the fine timing of the contractions as it swallows, but there are no physical filters in the worm. Whales have whalebone, but worms have no wormbone. Now a kind reader of the book has sent me a paper which he published last year which shows exactly how the filtering was done. Using very high speed video – 1000 frames a second – the team managed to isolate the way that two independent patterns of contraction separate the solid from liquids in a passage smaller than a human hair. I think it is reasonable to say that in purely formal terms there is more complexity and harmony in the stomach of an almost invisible nematode worm than in the most complex and harmonious work of art ever created. T と完全に取るに足りない小さな生き物の絶妙な複雑さは、リチャードドーキンスは、私はこの線虫についてexistence.The魅力的なことの中で最も退屈な生物としてルイスWolpertさんで記述された非常に小さく、透明両性ワームについての本を書きました権利についてcreationismSome年前には示していますまだそれはまだ理解されていませんでした

    • PM: No policy to support amnesty
      The government has no policy to support an amnesty for political prisoners as it would lead only to more social conflict, not reconciliation, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Tuesday afternoon. 政府はそれだけで、より社会的葛藤ではなく、和解につながるように政治犯に対する恩赦をサポートするために、ポリシーを持って、内閣総理大臣アビシットは火曜日の午後を明らかにした

    • Report of looming property tax met with skepticism
      The government may soon announce plans to introduce a property tax early next year to curb speculative buying, China Business News has reported, citing an anonymous source. Some analysts are skeptical the plan will happen at all. The paper said an announcement could come during the week-long National Day holiday starting Oct 1. Speculation over a property tax has swirled for years, but talk has intensified since the government rolled out a slew of curbs in April to put the brakes on fast-r ... 政府は近々、投機的な買いを抑制するために来年早々に財産税を導入する計画を発表する可能性があります、チャイナビジネスニュースは、匿名の情報源を引用し、報告している

    • J&J Close To Buying Crucell For $2.3 Billion
      The heath care conglomerate says it's close to purchasing the Dutch biopharmaceutical firm in an effort to enhance its vaccine platform. 健康医療コングロマリットは、努力、そのワクチンのプラットフォームを強化するためにオランダの製薬会社を購入するに近いと言う

    • Huang Guangyu Fails to Regain Control of Gome
      The jailed Chinese businessman could not mount a shareholder revolt against the new management of the electrical appliance chain he founded. 投獄されて中国のビジネスマンは彼が設立した家電チェーンの新しい経営陣に対する株主の反乱をマウントできませんでした

    • Pick emerging markets for low debt, not growth
      The landscape of global debt markets has changed drastically since the problems in Greece arose this year. Markets have been incredibly resilient in the face of problems with government debt, but what has changed is collective market psychology, which has turned from a focus on the growth drivers of a global economic recovery to a careful consideration of the risks posed by the mounting stock of developed-world public debt which has been the single most important driver of volatility this year. 世界の債券市場の風景は、ギリシャの問題から大幅に変更されている、今年起こった

    • Czech leftist opposition tops Senate vote, may slow reforms
      The left-wing opposition Social Democrats won Czech mid-term Senate elections, securing a majority that could allow them to slow down reforms pushed by the centre-right government, final results showed Saturday.Of the 27 seats up for grabs in the 81-member Senate, the Social Democrats clinched 12, the ruling right-wing Civic Democrats eight and their junior coalition rightist partners TOP 09 two, the Czech Statistical Office said.Of the remaining seats two went to the centrist Christian Democrats and three to independents, the statistical office said. 左派野党社会民主党は彼らが中心右政府に押されて改革を遅らせる可能性が過半数を確保、チェコ中期上院選挙を獲得し、最終的な結果は、最大81のグラブは27席Saturday.Of示した - メンバー上院議員、社会民主党は12日与党右翼市民民主党、8、その連立右翼パートナートップ09 2、チェコ統計局のsaid.Of二人は中道派キリスト教民主に行って、残りの席三無所属するには、獲得統計局は言った

    • Water to rise in the Chao Phraya
      The level of the Chao Phraya River is expected to be higher than usual from this week to next Monday, the Meteorological Department warned on Tuesday. チャオプラヤ川のレベルは、今週から次の月曜日に通常よりも高くなると予想され、気象庁は、火曜日に警告している

    • 2010 China top 500 private enterprises list released
      The list of the 2010 China Top 500 Private Companies was recently announced. Jiangsu Shagang Group, Suning Appliance Group, and Legend Holdings, Ltd. were the top three. Chongqing Evening News reported that the ranking was jointly organized by the Federation of Private Enterprises in China, the China Statistical Association and the Centre for Enterprise Development of China Research Institute of Management Science. With 146.3 billion yuan in revenue, Jiangsu Shagang Group ranked the first ... 2010年中国トップ500民間企業のリストは、最近発表された

    • Mini-QFII gives local funds shot at global stage
      The mainland's planned move to let local fund houses and brokerages raise yuan offshore to invest domestically will sow the seeds for made-in-China asset managers to eventually rival Western giants such as BlackRock. 本土の計画の動きは、ローカルファンド家や証券会社が海外の種をまくが、国内に投資する元発生させるためのメイドブラックロックのような最終的にはライバルの西の巨人、中国の資産運用会社にします

    • Prawit: Military to stay out of politics
      The military will not interfere in politics and the prime minister is the only one to make political decisions, Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon said on Wednesday. 軍は政治に干渉しないよう、首相が政治的な意思決定を1つだけであり、国防Prawit Wongsuwonが明らかにした

    • Multi-colour group opposes red rallies
      The multi-colour group on Friday issued a statement opposing the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship's plan to conduct political activities this weekend, saying they could lead to fresh violence. 金曜日にマルチカラーのグループは今週末の政治活動を行うため、彼らは新鮮な暴力につながる可能性というstatementが民主主義の独裁。。u0026#39;s計画に対して統一戦線に反対発行

    • Chinese stocks hit 5-week low
      The nation's key stock index ended down 0.4 percent Monday in low volume ahead of long holidays starting this week, with gains in banks offsetting losses in pharmaceuticals such as Tian Mu Pharmaceutical. The Shanghai Composite Index was at 2,588.7 after ending down 0.2 percent Friday. Analysts said the index would continue to trade in a narrow range, with near-term support around the index's 60-day moving average at 2,580. Tight liquidity ahead of the upcoming holidays in the mainland ... 全国の主要な株価指数は医薬品終了ダウン0.4%低月曜日のボリュームかなり前からこの休暇開始1週間ムー利得、天などの医薬品の損失をで銀行相殺上海総合指数は金曜日だったパーセント0.2 2,588.7後に終了するダウンします

    • Practical Traveler: A Passenger’s Airport Wish List
      The passenger experience might be improved with adequate seating, speedy baggage claim, clear signage and smooth traffic flow. 乗客の経験は十分な座席、迅速な手荷物、明確なサインと円滑な交通の流れに向上させることが可能性があります

    • Chinese auto brands see booming sales in August
      The production and sales of Chinese-made cars in August has improved from July, and both have exceeded 11 million units from January to August 2010, an increase of nearly 40 percent compared with the previous year, and the accumulated production and sales growth rate continued to slowly decline, according to statistical data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. Statistics show that in August 2010, China produced a total of nearly 1.3 million cars, a decline of more t ... 生産は、中国製自動車の販売August年7月から改善され、両方とも2010年8月、前年に比べ約40%の増加と、蓄積された生産と販売の成長率月から11万台を超えているcontinuedゆっくりとメーカー自動車協会、中国が発表する統計データにより減少、統計はt以上に表示する2010年8月の減少、中国は生産合計万台1.3のほぼ...

    • MIA: what was she doing in that niqab?
      The rapper MIA appeared at an LA awards ceremony in a niqab. But was it a fashion faux-pas or a political statement?Is it a delayed backlash against Liz Hurley's safety-pin dress? Was rapper MIA having a bad hair day? Whatever her reason for donning a niqab at an awards ceremony in Los Angeles, she wasn't telling. But with governments from France to Syria banning full veils, niqabs are this season's shock tactic of choice. Already this month two women calling themselves NiqaBitch have taken to the streets of Paris wearing face veils, but with bare legs and high heels. Still, there's no defence for MIA's sparkly green eyeshadow.MIAFashionIslamReligionHoma Khaleeliguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ラッパーMIAがniqab LAでの授賞式に登場

    • Surin: Pichet's removal not political
      The removal of Pichet Sathirachawal as secretary-general of the Central Islamic Committee is not politically motivated, Pol Maj-Gen Surin Parale said on Thursday. 事務中央イスラム委員会の一般的なようピチェSathirachawalの除去は、政治的に動機づけされていない場合、ポル少将-ゲンスリンParaleによると

    • Rupee falls sharply by 26 paise against dollar
      The rupee on Monday depreciated by 26 paise to close at 44.36/37 against the US currency after moving erratically in line with volatile local equities. 月曜日にルピーは、揮発性ローカル株式に沿って不規則に移動した後、米国の通貨に対して44.36/37で取引を終えた26 paisaの複数形で償却しています

    • Abbott Laboratories Plans to Cut 3,000 Jobs
      The trimming of about 3 percent of the work force will occur over the next two years after the purchase of Solvay’s pharmaceuticals business. 約3%の労働力の今後2年間に発生しますトリミングソルベーの医療用医薬品事業の購入後

    • FAO: forest biodiversity at risk but conservation efforts growing
      The world's forest biodiversity is threatened by a high global rate of deforestation and forest degradation as well as a decline in primary forest area, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in a report released on Monday. In many countries, however, there is a continued positive trend towards the conservation of forest biological diversity via dedicated conservation areas, the report said. According to the final report of FAO's Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 20 ... 世界の森林の生物多様性は、地域の森林をプライマリとして減少してもです脅かさ高グローバルレート劣化としての森林の伐採と、国連食糧農業機関(FAO)は月曜日にレポートをリリースで述べている

    • PAD opposes amnesty plan
      The yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) believes that Thai people disagree with the Bhumjaithai Party's idea to pardon political protesters, PAD coordinator Suriyasai Katasila said on Wednesday. 民主主義のための黄色のシャツの人々の同盟(PAD)はタイの人々に恩赦の政治的抗議してBhumjaithai党の考えに反対することを考えて、PADのコーディネーターSuriyasai Katasilaが明らかにした

    • 13 killed, 33 missing after Fanapi hits mainland
      Thirteen people died and 33 others went missing as tropical storm Fanapi swept across southern China this week, triggering severe flooding and mudsl... 13人が死亡し、熱帯低気圧Fanapiは深刻な洪水とmudslの引き金を引き、そして今週は、中国南部を席巻したとして33人が行方不明になった...

    • Delays for Virgin flights
      Thousands of Virgin Blue passengers were delayed yesterday at airports around Australia due to a technological glitch, with some flights cancelled. Colin Lippiatt, manager of corporate communications for the Virgin Blue group,... 一部の便がキャンセルとVirgin Blueの乗客の何千もの、技術的不具合のため、オーストラリアの空港で、昨日、遅れていた

    • Thousands of red-shirts in central Bangkok mark coup anniversary
      Thousands of red-shirts showed up Sunday in Ratchaprasong area of Bangkok, with more expected to come, to mark the fourth anniversary of the 2006 coup as well as the political violence in that area four months ago. Till noon time about two thousand red-shirts had arrived Ratchaprasong, a downtown area which saw dozens died and many injured during the anti-government movement's rally in April and May. Some red-shirts tied red ribbons along the street while most of the others were just there ... Tシャツ-何千人もの赤数ヶ月前に示した領域をラチャプラソンの日曜日までの予想バンコク詳細と、4つのエリア暴力の政治だけでなく、来て、2006年クーデターとして周年を記念4

    • Israeli airstrike on central Gaza kills three militants
      Three Palestinian militants were killed on Monday night after they were targeted by an Israeli air- to-ground missile in central Gaza Strip, medics and witnesses said. Dr. Adham Abu Selmeya, the chief of military medical services in Hamas government, told Xinhua that three Palestinians were killed by the shrapnel of an Israeli missile which was fired at them in central Gaza Strip. He also said that the three arrived dead at al-Aqsa Hospital in the city of Deir el-Ballah in central Gaza Str ... 対地ストリップ地区中央ミサイル内三空気イスラエルの月曜日の夜の後に、それらがされたターゲットによって殺さパレスチナ過激派がいた医者や目撃者によると博士は、 AdhamアブSelmeyaは、ハマス政府の軍事医療サービスのチーフ、ストリップ地区の中央と言わ華を、それらにあった発射、イスラエルのミサイルその破片によって殺さ三人のパレスチナ人がいた

    • New stocks beat expectations on debut
      Three newly listed companies made better-than-expected trading debuts yesterday, with a cosmetic product maker gaining more than a third. Magic Holdings International, which makes facial masks and is a unit of Hua Han Bio-Pharmaceutical Holdings, surged 36.67 per cent above its offer price of HK$3.30 to close at HK$4.51. 3人が新たに企業が化粧品メーカーは、複数の第三者よりも獲得して、昨日予想以上の取引デビューをしたリスト

    • Three Iraqis killed in Diyala's violence
      Three people were killed and four others were injured in gunfire and bomb attacks in the volatile province of Diyala on Sunday, meanwhile the Iraqi security forces captured 12 suspects across the province during the day, a provincial police source said. A civilian was killed and three others were wounded, one of them in critical condition, when a sticky bomb attached to a minibus detonated in the east of the provincial capital city of Baquba, some 65 km northeast of Baghdad, the source fr ... 3人が死亡、4人は、一方で、日曜日州のディヤラの揮発性の攻撃で爆弾や銃撃で負傷した県日中12人の容疑者間で軍が撮影したセキュリティイラク、地方の警察筋によると

    • HK is the sick man of Asia when it comes to medical tourism
      Tourists flock to Hong Kong for its food and retail therapy, but what if they need a medical check-up or an operation? 観光客は、その食品や小。療法のための香港に群がる彼らは健康診断や操作を必要とする場合はどうでしょうか

    • Tropical Storm Richard brushes Honduras
      Tropical Storm Richard gained strength on Saturday, lashing the Caribbean coast of Honduras with strong winds and heavy rain. トロピカルストームリチャードは、強風と大雨とホンジュラスのカリブ海沿岸を固縛、土曜日の強さを得た

    • Tropical Storm Richard Soaks Honduran Coast
      Tropical Storm Richard strengthens off Honduras' Caribbean coast, steams toward Belize トロピカルストームリチャードはホンジュラスのカリブ海沿岸をオフに強化し、ベリーズに向かって蒸し

    • US food agency opens hearings on GMO salmon
      US authorities have opened hearings on genetically modified salmon, the final step before deciding whether to allow it to become the first transgenic animal to hit American dinner tables.The US Food and Drug Administration has already determined that, based on company data, the modified fish is safe for human consumption and the environment as part of a risk assessment finished in early September.Now the agency is to hear from independent experts on the issue before making a final ruling. 米当局は、遺伝子組み換えサケに関する公聴会を開いて、それが最初のトランスジェニック動物アメリカンディナーtables.The米国食品医薬品局は既に決定したヒットになることを許可するかどうかを決める前に、最後のステップは、企業データ、変更された魚に基づいている人間の消費と環境の安全リスクアセスメントの一部としては初期September.Nowの代理店が問題に独立した専門家から最終的な決定をする前に聞くことです終えた

    • Uganda assuems UN Security Council presidency for October
      Uganda on Friday assumed the rotating UN Security Council presidency for the month of October. The Ugandan permanent representative to the United Nations, Rubakana Rugunda, took over the rotating Council presidency from the Turkish UN ambassador, Ertugrul Apakan, who held the rotating presidency for September. The Security Council presidency rotates among the Council members in the English alphabetical order of their names. Each president holds office for one calendar month. Rugunda is ... 金曜日のウガンダは10月理事会の議長を月のセキュリティ回転国連仮定した

    • JetBlue Focused on Organic Growth: CEO
      WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Southwest Airlines Co's plan to buy AirTran Holdings will not affect JetBlue Airways's intent to grow organically, JetBlue's chief executive said. ワシントン(ロイター) - エアトランホールディングスを購入するサウスウェスト航空株式会社の計画が有機的に成長してJetBlueの航空路の意図には影響しません、JetBlueの最高経営責任者は語った

    • Surakiat: There can be reconciliation if..
      Well-designed negotiations between different political sides together with strong and sincere support from the government can help end the continuing conflict in the country, former deputy prime minister in the Thaksin administration Surakiat Sathirathai said at a seminar to mark International Peace Day on Tuesday. まあは、政府からの強い、誠実なサポートを別の政治的側面一緒に間の交渉を国、タクシン政権Surakiatサティアンタイの元副首相の継続的な紛争を終わらせることができますように設計セミナーで日国際平和デーを記念している

    • Burma: We must show our solidarity with the democracy movement | Observer editorial
      We may not be able to do much to help Burma's political prisoners, but as the country's sham elections near, even small gestures of support are importantNext month, Burma will hold its first election for 20 years. Often, the reappearance of ballot boxes after such a long interval is cause for celebration. Not so in Burma, where the poll is widely seen as a cynical exercise, adding a veneer of civil legitimacy to the ruling military junta.The generals are closing the border and rescinding visas to prevent outside monitoring of the poll. Ordinary Burmese are reported to be divided over whether or not to participate. Some think it is worth pursuing the charade, if only to get the country into the habit of voting. There are 37 parties registered to take part.But the National League for Democracy, which won the election in 1990 but was never allowed to take power, is boycotting it. Its leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, is one of an estimated 2,183 political prisoners. Their families and friends are kept under surveillance, harassed and intimidated.Tomorrow deputy prime minister Nick Clegg will attend an Asia-Europe summit, where he must press the case of Burmese democracy. International pressure has so far had little impact. The regime is supported by China, the regional superpower, which prefers not to see democracy movements active in its back yard.But the situation is not hopeless, if only for the reason that Burmese democracy activists themselves have not given up hope. Their cause is being highlighted in a new campaign by Amnesty International in the run-up to the election – a photo petition including politicians, religious leaders, activists and refugees, holding a hand up in protest at the regime, a political prisoner's name inscribed on their palms.The images, powerful thoug 私たちは、ビルマの政治囚を助けるために多大な貢献をすることができない場合があります国の。選挙が近くのサポートも、小さなジェスチャーはimportantNext月されると、ビルマは、20年の初の選挙を開催します

    • A must-have electric car for BMW's future
      When former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright arrived for lunch with Bayerische Motoren, Werke chief executive Norbert Reithofer in late 2008, she brought along an unexpected guest, Joschka Fischer, a one-time left-wing radical. 元米国務長官オルブライトは、2008年後半にバイエルンMotoren、ヴェルケ最高経営責任者ノルベルトと一緒に昼食に到着した時、彼女は予想外のゲストに沿って持って、ヨシュカフィッシャー、一左翼時間ラジカル

    • Nostalgia for Egypt's Nasser | Amira Nowaira
      Whether Nasser was murdered 40 years ago no longer seems relevant, but many mourn the loss of the values he espousedThe fortieth anniversary of Gamal Abdel Nasser's death has brought renewed speculation about the cause of his death, as well as a deep sense of nostalgia for the lost values he represented and advocated.Rumours have long circulated that the Egyptian leader died as a result of foul play and not a heart attack, as was officially declared. Mohammed Hassanein Heikal, Nasser's close adviser, recently stirred muddy waters by mentioning the cup of coffee that Nasser drank three days before his death. The famous cup of coffee was prepared by none other than former Egyptian president Anwar Sadat. Although Heikal rejected the argument that Sadat was implicated in the death of his longtime friend and ally, the very mention of the incident has reignited speculation and heated debates, and prompted Sadat's eldest daughter to file a complaint of defamation against Heikal.But Nasser's youngest son, Abdel Hakim, speaking recently on a talkshow, dismissed such allegations, pointing out that many parties, both local and international, had a vested interest in seeing Nasser dead. Any one of those might have been implicated in the act.The anniversary has also coincided with a wave of nostalgia for some of the principles that the Nasser era espoused and promoted, including the abolition of inherited privilege and the fair redistribution of national wealth. Despite all the acknowledged failings of the Nasser regime, Nasser himself was never directly associated with personal corruption. It was clear that he didn't make personal gains out of his position, either financial or political. A family man, he lived and dressed quite modestly, taking pride in wearing Egyptian-made clothe ナセルかどうかは、40年は関係ないようです前に殺害された多くの悲しむ値の損失は、彼が彼の死の原因について更新投機だけでなく、懐かしさの深い意味を持っているGamalさん数種類ナセルの死の40周年をespousedThe値を失った彼は、表現advocated.Rumoursは長いエジプトのリーダーは、公式に宣言され、反則の結果ではなく、心臓発作で死亡したことを回覧した

    • Wong stays on Gome board amid power tussle
      Wong Kwong-yu, the jailed founder of the mainland's second-biggest appliances retailer Gome Electrical, remains on the company's board despite losing his bids to elect his sister and lawyer as directors and to oust his successor, Chen Xiao, from the chairmanship. ウォンKwongさんの湯は、電気Gome本土第2位の家電量販店の投獄者、監督としての彼の姉と弁護士を選任する委員長からの彼の後継者、陳暁、失脚させるため、彼の入札を失ったにもかかわらず、同社のボード上に残ります

    • Abbott to Cut 3, 000 Jobs Following Solvay Deal
      NEW YORK (Reuters) - Abbott Laboratories Inc plans to cut 3,000 jobs, or about 3 percent of its workforce, following its purchase of Solvay's pharmaceuticals business. ニューヨークは、(ロイター) - アボットラボラトリーズ社、ソルベイの医療用医薬品事業の買収、次の従業員の3000ジョブを、約3%削減する計画だ

    • S&P Retreats From 1, 130 After Sentiment Data
      NEW YORK (Reuters) - After the S&P 500 failed to stay above a key technical level at 1,130, stocks turned negative on Friday following a report showing consumer sentiment worsened to its weakest point in more than a year. ニューヨークは、(ロイター) - S&Pは500の後1130で重要な技術レベル以上のご滞在を失敗し、株式市場は、負の金曜日にレポート消費者のセンチメントを示す最も弱いポイントに1年以上に悪化し、次のになって

    • ウエディングバルーン
      ac_fl_runcontent('codebase', ' '150','height', '150','src',' 'high','pluginspage', ' 'true','bgcolor', '#ffffff','name', 'nekoondokei_v2','allowscriptaccess', 'samedomain','movie', ' 'locid=jaxx0040&cityname=kobe&loadpath= //end ac code</script> <noscript><object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase=' width='150' height='150' id='nekoondokei_v2' align='middle'><param name='allowscriptaccess' value='samedomain' /><param name='flashvars' value='locid=jaxx0040&cityname=kobe&loadpath= /><param name='movie' value=' /><param name='quality' value='high' /><param name='devicefont' value='true' /><param name='bgcolor' value='#ffffff' /><embed src= flashvars='locid=jaxx0040&cityname=kobe&loadpath= quality='high' devicefont='true' bgcolor=#ffffff width='150' height='150' name=nekoondokei_v2 align='middle' allowscriptaccess='samedomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage=' /></object></noscript> </div> <div style=text-align:left></div> </div> </div>

    • Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
      <!-- --> -->body{cursor: url( </head>

    • Iraq close to forming new government
      Kurdish MPs deciding whether to back Nouri al-Maliki, as Iraq breaks record for time taken to form governmentIraq is moving closer to ending the political deadlock that has now broken the world record for the length of time taken to form a new government.The country's political parties have now exceeded the 208 days it took for Dutch politicians to agree to a coalition government in 1977.Kurdish MPs were meeting today to discuss whether to back the incumbent prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki.The main Shia coalition only decided yesterday to nominate Maliki for a second term in office.But the National Alliance, which includes Maliki's State of Law coalition and the Iraqi National Alliance of the radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, is four seats short of the parliamentary majority needed to confirm the appointment.The secular Iraqiya bloc which narrowly won the election and is led by the former prime minister Iyad Allawi, has said it will oppose Maliki's bid to retain power.It took nearly three months for the results of Iraq's parliamentary election on 7 March to be ratified, after numerous complaints and appeals.The Kurds are likely to back Maliki but are expected to demand greater influence over the oil-rich Kirkuk region in return for their support.IraqKurdsMiddle EastDavid Battyguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds governmentIraqが形成するのに要する時間の長さの世界記録を壊れている政治的なデッドロックを終了するに近い移動している形成するためにかかる時間は、イラクの区切りのレコードとして、ヌーリマリキをバックアップするかどうかを決定するクルド人の議員の新しいgovernment.The国の政党は今1977.Kurdish議員の連立政権現職の首相を支持するかどうかを議論する今日会うことにしたことに同意して、それはオランダの政治家にかかった208日を超えている、ヌーリMaliki.Theメインシーア派の連立政権は、昨日決定法連立とラジカルシーア派聖職者ムクタダサドル師のイラク国民同盟のマリキの状態が含まれています国立アライアンスは、4つの座席予約を確認するために必要な議会の過半数が不足しているoffice.Butに、二期目のマリキを指名

    • Hungary toxic mud spill kills four
      Hungary declared a state of emergency after a toxic mud spill swamped seven villages killing four people and injuring 120 in what officials said was the country's worst-ever chemical accident.Eight injured were in a serious condition and six people were missing after the walls of a reservoir of residue at an aluminium plant broke on Monday afternoon and officials feared the death toll could rise.The sludge left a path of devastation in its wake destroying all vegetation other than trees, seeping into houses and leaving residents asking when they could return. ハンガリーは有毒な泥の流出後に非常事態を宣言した7つの村は、4人を殺害し、職員が負。国の史上最悪の化学accident.Eightは深刻な状態と6人に欠落していたていたと述べたもので120を負。圧倒の壁の後にアルミニウム工場の残渣の貯留は、月曜日の午後に侵入し、職員が家に浸透し、それらが返すことができるときに求める住民を残して、汚泥をrise.The可能性が死亡者数は、すべての植物の木以外の破壊、そのきっかけに荒廃の道を左に恐れていた

    • Toxic mud spill kills four in Hungary
      Hungary declared a state of emergency on Tuesday after a toxic mud spill killed four people and injured 120 in what officials described as Hungary's worst-ever chemical accident.With eight people in serious condition and as many as six people missing, officials fear the death toll could rise after the walls of a reservoir of residue at an aluminium plant in Ajka, 165 kilometres (102 miles) west of Budapest, broke on Monday afternoon. ハンガリーは有毒な泥の流出後の火曜日に非常事態を宣言した四人が死亡、当局はハンガリーの最悪の化学accident.With深刻な状態で8人と不足しているものとして、多くの六人もの記述したもので120を負傷、当局者は死者を恐れるAjkaのアルミニウム工場残基のタンクの壁の後に上昇する可能性がある、165キロに(102マイル)西ブダペストの、月曜日の午後に壊した

    • SFC feels the sting of Wong's influence despite being in jail
      Don't call Wong Kwong-yu a loser. While he failed to oust a rebellious management from Gome Electrical Appliances Holding the bruise is minor compared to the lumps and bumps on the faces of our securities regulators. ウォンKwongさんの。敗者呼び出さないでください

    • Detained Gome chief hires top legal firm
      Wong Kwong-yu, the founder of Gome Electrical Appliances Holding, is stepping up his efforts to recoup control of the mainland's second biggest home appliances retailer by hiring a high-powered global law firm. ウォンKwongさんの湯は、Gome電気用品ホールディングの創設、ハイパワーの世界的な法律事務所を雇って、本土の二番目に家電小売業者のコントロールを取り戻すための彼の努力を強化しています

    • Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase sell Gome stakes
      Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase have been reducing their stakes in Hong Kong-listed Gome Electrical Appliances since the end of August, eeo. com.cn reported Friday. Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan cut their holdings to 4.47 percent and 5.49 percent from 9.75 percent and 7.38 percent in 2009 respectively. &$&$Source: Global Times&$&$ ... モルガンスタンレーとJPモルガンチェースは、8月雇用機会均等の末から香港上場Gome電気用品での賭け金を削減されている

    • Armenia's jobless rate at 7.1% in first eight months
      Unemployment in Armenia in the January-August period this year was 7.1 percent, higher than those in 2009 and 2008, the country's national statistical service has reported. In comparison, the jobless rate for the corresponding period in 2009 was 6.8 percent and in 2008 was 6.3 percent. By late August this year, 84,300 people have registered with the Armenian employment service as jobless, of whom 82,600 people have been given the status of being unemployed. The employment service sai ... 期間オーガスト1月失業率は、アルメニア、今年報告された統計的なサービスがあるものよりも、された7.1パーセントの2009年及び2008年、国の国家の比較のでは、期間2009年に対応する率はの失業6.8%だった2008年に6.3パーセントは、8月では今年末、84300人が失業者のされて特定のステータスを持っている人は、82600人の登録、失業、雇用サービスアルメニアと、雇用サービスサイ...

    • Observing consolidation behavior aids prediction
      Markets do not move up dramatically for extended periods. A pullback is inevitable and it's the nature of the pullback that defines the sustainability of the underlying trend. This is a significant question that applies to the Shanghai index after the powerful breakout from the resistance level near 2700. The nature of the consolidation behavior in the Shanghai index provides some of the answers to the potential for the pullback and development of the future trend. The most signifi ... 市場は長期にわたって劇的に移動しないでください

    • Porn actor tests positive for HIV in California
      Two companies suspend filming as porn actor's partners soughtA porn actor has tested positive for HIV at a California clinic, setting off a scramble to track down partners who may have been exposed, and spurring two major production companies to suspend filming.The actor was a patient of the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation, a San Fernando Valley clinic that caters to actors in the multibillion-dollar adult entertainment industry. The actor's identity and gender have not been released.A clinic spokeswoman, Jennifer Miller, told the Los Angeles Times that efforts were under way to notify individuals who may have had sexual contact with the actor.Wicked Pictures and Vivid Entertainment told the Times that they stopped production as a precaution when the positive test was revealed.Los Angeles County public health officials and state occupational health officials have said the widespread lack of condom use on porn sets puts performers at risk of contracting HIV and other diseases. Major adult film producers, including Hustler's Larry Flynt, have spoken out against the use of condoms in porn because viewers find them a turnoff.Last year, a woman tested positive for HIV immediately after making an adult film, and in 2004, an HIV outbreak affecting several actors spread panic in the industry and briefly shut down productions at several California studios.Porn actors must test negative for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases within 30 days of going to work on a film.State workplace safety officials are considering strengthening rules to specify the use of condoms in the adult entertainment industry.The president of the Aids Healthcare Foundation, Michael Weinstein, said his organisation had been advocating a tightening of the rules.He said the latest case w 両社は、公開されている可能性がありますパートナーを追跡するためにスクランブルをオフに設定すると、役者のパートナーsoughtAポルノ俳優は、カリフォルニア州のクリニックでHIV陽性がポルノ撮影中断してfilming.The俳優を停止する2つの主要な生産会社に拍車をかけていた患者アダルト業界医療ヘルスケア財団、数十億ドル規模のアダルトエンターテインメント業界の関係者のニーズに応えるサンフェルナンドバレークリニックの

    • Ailing Kim Jong Il summons delegates
      Delegates to North Korea's biggest political meeting in decades gathered in the country's capital amid speculation that leader Kim Jong Il will appoint a son and other family members to key positions as part of a succession plan.The... 金正日総書記が後継plan.Theの一部として重要な位置に息子と他の家族のメンバーを任命するとの憶測の中で国の首都に集まった数十年で、北朝鮮の最大の政治的な会議に参加者...

    • People responsible for red sludge disaster must pay: Hungarian PM (2)
      &$&$ Rescue workers move an injured dog to safe place in Devecser, about 150 kms west of Budapest. Hungarian police and soldiers evacuated 800 villagers Saturday as authorities feared a second flood of toxic sludge from a chemicals plant was likely after new cracks appeared in a dyke. (Xinhua/AFP Photo) Meanwhile, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) issued a media briefing in Vienna, usi ... &$&$救助隊員は、ブダペストキロ西の150負傷した犬を移動するにはDevecser、約場所金庫が備わっています

    • Iran cuts off man's hand for stealing
      Amputation in front of prison inmates could herald a return to regular use of the punishmentIranian authorities have amputated the hand of a convicted thief in front of other prisoners, in a possible step towards restoring the punishment to common use and carrying it out in public, state radio reported today.Cutting off the hands of thieves – allowed under the Iranian judiciary's strict reading of sharia law – has been rare in Iran in recent years, but the amputation was the second this month. A week ago, a judge ordered the same punishment for a man who stole from a sweet shop, though he can still appeal against that ruling.The 32-year-old convict whose hand was cut off at a prison in the central city of Yazd had committed four robberies and other crimes. Iranian state radio did not elaborate or identify the prisoner by name.There were no details on how the punishment was carried out. There have been conflicting reports in the past, with some saying amputations were done in the early 1980s without medical supervision. A recent news report said they would now be carried out with anaesthetic.An audience of fellow inmates was assembled to witness the amputation, which could be a sign that such punishments will be done before the public in future.The punishment has been part of Iran's penal code since 1980, a year after the country's clerical leaders came to power.The reporting of the punishment on state radio indicated it had approval from senior Iranian leaders, although there has been no official government comment about any push to resume more frequent implementation of the punishment.Critics say amputations and public executions and floggings hurt Iran's image and reflect badly on Islam.Iranguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content 受刑者の前で切断は、一般的な使用に罰を復元して、公共の場でそれを行う状態に向けて可能な工程では、他の囚人の前で有罪判決を泥棒の手を切断したpunishmentIranian当局の定期的な使用への復帰を告げることshariaの法律イランの司法の厳密な解釈の下で許可されて - - ラジオは泥棒の手をオフにtoday.Cutting報告近年では、イランでは珍しいされているが、切断は、今月二番目にあった

    • Some big questions | Michael Tomasky
      Commenter ravcasleygera (are you new? welcome) asked me on the last thread:Just out of interest, Michael: do you ever actually think, 'I give up?' Have their been moments in this spectacularly depressing period since about six months into the Obama presidency where you have just thought: 'American democracy is broken beyond repair?', or, 'the slow dismantling of the state is unavoidable?'I'm not being facetious, I just genuinely wonder. People seemed so convinced the 2006-8 results meant some sort of leftward swing, the end of the Reagan era.... now that energy seems to have been replaced by libertarianism, of all things? Do you think it's hopeless? Do others?Well, no, I don't give up. But my darkest fear goes something like this. Historically speaking, the conservative movement started in the late 1950s. It took a long time but it seized real power in 1980. Results were mixed, it retreated for a bit (Clinton), then roared back to power in 2000.Living these events in real time, the general view of them, I think, has been, well, those were their two best shots, and now they're bound to lose steam. You didn't have to think that the 2008 election signaled a liberal renaissance (and I did not) to think that a 50-year old movement that hadn't produced a truly new idea in a long time was running out of gas.But now I think: taking the longer historical view, it may well be that the Reagan and Dubya years were just warm-up acts, and that the conservative movement has yet to behold its triumph. The amount of money corporate titans can now pump into politics, the level of activism, the utter inability of the media to call lies lies, the weakness of the Democrats...we may be in for a 40-year descent, until there is no Social Security and there are no environmental regulations and コメンターのravcasleygeraは(?あなたが新しく追加された歓迎)最後のスレッド上で私に質問:ちょうどうち興味深いのは、マイケルは:あなたが実際にどう思いますか、私はあきらめる?。。u0026#39;あなただけ考えているオバマ氏の大統領に約半年からこの見事憂鬱期間中のされて瞬間を為すは、:。。u0026#39;?アメリカの民主主義修復できないほど壊れているが。。u0026#39;、または。。u0026#39;が遅い状態の解体は避けられない?。。u0026#39;私ではないひょうきんされて、私はただ純粋に疑問

    • Iraq: Loser takes all | Editorial
      Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, who has clung tenaciously on to power, was all but assured a second termIraq has broken a new record for a parliamentary democracy: 213 days without a government. On Friday Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, who has clung tenaciously on to power, was all but assured a second term in office by securing the support of his former enemy – the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, whose followers once fought the Iraqi army for control of Baghdad and Basra. Several weeks of haggling lie ahead, but if the complexion of the future government remains as it is now, almost wholly Shia, with Kurdish support, the few political achievements of the last two years could start to unwind.The electoral map of Iraq is split wholly on sectarian lines. The secular and largely Sunni coalition of Ayad Allawi won all the seats, bar one, in the three provinces of Nineveh, Anbar and Salahuddin. This was the cockpit of the insurgency and al-Qaida in Mesopotamia, and the participation of Sunni tribal chiefs in the election was seized upon as a sign that they had turned their back irrevocably on political violence. By contrast, Maliki and his main Shia rivals won in all the provinces of the south, with only a handful of seats going to Allawi. Squeezed between the Kurds in the north, who are demanding territorial concessions in return for their support of Maliki's coalition, and the Shias in the south, who are reluctant to send their money north, the disfranchised Sunnis must be asking themselves what their votes were worth. Just to ram home the point, Maliki sent troop reinforcements to Anbar over the weekend.There are concerns, too, about the Sadrists. The last time they entered government they purged the three ministries they controlled – transport, agriculture and health 政府のない213日:電源に粘り強くしがみついてきたヌーリマリキ首相は、すべてが、2番目termIraqは議会制民主主義のための新しいレコードが壊れていると約束された

    • Video: Hungarian leader visits toxic spill site
      Prime minister, Viktor Orbán, labels the spill 'a serious ecological catastrophe' and calls for financial help from Hungarians living overseas 首相は、ビクトルオルバン、流出。。u0026#39;深刻な生態系の大惨事を。。u0026#39;ラベルや海外に住んでいるハンガリーからの財政援助を求めて

    • Clariant eyes China growth
      Swiss specialty chemicals producer Clariant expects its sales in China this year to grow by around 30 percent from 2009, the company's chief executive said on Wednesday. The Chinese market, which now accounts for approximately 8 percent of Clariant's global business, has become one of the fastest-growing markets for the company, said Hariolf Kottmann, CEO of the company. The company generated global sales of 6.6 billion Swiss francs ($6.9 billion) in 2009. Many sectors in China have hug ... スイスの特殊化学製品の生産クラリアントは、2009年売上高は、その期待中国このことから%が30成長によって前後に今年、同社の最高経営責任者が明らかにした

    • Hungary toxic mud flow reaches Moson-Danube
      The toxic red mud flow that has devastated villages in western Hungary, killing four, leaving three missing, and sending 123 people to hospitals with chemical burns, has reached the Moson branch of the Danube river, the Hungarian National Disaster Management Agency reported on Thursday. Disaster Management Spokesman Tibor Dobson reported that the pH value of the caustic aluminum industry byproduct had been reduced from pH 13 to pH 9.3, and experts were continuing to lace the water at the meet ... 化学火傷で病院に123人を送るつの行方不明を残して4つの殺害、西部のハンガリーの村々を荒廃させた、有毒な赤い泥流は、と、ドナウ川のモション支店に達している、ハンガリー国立消防庁が木曜日に報じた

    • We mustn't let the lure of trade blind us to Russia's failings | Observer editorial
      The west still needs to be wary of Moscow's abuses of powerDuring the cold war, Russian dissidents tended to be intellectuals: poets, artists, scientists. Mikhail Khodorkovsky does not fit that pattern. He is one of a post-Soviet generation of businessmen who acquired lucrative shareholdings in state enterprises in exchange for supporting the former president, Boris Yeltsin. Most Russians consider that deal a colossal theft of public assets. The beneficiaries became known as the oligarchs.Now Mr Khodorkovsky is in jail, convicted of fraud in 2005 and facing new charges that would see him imprisoned for another 20 years. His fate reveals a lot about the direction Russia has taken in the decade since Vladimir Putin took power.Mr Putin offered the country's media and energy barons a deal. They could keep some of their wealth if they renounced any ambitions to meddle in politics. Most acquiesced; Mr Khodorkovsky did not, seeking to fund liberal trends in an increasingly authoritarian, nationalist climate. That is why he lost his freedom.Writing in today's Observer, he describes himself as a political prisoner and calls on Britain to challenge Russia on human rights and corruption. Many Russians would question the authority of a former oligarch in passing moral judgments. Khodorkovsky is no Solzhenitsyn. But the thrust of his argument is sound. The Kremlin exercises power capriciously and without regard for the rule of law. At the domestic level, that makes for individual tales of injustice. At the global level, it poses a strategic threat. Russia is a nuclear power and a major supplier of energy to Europe.Britain alone cannot change the course of Russia's political development. But it can resist the temptation to ignore abuses of power in exchange for investment favours. Mr 西はまだ寒い戦争をpowerDuringモスクワの人権侵害を警戒する必要がある、ロシアの反体制派知識人する傾向:詩人、芸術家、科学者

    • Saudis freer, rights not institutionalised
      Saudis have become freer in the five years of King Abdullah's reign but civil rights remain far from institutionalised and vulnerable to political change, Human Rights Watch said on Monday. サウジアラビアは、制度化と政治的変化に対する脆弱性から遠くのアブドラ国王の治世が市民権の5年間で自由なままになっている、とヒューマンライツウォッチは述べた

    • Video: US midterm elections: Aboard the Tea Party Express
      Sal Russo has masterminded one of the most politically effective powerful grassroots movements, the Tea Party Express. Ed Pilkington speaks to him on board the tour bus ahead of a rally in rural Nevada サルルッソは最も政治的に効果的な草の根運動、コーヒー党Expressのいずれかを首謀しています

    • Bahrain election puts Shia opposition as single largest group
      Al-Wifaq party takes 18 of 40 seats in chamber of deputies in system dominated by Sunni monarchyBahrain's main Shia opposition movement has won all the seats it contested in the parliamentary election, again emerging as the single largest group in a political system dominated by the Sunni monarchy.Al-Wifaq took 18 of 40 seats in the chamber of deputies. Thirteen others were won by Sunni candidates loyal to the government of the Al Khalifa dynasty, which rules over a Shia majority in the Gulf island state. Nine other candidates, mostly pro-government, will fight a second round next week.Al-Wifaq's leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, hailed the result as an improvement, winning one more seat than the last election in 2006. But the movement, and another opposition group, complained that hundreds of their supporters had been unable to cast their votes yesterday .The justice minister, Sheikh Khaled bin Ali Al Khalifa, insisted that voting was fair – while promising to investigate any irregularities.Al-Wifaq reported Saudi nationals and Bahraini soldiers being bussed into one polling station after protests about insufficient monitoring. Turnout was 67%, down on 72% in 2006.Sectarian tensions rose ahead of the election following a crackdown on rioting in August and the arrest of 250 people, including 23 Shia activists who have been charged with terrorism and conspiracy. Their trial is due to begin later this week.The election was watched closely across the Arab world.Bahraini and foreign analysts and diplomats fear reforms begun by King Hamad in 2002 may now end and the Sunni-Shia gap widen. Pro-western Bahrain, close to and worried by Iran, is a base for the US 5th fleet, as well as a major international financial and business centre.The structure of its political system – the lower h アルWifaqパーティーは、スンニ派支配の政治システムでは単一で最大のグループとして浮上して、再び、それは議会選挙で争わすべての議席を獲得してスンニ派のmonarchyBahrainの主要なシーア派の反対運動によって支配システムの議員のチャンバ内に18の40席を取得monarchy.Al - Wifaqは、代議員のチャンバ内に40席のうち18を取った

    • Singapore-registered vessel seized by suspected pirates off coast of Kenya
      A Singapore-registered vessel was boarded by suspected pirates off the coast of Kenya, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) said on Sunday. The MPA said in a statement that it received a report that a Singapore-registered Liquefied Petroleum Gas vessel, YORK, was boarded by suspected pirates at approximately 90 nautical miles ( 166.68 kms) from Mombasa, Kenya. A distress alert was received at about 8:25 p.m. Singapore time on Oct. 23, while at position 4 degrees 11 minutes south ... シンガポール籍船が)のMPA(シンガポールの機関とポート海上した板張りのは、海賊沖合いの疑いで、ケニア、日曜日を明らかにした

    • Singapore expects recession in second half on subdued growth
      Singapore said its economy could experience a technical recession in the second half even as the island remains "on track" for an expansion of 13 per cent to 15 per cent for the full year. シンガポールは経済が島は通年で15%と13%の拡大については、。。u0026quot;トラック。。u0026quot;のままとしても後半に技術的な不況を経験することができると言いました

    • Pirates hijack Singapore ship near Kenyan coast
      Somali pirates have hijacked a Singaporean registered vessel with a crew of 17 off the coast of Kenya, Singapore maritime body said on Sunday. A statement from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) said it received a report that a Singapore-registered Liquefied Petroleum Gas vessel, York, was boarded by suspected pirates at about 90 nautical miles from Mombasa, Kenya. It said the liquefied petroleum gas vessel, York, issued a distress call on Saturday night while at the time ... ソマリアの海賊は、日曜日にシンガポール海事機関によると、海岸のオフに17の乗組員とケニアがハイジャックされた船舶を登録シンガポール

    • Science Weekly podcast: Maggie Philbin on Tomorrow's World; plus, James Randi and PZ Myers
      Make sure you take advantage of our exclusive audio book offer. We have partnered with audible.co.uk to offer listeners one free audio book. There are 40-thousand titles to choose from including hundreds of science titles, including the winner of this year's Royal Society Prize for Science Books Life Ascending by Nick Lane. Here are all the details. A packed show this week with a science legend live in the studio. Former Tomorrow's World presenter Maggie Philbin explains why the judges plumped for Nick Lane's book about evolution's greatest inventions to win this year's Royal Society Prize for Science Books. At the end of the show we listen to some Tomorrow's World highlights and discuss what predictions the programme got right, and what it got wrong. Guardian science correspondent Ian Sample asks Maggie about the influence the programme had. Science Weekly has been nominated for this year's physics.org web awards. As well as a judges' award, there's a people's choice award for best podcast voted for by listeners. So why not help us out by registering, clicking on our podcast and adding your star rating at the top of the page. We grabbed James Randi, PZ Myers, Susan Blackmore and Tracey Brown at The Amazing Meeting, a celebration of critical thinking held in London recently. Martin Robbins live-blogged live-blogged the event for the Guardian. (Thanks to Mun Keat Looi for his help.)WARNING: contains a humorous reference to male genitalia.We hear from some famous geeks including Jonathan Ross, Brian Cox and Aleks Krotoski about their geek heroes. It's part of the Geek Calendar campaign for libel reform. Check out our gallery of geek pinups featured in the calendar, which is now on sale.Subscribe for free via iTunes to ensure every episode gets delivered. (Here is the non- あなたは私達の排他的なオーディオブックを提供を活用することを確認します

    • Sri Lanka convicts former army chief
      Sarath Fonseka found guilty of fraud in what he says is punishment for challenging country's president in electionFormer army chief and opposition presidential candidate Sarath Fonseka was today convicted of fraud by a military court. Sarath Fonseka has already been dishonourably discharged following an earlier court martial. He has described the prosecutions as a vendetta against his daring to challenge President Mahinda Rajapaksa in the presidential election earlier this year.Critics say the Sri Lankan government is systematically persecuting its rivals as it consolidates power following victory over the ethnic Tamil Tiger rebels last year.Spokesman Lakshman Hulugalla said the sentence would be announced after the president's approval.Fonseka is accused of bypassing military procedures when buying equipment and involving his son-in-law.The verdict came weeks after Fonseka was stripped of his rank, pension, medals and other military honours after another court martial convicted him of involvement in politics while in service.Once allies, Rajapaksa and Fonseka fell out after the civil war ended. The general quit the army after accusing Rajapaksa of sidelining him, suspecting a military coup. Their relationship further deteriorated after Fonseka challenged Rajapaksa in the election, which he then lost.While in detention Fonseka contested parliamentary elections in April with the opposition Democratic National Alliance and won a seat.Sri Lankaguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds サラスフォンセカ詐欺の彼の言う大統領候補サラスフォンセカされた今日の詐欺の軍事裁判所で有罪判決を受けたelectionFormer陸軍参謀長と野党の国の大統領に挑戦罰がで有罪とした

    • China Mobile posts 3.9pc rise in earnings
      China Mobile, the world's largest wireless network operator by subscribers, yesterday reported a small increase in profit for the nine months to September amid fresh speculation about another round of musical chairs among the country's senior telecommunications industry executives. China Mobileは、加入者が世界最大のワイヤレスネットワークオペレータは、昨日の国のシニア通信業界幹部の間で椅子の別のラウンドについては、新鮮な憶測の中で9月に累計期間の利益はわずかに増加を報告した

    • Matthew Drops to Depression, Soaks Central America
      Matthew declines to depression, causes flooding in Central America Central America - Honduras - Tropical cyclone - Nicaragua - United States マシューはアメリカ中央アメリカCentralで洪水が発生低下し、うつ病、 -ホンジュラス-熱帯低気圧-ニカラグア-米国

    • FDA Questions Safety, Effectiveness With Diet Pill
      WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal health officials dealt a surprising blow on Tuesday to an experimental diet pill that was thought to offer a safer way to shed pounds after decades of dangerous side effects reported with weight loss drugs. The Food and Drug Administration said the pill, developed by Arena Pharmaceutical, produced minimal weight loss while raising concerns about heart damage, depression and other problems. ワシントン(AP)は - 連邦保健当局は、危険な副作用が数十年は減量薬と報告した後、ポンドを流すのに安全な方法を提供すると考えられていた実験的な食事療法の丸。火曜日に意外な打撃を与えた

    • Pfizer set up research center in Wuhan
      Pfizer Chairman and CEO Jeff Kinder announced that a global research and development center for radiation biology and drug development has been officially established in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, where he arrived on the same day by his special plane. Wuhan Pfizer R&D center will provide intellectual support for the company's clinical drug development projects in the world, including clinical trials from Phase I to IV, and will carry out deep collaboration with local i ... ファイザー会長兼CEOのJeffキンダーの中心Dを開発センターのための放射線生物学および発表した世界的な研究は、&Rの薬ファイザー武。開発しています

    • Congress campaign cost shows how much is at stake
      Some very wealthy interests must feel that they have a lot riding on the outcome on 2 NovemberWhat on earth does it mean to have an election – not even a presidential election, mind you, but one in which we elect 535 people to a Congress most Americans do not follow and say they despise – that will cost $5bn? That's rather a lot of money. It's a thousand millions. Times five. In a nutshell, it means that some very wealthy interests must feel that they have a lot riding on the outcome on 2 November.It means also that thanks to a recent decision of the US supreme court, in the so-called Citizens United case, that corporate interests can spend to support or oppose candidates virtually without limit. This is the first election being held in the US in the wake of that decision, and we may see in these last weeks before the voting a torrent of television advertisements produced and placed by shadowy outfits that have to reveal virtually no information about themselves (who funds them, for instance) while telling viewers that candidate A is a moral reprobate and that without candidate B to defend it, America will surely crumble.Technically, the Citizens United decision applies to unions, too. But it's worth focusing on corporations for two reasons. First, they have a lot more money. Second, it seems to be the case that significant portions of corporate America have decided, or been persuaded, that the mildly ameliorative steps taken by the Obama administration to address the financial crisis amount to socialism and must be stopped at all costs. So there is much spending in the healthcare area on behalf of candidates running on the promise that they'll work to repeal Obamacare. And Democrats get their share of corporate money as well, along with almost all money from unions and 、さえ大統領選挙を気にするのが、1つ我々は議会ほとんどのアメリカ人に535人を選出するに - いくつかの非常に裕福な利益は、彼らが多く、それが選挙が意味するものは地球上で2 NovemberWhatの結果に乗っていることを感じる必要がありますに従っていないと彼らは軽蔑を言う - それは50億ドルを費用がかかりますか?それはかなりたくさんのお金です

    • Britain Details Radical Cuts in Spending, Citing Debt
      The plan imposes drastic reductions in benefits and public sector jobs as the country seeks to free itself of crushing debt from the global financial crisis. 国は世界的な金融危機から多額の負債の自分自身を解放しようとするように計画が利益の大幅な削減、公共部門の雇用を課している

    • Letters: Brazil goes green and heads for the future
      The first round of Brazil's presidential election gained unprecedented world media (Report, 5 October). The historic achievement of the Green party, led by former environment minister and militant ecologist Marina Silva, was to win nearly 20m votes – the largest single number of votes for a green party in history. More important, it was during the worst economic and financial crisis since the 1930s. The result shows the growing awareness of Brazilians about environmental destruction and the actions the country needs to take in support of truly sustainable development. Deforestation in 2009 was at the lowest level in 22 years and the country aims to cut deforestation by 80% by 2020. Brazil has become a key player in the climate change negotiations and has embarked on international co-operation with its pioneering tropical agriculture technology, such as its no-tillage system for growing soya beans.Brazil also pioneered the implementation of its electronic voting system back in 1996. Despite its size and the difficulties of access to some of its most remote populations in the northern and central-west areas of the country, it was possible to have 100% of voting using this technology in 2000. Thanks to the efficiency of electronic voting, the 136 million Brazilians who voted last Sunday were able to get the results for most candidates less than five hours after voting closed. This is certainly an example for the US or Europe. This year, the country has introduced another innovation, with a biometric voting system in some municipalities. There are still great challenges, but Brazil is on track to become the country of the future.Adriano TimossiTaiúva, BrazilBrazilGreen politicsForestsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject t ブラジルの大統領選挙の最初のラウンドは前例のない世界のメディア(レポート10月5日)得た

    • Sihuan Pharma joins rush to tap HK market
      Cardio-vascular and cerebral-vascular drug maker Sihuan Pharmaceutical, which delisted from the Singapore stock exchange last year, is the latest mainland pharmaceutical firm to tap Hong Kong's equity market. カーディオと脳血。薬メーカーSihuan製薬は、昨年シンガポール証券取引所から上場廃止、血管は、最新の中国本土の製薬会社、香港の株式市場をタップすることです

    • Google goes on hiring spree as competitors gain ground
      Google is hiring dozens of marketing and technical employees on the mainland to defend a shrinking market share against local rivals after it closed its Chinese search engine six months ago in a censorship dispute. それは半年前に検閲の紛争での中国の検索エンジンを終了した後、Googleが中国本土のローカルライバルに対する縮小市場シェアを守るために従業員をマーケティングと技術の数十人を採用

    • ChiNext slows after impressive start
      The growth of China's Nasdaq-style board ChiNext appears to have stalled, despite its spectacular start less than a year ago. Since the board began trading in October last year, several of its listed companies have grown dramatically. Beijing-based software developer UltraPower alone surpassed Shanghai-listed liquor maker Kweichow Moutai as the highest-priced stock on the mainland on March 23, only five months after being listed on ChiNext. Two weeks later, UltraPower became the only share on ... ボードChiNextスタイル成長は、中国のナスダック年前より開始されますする必要が素晴らしいの停止にもかかわらず、

    • Boer targets HK$1.2b in initial share offering
      Boer Power Holdings, the mainland's largest domestic electrical distribution systems maker, aims to raise HK$1.2 billion via an initial public offering to double output capacity. ボーアパワーホールディングスは、中国本土国内最大の配電システムのメーカー、出力容量を倍増する公募を介してはHK $ 1.2億円の資金調達を目指しています

    • Avastin officially hits Chinese market after fake drug incident
      Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., Roche's first joint venture in China, announced on its website yesterday that Avastin, a drug used to treat metastatic colorectal cancer, has been approved for sales on the Chinese mainland. On Sept. 22, Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Supervision Administration reported that the drug suspected of causing adverse reactions in 61 patients at the Shanghai No. 1 People's Hospital was a fake version of Avastin. The organization had launched an investigati ... 上海ロシュ製薬公司は、最初の合弁で、中国のロシュ、中国本土での販売の発表に薬物、Avastinは、そのウェブサイト昨日使用承認されており、がん大腸に治。転移

    • Chinese credit-rating agency denied entry by US authorities, claims bias
      In response to U.S. authorities' rejection of its application for registration as a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO) in the United States, China's private credit rating firm Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., Ltd is claiming there is a bias against Chinese credit-rating agencies. Dagong released a statement on Sept. 25 saying that its application for NRSRO status in the United States is rational and complies with rules and laws, and the contention by U.S. authoriti ... として登録のためのアプリケーションの米当局の拒絶に応答して全国的に認定、米国、中国の民間の信用格付け会社Dagong世界的な信用格付け会社の統計評価機関は、(NRSRO)公司は、主張している中国の信用に対する偏見がある、格付機関はDagong、合理的な国である米国のステータスNRSRO、その言って9月25日に声明を発表するためのアプリケーションは、法令に準拠してルール、米国のauthoritiで競合...

    • Nigerian presidential aspirants kicks off political campaigns
      The Nigerian presidential campaigns are in full swing with the candidates across the country launching bids to contest with their election manifesto to attract voters. Two of those believed to be major contenders in the 2011 presidential race, incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan and General Ibrahim Babangida, announced their plans on Wednesday. Both the candidates lunched their campaigns at the Eagle Square, Abuja. The Nigerian leader has opted for the social networking site, Facebook ... ナイジェリアの大統領選挙は、有権者を満ちているの誘致マニフェスト選挙にスイングとのとの候補者の起動を越えて同国コンテストに単価を2つ考えられてそれらのレース大統領2011年にすることが主な候補、現職の大統領がグッドルックジョナサンは、一般的なイブラヒムババンギダ、発表水曜日の計画はその両候補アブジャ広場、イーグル昼食のキャンペーンを行われました

    • UK Makes Sure Queen's Head Will Grace Its Stamps
      Keep the head: Britain to insist queen's head appears on UK stamps even if Royal Mail is sold 頭をしてください:英国女王の頭は、ロイヤルメールが販売されている場合でも、英国の切手に表示されると主張する

    • New reverse mortgages see change in fee structure
      The already complex calculus on reverse mortgages is about to change. Reverse mortgages, which allow homeowners who are at least 62 years old to tap their home equity without making any mortgage payments, are typically used by borrowers who want to remain in their homes but need the money to pay off other debts. リバースモーゲージのすでに複雑な計算が変更されようとしています

    • Which species deserves to be Britain's environmental mascot?
      This Thursday experts will lock horns over which native plant or animal species would make the best environmental mascot for Britain. Below, the five naturalists argue their cases before the 2010 Earthwatch debate – let us know in the comments which species you think deserves to be a mascotSong thrush: Tony Juniper, writer, campaigner and independent environmental advisorThe incredible repertoire of the song thrush is among the most evocative of sounds. From the cool temperate woodlands of the Scottish glens, to the tiny gardens of London, that same song can be heard for much of the year. Optimistic as a harbinger of spring, it is also a defiant, spirited voice of deep-winter. Like the human inhabitants of our islands, it is an adaptable creature, but even in the biggest towns it remains independent and self-supporting.Because of recent declines the song thrush has become a symbol for conservation. Unlike other symbols, however, this one is familiar and comes to our gardens in ways that help us to live greener. Catching, smashing and eating snails, these birds remind us that working with nature is better than chemical weapons.It is the unmatched song that completes the perfection of a spring evening. The clear notes, whistles, chirps and phrases delivered from a prominent perch reminds us that nature is everywhere, even in the heart of our greatest cities.For a country that is now mostly urban, but with its love of nature undiminished, what better symbol could we possibly have than the remarkable and beautiful song thrush?The English oak: Prof Stephen Hopper, keeper of botany at Natural History Museum in LondonThe sheer diversity of British plant life makes it difficult to single out one species. Yet there is no escaping the most common tree across Kew Gardens, and like 今週の木曜日の専門家は、上でネイティブの植物や動物の種は、英国のための最良の環境マスコットになるだろう角をロックします

    • Novo Nordisk aims to double R&D staff
      Diabetes-focused pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk plans to double its research and development (R&D) capability in China within three to five years, to meet demand in its fastest-growing market and develop tailored solutions for Chinese over the longer term. Jesper Brandgaard, chief financial officer of the Denmark-based company, said Novo Nordisk would expand its R&D staff in China from 100 to 200. The company already rented a laboratory in Beijing, and the R&D capability enhancements ... 糖尿病に焦点を当てたの製薬会社Novo Nordiskは長期もはや急成長している市場と開発に合わせたソリューションをの上には中国語に対応需要を年間研究(開発計画に倍増の研究&3〜5以内に中国のD)機能

    • Why it pays not to cultivate GM crops
      The first economic analysis of growing genetically modified crops on a wide scale has found that the biggest winners were the farmers who decided not to grow them.The study, which looked at maize yields in the corn belt of the... 規模での遺伝子組み換え作物の栽培の最初の経済分析は、最大の勝者は、コーンベルトのトウモロコシの収率で見て家人の研究を、成長しないことにした農家がいたことを発見した...

    • Magnitude-6.3 quake shakes Afghanistan
      A magnitude-6.3 earthquake has rattled the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan late Friday night, the US Geological Survey reported.There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.The 11:51 p.m. (0721 NZT) quake was deep,... マグニチュード6.3の地震が金曜の夜遅く、アフガニスタンのヒンドゥークシュ地域を揺るがしたが、米国地質調査はについて合計損害またはinjuries.The 11:51時(0721キーワードや商品名)地震の即時報告、深くていたが...

    • Prince Harry drama makes a mockery of the military covenant | Ruth Collins
      For the sake of soldiers and their families, please cancel the screening of the Prince Harry kidnapping drama-documentaryLike Sir Jock Stirrup, I have deep concerns about the drama documentary featuring Prince Harry being captured in Afghanistan that is due to be aired on Channel 4 on Thursday. For people like me, who have close relatives in the armed forces serving in Afghanistan, the documentary makes a mockery of their role out there. Whether you agree or disagree with their continued presence, a fictionalised documentary about a hypothetical situation – a mockumentary if you will – does little to boost the image of British soldiers back home or pay tribute to their sacrifices. Indeed, it does quite the opposite.I have often been asked how I feel when my fiancé is deployed and it is not a feeling that is easy to describe. Whenever I hear something on the news about a soldier in Afghanistan, my whole body tenses as I pause to hear the reporter read out the name and regiment. Although the reality is that the next-of-kin is always informed before the news goes public, it is always a nerve-racking experience. First you feel the sense of relief when you know that it isn't your relative, this time, but then a wave of emotion and sadness washes over you as you pause to think of the family and friends who are now grieving.With 340 soldiers killed since 2001, it often seems as if a soldier dies every week, and we undergo the same emotional rollercoaster each time. This is not a game, and the documentary makers cannot possibly understand the sacrifices being made if they choose to dramatise a hypothetical event that would put many more lives in jeopardy.They should also spare a thought for Prince Harry. He spent 10 weeks serving in Afghanistan in 2008 before an agreed media b 兵士とその家族のために、ハリー王子誘拐ドラマ- documentaryLikeサージョックラップのスクリーニングをキャンセルしてください、私はチャンネル4で放送される予定であるアフガニスタンで撮影されてハリー王子の作品ドラマドキュメンタリーについて深い懸念を持っている木曜日

    • NATO secretary-general asks Italy to boost role in Afghan nation-building
      Visiting NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen asked Italy on Friday to increase its role in the Afghan nation-building mission by sending more military trainers in the country. Rasmussun held a round of talks with Italy's Head of State Giorgio Napolitano, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa ahead of the bloc's upcoming strategic reform. Critical issues discussed included Italy's strategic role in Afghanistan, Koso ... ベルルスコーニ客員NATOの事務総長アンダース応用した

    • Interview: Despite violence, political struggles in Iraq, development issues top UN's agenda
      News on Iraq continues to depict the country as a place covered under clouds of chaos, it tends to be forgotten Iraq is also a developing country that copes with a lack of basic education, extreme poverty, child mortality and other issues. The facts are straight forward: almost a quarter of Iraqis live in poverty, spending less than the equivalent of 2.20 U.S. dollars per person per day; 1.5 million displaced persons wait for help; more than half of Iraqi children do not complete their primar ... ニュースは、イラクでの混乱の雲カバー下で引き続きとして、国を描く、それがまっすぐである事実傾向がある

    • Are you smarter than an American on religion? | Richard Adams
      The average American only got half of the questions right in this quiz on religious knowledge. Can you do better?The Pew Research Centre recently surveyed Americans on their religious knowledge – and for a country where religion is so prominent, the results were surprising. Self-described atheists and agnostics out-performed every other group, barring Jews. According to Pew:Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups on a new survey of religious knowledge, outperforming evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants and Catholics on questions about the core teachings, history and leading figures of major world religions.On average, Americans correctly answer 16 of the 32 religious knowledge questions on the survey by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life. Atheists and agnostics average 20.9 correct answers. Jews and Mormons do about as well, averaging 20.5 and 20.3 correct answers, respectively. Protestants as a whole average 16 correct answers; Catholics as a whole, 14.7. Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons perform better than other groups on the survey even after controlling for differing levels of education.Part of the quiz is online and you can take it for yourself right here and see how you compare with Americans who took the quiz by gender, religious belief and education. A word of warning, at least three of the questions have an obvious US angle, making them tricky for non-Americans to answer. But what the hell.ReligionUS constitution and civil libertiesUnited StatesAtheismChristianityJudaismRichard Adamsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 平均的なアメリカ人は宗教的な知識でこのクイズ右の質問の半分を得た

    • Crude prices rebound on supply worries
      Crude prices rebounded on Thursday as a potential tropical storm could disrupt Gulf of Mexico production. The National Hurricane Center said that thunderstorms south of the Gulf of Mexico could become a tropical depression. Traders are concerned about the potential for interruptions in offshore production. On Thursday, the Conference Board said its index of leading economic indicators increased more than expected in August, which also boosted energy prices. Light, sweet oil for Novem ... 原油価格は生産をメキシコ湾の熱帯性暴風雨でした混乱させる潜在的な反発木曜日になる

    • Contractor: BP interfered with critical efforts
      METAIRIE, LOUISIANA - BP interfered with critical efforts to lower an undersea robot to try to close the device that failed to stop the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill because of concerns over heat buildup from the burning rig, a... _NULL_

    • Hundreds missing after Mexico mudslide
      OAXACA, Mexico - A hillside has collapsed on hundreds of sleeping residents in a rural Mexican community drenched for days by a hurricane and a tropical storm, killing at least seven and leaving at least 100 missing, disaster officials... オアハカ州、メキシコ - 丘の中腹には、農村部のメキシコのコミュニティハリケーンや熱帯暴風雨による日びしょ濡れで、居住者に眠って少なくとも7を殺害し、残して少なくとも100不足している、災害関係者を何百もの崩壊している...

    • Viva Mexico!
      On its 200th birthday yesterday, Mexico wanted its citizens - and the world - to forget its vicious drug war and remember the country's epic history, music, whimsical folk art and continuing crusade for wider prosperity and democracy.... その200歳の誕生日昨日、メキシコ国民を望んでいた - 世界 - その悪質な麻薬戦争を忘れて、幅広い繁栄と民主主義....の国の壮大な歴史を、音楽、気まぐれな民俗芸術と継続的運動を覚えて

    • Heavy rains threaten floods in Mexico
      The remnants of Tropical Storm Matthew dumped torrential rains on southern Mexico and much of Central America Sunday, threatening to trigger potentially deadly floods and mudslides across the already water-logged region. トロピカルストームマタイの残党はメキシコ南部の豪雨をぶちまけて、多くの中南米の日曜日、すでに水ログインして地域全体の潜在的に致命的な洪水や土砂崩れを誘発すると脅して

    • Jiangxi builds factory for Taiwan brand
      Construction of a new plant for the Taiwan-based food producer Tingyi(Cayman Islands) Holding Corp. has kicked off in the economic and technological development area in Nanchang City, east China's Jiangxi Province, according to a local official in Nanchang Friday. The construction is backed by an investment of one billion yuan (149.86 U. S. dollars) from the Wuhan Tingjin Food Co., Ltd. under the Tingyi group. The plant is expected to produce 500,000 tonnes of mineral water, and 1.5 millio ... 株式会社持株ケイマン諸島)(建設の新工場、台湾ベースの食糧生産ティンイー金曜日南昌の公。州応じて、ローカル江西地域の南昌市、中国東部の開発技術と経済のオフが始まった

    • Two Chinese from Taiwan injured in firing in Indian capital: TV
      Two Chinese from Taiwan were injured when two men shot at them at the historical Jama Masjid area in the Indian capital at 11:20 a.m. Sunday, said local TV channel CNN-IBN. Quoting police sources, the TV channel said the incident took place near a tourist bus parked at the site in Old Delhi. It is not known about the identity of the attackers. The two injured persons have been taken to Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Narayan Hospital, said the Press Trust of India. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$& ... 2つの中国は、台湾から日曜日の午前れた負傷時11時20分男性は、2つの歴史的ジャママスジッドエリアで撮影時にインドの資本、イブンによると、地元のテレビチャンネルCNNの-

    • Australian soldier wounded by IED in Afghanistan
      An Australian soldier is recovering in Afghanistan after he was wounded by an exploding roadside bomb, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) said on Saturday. According to a statement from the ADF, the soldier from the Special Operations Task Group suffered superficial wounds when the vehicle he was traveling in struck an improvised explosive device (IED) in northern Kandahar of Afghanistan six days ago. The wounded soldier was flown to a medical facility at Kandahar Airfield, but later relea ... された負傷で爆。沿道の爆発、彼は後のアフガニスタンでのオーストラリアの兵士が回復し、オーストラリア国防軍(ADF)は土曜日に語った

    • Strong quake in eastern Indonesia
      A strong, 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sunday off Indonesia's eastern Aru Islands, the US Geological Survey said. There was no immediate warning of a tsuanmi. 強力な6.0の地震は、インドネシア東部のとある諸島沖日曜日打った、米国地質調査所によると

    • Strong quake strikes eastern Indonesia: seismologists
      A strong, 6.0-magnitude quake struck Sunday in Indonesia's eastern Aru Islands, the US Geological Survey said. There was no immediate warning of a tsuanmi. 強力な6.0の大地震は、インドネシア東部のとある島の日曜日を打った、米国地質調査所によると

    • 6.9 quake hits Mexico
      MEXICO CITY - A powerful earthquake struck beneath Mexico's Gulf of California on Thursday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury.The US Geological Survey said the magnitude of the quake that hit at 11:53 a.m.... メキシコシティは - 強力な地震は、木曜日にカリフォルニア州のメキシコの湾の下に打た損害injury.The米国地質調査所の即時報告があった11:53ヒット地震の大きさがだと言わ...

    • Storm Karl threatens Gulf oil installations
      Tropical storm Karl struck Mexico's Yucatan peninsula Wednesday, heading toward oil installations in the Gulf before it was set to strike Mexico again, weather services reported. 熱帯低気圧カールは2009年には再びメキシコを取るように設定される前に、石油のインストールに向かって湾に向かって、メキシコのユカタン半島を直撃、天気予報サービスが報じた

    • Breakthrough over Pakistan border blockade
      Trucks bearing Nato supplies have begun flowing again across a critical border into Afghanistan as Pakistan ended a blockade that had raised tensions between Washington and key ally Islamabad.The trucks were rolling across the... トラックベアリングNATOの物資は、パキスタンは、ワシントンと主要同盟国のIslamabad.Theトラック間の緊張が全体転がしていた調達していた封鎖を終了したとして、アフガニスタンに重要な国境を越えて再び流れるように始めている...

    • South Sudanese urge world to honour referendum backing
      South Sudanese on Saturday welcomed support by world leaders for their upcoming vote on potential independence, but warned promises must be followed through on the ground.On Friday, US President Barack Obama and UN chief Ban Ki-moon led international warnings that votes must be held on time and without violence.But people in the southern capital Juba warned practical support must also be offered. 土曜日に南スーダンは、潜在的な独立性に彼らの今後の投票のための世界の指導者によるサポートを歓迎したが、約束は金曜日ground.On上で従わなければならないと警告したバラクオバマ米大統領、国連の責任者のBan Ki - moonは、投票が行われる必要があります国際的な警告を率いて時間とジュバは、実用的なサポートも提供される必要があると警告した南部の首都でviolence.But人なし

    • Dutch arts cuts – what the future looks like? | Tom Service
      The Hague is planning to axe a crucial classical centre, home to three orchestras. It could be a sign of things to come for usNews just in from Holland that could be be an omen for the UK after the comprehensive spending slash in a couple of weeks. The Dutch government has proposed that the Muziekcentrum van de Omroep in Hilversum – better known as the Netherlands Broadcasting Music Centre – be closed down. If the Dutch parliament passes the motion, it would mean the closure of a symphony orchestra, a chamber orchestra, the world's largest pop and jazz orchestra and a library.The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic is the Muziekcentrum's blue-riband ensemble: an orchestra with a proud history, a critically-lauded present and, with conductor Jaap van Zweden at the helm, what looked like a bright future. Their tour to Birmingham's Symphony Hall earlier this year brought plaudits in the papers and the realisation that there's much more to Dutch orchestral life than the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.The centre's Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic is one of the best in Holland as well, with Michael Sc。ønwandt as its chief conductor and strong relationships with Franz Brüggen and James MacMillan. The Metropole Orchestra – the Netherlands' equivalent of the BBC Concert Orchestra – is also in fine fettle, as is the Netherlands Radio Choir.The loss of these ensembles would be a massive bodyblow to Holland's classical scene, not to mention the hundreds of musicians and broadcasters who would lose their jobs, and would have a direct impact here as well. If you listen to Radio 3, you'll regularly hear all of these ensembles thanks to the links in place between Dutch radio and the Beeb. No longer, should they all disappear with a single stroke of a governmental pen.If you're moved, y ハーグは、3つのオーケストラに重要な古典的な中心部、家。斧を計画している

    • Skydiver guilty of rival's parachute murder
      Els Van Doren fell 1,000 metres to her death after Els Clottemans cut strings of parachute, Belgian trial heardA Brussels primary school teacher who sabotaged the parachute of a love rival and fellow amateur skydiver, causing her to plunge to her death, was found guilty of murder today.Els Clottemans, who is due to be sentenced tomorrow, faces a maximum penalty of life in prison for the killing of Els Van Doren, a 34-year-old married mother.The prosecution cited jealousy as a motive in the case, as Clottemans and Van Doren were romantically involved with the same man.The jury decided that Clottemans cut the strings of Van Doren's parachute, causing the main and emergency chutes to fail during a skydive.Both women, according to police investigators, were having affairs with their Dutch skydiving teacher, Marcel Somers. All three belonged to the Zwartberg parachute club in eastern Flanders.Clottemans was arrested within weeks of Van Doren's death in November 2006 and questioned after police discovered the two affairs.A court psychiatrist who examined her reinforced the prosecution case by finding her to be psychopathic, narcissistic and manipulative.A few days before the death, the two women were said to have been competing for attention at the instructor's home. Clottemans was rejected and sent to a sleeping bag in the living room where Van Doren, the wife of a Flemish jeweller, had left her parachute, according to the investigation.A few days later 12 members of the club flew over Flanders, with the two women supposed to link hands with Somers and another man in a skydiving quartet. Clottemans jumped too late, on her own.Van Doren fell more than 1,000 metres to her death, her last frantic attempts to activate her parachute filmed by the camera in her helmet.BelgiumDavid エルスClottemansは彼女が死に急落を引き起こして、愛のライバルと仲間のアマチュアスカイダイバーのパラシュートを妨害パラシュート、ベルギー試験heardAブリュッセル小学校の先生の文字列をカットした後エルスヴァンドーレンは殺人の罪を認め、彼女の死に1000メートルの減少明日言い渡されるためですtoday.Els Clottemansは、エルスヴァンドーレンの殺害のための刑務所での生活の最高刑に直面している、34歳の既婚mother.The検察側は、ケースの動機として嫉妬を引用Clottemansとヴァンドーレンは、ロマンチックと関係をもった、警察の捜査官によると、Clottemansは、メインおよび緊急シュートはskydive.Both女性中に失敗する原因と、バンドーレンのパラシュートの文字列を切ることを決定したと同じman.The陪審員に関与していたがオランダのスカイダイビングの先生、マルセルサマーズ

    • All the president's emails: Hillary Clinton, President Sebastien Pinera and Michelle Obama
      In a unique experiment in democratic transparency, Barack Obama – a BlackBerry owner, and the first American president to use email while in office – has agreed to copy G2 in on his otherwise highly confidential electronic communications. Each week, we present a selection from recent daysTo: Hillary Clinton Subject: Re: UK defence cuts I agree – totally uncool. A 10% reduction in Britain's defence budget would leave us without a valuable partner/potential scapegoat in Afghanistan. And we can't afford to make up the shortfall. So here's what you do: tell Cameron that any decisions on spending are entirely a matter for him, while doing that thing with your eyes that means there's going to be trouble if he doesn't cough up. If he doesn't take the hint, we'll issue another Europe-wide terrorist alert at the end of next week. Credible information, fully corroborated, yadda yadda yadda. Barack PS I read that British TV is showing a documentary about the Taliban kidnapping Prince Harry. When the hell did that happen? Was I on vacation? I guess it wasn't that big a story over here, but still, I like to be informed. To: President Sebastien Pinera Re: Subject: congratulations! As I said, nice work. You've earned yourself some serious political capital there, my friend. Spend it wisely. I hear you're meeting Cameron next week. He's an OK guy, pretty straightforward, although I sometimes get the feeling he's checking to see if I'm using the right fork. Just work from the outside in, and you should be fine. And don't forget to mention how much you admire the British military and the work they're doing in Afghanistan. He loves that. Warmly, Barack To: Michelle Obama Subject: Re: why do I have to go and make this stupid campaign speech? Because your approval ratings are at 7 民主的な透明性のユニークな実験では、バラクオバマ - BlackBerryの所有者、および最初のアメリカ大統領は在任中の電子メールを使用するように - 彼のそれ以外の場合は機密性の高い電子通信上でG2をコピーすることに合意した

    • How the British presence in Sangin restored trust in government
      The Taliban are still present in the region, but they are no longer conducting business as usualSangin should have been the easiest place in all of Afghanistan for the Taliban to hold. It is extremely isolated, and its people are incredibly impoverished, poorly educated and dependent on the narcotics industry. They have historically fiercely opposed any foreign presence (including Afghans from other parts of the country). Instead, thanks largely to the efforts of British troops, it is very much in play – if the Afghan government wants to look after it.In 2006, Britain's effectiveness in Helmand and Sangin was more than debatable. Isolated and sparsely populated Sangin was not a priority when the overall number of Nato forces in Helmand was absurdly low. But the situation there has improved markedly over the last year, and especially in the last few months, and the pressure Isaf forces in Sangin have absorbed has allowed more rapid progress to be made in central Helmand, which is more densely populated. It took the better part of four years to get the process moving, but British forces finally succeeded in getting more of the local population to believe in – and work with – the Afghan government. How?First, the continued presence of British troops in the district illustrated the fallacy of the Taliban's propaganda. Locals realised that UK forces were not out to murder them or take their land, but there to help. Second, the new governor Mohammed Sharif – who is literate and trusted by the population – has served as a legitimate interlocutor. British forces created the space for Sharif to govern effectively. In return, the locals have refused to blindly support the Taliban. Instead, they are engaged in a genuine dialogue with the Afghan government about what public service タリバンはまだ地域に存在しているが、彼らはもはやビジネスを行ってusualSanginは、タリバンの保持するために、すべてのアフガニスタンの最も簡単な場所をされている必要がありますとおりです

    • Allies take battle into Taleban heartland
      The final and critical phase of the offensive to clear Kandahar, the spiritual home of the Taleban, began yesterday with hundreds of troops carrying out an air assault on the main insurgent base in the region.The attack on the... 攻撃の最終的なものであり、重要なフェーズはカンダハルでは、タリバンの心の故郷、上region.The攻撃の主要な武装勢力の拠点に空爆を実施する部隊の何百もの昨日始まったオフにして...

    • Medical trips are new form of tourism
      LV handbags, Dior perfume and Leica cameras are on many tourists' shopping lists when they visit Asia, but what about a new liver or heart surgery during your summer break with the family? 左心室のハンドバッグ、ディオールの香水、ライカカメラは、多くの観光客のショッピングのアールは、彼らがアジアを訪問するときは何を家族と一緒に夏休み中に新しい肝臓や心臓手術について示しています?

    • Turkey's quiet revolution | Editorial
      Turkey is moving closer to Europe in its democratic standards and economic governance, which should be applaudedNothing can take place in Turkish politics these days without the opposite inference being drawn. A referendum on a package of 26 constitutional amendments won approval by a wide margin with a vote of 58% on a high turnout of 78%. The prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was undoubtedly right to claim that his reform package had got popular backing. And yet those who had predicted a tighter margin of victory continued to claim yesterday that the result was polarising. The amendments addressed a human rights agenda more than they did an Islamist one – they expanded the constitutional court and supreme board of judges, strengthened the rights to equality, privacy, collective bargaining and child protection, expanded the jurisdiction of the civilian court over the military one, and ended immunity from prosecution to the junta that ruled Turkey after the last coup in 1980. But still Erdogan's opponents claim that his real purpose is to exert more control over the judiciary himself. By changing the way the top courts are set up, the opposition argues that the ruling Justice and Development party (AKP) aims to bring them under its control.There is scant evidence for the fear that the AKP, once it is secure in power, could turn Turkey into a radical Islamist state and, for this reason, Erdogan's allegedly hidden agenda is always due to be enacted some way off into the future. The Turkish leader has changed his views on the EU and Nato, both of which he opposed in speeches in the 1990s, and he thinks democracy is a means to an end, not an end in itself. But rather than seeing dark designs in a leader who is both pro-European and a moderniser, it would be fairer to judg トルコは近いヨーロッパへのこれらの日反対推論が引き出されることなくトルコの政治を行うことができますapplaudedNothingする必要があります、その民主主義の基準と経済ガバナンス、進んでいる

    • Interfaith is no longer all talk | Stephen Shashoua
      Interfaith work allows people to break through old prejudices and get to know the actual person behind the stereotypeMost people would probably agree that trying to establish better relationships between people of different faiths and beliefs is very desirable, in particular in today's multifaith, multiethnic society. We have all seen what happens when those relationships are not working, with everything from inter-communal tensions to religious and far-right extremism rising to the surface. But fewer people have any concrete suggestions about how to actually go about improving the relationships. Interfaith work is a vital part of the solution, if it is done right.The days when interfaith was all talk are long gone. Organisations like ours, the Three Faiths Forum, now place emphasis on generating shared action between people from different communities – at all levels of society. We work with teachers and pupils, with artists and professionals, doctors and lawyers, political leaders in parliament and potential leaders still at university.Dialogue in the classical sense is still important, and we obviously want to see more religious and community leaders involved in interfaith initiatives – but we will not stop there.So this National Interfaith Week, instead of going the well-trodden route of sloganising the promotion of interfaith harmony, we've organised an interfaith arts festival. Not only have lasting collaborations been established between artists from Muslim, Christian and Jewish backgrounds, the festival allows the wider communities to see what co-operation across religious and cultural boundaries looks like in practice.With this artistic backdrop, there is a school-linking morning for faith and community schools taking part in our and Pears Foundation's faith-sch 異教徒の仕事は、人々は古い偏見を打破するため、おそらく様々な宗教や信念の人々の間のより良い関係を確立しようとして、今日の宗教的多様性のある、多民族社会のなかでも特に、非常に望ましいことに同意するstereotypeMost人の背後実際の人物を知ってもらうことができます

    • New Zealand plane on Antarctic mercy dash
      A Royal New Zealand Air Force plane was heading to Antarctica Tuesday on a mercy dash to evacuate a critically ill American from the US base at McMurdo Sound, officials said.The Orion aircraft set off from Christchurch early Tuesday after a blizzard that had prevented the near-4,000 kilometre (2,500-mile) flight for two days finally cleared, Antarctica New Zealand said.Details of the man's illness have not been released but an Antarctica New Zealand spokesman said he was believed to be in a serious but stable condition. ロイヤルニュージーランド空軍の飛行機が避難して慈悲ダッシュで南極火曜日に向かっていた批判マクマードサウンドでの米軍基地からのアメリカの調子が悪くて、職員said.Theオリオン航空機が妨げていた吹雪後早期火曜日クライストチャーチからオフに設定付近二日間-4000キロは(2,500マイル)の飛行最後に、クリア南極ニュージーランドがリリースされていない人間の病気のsaid.Detailsが南極、ニュージーランドの広報担当者は、彼が深刻だが安定した状態にあると信じられていたと述べた

    • Air China buys four jets from Boeing
      Boeing and Air China Tuesday announced an order for four 777-300ERs for a total price value of $1.1 billion at current list prices. Air China, the flag carrier of China, will use the airplanes to expand its international routes. The airplane can hold 365 passengers and fly a maximum of 7,930 nautical miles (14,685 km). &$&$Source: Global Times/Reuters&$&$ ... ボーイング社と中国国際航空火曜日は価格現在のリストで4 777億1.1価格の値$合計300ERsのための発表順序をエアチャイナは、キャリアの中国フラグ、ルート、国際展開のに飛行機をされます使用しています

    • It's really fun to be rich | Michael Tomasky
      I beseech you to watch this great and fantastically hilarious video that you can see by clicking right here. I am sorry that I can't seem to embed it, because I can't find the embed code. Anyway, it's a really funny send-up of certain contemporary American mores and personalities using footage from La Dolce Vita. Watch it before Fellini's heirs and assigns have it ripped down.The new text was written by Chris Lehmann, and the video promotes his upcoming book, Rich People Things. I cannot however in good conscience recommend the book, because author and publisher, both friends of mine, have not yet seen fit to send me my review copy!But hey, I will rise above that and tell you to keep an eye out for it. And after all, who among us had the courage to quit our jobs so we could denounce the death panels?United StatesMichael Tomaskyguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 私はあなたのビデオの場合はここをクリックして見ることができますこれと素晴らしい陽気な偉大な見て懇願する

    • Delhi faces threat of mass exodus from C Games
      The chaotic Delhi Commonwealth Games faced dire warnings Thursday of a mass pullout by teams as organisers worked frantically to save the event from disaster with just 10 days to go.Eight countries have written a joint letter to the Indian organisers, demanding a list of conditions covering security and hygiene be met or they will refuse to compete, the BBC reported without naming the nations. 主催者は、インドの主催者に共同書簡を書かれている国go.Eightするだけで10日、災害からのイベントを保存するために必死に働いていたのでカオスデリーコモンウェルスゲームがカバーする条件のリストを要求し、チームによる質量撤退の木曜日悲惨な警告を直面しているセキュリティと衛生が満たされているか、彼らは競争を拒否する、BBCは国に名前を付けることなく報告した

    • Abbott Plans 3, 000 Job Cuts Tied to Solvay Deal
      NORTH CHICAGO, Ill. (AP) -- Abbott Laboratories said Tuesday it will eliminate 3,000 jobs and take almost $1.3 billion in charges over the next two years as it integrates its Solvay pharmaceuticals business. ノースシカゴ、イリノイ州(AP通信) - アボットラボラトリーズは31日、3000の仕事を排除し、それは、ソルベー医療用医薬品事業を統合すると料金が次の2年間でほぼ13億ドルを講じなければならない

    • To Rouse the Obama administration | Poll
      With Rahm Emanuel set to leave the White House to run for Chicago mayor and Peter Rouse named as his likely successor, can a new chief of staff turn around President Obama's flagging political fortunes? ラームエマニュエルは、シカゴ市長に立候補するホワイトハウスを残して設定すると、ピーターラウズすることができます、彼の可能性が高いの後継者として名前のオバマ大統領の低迷政治生命の周りのスタッフのターンの新しいチーフ?

    • New to Nature No 20: Selitrichodes globulus
      The curse of the Eucalyptus globulusA new species of gall-inducing wasp, Selitrichodes globulus, has been discovered in Los Angeles County, California, attacking Eucalyptus globulus, among the most widely grown eucalypt in the world. Introduced into California in the mid-1800s, the tree has spread widely, earning it a place on the state's list of exotic plant pests. The extent to which the newly named wasp might help in biological control is yet to be established. Scientists are almost certain that the wasp is an invasive species introduced from its native Australia, although it has not yet been seen there. As human commerce increases, so too do incidents of introductions of foreign species. Quentin Wheeler is director of the International Institute for Species Exploration, Arizona State UniversityZoologyWildlifeAnimalsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 胆嚢はスズメバチをSelitrichodesグロブラス、誘導のユーカリglobulusA新種の呪いが世界で最も広く栽培ユーカリの間で、ユーカリグロブラスを攻撃して、ロサンゼルス、カリフォルニア州で発見されています

    • Politicians must disclose free tickets, California regulators say
      California's regulators has approved a new regulation requiring politicians to disclose on the Internet their receipt of free tickets to concerts and sporting events that they attend as part of their ceremonial duties, it was reported on Saturday. The state Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) approved the new disclosure rule late Friday amid public outcry over reports that Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa had not reported dozens of gift tickets to concerts, awards shows and ballg ... カリフォルニア州の規制当局が承認された)にコンサートやFPPCスポーツは、そのイベントを一部として、彼らが出席する義。儀式でした(委員会報告のプラクティス政治フェア状態土曜日

    • Letters: Humanitarians must talk to the Taliban
      Advice to aid agencies to seek a green light from the Taliban to work in zones under their control is hardly groundbreaking counsel (Afghan aid workers advised to seek permission from Taliban, 15 October). In any conflict situation, humanitarian organisations must negotiate access with the men with the guns.In order for humanitarians to reach the people trapped in the midst of conflict, all parties need to understand that they come with no political, religious or economic agenda – they are solely there to provide desperately needed assistance. But to generate that understanding, you need to talk. You need to talk to everybody regardless of the side that they take.In Afghanistan, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been talking to all sides – the Afghan, US, UK and other European governments, Nato, Isaf and opposition groups – and we are not the only organisation to do so. This is facilitated for MSF by the fact that we do not use any government funding in Afghanistan and rely solely on private donations. Through dialogue, we could access Helmand province and are now supporting one of only two functioning hospitals in the whole of southern Afghanistan.Humanitarians working in the most violent parts of the world always seek to maintain dialogue with the parties to a conflict – state or non-state, military or irregular. To do otherwise and make choices about to whom we talk would mean jeopardising our capacity to provide aid to those most in need.Marc DuBois Executive director, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) UKTalibanAfghanistanAidguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds アドバイスは、政府機関はほとんど(アフガン援助の労働者は、タリバンからの許可を求めることをお勧め10月15日)の助言を画期的な制御の下のゾーンで動作するようにタリバンから緑色の光を求めて支援する

    • So why do we need another religion website? | Jeremy Lott
      Because we can present the big picture well. And because religion is vital – serious and silly, scandalous and sublimeThis week, after some effort, the Real Clear family of websites births two new offspring: Real Clear Religion (RCR) and Real Clear Science. I am the editor of the first and associate editor of the latter. The Guardian was kind enough to ask me to write a few words on the pressing subject of: why another religion website?There are two ways of answering that question. The first, and easiest, answer is technical. Real Clear websites offer what we call intelligent aggregation. We are both high- and low-tech. Some parts of our websites are automated, but the main product that we offer readers is our judgment. We read many, probably far too many, emails and scour countless websites to give a growing audience what we believe to be the best information and analysis on a timely, manageable schedule.It's a tall order but I'd like to think we pull it off. Our flagship website, Real Clear Politics, is the daily cheat sheet for American politicos and political junkies of every party, as well as interested observers around the world. It does a reasonable job of corralling the whole of American debate into one place. No site really does that for religion, so it seemed like a good area to expand Real Clear.The other answer is a bit more philosophical, and uncomfortable. Narrow the question to: why religion?, and one is forced to drop any pretence and admit to being an interested party. That's me. I'm the son of a Baptist minister and a Catholic convert. While RealClearReligion.org is not a Catholic website or a Protestant website, or a Scientologist website for that matter, it does have a point of view.In my inaugural post on the website's blog, Casting Lots, I took a s 我々がよく全体像を提示することができるからです

    • The US can run on Google-power | Wendy M Grossman
      Google's investment in windfarms could be dismissed as another example of its ever-extending grasp – yet it will benefit us allThe western half of the United States has a deep-rooted distrust of government. The rich geeks of California especially, as Paulina Borsook documented in her 2000 book, Cyberselfish, have a snappish, libertarian relationship with it – even though the smooth roads, clean water and quality infrastructure they take for granted were provided by government funds, as were the beginnings of the technical base (computers, the internet) on which their businesses were built.It seems as though the richer and more successful the geek the more he believes he can do a better job allocating funds and building stuff than government can. And so we come to this week's announcement that Google is investing tens of millions of dollars in the Atlantic Wind Connection, on top of a prior $40m (£25m) investment in windfarms in North Dakota. The logic behind the Atlantic project: most of the US's population centres are along the north-east coast; transmission losses make windfarms in the midwest and beyond too distant to power those energy-hungry areas; there's lots of wind a lot closer just offshore in the Atlantic. But without cables in place to carry the electricity so generated to the existing power grid, what's the point of building windfarms? The investment Google and two other companies are making is aimed at getting that connection started, making the whole project more viable and therefore more likely to happen sooner rather than later.Obviously, this is not an investment that's going to benefit Google immediately – it will take years and billions of dollars before the project is complete. And it may never benefit the company directly by powering Google install まだそれは政府の根強い不信感を持って私たちは、米国の西半分をallTheの利益になる - ウィンドファームで、Googleの投資は、そのはこれまでに把。拡張の別の例として、解任される可能性があります

    • All aboard the Tea Party Express | Lloyd Marcus
      In 2008, an anti-Obama rally was four people in a field. This time, thanks to our political action committee, things are differentFour people attended our rally in a field in the dark with the headlights of our support vehicle illuminating us. This was one of the rallies on the 2008 Stop Obama national bus tour; my first with Our Country Deserves Better PAC (political action committee). The PAC recruited me for the tour after hearing me sing at a Gathering of Eagles troop support rally in Washington DC. Our team did its best, to no avail, to warn America about the charismatic false messiah of hope and change.Long before I joined the team, Our Country Deserves Better PAC had been touring, in RVs back then, fighting the good fight for conservatism. Character is doing the right thing when nobody is watching. After the Our Country Deserves Better PAC's three hugely successful Tea Party Express tours, with hundreds of thousands in attendance, now the whole world is watching. Tea Party Express has become an extremely powerful voice for We the People/Tea Party Patriots.I am honoured to be associated with the PAC because of its character-driven decisions and backbone. Yes, we have been criticised from both sides of the aisle and even by some folks in the middle. But, I take refuge in the knowledge that all decisions by the PAC are made based on how best to further the conservative agenda. When the criticism becomes intense, I remind our leaders and strategists, eagles fly alone. Beginning 18 October, we launch Tea Party Express National Bus Tour IV: Liberty at the Ballot Box. I am so looking forward to being stuck on a bus in cramped quarters, riding for hundreds of miles between three and four rallies per day, very little sleep, spotty meals, possibly losing my voice… again, a 2008年には、抗オバマ集会は、フィールドの4人だった

    • Glee's GQ photo shoot betrays the spirit of the show
      Terry Richardson's pictures of Dianna Agron, Lea Michele and Cory Monteith aren't just bad taste – they're against Glee's whole ethos of inclusionGlee's latest magazine photo shoot, featuring Dianna Agron, Lea Michele, and Cory Monteith for American GQ , has prompted a huge online reaction online. Mostly for the wrong reasons. The images, by photographer Terry Richardson, are overtly, cheesily sexy. Website Jezebel summed it up with the headline: Terry Richardson Makes Glee All Porny and they have a point. The pictures are also amazingly sexist. Monteith, who plays Finn, is wearing approximately 10 times more clothing than both of the women, who are draped over him like fancy accessories. Michele and Agron both sport gloopy, Day-Glo make up, and the occasional manic grin doesn't stop the whole thing appearing to be devoid of both humour and imagination – even more so when compared with the clever brilliance of the show they are promoting. (Agron has posted an interesting response to people's reactions on her blog.)It's perhaps not surprising to find these kind of images in a men's mag, but the pictures are baffling when considered alongside the ethos of the show. Women as decorative props for male consumption? Really, Glee? Really?The idea of inclusion is at the heart of Glee. I love the show for the central message that you don't have to be a jock or a cheerleader to be OK; you can be gay, disabled, fat, or an obsessive-compulsive guidance counsellor and still find acceptance, friendship and love. Don't these pictures portray the exact opposite sentiment, depicting precisely the kind of exclusive, narrow physical ideals the show dismisses with such glorious aplomb?The cast members in this shoot are the three most conventionally attractive actors in the show. It's alm ダイアナAgron、リーMicheleさんとCory Monteithさんのテリーリチャードソンさんの写真だけで悪趣味されていない - 彼らはアメリカの赤道ギニアのダイアナAgron、リーミシェル、とCory Monteithさん作品、inclusionGleeの最新の雑誌の写真撮影のグリーの全体の精神に反対している、求めている巨大なオンラインの反応を買う

    • Kevin McCarthy obituary
      Elegant and charming supporting actor with more than 200 credits over a 70-year careerKevin McCarthy, who has died aged 96, notched up more than 70 years as a working actor on stage and screen, with more than 200 film and TV credits. However mundane the material, it was usually enhanced by his lazy charm and natural elegance, his intriguing baritone voice and unconventional good looks – all attributes that might well have led him down the political path of his cousin, senator Eugene McCarthy. As it happened, he preferred to play politicians rather than be one.He received his first screen credit in Laslo Benedek's version of Death of a Salesman (1951). McCarthy had previously played Biff, one of Willy Loman's disillusioned sons, in the London production of Arthur Miller's play, in 1949. By the time of the movie, he was a youthful-looking 37, with considerable stage experience. Resuming the role of Biff, he held his own against the awe-inspiring performances of Fredric March as Willy and Mildred Dunnock as Willy's devoted wife, Linda. All three actors received Oscar nominations.McCarthy was born in Seattle. He and his siblings, Mary, Preston and Sheridan, were raised by relatives after their parents died from influenza in 1918. (Mary McCarthy later became a celebrated critic and author of novels including The Group.) His enthusiasm for the theatre was sparked while studying at the University of Minnesota.He made his Broadway debut in 1938 in the play Abe Lincoln in Illinois, and then served with the military police during the second world war. McCarthy married the actor Augusta Dabney in 1941. He first appeared on screen in an uncredited role in George Cukor's patriotic Winged Victory (1944). Despite his success in the film version of Death of a Salesman, a few years エレガントな200以上の映画やテレビのクレジットと、舞台や映画に取り組んで俳優として70年以上交流ノッチ70年careerKevin以上も200クレジットで死亡した96歳マッカーシー、魅力的な脇役

    • Everyone can have many stars
      During the past few decades, economic globalization and free trade and investment have moved forward the world’s economic growth and the progress of the human beings’ commercial civilization. Today,the world economy has arrived at a new historical crossroad. Climate change, shortage of resources, environmental deterioration, slow economic growth, unemployment, geopolitics, area conflicts and social unrest, global financial crisis, emerging trade barriers, and so on…. people tend to ... 投資時に過去数十年間、経済のグローバル化と自由貿易と文明商業。。u0026#39;は移動前方世界人類の経済成長と進歩を、今日、世界経済は交差点の歴史の新しいている到着時

    • After the Pakistan floods: Punjab
      Declan Walsh, the Guardian's foreign correspondent for Afghanistan and Pakistan, visits southern Punjab, the country's farming heartland, to see how one young politician is aiming for economic - and political - changeDeclan Walsh 政治 - - changeDeclanウォルシュデクランWalsh氏は、アフガニスタンとパキスタンのガーディアンの外国人特派員は、南部のパンジャブ州は、国の農業中心地、一人の若い政治家は経済を目指している方法を参照してくださいへの訪問

    • Crisis and recovery: the cultural roots of the financial collapse | Rowan Williams
      The questions of the financial crisis aren't just economic • Rowan Williams will be taking part in a debate on these issues tonight. Post your questions to the panel in the thread below and watch live on this page from 6.30pmWhen we all started to become aware of the financial crisis at the end of 2008, all kinds of new conversations started up. People began to ask what are the roots of this crisis? Not just the financial causes, but what are the cultural roots of it? How did we get to a situation where we took for granted that certain kinds of behaviour were to be rewarded, never mind the failure or devastation they left in their wake? We woke up to the fact that a great deal of our economic life seemed to be based on, well, nothing very much really, except the exchange of currencies and speculations.So in the months that followed the first wave of the economic crisis many of those conversations began to happen. They happened between people who were studying ethics and even theology, as well as economics. They happened among people who were involved in business and the Financial Services Authority. They happened in the pages of various journals and newspapers; and as a result of some of those conversations, this book has come into being: Crisis and Recovery, published by Palgrave Macmillan.Among those who have contributed to the book there are some people involved in those worlds that I've just mentioned: in the Financial Services Authority, in academic economics, in the actual business of business, as well as people commenting from a broader political, cultural and moral perspective. We have working politician's here, as well as people working in the financial sector.The questions that the book leaves us with are, I think, primarily these: What kind of culture have we 金融危機の問題は単に•ローワンウィリアムズは、これらの問題は今夜の議論に参加する経済ではありません

    • Kasparov v Karpov: the inside story
      Kasparov's third book on his chess battles with Karpov reveals much about this clash of titansKarpov-Kasparov, Linares 1991. How does Black to play save himself?DK: A cartoon once depicted the arch-rivals Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov as wizened elderly men sitting on a park bench, still animatedly discussing chess variations, and it is this image that comes to mind while reading Kasparov vs Karpov 1988-2009 (Everyman Chess £30), the latest volume in Kasparov's increasingly grandiose series, and my final nomination for our book of the year.This is the third tome Kasparov has devoted to their games, and reflects how much thought the former world champion still gives to his bitter rivalry with Karpov. The two Ks played a total of 167 serious games against each other, locked in combat for hours and hours and devoting even more time in preparation for these encounters. Perhaps it is no surprise that, in spite of their differences, this stressful intimacy created a curious symbiosis, evident from Kasparov's descriptions of their sometimes lengthy postmortems: who else can they turn to if they want to work through these games?This is a serious book and it deserves serious attention. Every one of their encounters between 1988 and 2009 is documented in detail, practically every move and thought analysed, not just in terms of the game itself, but with reference to their past meetings, so that following the annotations is sometimes like looking into a hall of mirrors. In previous volumes the analysis has been offset by a compelling narrative away from the chessboard, with the shadow of Soviet politics above their every move. This time Kasparov mainly focuses on his struggle with Fide, and at times my eyes glazed over. There is too much self-justification. Kasparov is at his s カルポフと彼のチェスの戦いのカスパロフ氏の3番目の本はtitansKarpov -カスパロフ氏、リナレス、1991年のこの衝突について多くを明らかに

    • Letters: Migrants still face abuse in detention
      The death of an Angolan man during his deportation (Report, 14 October) is tragic, but not surprising. Although this is the first death during deportation since Joy Gardner in 1993, the Institute of Race Relations has documented 13 deaths during deportations across Europe since 1991. In the UK, the government's accelerated deportation programme has been accompanied by widespread allegations of the disproportionate use of force, as well as medical neglect in removal centres, documented the IRR and by groups such as Medical Justice.The accelerated deportation programme is Europe-wide, and we have documented 38 asylum- and immigration-related deaths across Europe in the past 18 months alone (including suicides). Eleven people died in situations where medical neglect is alleged, and one man, Joseph Chiakwa, died during his deportation from Switzerland. In 2006 the chief inspector of prisons, Anne Owers, said that in certain detention centres, people awaiting deportation were treated like parcels. More deaths in detention or during deportation are the inevitable outcome of policies which place a premium on removal at the expense of humanity.Frances WebberVice-chair, Institute of Race Relations• In May 2009 thousands of long-serving Gurkha veterans finally won the right to settle in the UK, including two Victoria Cross winners. That victory was only possible because our legal fight on behalf of these veterans – many on pensions of between £28 and £110 a month – was funded by legal aid. It was a bitter and public battle that went all the way to the floor of the House of Commons, where the government lost on an opposition day motion, the first time this had happened in 31 years. Many of these ex-soldiers, all with long and loyal service, are now living and working in Britain, m 彼の国外退去時にアンゴラ人の死は(レポート10月14日)、悲劇的ではなく、驚くべきことである

    • More power to conservative Democrats | Michael Tomasky
      I was struck by Vicious Misanthrope's little anecdote in the previous thread:Yesterday I went to a couple of my local working-class guys to get them to put Manchin signs up in their yards.They've always supported Joe strongly in the past.Not now.Both gave the same reason---he supported the health care bill, and they are going to be forced to take health insurance or the government will be after them.And there was no use in arguing the point with them unless you just wanted to burn bridges or something stupid.Well, let's see. First of all, if it does end up that these gentlemen have to buy insurance, it seems to me likely there will come a day when they're glad they have it. But one can't really expect them to see that now, I suppose.In the nearer term, there is no denying that Democrats in tough states and districts are running away from healthcare and the bailouts and Obama, and politically they have to. Here we have Jonathan Weisman in today's Wall Street Journal:DOYLESTOWN, Pa.—Rep. Patrick Murphy, a fresh-faced rising Democratic star and loyal backer of President Barack Obama's agenda, is facing the fight of his life in a suburban Philadelphia district Mr. Obama won easily two years ago.Across Pennsylvania, another Democrat, Rep. Jason Altmire, is competing in a district Republican John McCain took by a wide margin. Mr. Altmire is running away with it, by running away from the president.In their contrasting fates lie broader lessons for the coming midterms: Live by the president and you could die by the president. Democrats who have been thorns in the president's side are doing well in some of the toughest districts for their party, from Alabama to the steel belt of western Pennsylvania. But swing-district Democrats who have voted with the president in Congress are 私は以前のスレッドでヴィシャス孤客 - ミザントロオプの小さな逸話に感銘を受けた:昨日私は彼らが常にpast.Not強くJoeをサポートされている交流のyards.They。。u0026#39;VEのManchin記号を入れて得るために私の地元の労働者階級の人のカップルに行ってきましたnow.Bothは同じ理由を与えた---彼は医療の法案を支持し、彼らはあなたの場合は単に一緒にポイントを問答無用があったthem.And後にされる健康保険や政府を余儀なくされるとしている、ブリッジか何かのstupid.Wellを燃やすのは、見てみましょう思った

    • Multiculturalism has failed: Merkel
      German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been a long-time opponent of xenophobia.Now, however, she appears to be embracing it, for reasons of political expediency.Merkel has branded Germany's attempts to build a multicultural society... ドイツのアンゲラメルケル首相は、xenophobia.Nowの長い時間相手をされているが、彼女は多文化共生社会を構築するために、ドイツの試み烙印を押され政治expediency.Merkelの理由は、それを受け入れるように見えます...

    • WWF Living Planet map of ecological footprints worldwide
      A global map of the relative ecological footprint per person in 2007 2007年には一人あたり相対的なエコロジカルフットプリントの世界地図

    • John Wagstaff obituary
      My former colleague John Wagstaff, who has died aged 92, was one of the earliest medical officers to be parachuted into France and to cross Pegasus Bridge on D-day. A member of the 6th Airborne Division, he saw action in the Ardennes and participated in the crossing of the Rhine. He then served in Palestine, experiencing the attack on the King David hotel on 22 July 1946.Perhaps what best demonstrates John's self-effacing character is an incident in the Ardennes recorded by his fellow serviceman LJ Carrier. It relates to a time, early in 1945, when the German advance had been halted, but they sought to cover their retreat with defensive minefields.While attempting to cross one such minefield carpeted in fresh snow, a member of the patrol of 22nd Independent Company Paras was severely injured when treading on a mine. The corporal in charge sent for medical help and a mine detector, and then set out to aid the wounded man. In doing this, the corporal was injured, as were two of the RAMC medical orderlies who arrived subsequently to help. Thus, four men with severe leg injuries were now lying trapped in a deadly minefield hidden under snow.It was at this stage that John arrived. After ordering no one to follow him, he entered the minefield, treading in the footprints left by the wounded men, and tended to each in turn. John then remained with the furthest man, until all the mines in the vicinity had been located. Mines were discovered on each side of the wounded men, including one directly behind John. Through his courage, the casualties survived.John was born in London, at Haberdashers' Aske's school, where his father was headteacher. He read medicine at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and did his clinical training at the London hospital, graduating in 1942. Six months later 92歳で死亡した私の元同僚のJohnワッグスタッフは、最古の医官の一人がフランスにパラシュートにD -当日ペガサス橋を渡っていた

    • Bob Woodward up to his old tricks in infiltrating presidencies
      Veteran reporter combines journalistic talent with star appeal to gain access to White House regimes and produce bestsellersThis week's fair bet at the bookies: Bob Woodward's latest insider tale from the White House will effortlessly sail its way into the bestsellers list. After all, every one of his past 15 books have done so, a record 11 of them as number one non-fiction bestsellers.How he came to occupy that enviable position is a story of exceptional journalistic ability combined with star power. He began as the other half of the legendary Carl Bernstein-Bob Woodward double act that played a leading part in blowing open the Watergate scandal and evicting President Nixon from the White House.His gargantuan success as an author followed directly from that. The first number one bestseller, and still the best known, was All the President's Men, written with Bernstein and published in the immediate aftermath of Watergate.Woodward's genius has been to turn the celebrity he gained from Watergate – not least Robert Redford's portrayal of him in the film adaptation of the book – into unprecedented political access. Over the past 20 years he has developed his own brand of White House fly-on-the-wall.His initial effort was with the first George Bush presidency, in The Commanders (1991). Bill Clinton got the Woodward treatment in The Agenda (1994) and was said to have been mightily upset by its portrayal of his chaotic administration.The second George Bush had to endure no fewer than four Woodward books. The first two were lambasted by some for being starry-eyed towards the Bush team and for having swallowed spoon-fed material, including erroneous claims about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, from the likes of Donald Rumsfeld. Woodward, his reputation some ホワイトハウスからボブウッドワードの最新インサイダー物語は簡単ベストセラーリストにその方法を航行する:ベテラン記者がホワイトハウスの政権へのアクセスを得るために、ブックメーカーでbestsellersThis週の公。賭けを生成するスターの魅力とジャーナリスティックな才能を兼ね備えています

    • Gold prices – the highs and lows since 1971
      After gold reached a new high today, here is a timeline of gold's trading historyGold hit a new peak of $1,282.75 an ounce today, boosted by demand from investors looking for a safe haven amid continuing uncertainty over the outlook for the world economy.Here are some key dates in gold's trading history since the early 1970s:August 1971 – US president Richard Nixon takes the dollar off the gold standard, which had been in place with minor modifications since the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 and fixed the conversion rate for one Troy ounce of gold at $35.August 1972 – The US devalues the dollar to $38 an ounce of gold.January 1980 – Gold hits a record high of $850 an ounce, as investors pile into bullion prompted by high inflation due to strong oil prices, the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and the impact of the Iranian revolution.August 1999 – Gold falls to a low of $251.70 on worries about central banks reducing their gold reserves and mining companies selling gold in forward markets to protect against falling prices.October 1999 – Gold reaches a two-year high at $338 following an agreement to limit gold sales by 15 European central banks.February 2003 – Gold soars on safe-haven buying in the run-up to war with Iraq.December 2003 – January 2004 gold breaks $400, reaching levels last traded in 1988. Investors increasingly buy gold as risk insurance for portfolios.November 2005 – Spot gold breaches $500 for the first time since December 1987, when it hit $502.97.12 May 2006 – Gold prices peak at $730 an ounce with investors pouring money into commodities on a weak dollar, firm oil prices and political tensions over Iran's nuclear ambitions.14 June 2006 – Gold plummets to $543 from its 26-year peak after investors and speculators sell out of commodity positions.2 J 金は、新しい高今日、ここに達した後、金の取引のタイムラインhistoryGold $ 1,282.75オンスの新しいピークを迎え、今日、投資家からの需要により安全な避難のための世界economy.Hereの見通し以上の継続的不確実性の中で探してブーストはいくつかのです1970年代初めから金の取引の歴史の重要な日付は:1971年8月 - 米大統領リチャードニクソンのゴールドスタンダードオフ、これブレトンウッズ協定1944年以来、マイナー変更のある場所にされていた1トロイオンスのコンバージョン率を固定ドルかかる投資家は金の延べ棒、高インフレに強い原油価格、に起因するプロンプトが表示さに重ね、米国が38ドルgold.January 1980オンス - 金は記録的な$ 850オンスの高いヒットし、ドルを切り下げ金$ 35.August 1972での - ソ連アフガニスタンでの介入は、イランrevolution.August 1999年の影響 - 金251.70ドルの安値を中央銀行の金準備と鉱山会社を前方市場で金を売。削減への懸念にprices.October 1999年落下を防ぐために落ちる - ゴールドに達する2年間338ドルで合意15欧州中央banks.February 2003 - Iraq.December 2003実行までの戦争で安全な避難所の買いゴールド急上昇 - 2004年1月金は$ 400中断、到達レベルでの金売却を制限する次の高最後に1988年にトレードされた

    • America's new wonder: a record-breaking bridge
      America's greatest technological achievement, the Hoover Dam, now has a soaring companion piece, a massive looming bridge held up by the longest arch in the Western Hemisphere.The Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, which opened this month and connects the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada, spans the vast chasm 890 feet above the Colorado River that is controlled by the dam. アメリカの最大の技術的成果は、フーバーダム、現在の高騰の仲間の作品を、今月オープンし、接続する米国西部Hemisphere.Theマイクオキャラハン-パットティルマンメモリアル橋で最長のアーチによって開催された大規模な迫り来る橋がアリゾナ州とネバダ州の州にまたがるダムによって制御されるコロラド川の上の広大な溝890フィート

    • Galleon Wiretap Application Comes Under Scrutiny
      The outcome of a hearing on wiretap evidence will be critical to the Galleon hedge fund insider trading case and could have broad implications for the government's ability to pursue illicit trading on Wall Street. 盗聴の証拠についての意見聴取の結果は、ガレオン船のヘッジファンドのインサイダー取引の場合に重要になりますウォール街の不正取引を追求する政府の能力の広範な影響を与える可能性があります

    • Money movies a capital bore
      Topical or what? Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps opened about the same time as rogue trader Jerome Kerviel was jailed for three years and ordered to pay €4.9 billion (HK$53.5 billion) in damages for almost bringing down Societe Generale. 局所または何ですか?ウォール街は:マネー眠らない、3年間投獄された不正なトレーダージェロームKervielさんとほぼ同時期にオープンし、ほぼソシエテジェネラルを停止させるための損害賠償€4.9億円(香港53500000000ドル)の支払いを命じた

    • Costa Rica will pay the price for cheap fruit | Felicity Lawrence
      Environmental laws remain weak and have barely kept up with an industry that has seen explosive growth and huge foreign investmentWhile making our film about the pineapple industry in Costa Rica, I interviewed the buyer of one of the major European supermarket chains, who wanted to remain anonymous(they usually do).He was worried that the most intense production of pineapples is based in Costa Rica's flat Atlantic region where the humidity is highest and pests on the monoculture plantations are the most troublesome. They need more pesticides there than the farms in the hilly, more windy area further west, but without the same economies of scale and with the extra distance from the port, it's more expensive to produce where the environmental cost is lower.When it came to growing bananas, he wasn't sure Costa Rica was even the right country from an environmental point of view. The humidity of the region meant that 54 agrochemical treatments are typically needed in a cycle compared to only 14 or 15 in parts of Ecuador where the climate is less favourable to the sigatoka fungus that is ravaging the crop around the world.Agrochemicals are an issue for pineapples too. Clearing old pineapple plants after harvest so that you can replant the next crop again is done fastest and mostly cheaply with very high doses of paraquat. Paraquat is banned in Europe because it is so acutely toxic. Some Costa Rican plantations avoid it – notably those with Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade certifications, but they then have to plough in the old stalks and wait for the plant matter to decompose. Time is money and if no one will pay a premium for your efforts, it's harder to justify.Other environmentally beneficial techniques don't come cheap either: buffer zones between the edge of plantations 環境関連の法律は、弱いままかろうじてコスタリカのパイナップル産業についての私達の映画を作る爆発的な成長と巨額の対外investmentWhile見ている産業界との交流続けている、私は匿名のままにしたいヨーロッパの主要スーパーマーケットチェーンのいずれかのバイヤーにインタビュー(彼らは通常ありません)

    • Leaving the door open on migration | Ike Anya
      The UK government needs to recognise one-way migration has little relevance to the aspirations of African health workersAt medical school in Nigeria they trained us to be the best: the best surgeons, the best physicians, the best doctors. Our professors spoke glowingly of their time at Harvard, at Guy's. Yet five years after graduation, having worked in urban and rural hospitals in Nigeria, I was frustrated. Frustrated by the mismanagement of the meagre resources available, the numerous avoidable deaths, the limited opportunities for training and development, the irregular pay. I was stagnating, losing my skills and focus. Like many before me I faced a decision: to continue to struggle to build up a faltering health system; to seek professional opportunities elsewhere; or to leave medicine.I chose to leave Nigeria. I didn't plan to migrate permanently but the opportunities in the UK were too great and going home seemed the wrong choice. Four years after arriving I hoped to move back and work for a year. I found it hard in the UK and missed home. But the pathway was inflexible and it felt too risky. If I returned there was no way to tell whether I would get stuck in the same rut that forced me to leave. Moving back permanently just seemed too daunting: too much of a gamble.Nine years on and I still feel guilty and question my decision. I want to help but I don't want to lose my job to do it. With a friend I started a blog, Nigeria Health Watch, and the Nigerian Public Health Network, but it takes all the time I have. I wish it were easier for me to share my skills. It seems all or nothing with migration. You either stay or you go. Very rarely can you reach a middle ground.This is a mistake. Giving African health workers in my position the flexibility to share our skills, 英国政府は、一方向への移行を認識する必要があるアフリカの保健workersAtの願望に少しの関連性をナイジェリア彼らは私たちは、最高:最高の外科医、最高の医師、最高の医師に訓練を受けた医療学校しています

    • Ukraine bus crash kills dozens
      Crowded bus collides with train while crossing tracks near MarhanetsA crowded passenger bus collided with a train in eastern Ukraine today, killing 40 people and leaving 11 critically injured, police said.The interior ministry said the crash happened outside the town of Marhanets, in the Dnipropetrovsk region, when the bus attempted to cross the track, ignoring a siren that indicated an oncoming train.Railway officials said all the casualties had been on the bus.The president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, declared a national day of mourning and the prime minister, Mykola Azarov, ordered his government to pay the families of the dead 100,000 hryvna (£9,100) each.Azarov also instructed transport officials to install automated crossing gates at all the country's railway crossings to prevent cars, buses and trucks from ignoring the siren.Road and railway accidents are common in Ukraine, where roads are in poor condition, many vehicles are badly maintained and drivers and passengers routinely disregard safety and traffic rules.UkraineRoad transportguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 電車で混んでいるバスが衝突MarhanetsA混。旅客バス近くの交差点のトラックが40人を殺害し、11を残して批判的に負傷し、東部のウクライナ、今日の列車と衝突しながら、警察は内務省は、クラッシュがドニエプロペトロフスクでは、Marhanetsの町の外起こると言いましたsaid.The地域、バスは対向train.Railway当局は、全ての死傷者がウクライナ、ヴィクトルYanukovychのbus.The社長にされていたと述べた示さサイレンを無視して、トラックを横断しようとしたときに、喪のナショナルデーと首相を宣言、ミコラAzarov、彼の政府は死ん100000 hryvnaまた、輸送の関係者はサイレンを無視してからの車、バス、トラックを防ぐために、すべての国の踏切で自動化されたクロスゲートをインストールするよう指示(£ 9100)each.Azarovの家族の支払いを命じた

    • Video: 40 dead in Ukraine crash
      The Ukrainian prime minister, Mykola Azarov, tells of carnage after a crowded passenger bus collided with a train in eastern Ukraine. At least 40 people have died and 11 are critically injured. The crash happened near the town of Marhanets, in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The bus driver ignored a siren that indicated an oncoming train and attempted to cross the track ウクライナ首相は、ミコラAzarov、東ウクライナの列車と衝。混雑旅客バス後の大虐殺に指示します

    • Science Weekly podcast: The Beagle Project; Hubble at 20; and Arabic science
      Nell Boase is Lady Science this week ...All the way from Maine, Dr Karen James joins us in the studio to tell us about The Beagle Project, which aims to recreate the ship in which Charles Darwin sailed on his world-changing voyage of discovery. Karen is also a huge space fan and will watch the penultimate shuttle launch as part of Nasa's tweetup. She also tells us about getting a call on her mobile phone from the space station. Best ever revellation on the podcast: Karen tells us the dialling code for space. Guardian science correspondent Ian Sample is in the studio to ask Karen about her thoughts on the future of Nasa. As the Hubble space telescope reaches the age of 20, we take a closer look at what it has achieved. Giles Sparrow runs us through some of its greatest hits in his book Hubble: Window on the Universe. We have prepared a beautiful audio slideshow to go with this interview. Despite Arabic science helping shape the scientific method, theoretical physicist Jim Al-Khalili discusses what's holding it back today. His new book is called Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science. Prof Al-Khalili is also chairing a special lecture at London's Royal Albert Hall this week with Stephen Hawking. Subscribe for free via iTunes to ensure every episode gets delivered. (Here is the non-iTunes URL feed).Meet our crack team of science bloggers:The Lay Scientist by Martin RobbinsLife and Physics by Jon ButterworthPunctuated Equilibrium by GrrlScientistPolitical Science by Evan Harris Follow the podcast on our Science Weekly Twitter feed and receive updates on all breaking science news stories from Guardian Science. Email scienceweeklypodcast@gmail.com. Guardian Science is now on Facebook. You can also join our Science Weekly Facebook group. Listen back through our archive ネルボースは今週...すべての方法がメインからの女性科学は、博士がして、Karen Jamesさんは、チャールズダーウィンは、彼の世界を変える旅に出航した船を再現することを目的とビーグルプロジェクトについて教えて、スタジオで私たちを結合する発見

    • Trapped Chilean miners at high risk of depression, warn doctors
      After two months of isolation and darkness, experts warn of risk to the men's mental health after their rescueFor two months the trapped miners in Chile have endured 90% humidity and intermittent supplies of food and water, while having to clear part of the mine shaft to ensure their imminent rescue runs as smoothly as possible.In terms of physical health, the men have done well, taking part in an exercise regime designed to improve their fitness in preparation for the gruelling one-hour trip that each one will soon take back to the surface.But the mental health of the trapped miners is a different issue. Doctors have warned that depression is a serious risk in the wake of the long period of isolation and constant darkness that the men have been through. Extended periods of darkness interrupt the circadian rhythm, the day-night cycle which controls human body clocks. As a result, the miners may experience intense fatigue similar to that felt by travellers suffering from jet lag.To counteract this, LEDs designed to represent sunlight have been sent down the mine to trick the miners' body clocks back into something resembling normal operation. Magazines, bibles and journals have also been sent down through supply tubes, as well as a communal iPod with speakers and a video camera for the men to record messages for their families. A request for cigarettes was accepted after an improvement in the mine's ventilation was achieved.Some demands have been turned down; iPods with personal headphones were rejected because of fears they may isolate the men from one another and reduce the feeling of togetherness that has proved so valuable to their survival.The intense boredom suffered by the miners has also concerned medics, and a fibre optic projector has been sent down to screen m 分離と闇の2ヵ月後、専門家がrescueFor後に男性の精神的健康への危険を警告する坑道との明確な部分に持ちながら、チリの捕捉された鉱山労働者は、湿度90%、食料や水の断続的な供給を耐えてきた二ヶ月その身近な救助は、物理的な健康のpossible.In条件としてスムーズに実行されることを確認、男性はそれぞれがすぐに戻って取ることが厳しい一時間の旅行の準備のために自分の体力を向上させるために設計された運動政権に参加して、よくやったsurface.Butがトラップされた鉱山労働者の精神的健。別の問題です

    • Integrated household survey: how religious is your area?
      The ONS integrated household survey gives a unique breakdown of Britain's religious attitudes, ethnicity and health. Get the figures for your area• Get the dataIf you want to know the state of Britain, the Office for National Statistics' flagship Integrated Household Survey is a good place to start.With typical timing, the report has come out the week after the Pope's visit to the UK. But nevertheless, it's an enormous survey: some 450,000 respondents asked questions about their beliefs, sexual identity and health. Besides the findings which show that 1.5% of the population is gay, it includes lots of other details:• 71% their religion is Christianity• 4% say their religion is Muslim• 21% have no religious affiliation• Slough has the highest level of religious belief in England - 93% - whilst Brighton and Hove has the lowest at 58%• Inverclyde has the highest level of religious affiliation in Scotland at 92%• Flintshire has the highest level of religious affiliation in Wales at 81%It also provides an interesting breakdown of ethnicity and health. Are there any links between any of the datasets - between good health and religious belief, or high ethnicity and high religious belief? Here are some completely unscientific findings:• 33% of Blaenau Gwent is in poor health, the highest percentage of people in the UK. Only 67% have a religious affiliation, one of the lowest rates in the country• Slough, besides having the highest religious percentage in the country also has a very high number of people in good health - 81%Do those two figures tell us anything meaningful?Although the report is published as a PDF (of course), the ONS has given us the spreadsheet of results and you can download them below. What can you do with the data?Download the data• DATA: download the full のONS統合世帯調査は、英国の宗教意識、民族と健康のユニークな内訳を提供します

    • Luxury summit confirmed
      Media services provider China Decision Makers Consultancy will hold the Inno-luxury Summit in Shanghai from Nov 18 to 19. The event will focus on utilizing technological innovation to accomplish design, communication and retailing objectives for luxury brands. The summit will also feature a product showcase, jewelry exhibition, an awards ceremony and a banquet &$&$Source:China Daily&$&$ ... メディアサービスプロバイダ、中国の意思決定者のコンサルティングは、19年に上海から11月18日サミットの豪華なイノホールドされます

    • UN chief pledges continued support for Kyrgyz recovery
      UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday assured President of Kyrgyzstan Rosa Otunbaeva of the continued support of the United Nations for rehabilitation, recovery and reconciliation in the Central Asian nation in the wake of the crisis that erupted earlier this year. The assurance came as Ban and Otunbaeva were meeting on the sidelines of the general debate of the UN General Assembly, which opened here on Thursday morning. During the meeting, Ban and Otunbaeva discussed the political ... 総長潘基文は木曜日長官国連今年以前の危。噴出流の中央アジアの国保証大統領のキルギスRosaで、回復と和解リハビリ国の米国のOtunbaevaサポートの継続

    • Film review: The First Movie
      Mark Cousins' documentary about taking films to an Iraqi village – where none of the children have seen one before – makes for entertaining and uplifting film, says Peter BradshawPart documentary, part interactive educational project, this is an entirely admirable film by Mark Cousins. He took a camera crew to Goptapa in Kurdish northern Iraq, which was targeted by Saddam's horrendous chemical bombardment in 1988, and set up a film projector in the village; then he invited all the local children to a free showing of family movies, some well-known, some less so: Spielberg's ET, Lamorisse's The Red Balloon, the German fairy-tale The Singing Ringing Tree. Afterwards, Cousins distributed digital mini-cams and asked them to go away and make short films of their own. The results are stunning. Some interview their parents and grandparents about the terrible day of Saddam's attempted genocide; others unselfconsciously create myths and stories which have nothing to do with it. Cousins himself has a gentle, ruminative style, entirely different from the cynicism of most journalism. It is heart-on-sleeve stuff and I found his idealism inspiring.Rating: 4/5DocumentaryIraqPeter Bradshawguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 子供たちの誰も前に1つを見たことがある - - イラクの村に映画を撮影についてマークいとこドキュメンタリーは楽しまや映画の高揚になります、ピーターBradshawPartドキュメンタリーは、部分的にインタラクティブな教育プロジェクトは、このマークカズンズによって完全に立派な映画であると言います

    • Nigeria gold rush: toxic quarry
      How traditional farming methods have been abandoned in the rush for gold in Nigeria's Zamfara stateIn recent years a mini gold rush has swept through remote parts of Zamfara state, in the arid Sahel region just south of the Sahara, encouraging entire communities to abandon their traditional farming and herding activities. Crushed ore from quarries was typically transported in sacks back to villagers' homes, where the men and women ground it down by hand to search for tiny pieces of gold as their children played at their feet. Returns from selling the gold to traders were modest, but better than from farming, and the work, illegal but tolerated by the authorities, was easier.But late last year various villages began sourcing ore from a new deposit that also contained very high levels of lead. During grinding, lead particles were released into the air and dust in and around people's homes.Contaminated waste material, also heavy in lead, was disposed of haphazardly nearby, contaminating soil and water sources.NigeriaHealthXan Riceguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 伝統的な農法は、近年、ナイジェリアのZamfaraのstateInで金メダルのラッシュに放置されている方法ミニゴールドラッシュの伝統的な農業を放棄して、コミュニティー全体を奨励し、すぐ南のサハラ砂漠の乾燥サヘル地域では、Zamfara状態のリモート部分を席巻しているや活動を放牧

    • Giorgio Torraca obituary
      He helped preserve the Sistine Chapel and the Leaning Tower of PisaThe Italian conservation scientist Giorgio Torraca, who has died aged 83 of complications from pneumonia, was a brilliant chemist and teacher who devoted his career to the preservation of historic buildings, monuments and archaeological sites. He helped co-ordinate international responses to the flooding of Florence in 1966, was consultant from 1992 for the cleaning of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, and was a member of the committee for the stabilisation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa (2004-09).A frequent visitor to Britain, Torraca gave technical advice concerning the Rose theatre archaeological site, near Shakespeare's Globe theatre on the south bank of the Thames in London. In the 1990s, an office redevelopment was redesigned to allow continuing access to the remains of the Rose theatre beneath it. Up to his final illness, he was working as a consultant on the Herculaneum Conservation Project run by the British School at Rome, and advised the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles on research to improve grouts to consolidate friable historic frescoes.Torraca was born in Padova, northern Italy, the son of Vincenzo Torraca, a journalist who became a longstanding impresario at the Eliseo theatre in Rome. His mother was president of the Italian Women's Union. Giorgio graduated from Rome University with a degree in chemistry in 1950 before taking his master's at the Case Institute of Technology (now Case Western Reserve University) in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1953.He undertook postgraduate work in the engineering faculty at Rome University until 1958, and during this time became a consultant to the renowned Istituto Centrale per il Restauro in Rome. Here, he found himself in a powerhouse of 彼は、肺炎による合併症の83歳で死亡したシスティーナ礼拝堂とPisaTheの斜塔イタリア保全科学ジョルジョTorraca、保。助け華麗な化学や歴史的建造物、モニュメントや遺跡の保全に彼のキャリアを捧げ教師だった

    • Let's learn from Portugal's renewable energy policy | Syma Tariq
      Unlike the UK, Portugal has harnessed its natural resources to produce energy that is clean, safe and domestically controlledAs Peter Beaumont recently wrote in the Observer, the British government has been looking to Portugal for new thinking on drugs policy. Lisbon has embarked on an unconventional but integrated approach – involving its health, local government and social care institutions – to treat abuse and addiction without focusing on criminality. The UK is now asking for advice, wanting to learn from Portugal's achievements.There is something else that Britain can learn from one of its favourite holiday destinations, and that is a similarly integrated approach to renewable energy – particularly in terms of solar, wind and hydropower.Of course, Portugal's energy industry benefits from a favourable climate. That climate is one of many reasons I relocated here, with its abundance of warm weather, beautiful beaches, and proximity to nature. Lisbon is sun-scorched for half the year, while London gets hysterical for 30 days of summer.But, even if the weather is bad most of the time, the UK also has its own favourable conditions. It has 10 times more coastline and benefits from plenty of wind throughout the year. If Portugal can increase its reliance on green electricity from 17% to 45% in just five years, our own leaders have little excuse for our measly 3%.There is no denying that renewable energy is expensive – it is a common complaint here in Lisbon, where residents have seen their electricity bills rise nearly 16% in the last five years. But as the initial investment expense decreases, and as the nature of fuel-free energy sources entails little maintenance costs, prices will plateau and eventually decrease.Meanwhile, British households have also faced a big rise 英国とは異なり、ポルトガルは、天然資源を、清潔、安全であり、国内ピーターボーモントは最近、オブザーバーは、英国政府のポルトガルへの麻薬新思考のためのポリシーを探している書き込みcontrolledAsエネルギーを生み出すに利用さています

    • Petronas eyes US$4b IPO for chemicals group
      Petronas Chemical Group is looking to raise as much as US$4 billion in a Malaysian initial public offering (IPO), exceeding earlier estimates of over US$2 billion, as it hopes to tap strong global investor demand for Asian stocks. それはアジア株式の強力なグローバル投資家の需要をタップすると考えているようペトロナス化成グループでは、米国の20億ドル以上の以前の推定値を超えて、マレーシアの公募で(新規株式公開)を、米国の4000000000ドルあまりを調達しようとしている

    • Georgian economy grows by 6.6 pct in first half of 2010
      Georgia's real gross domestic product (GDP) has grown by 6.6 percent in the first half year in 2010, the country's statistical office Geostat reported on Tuesday. The Geostat figure was higher than the country's prime minister 's prediction. Georgian Prime Minister Nikoloz Gilauri said in late August that Georgian economy would grow by between 5.5 percent and 6 percent in the first half of 2010. Real GPD, however, grew by 8.4 percent in the second quarter and the growth in the first quarter o ... ジョージアの実質国内総生産(GDP)2010年上半期で6.6パーセントで成長してきた、国の統計局はGeostat報じた

    • I give up | Michael Tomasky
      Here's the single most depressing poll result in history, from CNN/ORC, flagged by Mark Halperin:The Republican PartyToo extreme 36%Generally mainstream 58%Mixed/Neither (vol.) 4%No opinion 3%The Democratic PartyToo extreme 42%Generally mainstream 53%Mixed/Neither (vol.) 3%No opinion 2%The Tea Party MovementToo extreme 43%Generally mainstream 41%Mixed/Neither (vol.) 6%No opinion 10%Conducted Sept. 21-23, error margin 3 points.So here we have a party that is attempting to dismantle the legal and governmental structure of the state as it has existed in the US for in some cases 45 years, in others 75 years, or in still others a century; a party in its soul despises the separation of church and state, which goes back 230 years; a party whose official, for-the-record document this year hardly even acknowledges that non-white Americans exist; et cetera. And it is less extreme than the other party?I know you're all going to get into arguments, and all our conservatives are going to point out the alleged radicalisms of the D's, listing things like trying to do something about climate change, as if that's radical. Interestingly by the way, over at Wonk Room, they wrote the following a couple of weeks ago:Remarkably, of the dozens of Republicans vying for the 37 Senate seats in the 2010 election, only one — Rep. Mike Castle of Delaware — supports climate action. Even former climate advocates Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) now toe the science-doubting party line. If Castle loses his primary on Tuesday to Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell, the GOP slate will be unanimous in opposition to a green economy.Castle, of course, lost. So there we are. And that's the more mainstream party? This shows how far the center of gravity of US politics has shifted, how dra ここではマークハルペリンが付きます

    • Primary results | Michael Tomasky
      I'm traveling today, taking the kid out to see her grandparents in California for the first time, but I did want to scribble down these quick thoughts.I know that the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee issued a rather icy statement about Christine O'Donnell's win in the Delaware Senate primary, which indicates that she's probably not going to get much money from them. And I know that liberals are happy, as her win gives Chris Coons a far better chance to take the seat in November.But if this were a football game, this is exactly where the coach would warn his players, don't get cocky, as we call it in the US (strutting, like a cockerel, presumably). Coons is not exactly a household name. He's a county executive. Yes, Delaware has only three counties, and the one over which he executes is by far the largest in population terms (I know it's the rules and it's fair, but isn't it just a little weird that O'Donnell won the nomination with just 30,000 votes, in a whole state?). So he has a base. And voter registration figures in the state have moved dramatically in the Democratic direction over the past decade, from a 45,000-enrollee advantage to one of about 100,000. That's a lot of votes in that state, and Coons should win on it alone.Whatever the official GOP does, O'Donnell is going to get massive money and time from tea party people around the country. Doesn't take much money to run in that state anyway. You do have to buy some air time in the Philadelphia market, which is expensive, but the state is small enough that you can drive it in 90 minutes, so you can meet every single voter if you want to.I also think liberals are going to go overboard in making fun of her view that masturbation equals adultery, as Rachel Maddow did last night. Believe me, a nice-looking 私は今日、初めてカリフォルニアの祖父母を見て子供を出して旅行んだけど、私はこれらの迅速なthoughts.Iをシャット走り書きしたいか、共和党上院選挙委員会には約はなく、氷の声明を発表知っているクリスティンオドネルの彼女はおそらく、彼らから多くのお金を得るつもりはないことを示しますデラウェア上院プライマリで勝つ

    • Sarah Palin and the Tea Party - running wild? | Editorial
      Is the Tea Party movement going to take over the Republican party, or is the GOP establishment made of firmer stuff?Republicans who see themselves as contenders for the 2012 presidential campaign have yet to declare their hand, defying the trend that the race starts earlier and earlier. Their hesitation in firing the starting gun is as much strategic as political. No one on the right of American politics yet has an answer to the central question dominating their thinking: is the Tea Party movement, which only a year ago was loose and inchoate, going to take over the Republican party, or at least drag it along the tracks to the libertarian right? Or is the GOP establishment made of firmer stuff and about to stage a centrist fightback?Two events this week may provide further indicators. The first is the Republican primary in Delaware tomorrow, where a candidate whom Republicans have branded a fraud and a liar could give the establishment favourite a run for his money. Christine O'Donnell's campaign against the incumbent Mike Castle got a last-minute boost from Sarah Palin, who has been scattering her endorsements like confetti, sometimes to little effect. The race in Delaware has quickly heated up, with O'Donnell denying (but at the same time repeating) a claim that her rival was gay, and Castle putting out an ad alleging that O'Donnell owed income tax, was sued for unpaid bills by a university, and defaulted on her mortgage. If O'Donnell upsets the apple cart, it will be put down, again, to the Palin effect and O'Donnell will be joining the ranks of Sharron Angle in Nevada, Rand Paul in Kentucky and Joe Miller in Alaska in beating establishment candidates. Not all of Palin's picks have been Tea Party candidates. In Arizona she paid her dues back to the man who plucked he 共和党を引き継ぐことになるコーヒー党の動きは、なのか堅いもので作られた共和党の確立である

    • The Boss: The Dangers of Silence
      A clinical psychologist leads a foundation that encourages Rwandans to share their stories from the time of genocide. 臨床心理学者は、ルワンダの虐殺の時から彼らの物語を共有することを奨。基盤をリードしています

    • Body Shop deserves respect for putting human values above a quick buck | Jonathan Glennie
      In ditching a supplier that displaced 123 families in Colombia to build a palm oil plantation, Body Shop struck a blow for dignityThe Observer reported at the beginning of the month that the Body Shop has pulled out of a supplier in Colombia on ethical grounds. This is a story about a company doing the right thing. It started a year ago when Christian Aid contacted the Observer to tell them a Body Shop supplier had just kicked 123 families off their land in order to burn down all the crops and trees to make a huge palm plantation. As Christian Aid's country rep in Colombia, I was personally involved in the case. I visited the displaced farmers and we hosted them in the Christian Aid office regularly. They were some of the most dignified people I have ever met, battered on all sides by an ongoing armed conflict and now displaced by a company that simply did not care what happened to them. The impact of the Body Shop's decision will be felt by these farmers and their families, as they continue to fight for a return to their land, and it will inspire farmers all over Colombia who will see that campaigning can lead to change. Throughout Christian Aid's engagement in this case, the big unknown was what the Body Shop would eventually decide. We knew the facts of the case, and we were confident that, when the Body Shop had them at its disposal, it would do the right thing. But the decision will have been difficult for them financially. Daabon, the Colombian company, has until now supplied the Body Shop with the majority of its palm oil, which it uses for its flagship product, soap. It is not all that easy to find new suppliers when you have extensive ethical guidelines, and I am sure some of the top executives sitting in the boardroom last week were arguing not to sever ties. dignityThe Observerは、ボディショップは倫理的な理由でコロンビアのサプライヤーから引き出され、その月の初めに報告されたため、コロンビアの難民123家族がパーム油のプランテーションを構築している業者を捨てでは、ザボディショップは打撃を打った

    • Rosemary's Baby: No 2 best horror film of all time
      Roman Polanski, 1968Roman Polanski's first Hollywood feature was an adaptation of Ira Levin's bestseller, and its success launched a trend for devil-baby, evil-kiddy and satanic pregnancy movies that extended well into the 70s. The novel was first recognised as potential film material at proof stage by low-budget horror entrepreneur William Castle, who ended up as the producer and had a fleeting cameo in the film as a man smoking a cigar outside a phone booth.According to a (probably spurious) film-making legend, Polanski, having never before adapted a novel, didn't realise he was allowed to make changes, with the result that his screenplay is remarkably faithful to Levin's book. Mia Farrow, best known for her role in the TV soap opera Peyton Place and as the wife of Frank Sinatra (who served her with divorce papers during the shoot) played Rosemary Woodhouse, a nice Catholic girl who with her husband Guy (John Cassavetes), a struggling actor, moves into an apartment in The Bramford, an old New York block with a sinister history. (The exteriors were filmed outside the Dakota building on Manhattan's Upper West Side, where John Lennon would later be shot dead.) Ruth Gordon and Sidney Blackmer play Minnie and Roman Castavet, the nosy neighbours from hell – and that's even before we find out they're satanists. Gordon won a best supporting actress Oscar, the only Academy Award for a horror movie until 1991's The Silence of the Lambs. The film works on multiple levels – as a supernatural thriller (though explicit paranormal elements are limited to a hallucinatory dream sequence and the final shot of the baby's eyes), as a psychological thriller about a paranoid pregnant woman who imagines herself at the centre of a conspiracy, and as the last word in marital betrayal, since t ロマンポランスキーは、1968Romanポランスキーの最初のハリウッドの機能と、アイラレヴィンのベストセラーの適応され、その成功は、1970年代に入っても拡張、悪い子どもと悪魔のような妊。映画悪魔の赤ちゃんの傾向を開始した

    • Syed Mohammed Naseer obituary
      My father, Professor Syed Mohammed Naseer, who has died aged 81, was a teacher and leftwing thinker of unwavering commitment. Though he spent most of his life in Pakistan, he was born in Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh, south of India's border with Nepal. When independence and partition came in 1947, he was a student in the nearby city of Kanpur. The following year he became general secretary of the All India Students Federation, the student wing of the Communist party of India (CPI).In 1949 he became a CPI activist and was jailed till 1953, when he gained a BA as a private candidate. He then took an MA in economics, despite what one of his teachers pointed to as his three disqualifications – being a Muslim, a Shia and a communist. Syed left for Pakistan in 1955, and married Nargis Katoon. He was appointed a lecturer at Sindh College of Commerce, Hyderabad, that year, and in 1966 principal of New Aligarh College, in Tando Adam, to the northeast of the city. Further posts followed in Karachi, Sindh's – and Pakistan's – largest city, and in 1982 Syed gained a master's in education at Alcorn State University, Mississippi. After reaching normal retirement age, he continued to teach at universities in Karachi until the age of 80.India regarded him as a diehard revolutionary, and would not grant him a visa to return until 1999. The chief security adviser commented that a professor who had turned 70 could scarcely be considered a threat, which made his visit the subject of great newspaper and television interest.Syed wrote articles for the Pakistani press, and was popular in literary and scholarly circles, particularly with young writers. He regretted that the country was developing in ways that made literature less appealing to students, and that discouraged the political activism 81歳で死亡した私の父は、教授サイードモハメッドNaseer、教師と揺るぎないコミットメントの思想家を左翼

    • Investors talk up bonds on political gridlock
      Bond investors are looking back to the last time a Democratic president lost control of Congress and concluding, like then, that gridlock in Washington is good news for Treasuries. 債券投資家は民主党の大統領は、議会のコントロールを締結し、負けるような最後の時間を探している、ワシントンにいる交通渋滞は、米国債にとっては朗報になります

    • 4-Dozen Ships Wait for Houston Channel to Reopen
      It will take three days to clear a traffic jam of four dozen ships after an electrical tower teetering over the Houston Ship Channel is removed and the crucial waterway reopens late Tuesday, the U.S. Coast Guard said. それはヒューストンシップチャネルを介してぐらついて電気塔が削除され、重要な水路が再開日遅くから4ダースの船の交通渋滞をオフにして三日かかりますが、米沿岸警備隊は、と述べた

    • A year after Guinea massacre, culprits still free
      One year after the massacre of 157 people in Conakry, no army official suspected of taking part in the killings has been brought before a court in Guinea, which is still riven by political divisions.On September 28, 2009, a peaceful rally organised by the opposition in Conakry's biggest stadium, was bloodily suppressed by junta troops, leaving 157 dead, hundreds of women victims of sexual violence and over a thousand injured.Both the United Nations and the International Criminal Court said acts committed on that day constituted crimes against humanity. コナクリ、まだ2009年9月28日政治divisions.Onによって引き裂かれギニア、主催平和集会には、裁判所に訴えの提起がされている殺害に参加している疑いのあるも軍関係者は157人の大虐殺1年後コナクリの最大のスタジアムで野党は、血まみれになって残して、軍事政権の軍隊によって抑制された157死んで、性的暴力の女性数百人の犠牲者、国連や国際刑事裁判所は、その日にした行為は、人道に対する罪を構成すると述べた千injured.Both以上

    • Israeli PM warns Palestinians over unilateral action threats (3)
      In 1993, the Oslo peace deal between the PLO and Israel enabled the creation of the PNA and established a nominal autonomy. Today, the PNA doesn't see Israel committed to the two principles of the agreement: mutual and common cooperation when implementing the deals on the ground. Therefore, the PNA doesn't have a legal and political mandate in the territories it rules, Majdalani said. However, the Israeli prime minister tried to allay cabinet security concerns over any potential Israeli ha ... イスラエルと有効になって確立公称PNAの作成をPNAは、今日自律性を

    • Drug maker eyes void left by rival
      Diabetes drug maker Guangzhou Zhongyi Pharmaceutical Company is hoping to capitalize on bad press rival GlaxoSmithKline got recently over safety issues surrounding its popular diabetes medicine, Avandia. Guangzhou Zhongyi's product, Xiaoke Pills, a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, targets local diabetes sufferers drawn to traditional medicines, said Zou Qi, the firm's marketing director. Liu Zhilong, a doctor specializing in treating diabetes at Guangdong Hospital o ... 糖尿病薬メーカー広。忠義製薬会社は、描。患者をローカルの目標、西洋医学中国や糖尿病、従来の組み合わせは、悪評のライバルグラクソスミスクラインなった最近で安全性の問題周辺の人気の糖尿病治療薬で、Xiaoke製品をアバンディア広。忠義の丸薬に期待して活用され医薬品への伝統的な所長ゾウQiは、企業のマーケティング劉Zhilongは、病院oを広東省で糖尿病の治療に医師が専門...

    • Ecuador police mutiny censorship
      Last week's mutiny by police in Ecuador resulted in injuries to more than 20 reporters and the imposition of TV and radio censorship. In the course of a 12-hour crisis hundreds of officers took over police barracks across the country in protest at cuts to their benefits.After declaring a state of emergency, the country's president, Rafael Correa, ordered TV and radio stations to interrupt their programming to carry state news broadcasts. It meant that citizens were unable to receive balanced information from an independent media at a critical time, said Freddy Barros, editor-in-chief with the TV station Ecuavisa.At least 22 reporters and photojournalists were attacked, threatened, or harassed as they covered the police rebellion, according to the Quito-based group press freedom group Fundamedios. Sources: CPJ/RSFJournalist safetyEcuadorPress freedomGreenslade on Latin AmericaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds エクアドルの警察が先週の暴動は、20以上の記者、テレビやラジオの検閲を課すことへの傷害をもたらした

    • Stop the torture in Pakistan's prisons | Owen Watkins
      The case of Naheem Hussain and Rehan Zaman, subjected to horrific abuse in a Pakistani prison, is far from uniqueThrough its work defending British Pakistanis facing the death penalty in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, Reprieve has become increasingly alarmed and shocked at the frequency of stories of abuse at the hands of Pakistan's police. There is no more perfect example than that of the case of British Pakistanis Naheem Hussain and Rehan Zaman, who, after more than five years in prison without trial, have suffered excruciating torture in Dadyal police station and Mirpur prison and are currently facing execution. Their case is based on an extremely weak complaint to the police (known as a First Instance Report or FIR) and confessions beaten out of both men.Torture techniques inflicted on victims such as Naheem and Rehan include falaka (foot whipping with a rod or cane), the pulling out of fingernails with pliers, the rubbing of hot chillies in eyes, endless beatings with sticks, and an excruciating practice called strapado, where the victim is hung by the wrists from the ceiling until the shoulders dislocate. The abuse is often so severe that police tire in their duties of kicking and beating detainees and are rotated, allowing them to recoup their lost strength. Each policeman comes armed with sticks, broom handles or bamboo canes.Unfortunately, most instances of torture are not reported. Police abuse appears to be so common in Pakistan that it has been accepted as the norm, even though Pakistan has formally pledged to end these practices by signing the UN Convention Against Torture and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Save for the occasional news story, many people outside the British Pakistani community show little interest in these issues. Som パキスタンの刑務所でゾッとするような虐待を受けるNaheemフセインとRehanさんZamanさんの場合は、uniqueThroughから遠くパキスタンとアザドカシミールで死刑に直面しているイギリスのパキスタン人を守るため、その作業は、執行猶予がますます心配になっているとショックを受けての話の周波数でパキスタンの警察の手で虐待

    • 100 killed in protests in India-controlled Kashmir
      The civilian death toll in police and paramilitary shooting on protesters across Indian- controlled Kashmir Saturday crossed the 100 mark with the killing of another youth. The killing took place in Anantnag town, 60 km south of Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir. Police spokesman said the youth was part of a violent mob which tried to ransack house of a pro-Indian political party leader in curfew-bound area . Locals denying the police claim said police and I ... 死者の警察民間カシミール土曜日制御インドの準軍事的な撮影がでデモ、若年者殺害の別のマークを100渡った

    • Tropical storm Paula hits Havana
      HAVANA - Tropical Storm Paula brought winds and heavy rain to the Cuban capital today.The storm turned some low lying streets into shallow rivers, bent palm trees and sent waves crashing against the city's famed Malecon sea wall,... ハバナ - トロピカルストームポーラは浅い川、曲がったヤシの木にいくつかの低地通りになってキューバの首都today.Theの嵐風と雨をもたらし、市内の有名なマレの海の壁に砕ける波を送って、...

    • Time for the Cuban travel ban to go | Stephen Wilkinson
      The US has stalled over moves to end the nonsensical travel ban on Cuba. But with reform afoot in Havana, the time is ripeOf all the misguided policies that the US has towards Cuba, perhaps the most nonsensical, counterproductive and downright hypocritical is the travel ban. Cuba is the only country in the world that Americans cannot visit. Under the current restrictions, brought in by George W Bush, only Cuban-Americans and, through a complex licensing regime, a few businessmen, journalists, students and academics can travel to Cuba. Because tourism is not allowed, 99% of their compatriots just can't go. Quite why the citizens of what is supposed to be the bastion of freedom should be not be free to travel wherever they choose is a question that not even the supreme court has adequately addressed. It's a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and makes the US call for human rights in Cuba ring very hollow. The US is the only nation in the world with a Cuba travel ban. If it believes it appropriate to ban Americans from visiting nations that have a deplorable human rights record then why doesn't the US declare dozens of other countries off limits? Americans are free to visit China and Saudi Arabia, as well as Iran, Syria and North Korea – so why not Cuba?According to opinion polls, most Americans and, indeed, even Cuban-Americans are now in favour of ending the travel ban and the overwhelming majority of Cubans I have known – of all political stripes, including dissidents – have wanted the US travel ban ended, too.So you'd think it a no-brainer. But you'd be wrong.As this summer opened, it looked as though the United States was going to have a new policy. Two bills were making steady progress through congress, either of which would effectively remove the 米国がキューバに無意味な渡航禁止を終わらせるための動きでストールしている

    • What Castro really means | Richard Gott
      Apparent U-turns have led some to declare Cuba's revolution dead. It has life in it yet, howeverThe ever-surprising island of Cuba has come up with some fresh economic measures this week that pose the question: is this the end of socialism? For President Raúl Castro to sack half a million state employees, and then allow his brother Fidel to hint to an American reporter from the Atlantic that the country's economic model is not working, suggests that there is certainly something significant in the pipeline. But this is not the end of the revolutionary dream, nor is it a simple rectification of policy, of which there have been many over the years. It is, more importantly, the start of a major new programme, long-awaited. How it should be ideologically defined remains to be seen.Everyone who lives in Cuba and those who follow Cuban affairs closely know that the existing economic model has not been working well. It hardly needs Fidel to spell this out. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union 20 years ago, which deprived the island of its principal model and benefactor, the Cuban authorities have improvised brilliantly, breaking every rule in the rulebook, both socialist and capitalist. Tourism has replaced sugar as the country's principal earner of foreign currency. Collective farms have been broken up. Hundreds of thousands of people now work on their own account, soon to be joined by half a million others – or possibly more.The outlines of the new programme are still barely visible, but will become more so in the months to come, as an embryonic private sector begins to re-emerge. In 1968, at the height of the Prague Spring, Fidel shut down all small enterprises, as well as cafes, bars and nightclubs, accusing them of fostering a counter-revolution. Havana and Cuba's o 見かけのU -ターンはいくつかのキューバ革命の死を宣言につながっている

    • Letter: Tackling road deaths
      The World Bank agrees that traffic deaths and injuries in poor countries are far too high (Road death toll soars in poorest countries, 13 September). In 2005 we established the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) to increase funding and technical assistance, and our work with it since then has helped to reduce fatalities and injuries. Most World Bank road projects today have road safety components included; setting specific legislative targets to reduce road trauma is becoming the norm. In Kenya, the GRSF is implementing the Northern Corridor Road Safety Initiative to save lives. While the GRSF has been endorsed by recent UN road safety declarations, there is still much work to do, which is why we are actively collaborating with other multilateral development banks to support the UN Road Safety Decade of Action (2011-20).Marc JuhelSector manager, transport, World BankRoad transportUnited NationsWorld Bankguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 世界銀行は、交通事故は、負。貧しい国ではあまりにも(最貧国のロード死者が急上。年9月13日)の高されていることに同意します

    • China to reform housing price statistical methodology
      The National Bureau of Statistics has finished the formulation of a rudimentary plan for the reform of housing prices statistics, bureau spokesman Sheng Laiyun said on Sept. 11. The housing regulation has achieved considerable effects, he said. The growth rate of housing prices in China's 70 large and mid-sized cities has been declining for 4 consecutive months. In August, property prices in first-tier cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hangzhou, were lower compared with th ... 局の統計国家統計価格の住宅改革プランの基本的なの策定が終了すると、局スポークスマン盛Laiyunは9月11日と述べた上で、住宅の規制は効果がかなりある達成、と彼は言った

    • Australia's ACCC warns banks against signaling interest rates intention
      Australian banks signaling their intentions about interest rate movements could almost be anticompetitive behavior, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) said on Friday. The banking industry on early October has signaled increases in mortgage rates above and beyond official rates. According to Business Spector, the four major local banks, which control more than 80 percent of the home-loan market, have then become the target of a political campaign aimed at curbing thei ... レートの変動金利の意図をについての彼らのオーストラリアの銀行は、シグナリング)できる情報基盤センターはほとんどが反競争的な行動、オーストラリア競争消費者委員会(との見方を示した

    • Chechen separatist leader Akhmed Zakayev arrested in Poland
      Russia demands extradition of UK-based Zakayev after Polish police arrest him in WarsawRussia today demanded the extradition of the London-based Chechen separatist leader Akhmed Zakayev after Polish police dramatically arrested him at a conference in Warsaw.Zakayev – who was granted political asylum by Britain in 2003 – was detained early this morning on his way to see the Polish prosecutor. He had flown into the Polish capital from London to attend a Chechen People's Congress.Zakayev is the most high-profile surviving Chechen separatist leader from the 1990s, when he served as deputy prime minister in the quasi-independent government of Aslan Maskhadov. The British court decision to give him asylum on the basis he might be tortured back in Russia infuriated the Kremlin, and contributed to the slump in UK-Russian relations.Russia's prosecutor general today confirmed he was urgently sending evidence to his Polish counterpart of Zakayev's alleged involvement in terrorist activities. Russia had issued a warrant via Interpol for his arrest, and has been seeking his return to Russia for nearly a decade.Last year Chechnya's Kremlin-installed president, Ramzan Kadyrov, encouraged Zakayev to return home, and apparently offered him a job as arts minister.Zakayev, a former actor and the head of Chechnya's government-in-exile, held a series of meetings in Europe to discuss political reconciliation with Kadyrov's trusted henchman Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov. But the plan fell through when Russia refused to drop outstanding terrorist charges against him. At the same time Chechnya's current Islamist rebel leadership denounced Zakayev as a traitor and announced their intention to kill him.The Polish prosecutor now has to decide whether there are grounds to send Zakayev back to what would a ポーランド警察がWarsawRussia今日の彼を逮捕ポーランド警察の後、ロンドンベースのチェチェン独立のリーダーザカエフの引き渡しを要求して大幅にWarsaw.Zakayev会議 - 英国の政治亡命を許可された時、彼を逮捕した後、英国ベースのザカエフロシアの要求の引き渡し2003年 - 今朝早く、彼の方法ポーランド検事を参照してくださいに拘束された

    • Cuba eyes potential new wave of political prisoner releases
      Cuba's Roman Catholic church announced that three more political prisoners would be freed soon, which could lead to a wave of releases of those not convicted of violent crimes and who are on international dissident lists.Next up for release are Ciro Perez Santana, 61; Arturo Suarez Ramos, 46; and Rolando Jimenez Posada, 41. They have agreed to emigrate to Spain from the Americas' only communist country, along with their relatives, a statement from the Havana archbishop's office said on Saturday. して、Arturo;キューバのローマカトリック教会は、3つ以上の政治囚がいると暴力的な犯罪の有罪判決を受けたが、これらのリリースの波につながる可能性がシロペレスサンタナは、61が誰のリリースのための国際的反体制派のlists.Next交流上にある、すぐに解放することを発表Suarezさんラモス、46、とローランドJimenezさんサダ、41

    • Video | From the British Pathé archive: Test flying the T.S.R.-2
      Test pilot Roland Beamont takes the T.S.R.-2 bomber out for her maiden flight. The project, which cost Harold Wilson's government hundreds of millions of pounds, was mired in political controversy テストパイロットローランドビーモントは彼女の初飛行のうちTSRの- 2爆撃機をとります

    • Sensex up 311 points on FIIs buying
      The Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex today moved closer to the psychological 20,000 points level by adding 311 points on sustained capital inflows. ボンベイ証券取引所のベンチマーク指数も今日は近い心理20,000ポイントがレベルに持続的な資本流入に311ポイントを追加して移動

    • Ally of ex-Moscow mayor 'charged with corruption'
      A former deputy of ex-Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov has been charged with corruption, Russian investigators said Tuesday, after the deposed leader of the Russian capital vowed to lead a new opposition movement.President Dmitry Medvedev last week dramatically sacked Luzhkov, Moscow's mayor for the past 18 years, saying he had lost confidence in him, sparking a relentless campaign against the former mayor and his allies. ロシアの首都の退陣リーダーが劇的にルシコフは、モスクワ市長の解任新しい野党movement.Presidentメドベージェフ先週をリードすることを誓った後、元モスクワ市長ユーリルシコフの元副は、破損で起訴されている、ロシアの捜査官は、火曜日に言いました過去18年間、と言って、彼は前市長とその同盟国に対する執拗なキャンペーンをスパーク、彼に自信を失っていた

    • Geithner talks tough on China's yuan policy
      US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sought to convince sceptical lawmakers yesterday he was taking a tougher line on China's currency and trade policies, but Beijing warned that pressure from Washington could backfire. 米財務長官ティモシーガイトナーは昨日、彼は中国の通貨政策と貿易政策に厳しい行を取っていた懐疑的な議員を説得しようとしたが、中国政府は、ワシントンからの圧力を裏目と警告した

    • Chile miners rescue is like Big Brother, but you care
      TV review: It was eviction night at Copiapó. Florencio 。valos was first out and got a pop star's welcomeIt's day 69 in the Big Brother mine (best read in a Geordie accent). And it's eviction night at Copiapó. Florencio 。valos steps out of the Fenix capsule in sunglasses. He's first out and gets a pop star's welcome, and hugs from his family. The crowd cheers, here at the San Jose mine and to giant video screens at the miners' home towns.But where's Davina? Is this her, Cecilia Morel, is she the Chilean equivalent? Oh, she's the first lady. And he may look like a television host but that's Sebastián Piñera, the president. Thanks to God, exclaims Piñera. And to the mining minister and to lots of other people too.Yeah, enough already … number two is here, Mario Sepúlveda. He's quite pleased to see his wife, and very pleased to see the lads. There are presents – San José rock – and a bit of a singsong. Mario is soon doing the post-experience interview on the sofa. Well, it's a hard chair actually, but hey, he's a miner. He was with God and the Devil, he says. They fought and God won. God has played a big part in this rescue it seems. Mario also says he always knew he would be beautiful. Some of it is lost in translation, I think.Before the next one out, Juan Illanes, there's time for a montage of the highlights – the first blurry pictures, the celebration of Chile's national day, the time they watched Chile play Ukraine on a tiny TV (this lot actually knew a lot more about what was going on outside than the Big Brother housemates).And in the studio there's an expert, James Thompson, who is warning of psychological problems to come. A low will follow the euphoria. Then there are the problems of sudden fame.So yes, it is a bit like watching Big Brother. The crowds, the c テレビ評価:これは、コピアポで立ち退きの夜だった

    • Lessons in birds and bees from boys in blue
      BRITAIN - Secondary school sex education lessons used to typically involve a middle-aged teacher blushing nervously as she rolled a condom over a cucumber in front of nervously giggling teenagers.Today's coital curriculum sees... イギリス - 彼女は神経質teenagers.Todayの性交カリキュラムを見て笑いの前にキュウリの上にコンドームをロールとして一般的に神経質に顔を赤らめて中年の教師を含むために使用中等教育の性教育の授業...

    • Lady Brenda Beecham
      Brenda Beecham, my wife of 42 years, has died aged 63 of bowel cancer. Having been diagnosed with the disease two years ago, she made a BBC documentary about it with her friend Sheilagh Matheson, and, later, a DVD, Have Bag Will Travel, for colorectal patients about living with a stoma. Keen to address the psychological impact of cancer, she also produced a booklet, Moving Forward, distributed by the charity Coping With Cancer.Born and educated in Newcastle, the daughter and sister of doctors, Brenda worked as a nurse and health visitor, as a volunteer National Childbirth Trust teacher and as a counsellor, supervisor and trainer for the charity Relate. Much interested in psychotherapy, she took an MA at Durham University in guidance and counselling in 1994. She then turned to life coaching, working particularly with doctors.Brought up in a committed Zionist family, she spent time on a kibbutz as a teenager and later followed her mother as chair of local women's Zionist organisations. A passionate supporter of Israel, she wanted the state to realise the ideals of its founders, not least in relation to the rights of its Arab minority, and to withdraw from the settlements. Influenced by her sister, Ros, she became involved with Windows for Peace, a charity bringing together young Jewish and Arab Israelis and Palestinians. With her oldest friend, Judith Sischy, she raised funds for two of the charity's summer schools in Edinburgh.A campaigner for Soviet Jewry in the 1980s, she twice visited the Soviet Union, remaining in contact with several refuseniks who eventually succeeded in emigrating. Latterly, she supported organisations working with asylum seekers and refugees in Tyneside.She also supported, not without occasional justifiable resentment, my consuming interest in po ブレンダビーチャムは、42歳の妻、63腸癌の歳で死去しています

    • Tate Modern's sunflower seeds: the world in the palm of your hand | Adrian Searle
      Courtesy of Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, the Turbine Hall is now carpeted with a million hand-painted seeds – an image of globalisation both politically powerful and hauntingly beautifulAt first sight Ai Weiwei's installation Sunflower Seeds presents us with an undifferentiated field of grey, filling the space between the bridge and the end wall of Tate Modern's Turbine Hall. It is almost disappointing. The late Felix Gonzalez-Torres's piles of cellophane-wrapped sweets, which he showed in the 1980s, were prettier, and you were free to eat them (the American artist liked the idea that people could leave his shows with a nice taste lingering in their mouths). But the sweets were also metaphors for the Aids crisis, and much besides. Nothing in art is what it seems. And you can't eat a single one of Ai Weiwei's sunflower seeds, any more than you could Marcel Duchamp's marble sugar cubes. They'd break your teeth.But you can trudge over them, walk or skip or dance on these seeds, all of them Made in China. Or scoop up handfuls and let them run through your fingers, in the knowledge that someone, an old lady or a small-town teenager in Jingdezhen, has delicately picked up each one and anointed it with a small brush. Every seed is painted by hand. The town that once made porcelain for the imperial court has been saved from bankruptcy by making sunflower seeds. It is absurd.I love this work. It is a world in a hundred million objects. It is also a singular statement, in a familiar, minimal form – like Wolfgang Laib's floor-bound rectangles of yellow pollen, Richard Long's stones or Antony Gormley's fields of thousands of little humanoids. Sunflower Seeds, however, is better. It is audacious, subtle, unexpected but inevitable. It is a work of great simplicity and complexity. Sunflo 中国人アーティストアイウェイウェイの礼儀は、タービンホールは万手描きの種子とカーペットが敷かれ - グローバリゼーションのイメージを政治的にも強力な湛えたbeautifulAt一目アイウェイウェイのインストールひまわり種子は空間を充填する、灰色の未分化のフィールドをご紹介ブリッジとテートモダンのタービンホールの端壁との間に

    • 'The mystery is enough': Susan Lipper on the Grapevine series
      The photographer discusses sexual segregation in West Virginia and avoiding stereotypes about the American southTell me about the gestation of the Grapevine series of photographs?About 20 years ago I travelled down to the South and roamed around the Appalachians essentially looking for a subject. I found it in Grapevine Hollow. There are actually four Grapevines in West Virginia but this one isn't even on the map. I was down there for two years before I found it. There are maybe 50 people in the community, spread out on the mountain. I've been going back there every summer ever since.Were the people initially suspicious of you?Well a girl from the north with a camera was a source of some ... not suspicion ... but novelty, I guess. But they opened their houses to me and they said I could stay. One family pointed up the mountain and told me I could be buried there. I've come to love the place and the people. I go back every summer. I ring Grapevine almost every night. It's a real friendly place even though there is some crazy stuff that goes on there.What was your initial intention for the project?I came out of the Yale photography programme. Walker Evans was certainly a touchstone, but what I do is not a sociopolitical treatise on the area. I'm not making any big statement. In terms of subject matter, I was primarily interested in male-female relationships. I went down there from New York and I saw a bunch of scenarios I hadn't ever been around. Let's just say it was a much more traditional place with non-urban values. Photographers were still going down there to do the stereotypical take on the rural south and hillbillies and all that, and I wanted to deal with that in the photographs, too.You certainly play with those tropes in a pretty provocative way.The society is p カメラマンは?約20年前、私は南まで旅し、アパラチア山脈は、基本的に対象を探しに歩き回った写真グレープバインシリーズの妊娠私のアメリカsouthTell約ウエストバージニア州の性的差別を回避するステレオタイプについて説明します

    • Iran nuclear experts race to stop spread of Stuxnet computer worm
      Iran believes virus spread from Russian laptops aims to shut down Bushehr nuclear plantExperts at Iran's nuclear agency are trying to disable a complex computer virus that has attacked the country's industrial sites and appears to be aimed at shutting down its Bushehr nuclear plant, which was due to go online next month.According to the semi-official ISNA news agency, officials at Iran's nuclear agency have met to determine how to combat the computer worm, called Stuxnet, which can take over systems that control the inner workings of industrial plants.The ISNA report said the virus had spread throughout Iran, but did not name the sites affected.Computer security experts who have studied Stuxnet since it emerged two months ago believe it was designed specifically to attack the Siemens-designed working system of the Bushehr plant and appears to have infected the system via the laptops and USB drives of Russian technicians who had been working there.Western experts say the worm's sophistication – and the fact that some 60% of computers infected appeared to be in Iran – pointed to a government-backed attack.Although the worm has turned up in other countries since first appearing in July – including Indonesia and the US – the frequency of its appearance in Iran has suggested the country was the intended victim of the cyber-warfare attack, with some analysts speculating that Israel might be behind it.The Russian-built nuclear plant will be internationally supervised, but world powers remain concerned that Iran wants to use its civil nuclear power programme as a cover for making weapons.While there have been no reports of damage or disruption at any Iranian nuclear facilities, last Tuesday's meeting signalled a high level of concern about the worm among Iran's nuclear official イランはロシアのラップトップからのウイルスの広がりは、イランの。代理店でブシェール原子力plantExpertsをシャットダウンすることを目的と国の産業のサイトを攻撃してきたとしたことによるもののブシェール原子力発電所を、シャットダウンを目指したと思われる複雑なコンピュータウイルスを無効にしようとしていると考えている準公式イスナーの報道機関にオンラインで次のmonth.Accordingを行って、イランの原子力庁の職員は、コンピュータワーム対策を決定するために満たしている、産業plants.Theイスナーの内部動作を制御するシステムを引き継ぐことができますStuxnetと呼ばれる報告書は、ウイルスは、イラン全体に広がると述べたが登場以来、2ヶ月は、ブシェール発電所のシーメンス設計どおりに機能してシステムを攻撃するように特別に設計されて表示されると信じて前Stuxnetを研究しているサイトaffected.Computerセキュリティの専門家が名は明らかにしなかったノートパソコンやthere.Western専門家を働いていたロシアの技術者のUSBドライブを介してシステムに感染しているワームの洗練されたと言う - とコンピュータの約60%は、イランにあるように見えました感染という事実は、 - 政府支援攻撃に指摘した

    • Claude Chabrol: a career in clips
      The French New Wave veteran has died aged 80. We look back over his career with a selection of clips from his filmsAlong with François Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol ushered in the New Wave that washed over French cinema at the end of the 1950s. Like them a critic turned filmmaker, Chabrol shared their appreciation of classical genre form – to some, he appreciated it too much, exploring rather than subverting its strictures. But his prodigious output and technical mastery assure his place as one of the great figures of cinema's first century.Born in 1930 to a middle-class family, Chabrol studied law before joining Godard, Truffaut, Eric Rohmer and Jacques Rivette in making Cahiers du Cinema, the epicentre of auteurist celebration of 'low' Hollywood. In 1957, he and Rohmer published their influential study of Hitchcock – a director who would have an enduring influence on Chabrol's work behind the camera – and, the following year, an inheritance received by his wife allowed him to create his first picture.Arguably the first New Wave feature, Le Beau Serge takes a pared-down rather than radically experimental approach, plainly, sometimes roughly telling an often shocking story of a French provincial life suffused with despair. Jean-Claude Brialy plays François, returning from Paris to a hometown characterised by regret, anger, even depravity – yet lightened by the promise of redemption and presences such as Bernadette Lafont's Marie, seen in this (unsubtitled) clip getting to know François.Films like Les Cousins (1959), Les Bonnes Femmes (1960) and L'Oeil du Malin (1962) developed Chabrol's interests in youth, the city vs the provinces and modern morality, as well as his often ironic, detached style, but the mid-1960s saw him turn to more overtly commercial p フランスの新しい波のベテランは80歳で死去しています

    • Sarah Palin won't run for president | Paul Harris
      Why bother with the dreary business of getting elected, when the real power lies with being the Republicans' top political celebrity?It is usually folly to make political predictions. But as midterm election fever kicks into high gear in the US, it may be necessary to correct an opinion that is rapidly becoming conventional wisdom: that Sarah Palin will run for the White House in 2012.Because I don't think she will. The mainstream media and legions of political pundits are making a simple mistake. When it comes to Palin and her growing political power, the debate always seems to focus on whether she can win or not. Is she too extreme? Can she attract a broader base of support than her fanatical base? Could the rising Tea Party tide carry her to the White House?No one is asking a more fundamental question: does she actually want to run?I mean, really run for president, rather than just coyly playing a waiting game with a fascinated media that hangs on her every word. I see little evidence that she does. Amid all the gossip and dirt of the hit book Game Change about the 2008 election, a picture emerges of a Palin who clearly hated the high pressure of the campaign trail. She hated the long days, the constant scrutiny over every tiny detail, and the constraints of a vast and controlling campaign staff. She disliked the constant demands of the press, even though her rare media appearances were so carefully orchestrated. She had good reason, too. After all, Palin failed to cope with even soft ball questions like Katie Couric's query over what newspapers she read. But Palin is no fool. She knows that any 2012 presidential candidate running in the early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire has to endure month after gruelling month of press scrutiny. There is no way around i なぜ、当選の退屈なビジネスで頭を悩ます、本当の力は共和党の政治のトップの有名人であることにあるのはいつですか?これは通常、政治的な予測をするために愚かです

    • In praise of … fossil footprints | Editorial
      Polish discovery reveals that the ancestors of all birds were small, light and four-footedFossil footprints have a special place in scientific research. They are testimony to bygone life in action. New research today in a journal gnomically known as Proceedings of the Royal Society B reveals that dinosaurs were alive and scuttling about the planet millions of years before the first evidence from fossilised bones. Sets of footprints beautifully preserved in the mountains of Poland confirm that pioneers of the lineage were already afoot in the Triassic around 250 million years ago, soon after the calamitous Permian extinction that wiped out 90% of life on Earth. Fossil footprints freakishly preserved in ancient mud provide concrete evidence of the size, gait and identity of their makers. These tracks, the largest no more than 40mm, were made by little creatures now called dinosauromorphs, ancestors of the birds. A set of ancient hominid footprints preserved 3.6 million years ago in volcanic ash in Laetoli, Tanzania, are so clear that palaeontologists have been able to argue that they might have been made by a couple, perhaps holding hands. The world changed for Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe when a naked human footprint in the sand showed that he had company on his desert island. Every footprint tells a moving story, and the Polish discovery reveals that the ancestors of all birds were small, light and four-footed. Like some Hollywood disclaimer, the footprints also assure us of another comforting thing: no dinosauromorphs were injured in the making of this picture.DinosaursFossilsZoologyEvolutionPolandguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ポーランドの発見は、すべての鳥の祖先は、光と小型四- footedFossil足跡は、科学研究の中で特別な場所を持っていたことが明らかになった

    • Treasures from Budapest | Visual art review
      Royal Academy, LondonIt is understandable that publicists for this exhibition chose to put Egon Schiele's 1915 work Two Women Embracing on the posters. Sex sells, and drawing does not come any sexier than Schiele's transfixing image, whose ultimate provocation is the way one of the women looks around at the artist to show that she is gratifying his fantasy. But there is more to the foregrounding of this erotic masterpiece than commerce: it exemplifies a theme that runs through this once-in-a-lifetime show.From the first room, where Hungarian gothic altarpieces are juxtaposed with Italian Renaissance delights, to the last, where Schiele gives you a final thrill, the art of central Europe is richly mingled with extraordinary works from the west that are in Hungary's public collections. I've never seen such a generous loan from one country's museums – by comparison, the Hermitage exhibit at the RA was quite cautious. This is a true blockbuster, practically a museum in itself, stuffed with surprises and marvels. Highlights include a portrait by Frans Hals that proves him the equal of his contemporary Rembrandt, a pair of working-class heroes painted by Goya, a Raphael homage to Da Vinci and, oh yes, a couple of Leonardo's own greatest designs. And that merely scratches the surface.The thread that connects it all is a vision of Europe. Western Europe's artistic development has been written as a march of progress since the Renaissance. Hungarian collectors fully subscribed to that version, and bought some supreme Italian works. But here you see those paragons alongside carved wooden saints from Hungarian churches in a way that expands your sense of the variety and greatness of the continent's heritage. European art through Hungarian eyes is a landscape made new.Rati ロイヤルアカデミーは、LondonItは、この展覧会の時事評論は、エゴンシーレの1915作品ポスターに抱きしめるふたりの女を置くことを選んだことは理解できる

    • A superb choice for the peace prize that China can't ignore | Observer editorial
      Awarding a Nobel to Liu Xiaobo has served to amplify his pro-democratic voiceThe Chinese government was naturally displeased by the announcement last week that Liu Xiaobo, jailed pro-democracy activist, had won the 2010 Nobel peace prize. Authorities summoned the Norwegian ambassador to account for the decision. Screens showing the news on western TV channels – CNN and BBC World – went blank. Web links to stories about the Nobel prize were blocked.It is not hard to see why Beijing should react as it did. Although Mr Liu is known and admired among human rights campaigners abroad, he is not, thanks to a powerful apparatus of censorship, a famous figure for most Chinese.Charter 08, the call for democratic reforms that Mr Liu co-authored and which earned him an 11-year prison sentence, is not a widely circulated document. Having the man and his cause flashed all over global media threatened to subvert Chinese information control.Berating the emissary from a small Nordic country, meanwhile, was a way of signalling to the world that friendship with East Asia's economic and military superpower requires tolerance of its authoritarian political arrangements. Most governments have accepted that bargain.One justification for refusing to speak out about human rights in China is the claim that intervention makes matters worse, reinforcing the Communist party's paranoid fear of being undermined from within and helping it present democracy activists as agents of foreign powers. Condemning repression might have limited impact, but turning a blind eye has none. As a technique for dealing with brutal authoritarian regimes, it is a well-tested failure.The truth is that, to many western ears, the clamour of China's markets is louder than the pleas of its dissidents. The Nobel committee is 劉暁波にノーベル賞を授与して、彼のプロ民主主義voiceThe中国政府は、自然に民主化運動投。劉暁波は、2010年ノーベル平和賞を受賞したことを発表先週、不快にされた増幅するために務めている

    • She must be a Lacanian, no? | Michael Tomasky
      Okay, even though I largely forswore them, I never wholly forswore them, so here is this week's Christine O'Donnell post.It's kicking around the blogosphere today, e.g. see this by Greg Sargent, that she embellished her resume (c.v.) by claiming to have studied at the University of Oxford. It turns out that she took one class from an outfit called the Phoenix Institute, which merely rented space from Oxford.This is what the rest of the media are focusing on, but here at Tomasky blog, our interests are slightly different. It's the class she took that caught my eye: Post Modernism in the New Millennium.Say what? Post-modernism? Christine O'Donnell? What did she read, Judith Butler? I mean, this adds a whole new layer to that witchcraft business, doesn't it?I spend time (not much time, but time) wondering things like, how many members of the United States Congress know, for example, who Michel Foucault is? In that subset, how many could offer a vague, two-sentence summary of his work: he studied prisons, and he hated the power structure, something like that? It's not that I think you need to know these things in order to be an effective senator. Although I would say in fact that a glancing familiarity with certain philosophical matters probably can't hurt, but here admittedly I mean more political philosophy than, say, post-structuralism. Most politicians don't want to come within a million miles of that stuff, especially those on the right.But along comes our Christine, so resistant to category (isn't there a philosophy joke buried in there somewhere?), that I just bet if one walked up to her on the street and said Jacques Derrida, she'd say something halfway intelligible. Umbrella. Men in English departments across America would swoon.I suddenly find her more interesting さて、私は主にそれらをforsworeにもかかわらず、私は完全に彼女は彼女が再。装飾されたことは、今週のさんオドネルpost.It。。u0026#39;て、Greg Sargentさんでこれを参照してください例えば、今日のブロゴスフィアで蹴りだですので、ここでは、それらをforswore決して(CV)を主張することによってには、オックスフォード大学で研究を行ってきた

    • Wole Soyinka floats political party in Nigeria
      Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka launched a newly formed Nigerian political party on Saturday, using the power of rhetoric to challenge apathetic voters to overcome a government he called cynical and brutal. ノーベル賞受賞作家のウォレショインカは、彼がシニカルで残酷と呼ばれる政府を克服するために無関心な有権者に挑戦するのがレトリックの電力を使用して、土曜日に新たに形成されたナイジェリアの政党を立ち上げました

    • Australia Salvos offers psychological support to New Zealand quake victims
      The first of three Salvation Army teams from Australia will depart on Monday for earthquake- stricken Christchurch, New Zealand, to offer psychological support to victims. The team includes six chaplains and pastoral care workers who all have extensive experience in critical incident stress management and counseling. A 7.1 magnitude earthquake rocked the city of 340,000 on Sept. 4 followed by hundreds of aftershocks in the days after the disaster. More than 100,000 houses we ... オーストラリアから3救世軍のチームの最初の犠牲者への支援を心理的な提。被災クライストチャーチ、ニュージーランド、対地震の月曜日に出発するチームは、カウンセリングの重要な事件のストレス管理、含まれています六の経験を持っている広範なすべての牧師と牧歌的な介護福祉士7.1の地震は、災害後の日の余。。続いて9月4日にの340000街を覆った

    • コーラで炭酸抜けてるのとぬるいのどっち飲むかって言われたら炭酸抜けの方だな
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    • Red-shirts to rally on Sunday
      The Red Sunday group will hold a parade in Bangkok on Sunday, calling for the release of political prisoners detained for more than four months, core leader Sombat Boonngam-anong said on Wednesday. レッド日曜日のグループは、以上の4ヶ月間拘。政治犯の釈放を求めて、日曜日にバンコクでパレードを開催します、リーダーはSombat Boonngamはanongコアが明らかにした

    • Reds open healing centre in Bangkok
      The anti-government United front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) has opened a centre for healing people affected by the recent political violence, on the 5th floor of the Imperial shopping centre in Bangkok’s Lat Phrao district, UDD co-leader Jatuporn Prompan said on Friday afternoon. 独裁(UDDの)に対して民主主義のための反政府日本のフロントは、バンコクのラートプラーオ地区の帝国のショッピングセンターの5階に、最近の政治的暴力の影響を癒しの人々のためのセンターを開設し、UDDの共同代表Jatuporn Prompanは、明らかにした金曜日の午後

    • Buyers Send iPhones on a Long-Distance Relay
      Chinese demand for Apple’s gadgets has led to buyers in New York systematically purchasing iPhones that are resold in China. Appleのガジェットの中国の需要はニューヨーク体系中国で転売されiPhoneを購入するのバイヤーにつながっている

    • Top 50 US politics Twitter accounts to follow | Richard Adams
      Follow US politics and election coverage with our selection of the 50 top Twitter accounts for the latest news and viewsWe've selected the top 50 Twitter accounts for following the latest US election news and political analysis, so you can keep up with all the controversy, surprises and polling throughout the campaign as they happen.This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of the biggest or best known accounts. This is the Twitter accounts that we judge to be the most influential and smartest on all shades of the political spectrum, based on best use of Twitter through frequency, aggregation and interaction.Did we miss out a brilliant Twitter account that should be on this list? Make your case in the comments below. You can read the whole list here, and you can subscribe to the whole list with a single click from your Twitter account. And you can always follow me on @RichardA for the Guardian's up to the minute coverage of US politics.JournalistsBen Smith @benpoliticoHyperactive politics blogger for PoliticoDave Weigel @daveweigelPolitical blogger for Slate, specialises in Tea Party and conservative coverage Felicia Sonmez @fixfeliciaPolitical blogger with The Washington PostTaegan Goddard @pwireVeteran Political Wire blogger with remarkable news judgmentSusan Page @SusanPageWashington bureau chief of USA TodayAlex Wagner @alex_wagsWhite House Correspondent for AOL's Politics Daily websiteReid Wilson @HotlineReidEditor of The Hotline, part of the National JournalPhil Elliott @PElliottAPCovers national politics and elections for the Associated PressBeth Reinhard @bethreinhardCovering Florida politics for the Miami HeraldGarance Franke-Ruta @thegarancePolitical blogger at the Washington PostMike Memoli @mikememoliReporter in the Tribune Washington DC bureau for the Lo ので、すべての論争についていくことができる、最新のニュースやviewsWe。。u0026#39;ve最新の米国の選挙のニュースや政治的な分析を次のトップ50のTwitterアカウントを選択して、50トップのTwitterアカウントの我々の選択と、米国の政治と選挙報道に従ってください驚きは、ポーリングはhappen.This、キャンペーン全体または最もよく知られている最大のアカウントの包括的なリストするものではありません

    • China denies banning rare earth exports to Japan
      The Ministry of Commerce denied media reports that China had banned exports of rare earths to Japan, following the arrest of a Chinese trawler captain near the disputed Diaoyu Islands that created a political storm between the two nations. According to a New York Times report, which sourced unnamed industry experts, an initial trade embargo on all exports of rare earth minerals would last through the end of this month. Ministry spokesman Yao Jian told the Los Angeles-based China Press that ... 商工省は、国両者の拒否の嵐を政治的に作成諸島魚釣島係争中の近くの漁船の船長は中国の逮捕の次の土、日本、メディアまれ禁止されて輸出をしたレポートを、中国は、レポートによると、ニューヨークタイムズ紙がソースの無名の業界の専門家の希土類鉱物の輸出上のすべての禁輸措置は、最初の貿易今月末まで、最後の

    • World Bank's IFC signs investment agreements to promote rural development in China
      International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, signed two investment agreements on Tuesday to promote rural development in China. Under the agreement, IFC would invest 11 million yuan (1.63 million U.S. dollars) in Beichuan Fumin Rural Bank and provide technical assistance in southwest China's Sichuan Province to support the reconstruction of Beichuan, one of the towns hardest hit by the catastrophic Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008. IFC would also provide a ... 国際金融公社(IFC)は、世銀グループの世界のメンバーの、中国農村開発を促進するために火曜日に投資協定の2つに調印した

    • Preliminary result of Bosnian elections released
      According to preliminary results released by Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) at 11:00 p.m. (2100 GMT) Sunday, three candidates leading in election for the tripartite presidency are Bakir Izetbegovic ( Bosniak party of Democratic Action), Zeljko Komsic(Social Democratic party) and Nebojsa Radmanovic (Alliance of Independent Social Democrats). Izetbegovic is leading with 33.49 percent of Bosniak votes, only 2 percentage more than political outsider Fahrudin Radoncic, ... 午後11時(2100 GMT)の日曜日、三大統領選挙で主要三候補はBakir Izetbegovic(民主主義的行動のボスニアのムスリム人パーティー)、ジェリコKomsic(さでボスニアヘルツェゴビナ(BiH)中央選挙管理委員会が発表した暫定結果によると、社会民主党)とNebojsaラドマノビッチは、(民主党社会同盟の独立)

    • Ex-chief may sell stores to hike stake in Gome
      Billionaire Huang Guangyu, fighting from jail for control of Gome Electrical Appliances Holdings Ltd, may seek to sell 400 privately owned stores to the company to increase his stake. Huang may offer to take shares or bonds in exchange for the stores, Zou Xiaochun, who works as a corporate lawyer for Gome's jailed founder, said on Saturday in Beijing. Huang retained personal ownership of part of the appliance chain's network when it listed in Hong Kong in 2004. A sale would increase Gome's ... 億万長者の黄Guangyu公司は、ホールディングス家電電気Gomeの戦いからjailのための制御棒を彼の増加へのストアを、同社が所有する400個人的に販売することが求めている

    • Eight steps to a better world
      In 2000, UN members signed the Millennium Declaration, an ambitious initiative identifying improvements they would make on issues affecting billions of peopleIn 2000, every member state of the United Nations signed up to the Millennium Declaration, which committed them to an ambitious set of eight goals by 2015 on issues such as halving the proportion of the world's population living on under $1 a day and achieving universal primary education.In the last 10 years, there have been huge achievements such as a dramatic rise in the number of children going to school in sub-Saharan Africa, and a fall in the number living in poverty in Asia.Click on the links on the right to learn more about each millennium development goal (MDG) and read powerful reports from around the world on how countries are making progress – or not – on the goals, from schooling in Tanzania to hunger in Indian slums, from HIV treatment in Russia to infant mortality in Brazil.Each goal incorporates several targets and uses particular indicators to measure the performance of every country; alongside each case study, we summarise the key information on each goal.The goals have succeeded in mobilising political will, increasing aid flows and helping governments to focus on human development. But several goals are off-track, in particular maternal mortality, while progress on poverty could be reversed in the next few years as food prices rise and the impact of the economic recession bears down heavily on the developing world.What is increasingly clear from progress reports ahead of the 2010 UN summit is that growing inequality is apparent across the globe; too often progress on the MDGs has not reached the poorest sections of the population. Furthermore, in countries where there is high population growth, メンバーは、ミレニアム宣言を、彼らはpeopleIn 2000、8つの目標の野心的なセットに、それらを犯したミレニアム宣言に署名し、国連のすべての加盟国の数十億に影響を与える問題について確認する改善を識別する野心的なイニシアティブに署名、国連2000では、問題について、2015年までにこのような1日1ドル未満で、世界の人口の割合を半減し、過去10年間の初等education.Inを達成するように、学校に行く子どもの数が劇的に上昇などの巨大な成果があったサハラ以南のアフリカ、右のリンクの上をAsia.Clickの貧困の中で番号の生活の中で秋には、各ミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)の詳細について学習し、国が前進している方法については、世界中から強力なレポートを読む - かどうか - 目標に、Brazil.Each目標の乳児死亡、ロシアでのHIV治療からインドのスラム街で、飢餓、教育タンザニアからいくつかのターゲットが組み込まれており、あらゆる国のパフォーマンスを測定するために、特定の指標を使用して、各ケーススタディと並んで、我々は政治的意志を動員することに成功した各goal.The目標についての重要な情報を、援助の流れを高め、政府が人間開発に焦点を助ける要約

    • The millennium development goals need progressive UK leadership | Juanita During
      By pursuing a global standard for transparency in oil, gas and mining, the UK could play a key role in Nigeria and globallyYesterday was the final day of the critical UN millennium development goals (MDGs) summit, where world leaders gathered to review progress against ambitious targets including halving world poverty, achieving universal primary education, fighting killer diseases, empowering women, and delivering water and sanitation, all by 2015. The outcomes are crucial to gaining increased support and momentum towards these and other MDG aspirations. Last week, I was privileged to speak at an event convened by Bond (the membership body for 370 UK NGOs working in international development), where Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, and Andrew Mitchell, the secretary of state for international development, set out the UK government's plans for the summit, with a focus on maternal mortality and malaria. It is vital we make progress in these areas: every minute, a woman dies from a pregnancy or child-related cause, and malaria causes nearly a million deaths each year. For progress to be made on these and other targets, policymakers need to recognise that the MDGs are interwoven. So, when a particular target is very off track, it holds back all the others. Good management of water resources and proper drainage, for example, can make a real difference in reducing transmission of malaria and other water-borne diseases, while progress on maternal health and mortality requires not only improved healthcare systems, but also safe sanitation, water and sound hygiene practices to ensure infection-free births and good chances of child survival in the first month of life. Without sanitation, safe water and hygiene, we will fail to reach the MDGs across large parts of the devel 石油、ガス、鉱業の透明性のための世界標準を追求することによって、英国は、ナイジェリアで重要な役割を果たすことができるgloballyYesterday重要な国連のミレニアム開発目標の世界の指導者は、野心的に対する進捗状況を確認して収集(MDGs)の首脳会談の最終日だった半減世界の貧困、、、キラー疾患と戦う女性のエンパワーメント、普遍的初等教育を達成し、水と衛生、2015年までにすべての提供を含むターゲット

    • North Korea: Jaw-jaw | Editorial
      Efforts to defuse the nuclear crisis have swung wildly from periods of sunshine diplomacy and nuclear decommissioning to nuclear testsThe Israel-Palestine conflict is not the only one to be locked in a cyclical grip from which escape seems impossible. Efforts to defuse the nuclear crisis with North Korea have swung wildly in the last two decades from periods of sunshine diplomacy and nuclear decommissioning to nuclear tests, the firing of long-range missiles, and the torpedoing of South Korean warships. The theory that Pyongyang does this to get noticed is starting to pall. So hints yesterday that North Korea wanted to talk again after a prolonged period of belligerence, which culminated in the sinking of a South Korean corvette, the Cheonan, come as little surprise.The hints came in many forms. Jimmy Carter, writing in the New York Times, said there were clear signs that Pyongyang wanted to resume negotiations on abandoning its nuclear weapons programme. The former US president has just returned from North Korea after negotiating the release of an American who had entered the country illegally. The North has also proposed holding military talks with the South on the disputed sea border off their west coast; it released the crew of a South Korean fishing boat which it claimed had strayed into its waters and suggested a resumption of reunions of families separated at the end of the Korean war – a gesture calculated to appeal to the south.There is, as ever, little clarity as to why these signals are being sent. Problems of succession continue to plague the leadership, and a meeting of the ruling party which was supposed to have taken place this month may have been postponed by a power struggle. The North's leader, Kim Jong-il, is finding it harder than he thought to anoin 取り組みは、核危機を打開する乱。日。外交、核の時代から核testsTheイスラエルパレスチナ紛争に廃止振ったが1つだけ、そこから脱出は不可能と思わ循環グリップでロックされてすることはできません

    • Letters: UN stoning call
      We are writing to ask that the UN general assembly condemn stoning as a crime against humanity and issue an emergency resolution calling for an end to the medieval and barbaric punishment as well as the immediate release of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and others sentenced to death by stoning.We also ask that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad not be allowed to address the general assembly and that his government be boycotted.A government that still stones people to death in the 21st century must have no place in the United Nations or any other international institution or body.Mina Ahadi, Spokesperson, International Committee against Stoning and International Committee against Execution, GermanyMaryam Namazie, Spokesperson, Iran Solidarity, Equal Rights Now and One Law for All, UKShahla Abghari, Women's Rights Activist, USABoaz Adhengo, Project Nabuur Capital, KenyaOphelia Benson, Editor, Butterflies and Wheels, USAHelle Merete Brix, Writer and Journalist, DenmarkRoy W Brown, International Humanist and Ethical Union, UN Geneva Main Representative, SwitzerlandEwa Dabrowska-Szulc, President, Pro Femina Association, PolandRichard Dawkins, Scientist and Author, UKSanal Edamaruku, President, Rationalist International, IndiaSonja Eggerickx, President, International Humanist Ethical Union, BelgiumCaroline Fourest, Writer and Columnist, FranceA C Grayling, Writer and Philosopher, UKMaria Hagberg, Chairperson, Network Against Honour Related Violence, SwedenLeo Igwe, Executive Director, Nigerian Humanist Movement, NigeriaHope Knutsson, President, Sidmennt the Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association Reykjavik, IcelandJulia Kristeva, Président, Jury du Prix Simone de Beauvoir pour la Liberté des Femmes, FranceGhulam Mustafa Lakho, Advocate High Court of Sindh, PakistanAnne-marie Lizin, Senate Honor 我々は、国連総会は、人道に対する犯罪として投。非難し、問題の緊急解決を中世と野蛮な罰としてだけでなく、SakinehモハンマディAshtianiの即時釈放などの死に石打ちによる死刑に終止符を求める質問に書いている

    • The Roma: Europe's pariah people
      The Roma lost out when Eastern Europe prospered after its release from Soviet dominationThe Roma, the EU's biggest ethnic minority, scattered across a dozen countries, are Europe's pariah people. Thanks to Nicolas Sarkozy, they are a lot less forgotten and ignored than they were a fortnight ago.The outrage stirred by France's policy of getting EU citizens to sign papers, give them 300 euros, have police escort them on to planes back to Bucharest and Sofia, and call them volunteers has shone a spotlight on the fate of the estimated 12 million Roma in the EU, the vast majority of them in the Balkans and central Europe.In the democratic revolutions that released that region from Soviet domination 20 years ago, the Roma were the big losers. For most people, democracy brought new liberties, higher living standards and integration with the west. It also brought populist Gypsy-bashing, scapegoating, ghettoes, forced sterilisation, and the sending of their offspring to schools for children with learning difficulties.With Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic all in the EU and all home to large Roma populations, the Gypsies are now EU citizens, too, and have the right to go wherever they like.Now eastern Europe's crisis is morphing into western Europe's Gypsy dilemma, increasing the chances of something being done about it. France is hardly alone. The Austrians, the Danes, the Swedes and the Italians have been expelling European Roma immigrants. The Germans are preparing to kick out 12,000.But much more quietly, not seeking to make political capital the way Sarkozy, his Rottweiler Europe minister, Pierre Lellouche, and others have been successfully stealing votes from the extreme right and improving their ratings by explicitly blaming the Roma for prostitu 東欧は、ソ連dominationTheローマ、EUの最大の少数民族、十数カ国に散らばっから、そのリリース後に繁栄するローマが失われた、ヨーロッパ社会ののけ者の人々です

    • CIS security, intelligence chiefs seek more cooperation to combat terrorism
      Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) security and intelligence chiefs on Wednesday decided to expand bilateral and multilateral cooperation so as to be more effective and efficient in coping with security threats from foreign countries. In their 11th meeting started in Baku of Azerbaijan on Tuesday, the CIS Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Intelligence Services discussed prospects of strengthening and developing cooperation mechanisms aimed at preventing security threats, accordi ... CIS諸国(独立国家)のセキュリティと知性首長は水曜日の連邦の国々の外国からの対処とセキュリティ上の脅。効率的で効果的な決定に展開二国間以上になるように協力を、多国間


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