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    ソフトウェア テクノロジー 関連語 ARIA MAJOR tween
    • 15 people killed, 33 injured in Venezuela's plane accident
      &$ &$ Rescuers work at the site after an ATR-42 model aircraft of Venezuela's state-owned Conviasa airline crashed soon after taking off from Puerto Ordaz in the state of Bolivar, Venezuela, Sept. 13, 2010. Bolivar Governor Francisco Rangel told media that medical teams were treating 23 people who had survived the crash. There were 43 passengers and four crew members on board, and no casualties o ... &$&$は、救助作業を航空会社中古Conviasaのモデルの航空機のベネズエラの状態で42サイトの後にはATR - 2010、9月13日、ベネズエラボリバルの状態に墜落した直後に撮影オフからプエルトオルダス

    • Anti-terror drill held ahead of G20 summit in S Korea
      &$&$ People rush out from the Millennium Seoul Hilton Hotel while taking part in the anti-terror exercises simulating a chemical weapons attack in Seoul, South Korea, on Oct. 20, 2010. The drills came ahead of the G20 summit to be held in South Korea on Nov. 11-12.(Xinhua/Park Jin-hee) &$ &$【1】 &$ ... 兵器攻撃をソウル、2010、20、韓国、上Oct.化学模擬演習テロに参加してヒルトンホテルながら撮影ソウル急いで外からミレニアム人&$&$は

    • Huang battles hard for control of Gome
      &$&$Banners outside a Gome store in Shanghai. Xu Xiaolin / for China Daily&$&$ The founding shareholders of Gome Electrical Appliances Holding Ltd have sounded the battle bugle just ahead of the company's Sept 28 special general meeting, which is expected to decide the fate of China's second-biggest electronics retailer. ... &$&$バナー上海でGome店の外

    • U.S. congresswoman, businessmen warn of backfire from Chinese currency bill
      A chorus of critical voices gathered more strength in the United States on Wednesday over a bill on pressuring China to revalue its currency. Commenting on the proposed Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act, Representative Lynn Jenkins warned at a congressional hearing that such measures would backfire on the U.S. economy and trigger more job losses. The Chinese market for American agricultural products has continued to expand and U.S. agricultural exports to China have nearly dou ... 批判的な声のコーラスは、法公正取引のための提案通貨改革へのコメントの通貨を

    • Armenian church in eastern Turkey to be opened to worshippers
      A historical Armenian church in an eastern Turkish province will be opened to religious worshippers for a single day this weekend, the semi-official Anatolia news agency reported on Friday. The Armenian church located on the Akdamar island in Lake Van in Turkey's Van province will be opened to worshippers on September 19, for the first time after 95 years. Upon a proposal by the Governor's Office of Van and approval of the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry, Akdamar Church wi ... 東部トルコ州の歴史的アルメニア教会は週末、この日開かれることが1つの宗教的な崇拝者のための、半公式アナトリアの報道機関は金曜日に報告した

    • Bain Capital bounces to be Gome's second-largest shareholder
      Boston-based Bain Capital LLC will become the second-largest shareholder in Gome when it finishes converting its 2016 convertible bonds into ordinary shares, confirmed Gome late on Wednesday. The bonds will ultimately be shifted into 1.631 billion shares in the country's largest electrical appliance supplier, with a conversion price of HK$1.18 ($0.15) per share. It will equip Bain Capital with 9.98 percent of shares of the total equity stakes in Gome, while its largest sharehol ... ボストンベースのベインキャピタルLLCは水曜日に第2位株主になるのGomeに債券を変換すると2016に変換終了時には普通の後半Gome株を確認

    • GE expands coverage in China
      General Electric Co. (GE) is working on accelerating listing its health-care joint venture (JV) with Intel Corp. in China, according to reports Friday. ''We will produce more products according to the needs of Chineseconsumers, and people will see them soon after we list in China,'' said Chen Yan, vice president of CE China. ''Many diseases can be diagnosed and supervised at home, so medical equipment designed for family use are more and more important for modern families,'' ad ... ゼネラルエレクトリック社が(GE)の金曜日のレポートによると、ベンチャー(合弁会社)とインテルコーポレーションまたはその子会社の中国合。医療健康、そのリストを加速に取り組んでいます

    • Chinese business creating jobs and boosting trade in South Africa
      It was a blistering Saturday mid-day and everyone at China City Mall in downtown Johannesburg was at position of production. John Chimbaira, 28, was busy revising his fork-lifter up and down loading commodities. Casper Magena, 30, a security guard at the main entrance, was busy opening the gates for the in and out going vehicles and pedestrians. Across the road was a group of men and women each awaiting optimistically to get job. They were confident that one or two was going to be emp ... これは、ヨハネスブルグされたブリスター土曜日昼市、中国、みんなでダウンタウンのモールでは、28の位置だったの生産ジョンChimbaira、商品読み込みダウンリフターをしていた忙しい改正彼のフォーク

    • DPRK military sends protest notice to S. Korea
      The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) military sent a notice Friday to South Korea to protest what it called anti-DPRK psychological operations, the official news agency KCNA reported. According to the KCNA, the head of the DPRK team in north-south general-level military talks sent a protest notice to the south side Friday. The notice claimed the South Korean defense minister had disclosed plans to distribute frequency-modulated radios to be used for anti-DPRK psycho ... 人民共和国の民主(北朝鮮)軍が操作を北朝鮮心理的抗それが言うところの抗議に送信される韓国の通知を金曜日に南、公式報道機関KCNAは伝えた

    • Venezuela nationalizes US, Italian factory
      Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez nationalized a large US and Italian-owned fertilizer factory Sunday, just days after vowing to radicalize his state-led revolution in the aftermath of elections last month. The government will take over Fertinitro, one of the world's main producers of nitrogen fertilizer and part-owned by private US company Koch and Saipem, a subsidiary of Italy's Eni, Chavez said. During 12 years in power, the 56-year-old former soldier has put large swathes of ... ベネズエラのチャベス大統領は、今月主導の革命の余波の選挙最後の状態、彼の国有化過激化を誓う後の工場日曜日、ほんの数日肥料中古イタリア語、大規模な米国政府は、窒素の生産がかかるのメインの一つの世界Fertinitro以上肥料やパートエニの中古民間米国企業コッホとイタリアの子会社Saipem、チャベス大統領は語った

    • North Korea Set to Convene Delayed Rare Political Conference
      Analysts expect conclave will fill vacant party posts, name younger officials to replace elderly central committee members アナリストらは、コンクラーベは、空いているパーティの記事を記入します若い職員に名前を付ける高齢者中央委員会のメンバーを置き換えることを期待

    • Iraqi PM to Visit Syria as Relations Warm
      Anticipated meeting in Damascus comes as Nouri al-Maliki tries to keep his job amid a seven-month political impasse in Baghdad ヌーリマリキは、バグダッドで7ヶ月間の政治的な行き詰まりの中で彼の仕事を維持しようとするとダマスカスで期待される会議が来る

    • External Help Said to be Needed to End Guinea Stalemate
      An adviser to former Guinean PM calls on the international community to help resolve the political impasse between rival parties 元ギニアPMに顧問は与野党間の政治的行き詰まりを解決するために、国際社会に要請

    • UN pays tribute to the world's youth on International Day of Peace
      As the flags of the 192 UN member states fluttered in the air held up by school children from around the world, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday called on the international community to fight for peace in the face of adversity. Marking the International Day of Peace, UN officials, students, and peace, political and human rights activists gathered upon the Rose Garden at the UN Headquarters in New York to promote tolerance and non-violence. In a message dedicated to the world's y ... 逆境国際の場合と同様のフラグは、と呼ばれる金曜日192国連の月はためい加盟ギ潘総長空気開催までの学校の子供たちから約内事。世界では、国連の顔の平和と戦うためにコミュニティです

    • Belgian EU presidency setting Europe back to action
      As the summer period is fading away, Belgium has just entered its 3rd month-old presidency of the European Union (EU), whose role is to facilitate decision-making within the bloc and negotiations with other European institutions. Though Belgium's capacity to take on the EU rotating presidency has always been called into question because of the country's difficulties to overcome tensions between Flemish and Walloon political parties. Nevertheless, Belgium has gained considerable experience ... 距離として夏のフェージング期間は、ベルギー機関が、欧州圏との交渉、他の内だけで入力されたその3ヶ月前大統領の意思の決定は、欧。促進するために連合(EUれているロール)

    • White House Cautious But Optimistic for Release of US Hiker in Iran
      Authorities in Tehran have agreed to release Sarah Shourd on $500,000 bail for medical reasons テヘランの当局は、健康上の理由で保釈500000ドルにして、Sarah Shourdを解放することで合意した

    • Rebel Group Says Khartoum Lacks Political Will to End Darfur Crisis
      A top official of the Darfur-based LJM rebel group urges Khartoum to show the political will at peace talks to end the Darfur crisis ダルフールベースLJMの反乱グループの幹部は、ダルフール危機を終わらせるための和平交渉における政治的な意志を示すためにハルツームを促す

    • UN Chief Calls for 'Fair, Transparent and Inclusive' Burma Election
      Ban Ki-moon also reiterates his call for release of all political prisoners in Burma 潘基文は、ビルマのすべての政治犯の釈放のための彼の呼び出しを改めて表明

    • Bishops Ask UN to Help Bridge Israeli-Palestinian Divide
      Bishops say Israel should not use Biblical concept of 'promised land' or 'chosen people' to justify more Jewish settlements construction 司教は、イスラエルはユダヤ人入植地建設を正当化するために。。u0026#39;約束の地。。u0026#39;聖書の概念や。。u0026#39;選ばれた人々。。u0026#39;を使用しないでくださいと言う

    • Three Questions: Pakistan and Former President Musharraf's Political Ambitions
      Can the exiled military ruler convince a war-weary, politically fickle public to take him back? することができます亡命軍の支配者は彼を取り戻すために戦争に疲れた、政治的に気まぐれな国民を納得させる?

    • Three Questions: China's Political Succession
      China's likely new leader suffered during the Cultural Revolution, raising hopes he believes in freedom and social justice. 中国の可能性が高い新しい指導者が、彼は自由と社会正義を信じて期待を高め、文化大革命の時に苦しんだ

    • China stocks close more than 2 pct higher at midday
      China's stocks surged by 2.44 percent in the morning session Monday, led by resource companies and securities firms. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index gained 2.44 percent to finish the morning session at 2,805.61 points after reaching the psychologically significant 2,800-point level. The Shenzhen Component Index opened 1.06 percent higher at 12,037.99 before rising 2.44 percent to end the morning break at 12,202.14. Shanxi Guoyang New Energy Co. Ltd. and Anhui Quanchai Engine Co. ... 中国の株式市場は、企業が証券会社やリソース、主導で月曜日セッション朝の急騰で2.44パーセントインチ上海総合指数は、レベルをポイント2800重要な到達心理後2,805.61ポイントでセッションを得て2.44パーセントを終了朝深センコンポーネント索引株式会社安徽Quanchaiエンジンと株式会社株式会社エネルギークオヤン新山西

    • Chinese Leaders Discuss Economic, Political Plans
      China's top leaders meet to approve economic blueprint for next five years, to set up leadership succession after President Hu Jintao 中国の最高指導者は胡錦濤国家主席の後のリーダーシップの継承を設定するには、今後5年間の経済の青写真を承認するために会う

    • Iraqi PM Seeks Political Support in Egypt
      Egypt's MENA news agency says Nouri al-Maliki, Egyptian president discussed efforts to form national unity government in Iraq エジプトの中東北アフリカの報道機関は、エジプトの大統領はイラクの国民統一政府を形成するために努力を議論ヌーリマリキを言う

    • FAO Calls for 70 Percent Increase in World Food Production
      FAO director general says food production must increase dramatically to ensure food security for the world's hungry FAOの局長は、食糧生産は、世界の空腹のための食料安全保障を確保するために大幅に増加しなければならない、と言う

    • Iran: West Trying 'Psychological Warfare' to Stop Nuclear Activities
      Foreign ministry spokesman says reports that sophisticated computer worm had infected Bushehr power plant are part of this warfare 外国同省のスポークスマンは、この戦争の一部である洗練されたコンピュータワームは、ブシェール発電所に感染したという報告を言う

    • Pakistan's Musharraf Attempts Political Comeback
      Former military ruler announces launch of new party geared towards disaffected youth 旧軍の支配者は、新党の立ち上げを不満の若者を対象と発表

    • Reconciliation Village Hosts Victims, Prepetrators of Rwandan Genocide
      Founding members of the community voted on who could live there, typically choosing families most vulnerable to poverty or illness コミュニティのメンバーを創設、そこに住むことが誰で、通常は家族の最も貧困や病気に弱い選択投票

    • Pakistan Officials Report New Killings in Karachi
      Four days of political violence coincides with by-election to replace lawmaker killed in August 政治的暴力の4日は8月に死。議員を置き換えるために補欠選挙と一致する

    • US General: Iraqi Political Vacuum Fuels Violence
      Gen. Ralph Baker says prolonged political crisis has left civilians reluctant to divulge crucial information about insurgent cells 大将ラルフベーカーは延長政治危機は、民間人が武装勢力の細胞に関する重要な情報を漏らすには消極的残っているという

    • Hong Kong Remains a Strong Global Economic Center
      Handover of Hong Kong from Britain to China prompted many observers to say economic trade would wither in historically vibrant city 中国、英国から香港のハンドオーバは、経済貿易は歴史的に活気に満ちた都市を枯れるだろうと言って、多くのオブザーバーを求め

    • Report: Ethiopian Government Uses Aid as Political Tool
      Human Rights Watch says officials wield assistance to suppress opposition-party villagers, denying them loans, food aid, housing ヒューマンライツウォッチは、それらの融資、食料援助、住宅を否定し、野党サードパーティの村人を抑制するために職員を振るうの支援を言う

    • CIS intelligence services agree on joint action
      Intelligence services of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) agreed to fight terrorism as well as counter attempts to recruit citizens into radical organizations, a Russian official said Thursday. According to Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service spokesman Sergei Ivanov, the decision was made during the 11th meeting of the heads of security and intelligence services of the CIS countries. The meeting ended Thursday in Baku, Azerbaijan. During the two-day meeting, delegations of a ... CIS)を(連邦の情報サービスは、独立国家の組織基に、カウンタの試みを募集市民もテロと戦うために合意し、ロシア当局者が明らかにした

    • Lebanese Reactions Mixed Over Ahmadinejad Visit
      Iranian president arrives in Beirut amidst firestorm of debate and political wrangling イラン大統領は議論と政治論争のベイルートの中の嵐に到着

    • Released American Hiker 'Grateful and Humbled'
      Iran cites medical reasons for release of Sarah Shourd, though US officials emphasize that her two detained companions remain captive 米政府当局者は二人の拘束の仲間が捕虜のままということを強調かかわらず、イランは、サラShourdのリリースのための医療上の理由を挙げている

    • Indonesian Cleric Plans to Promote Moderate Muslim Philosophy in Europe
      Islamic theologian promotes country's tolerant, pluralist interpretation of Islam, counters violent ideology of radical extremists イスラムの神学者は、国の寛容を、イスラムの多元的な解釈を、根本的な過激派のカウンタは暴力的なイデオロギーを促進

    • Jailed tycoon loses battle for Gome
      Jailed tycoon Huang Guangyu lost his battle to wrestle back control of Gome Electrical Appliances, China's second largest electronics retailer, in Hong Kong on Tuesday evening. Shareholders voted against replacing Huang's successor and former protege, Chen Xiao, and another top executive, with Huang's sister and one of his lawyers. Huang's resolutions to oust current chairman Chen and Vice-President Sun Yiding were both defeated by a vote of about 52 percent to 48 percent. In total, ... 投獄されて。黄Guangyuは、夕方に火曜日香港香港では、小売業者のコントロールをGome電気用品、の中国二番目に大きい電子背面に取り組んで戦いを失った彼

    • Some Ugandan Journalists Reportedly Receive Money to Cover Ruling NRM Convention
      Journalist Tabu Butagira of the Uganda Daily Monitor says it is unethical for journalists to take money in doing their job ウガンダ毎日モニタのジャーナリストタブーButagiraは、ジャーナリストが自分の仕事をしてお金を取るための非倫理的であるという

    • Increase of Burma Refugees Concerns Thai Health Workers
      Medical care workers say as military government targets ethnic militias, they have seen steady increase in Burmese patients 医療労働者は、軍事政権は民族民兵組織をターゲットと言って、彼らはビルマの患者は着実に増加を見たことがある

    • Researchers: New Tuberculosis Medicine Urgently Needed
      Medical community is concerned that dearth of new treatments for TB will spur proliferation of drug-resistant strains 医療コミュニティはTBのための新しい治療法の不足が薬剤耐性菌の増殖を促進することを懸念している

    • US Sanctions Iranian Officials for Rights Violations
      Move marks first time Iranian political figures are called out for human rights abuses イランの政治的な数字は、人権侵害のために呼び出されたマークを初めて移動

    • UN Chief Urges World Leaders to Meet MDGs as Summit Opens in NY
      Mr. Ban calls on world leaders to reaffirm their commitments to drastically reducing global poverty, hunger, disease within five years 。次期総長は世界の指導者が劇的に世界の貧困、飢餓、疾病を減らすための5年以内にそのコミットメントを再確認を呼び出し

    • 'Friends of Yemen' Pledge Their Political Support
      Nations looking to help prevent al-Qaida, other terrorist groups from developing lasting stronghold in country meet at UN 国連は、国の持続的拠点を開発してから、アルカイダは、他のテロリストグループを防止するため、国連で会う方法を模索して

    • Nepal to hold 11th round of elections for PM
      Nepali parliament is conducting its 11th round of elections for the post of prime minister Thursday afternoon, as the 10 previous rounds failed to fill the void left by former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal. The 11th run-off since the former prime minister resigned June 30 remains still uncertain as the political parties have still failed to forge consensus. Nepali Congress Parliamentary Party leader Ram Chandra Poudel is expected to face another defeat in the prime ministerial poll th ... としてネパールKumarさん内閣総理大臣マダブ元によって残された空白を埋める前のラウンドが失敗して10日ネパールの議会は、導。午後木曜日大臣の首相ポストは11ラウンドの選挙のための第11回30大臣が辞任June流出以来、首相の元番目のまま投。閣僚は期待して首相に直面で敗北を別のPoudelはまだ不透明として政党がが、まだチャンドララムリーダー党大会議会ネパールに失敗しました偽造コンセンサスを...

    • Uganda Opposition Dismisses Proposed Law as Tyrannical
      Official of Uganda’s main opposition party says the proposed Public Order Management Law will stifle opponents of the government ウガンダの野党第一党の公式は、提。治安管理法は、政府の反対を抑えると言います

    • Somalia's Prime Minister Resigns
      Omar Abdirashid steps down, ending long-running political feud with President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed オマーアブディラシッドステップダウンし、大統領シェイクシャリフシェイクアハメッドと長期の政治的対立を終了する

    • Japanese Prime Minister Faces Big National Challenges
      Prime Minister Naoto Kan remains in office following a political challenge to his leadership Tuesday 内閣総理大臣は菅直人は、彼のリーダーシップと政治的挑戦火曜日、次のオフィスに残って

    • Early Nutrition Key to Reducing Poverty
      Report finds 1000 days of life influence physical and mental development 報告書は、物理的および精神的発達の生活に影響を与えるの1000日を見つける

    • Iraqi PM Says Politics Behind Latest WikiLeaks Relase
      Rival Sunni and Shi'ite political parties appeared to take opposing stances over the issue ライバルのスンニ派とシーア派の政党は問題を巡って対立姿勢を取るように見えた

    • Second Ugandan Journalist Beaten to Death
      Second incident in less than a week; media-rights groups say there is fear that latest killing may have been politically motivated 一週間足らずの間で第二の事件、メディア、人権団体は、恐れがあると言う最新の殺害は政治的に動機づけされていること

    • Pakistan's Karachi Shuts Down after Political Violence
      Security forces patrol city, with businesses closed and public transportation suspended in most areas 企業と治安部隊のパトロール市、ほとんどの地域で停。閉鎖や公共交通機関

    • Merkel: Germany Has Failed to Create Multicultural Society
      She tells a rally of her political party that integration is needed 彼女は統合が必要とされていることを彼女の政党の集会を指示

    • Zimbabwe Judge Sues MDC Party Leader for $1 Million
      Suit stems from critical remarks the party leader made about the judge 訴訟は、重要な発言から判断について行わ党首の茎

    • Volunteers Arrested in Zimbabwe Released on Bail
      The church volunteers' lawyer says his clients are charged with practicing without required medical licenses 教会のボランティアの弁護士が彼のクライアントが必要と医師免許なしで練習してご利用いただけます言う

    • China Says Rare Earths Not a Political Bargaining Chip
      The highly sought after minerals are used to produce high-tech products, such as iPods and hybrid cars 鉱物は、iPodやハイブリッド車などのハイテク製品を生産するために使用された後、非常に人気

    • Political Uncertainty Intensifies in Nepal
      The persisting political deadlock threatens to derail peace process and full move to democracy 永続化する政治的なデッドロックは、和平プロセスと民主主義への完全な移動を頓挫させる恐れが

    • Australian Warship to Create Artifical Reef Despite Contamination Fears
      Tribunal rules former navy ship can be sunk to create a reef if it is thoroughly decontaminated first それは完全に最初浄化れている場合裁判所の規則の元海軍船がサンゴ礁を作成する沈没することができます

    • Women come into their own in Latin America politics
      Two of the three serious candidates for Brazil's next presidency are women and the leading candidate, Dilma Rousseff, is widely predicted to win an outright victory in Sunday's presidential elections. Their leading presence is part of a trend that is decades old, but which has changed in character in recent years. From the early 1970s onwards, female political figures have had some presence in the region's political life, usually as the cat's paw of a powerful man. Often the wives, sister ... 大統領、次の候補、ブラジルの深刻な二つの3人と女性が最有力候補は、Dilma Rousseff、選挙、大統領の日曜日圧倒的勝利を広く予想に勝つ

    • Next Kyrgyzstan Government Expected to Keep US Base
      US-run Manas base expected to continue largely unaffected by the political change 米実行して、Manasは政治的な変化によって大きく影響を続けると予想ベース

    • Rare Dance Showcases Indigenous Art Festival in Australia
      Unique dance of Gurrir Gurrir people depicts events associated with a devastating tropical cyclone in 1974 Gurrir Gurrirの人々のユニークなダンスは、1974年に壊滅的な熱帯低気圧に関連付けられているイベントを示しています

    • Former Ghanaian President Rawlings Reportedly New AU Somalia Envoy
      University of Abuja political science professor Usman Mohamed says Jerry Rawlings' background would him greatly in his new job アブジャ政治学教授がして、Usman Mohamedさんの大学は言うジェリーローリングスの背景大幅に彼を彼の新しい仕事になる

    • Ivorian Political Leaders Confirm October 31 Poll Date
      Vote intended to reunite country after a 2002 civil war, but it has been postponed six times in past five years 投票は2002年の内戦後の国を再会させるためのもの、それは過去5年間で6回延期されている

    • Puppets, Political Satire Popular on Kenyan TV
      XYZ Show uses humor to tackle controversial issues and hold leaders accountable XYZの地図を表示する論争の的となる問題に取り組むために、指導者に責任をユーモアを使用して

    • GT2010 -Beautiful sounds of God
      onday is the hardest day in my week.

    • nanndaka
      width=510 height=39 border=0> <div class=entry_title><a href= なんだか知らんがとても寒いです

    • 5.9-magnitude quake hits southern Peru -- USGS
      An earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale jolted southern Peru at 07:15:49 GMT on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 176.90 km, was initially determined to be at 14.6922 degrees south latitude and 70.9565 degrees west longitude.&$ &$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... リヒタースケールでマグニチュード5.9の地震が測定月曜日GMTに午前七時15分49秒ペルーで。揺れました、米国地質調査所によると

    • People responsible for red sludge disaster must pay: Hungarian PM
      &$&$ Rescue workers prepare to clean houses and yards in Devecser, about 150 kms west of Budapest. Hungarian police and soldiers evacuated 800 villagers Saturday as authorities feared a second flood of toxic sludge from a chemicals plant was likely after new cracks appeared in a dyke. (Xinhua/AFP Photo) Those responsible for the sludge deluge that killed seven, sent 150 people to ... &$&$救助隊員が準備して、ブダペストの150キロ西の家きれいにDevecser、約ヤードと

    • Iraq's Political Deadlock May be Nearing End
      Lawmakers have had to contend with sectarian, ethnic differences, regional, international interference and yet more hurdles to come 議員は来て宗派、民族の違い、地域、国際的な干渉が、まだ多くのハードルと競合しなければならなかった

    • Hungarian Government Takes Over Toxic Spill Plant
      MAL Ltd company director arrested after chemical waste killed eight in western part of country 化学廃棄物は国の西部で8を殺した後MALは株式会社の会社の取締役は、逮捕された

    • South African Singer-Songwriter Bursts onto World ‘Nu Folk’ Scene
      Laurie Levine gaining international reputation with thoughtful lyrics, intricate songs and intelligent musical arrangements ローリーLevineは思いやりのある歌詞、複雑な曲やインテリジェント編曲と国際的な名声を得て

    • Nigerian Electoral Commission and Political Parties Agree to Push Back Date of General Elections
      INEC says new elections will be held in April but will require constitutional amendment INECは、新しい選挙は4月に行われる憲法改正を必要とする意見

    • Nigerian Analyst Urges Delay in 2011 Vote, Avoid 2007 Repeat
      Nigerian political analyst suggests need to delay vote to allow INEC to organize a credible vote and avoid repeat of 2007 ballot ナイジェリアの政治アナリストは、投票をINECは信。投票を整理すると2007年の投票の繰り返しを避けるように遅延させる必要があることを示唆

    • Nigeria’s Electoral Commission Meets Political Parties Tuesday
      Nigeria’s electoral commission invites political parties to address their concerns Tuesday ahead of next year’s votes ナイジェリアの選挙委員会は、政党火曜日来年の投票前に彼らの懸念に対処するに誘う

    • Most Nigerian Political Parties Agree to Election Postponement
      Nigeria’s ruling government party spokesman says PDP agrees to presidential election postponement so credible vote can be organized ナイジェリアの与党政府与党のスポークスマンは、信頼できる投票が整理することができますので、PDPは、大統領選挙延期することに同意する意見

    • Professor Predicts a Tense Political Season for Nigeria's Ruling Party
      Kabiru Mato of the University of Abuja says decisions by president Jonathan and Babangida set the stage for a charged political season アブジャ大学Kabiruマットグロッソ州、社長ジョナサンとババンギダの決定は、充電政治のシーズンに向けての段階を設定するという

    • News Analysis: Hariri's indictment hints political unrest in Lebanon
      Lebanon's recent political tranquillity cannot cover up the escalating dispute between the government and its opponents, which hints a fear of sectarian violence as all parties involved are waiting for the Special Tribunal's indictment to be released. Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri's admitted early this month that it was a mistake to accuse Syria of a massive bombing in 2005 that killed his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, which could not stop the growing tension as the armed ... レバノンの最近の政。静けさがリリースされる起。特別法廷のその相手が、待っているに関わった全ての当事者として宗派間の暴力のヒント恐怖を、政府エスカレートできないカバーを開く間の紛争を

    • Lebanon Faces Deepening Political Crisis Over International Tribunal
      Syria, allies continue to exert pressure on government to put end to tribunal investigating assassination of former prime minister シリアは、同盟国は、元首相の暗殺事件を調査して裁判に終止符を打つために政府に圧力をかけ続ける

    • Political Volatility Threatens Key US Staging Base for Afghan War
      United States is hopeful that goodwill and dollars will please Kyrgyzstan's leaders, people - and keep open vital portal to Afghanistan アフガニスタンに開いて重要なポータルを維持 - 米国は、のれんおよびドルはキルギスの指導者は、人々を満足させることを期待している

    • Lifeplayer: Solar-Powered Digital Radio in Rural Africa
      Device delivers education, health, technical information for classroom size settings デバイスは、教育、健康、教室のサイズの設定のための技術情報を提供

    • Oil spill compensation payout rate soars: BP
      &$&$ BP said payouts to people affected by its Gulf of Mexico oil spill has dramatically increased since it surrendered authority for dispensing funds to an independent administrator. BP said the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF), the $20 billion fund it set up to compensate fishermen, hoteliers and retailers whose business was hit by the spill, had paid out 19,000 claims tota ... &$&$ BPが最大劇的に資金を分配の増加から、それが降伏したの権限を設定する独立したそれがあると流出油のメキシコ湾のペイアウトは、人々の影響で資金管理者のBPとガルフコーストクレーム施設は、200億ドル()GCCFうち19,000クレームが踏。漁師を補償するために、ホテル経営者とその事業流出に見舞われた小売店、支払っていた...

    • Militants Attack Yet Another NATO Tanker in Pakistan
      Trucks remain delayed at border with Afghanistan as militants stage attacks on critical resupply convoy 武装勢力は、重要な補給船団への攻撃を舞台としてトラックは、アフガニスタンとの国境にはいくつかの遅延のまま

    • Tough Realities Plague Planned 2011 US Drawdown From Afghanistan
      Nine years later, a resurgent, more savvy Taliban and an altered political landscape change the war game 9年後、復活した、より精通したタリバンと変更された政治的な風景は、戦争ゲームを変更する

    • Musharraf to Launch New Pakistan Political Party
      Former president will announce political platform for the new All Pakistan Muslim League 元大統領は、新しいすべてのパキスタンイスラム教徒連盟の政治的なプラットフォームを発表する予定だ

    • Opposition Falls Short of Majority in Bahrain Election
      Shi'ite Muslim political bloc has won 18 seats in the 40-seat parliament シーア派イスラム教徒の政治圏は、40席の議会で18議席を獲得しています

    • Ethiopia Dismisses Human Rights Watch Report
      Government communications minister Bereket Simon says food distribution in Ethiopia is based on humanitarian needs not political 政府通信大臣Bereketサイモンは人道的、政治的必要はないのエチオピアの食糧配給が基づいているという

    • Japanese Detainees Admit Entering Chinese Military Area
      Men were in China in connection with project to dispose of chemical weapons left behind by Japanese military forces after World War II 男性は第二次世界大戦後の日本軍が残した化学兵器の廃棄するためのプロジェクトに関連して中国にいた

    • Explosion in Finland's chemical factory kills one, injuring another
      An explosion happened in Arizona Chemical Factory in Oulu, in northern Finland, early Wednesday. It has claimed the life of one person, another person was seriously injured. According to Finnish media report, the explosion occurred around 8:30 in the Wednesday morning when welding work was being carried out on the 150 water-filled cubic meter turpentine container in the chemical Factory. The explosion killed one, injuring a few, one seriously. Several emergency units and ambulances were c ... 北フィンランド、29日早朝、爆発オウルのアリゾナ化学工場で起こった

    • Italy to invest for cold storage units in Pakistan
      Italian companies showed their interest to invest 150 million U.S. dollars in establishing cold storage units and refrigerator containers in Pakistan's eastern province Punjab, local media reported on Friday. An Italian delegation comprising members of Italian Development Council (IDC) and SIMEST, member of European Development Finance Institutions, visited Lahore on Thursday and Friday to explore investment opportunities in various sectors specifically in integrated cold chain projec ... イタリアの企業は、パンジャブ東部州のパキスタン、冷蔵庫コンテナ単位でのストレージの確立風邪を示した米ドル万関心を投資150、地元メディアが金曜日に報じた

    • 5.9-magnitude quake hits Costa Rica -- USGS
      An earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale jolted near San Jose, Costa Rica, on late Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake occurred with a depth of some 98 km, said the USGS. There were no immediate reports of serious damage or casualties. Meanwhile, witnesses in Costa Rica said they could feel the tremor and cellular phone service were partially interrupted during the quake.&$ &$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... リヒタースケールでマグニチュード5.9の地震が測定金曜日遅くして、Jose、コスタリカ、上のサン揺れました近く、米国地質調査所(USGS)は言った

    • Study: Christmas Bomber 'Not Radicalized at British University'
      Independent panel says evidence suggests accused bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a well-adjusted student 独立したパネルには、証拠が爆撃ウマルFarouk Abdulmutallabを非。示唆しているというよく調整された学生だった

    • Canada Arrests Suspect in Hamas Operative Killing
      More than 30 people were allegedly involved in the killing of Hamas offical in United Arab Emirates in January 30人以上が伝えられるところでは月にアラブ首長国連邦でのハマス関係者の殺害に関与していた

    • Japan's Ozawa says not to leave DPJ or resign from Parliament
      Ichiro Ozawa, former Secretary General and leader of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) said Thursday he has no intentions of leaving the ruling party or the Diet despite vociferous calls from opposition parties and members within his own party to do so, following his impending trial over political funds irregularities. Ozawa who will be indicted over a funding scandal maintained his innocence saying he had done nothing wrong and will, if summoned, appear before the Diet to explain himself ... 小沢一郎、元事務局長と日本の民主党(民主党)のリーダーは、彼は次のこれを行うには、彼自身の党内野党とのメンバーから声高に叫ばれるの呼び出しにもかかわらず、与党や国会を離れるのは意図を持って明らかにした彼の切迫した不正資金の裁判がめぐる政治

    • Jordan's Islamists call for dialogue to formulate election law
      Jordan's Islamic Action Front (IAF) called for a nationwide dialogue on Saturday to formulate a modern and democratic election law after it refused to take part in the country's legislative elections two months later. The IAF, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, said the current election law does not realize the required political reform in Jordan after it met with Jordanian Prime Minister Samir Rifai and several ministers on Saturday. Observers said the government failed to con ... ヨルダンのイスラム戦線は(IAF)は後半を拒否してそれが後ヶ月〜2国の議会選挙法と呼ばれる選挙民主主義と近代的な土曜日の全国対話を策定

    • China Snubs Norway Again in Nobel Prize Dispute
      Beijing cancels performances of Norwegian musical as a 'punishment' for the Nobel Peace Prize going to jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo 北京は投獄反体制派の劉暁波に行くノーベル平和賞のための。。u0026#39;罰。。u0026#39;、ノルウェー音楽の公演をキャンセル

    • Nobel Prize Winner Veteran of Long Campaign for Political Reform
      Liu has been in and out of Chinese prisons over past two decades because of his outspoken advocacy of human rights 劉さんは、人権の彼の率直な擁護のために過去20年間に中国の刑務所を出たり入ったりされている

    • Bomb Explosion Near Bangkok Adds to Political Uncertainty, Tension
      Thai police allege anti-government bomb makers accidentally set off the blast タイ警察が反政。爆弾メーカーが誤って爆発させると主張

    • Strike at BBC called off after unions spark row over political impartiality
      A planned strike by BBC workers next week, which sparked criticism that the strike dates were chosen for political reasons to harm the Conservative party, was suspended on Friday. Workers at the broadcaster BBC are angered over plans for large scale changes to their pensions, and planned to strike for two days during next week's Conservative party conference, stopping the BBC from covering the conference and the keynote speech by coalition government Prime Minister David Cameron. The stri ... 保守党を害する選択のための政治的な理由とされた日付は、ストライキの計画のストライキによって、という批判を巻き起こした、週BBCの労働者横には、年金の変化にその規模計画のための大規模な上に腹を立てているBBCの放。労働者で

    • Achieving MDGs hinges on women's empowerment: UN report
      Attaining the United Nations anti- poverty goals, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), hinges on women's participation and empowerment, the African Progress Panel said in a new report published on Friday. The new resource guide shows critical importance of girls and women to attaining all eight goals. The report, released on the run-up to the UN MDG Summit in New York, highlights the critical necessity of achieving the full participation and empowerment of women and girls in all aspects ... 目標を達成する国連反貧困、ミレニアム開発目標は、(MDGs)の、エンパワーメントとヒンジの女性の参加、アフリカプログレスパネルは金曜日によるとで公開されてレポートを新しい


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