- 小沢幹事長問題の本質
the founders of this nation warned about the dangers of corporate influence. the constitution they wrote mentions many things and assigns them rights and protections — the people, militias, the press, religions. but it does not mention corporations.
- ジョー リーバーマンとイエメン戦争
speaking on fox news sunday, senator joeseph lieberman (i-ct), who leads the senate homeland security and governmental affairs committee, has a vision of tomorrow's war. somebody in our government said to me in sana’a, the capital of yemen, iraq was yesterday’s war, lieberman explained. afghanistan is today’s war. if we don’t act preemptively, yemen will be tomorrow’s war. that’s the danger we face. senator arlen specter (d-pa), also appearing on the program, seemed to agree, calling an attack against yemen something we should consider. maj. nidal malik hasan -- the army officer who killed 13 people in a shooting rampage at fort hood in november -- was linked to anwar al-awlaki, a radical muslim cleric now based in yemen, the hill noted. unnamed administration officials told us media in the aftermath of the thwarted attack that their suspect had confessed to traveling to yemen and receiving training by al-qaeda. lieberman's saber rattling against yemen is likely to be echoed in the days ahead as a growing number of neoconservative and conservative foreign policy voices have used the attempted airline attack to call into question the tactics obama has applied to curb terrorism, sam stein added. in a borderline-livid post, firedoglake writer spencer ackerman assailed lieberman's hawkish stance. is it a mistake to respond to this with more than ridicule? maybe, but if not: it’s a ludicrously blithe and cost-free assertion to say that we need to take preemptive action in yemen. what the fuck does joe lieberman know about yemen? what does anyone in the washington policy community know about yemen? fucking nothing except that (a) there is an apparently growing al-qaeda presence there; abdulmutallab told investigators that he got hooked up with his botched explosive there; the uss cole was bombed there; there’s an important port there; and… that’s it. the good news is that while progressives basically need joe lieberman’s vote in the senate to pass domestic legislation, thus giving him a ton of leverage over what happens, nobody needs to listen to him about yemen, blogger matt yglesias opined. so what is it in the neocon psyche that insists on invading everyone that has a citizen that might have done something to us? and just why the hell does lieberman think that anyone gives a flying rat's ass what he says? wjm51 14 hours ago tell you what, joe. how about if you and your family invade yemen? that way the rest of america can ignore you, and if you actually stop someone from doing something, you can always tell yourself heckuva job, joe , just like your hero w would. and take your bs about we must invade and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. it doesn't matter what you or w say, preemptive strikes are illegal. why do you neocons insist that whatever you do isn't illegal? there are laws, you moron, and this country used to at least give lip service to obeying them. now, thanks to you and your idiot buddies, we are acting like a bunch of childish bullies. that is not what this country should be standing for. but i guess this is what happens when your country has run it's course. those who can't see that they and their own policies brought us here are the loudest about going around pushing others around. grow up and go home. you have done far more than enough damage to the country. we don't need any more of you or your stupidity.
- ピクニック行きましょう
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everybody brings food, juice, wine ....