- フォークランド攻撃を許したイギリス―サッチャー回顧録より
(原文) we had come to be seen by both friends and enemies as a nation which lacked the will and the capability to defend its interests in peace, let alone in war.
- 「共産主義にはなぜ独裁が」―武満徹の疑問とシチェドリン、ハイエクの答え
(原文)…… the readiness to do bad things becomes a path to promotion and power . the positions in a totalitarian society in which it is necessary to practice cruelty and intimidation, deliberate deception and spying, are numerous.
- フルシチョフの家族帯同・13日間の訪米がもたらしたもの
(原文) the meeting in iowa with garst underscored the primacy, of the political question. that meeting was in september 1959. khrushchev ordained the berlin wall in august 1961. in the summer of 1962 he emplaced soviet missiles in cuba , bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war. soviet agricultural production, meanwhile, fell below the level of 1955 and the advent of khrushchev to power .