- 新・新日本砂漠化-53 最近、カンピョウの海苔巻きが美味しいワケ!?
if co2 didn't increase rapidly, was the earth still a glacial epoch( co2 が急増しなければ、地球はまだ氷河期だったかも)?
- 2011/06/21 NHK-FM ベストオブクラシック
in the hours of the new moon hyperion uk 2007-01-16 amazonアソシエイト by
- なんとなく
here comes the rain again / eurythmics
- 済州島/KBSについて 世界のペンたちの共同声明
in a statement of protest, jyj’s overseas fan alliance said, “jyj’s fans in korea and abroad have been criticizing kbs and the jeju local government for passing on the responsibility to each other, and have asked for a clear explanation for canceling jyj’s appearance. but kbs and the jeju local government have only made nonsensical excuses that were unconvincing, which as a result, greatly disappointed many fans home and abroad.”
- 食器☆
il capitan…