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    音楽 関連語 RADO HYDE ZARD
    • Iran's women-only bank
      Bank Melli — one of Iran's biggest retail banks — opened a women-only branch in the holy city of Mashhad Monday, allowing women to manage their finances without dealing with unrelated men. Under sharia law, the Islamic legal system imposed after Iran's 1979 revolution, unrelated men and women are forbidden to have intimate contact. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... Melli銀行- 1つの銀行のイラン最大の小売業-男性の財政をせずに扱うとは無関。枝を女性専用にオープンしたその聖なる管理できるように女性が、月曜日マシュハド市の法律の下でシャリア、イスラムの法制度は、1979年課した後、イランの革命無関係の男性と女性が連絡先を親。持っている禁止

    • Berlin at War by Roger Moorhouse – review
      By Vera RuleThere's a pounding quietness to Moorhouse's description of life in Berlin, 1939 to 1945. The sound levels do rise as the allies bomb the city, huge flak guns bark back, and at the very last the Russian loose Katyusha rockets, Stalin's booming organs. But before that is an intensifying hush, the silencing snow of the freak winter of 1940, in which Berliners were forbidden all heat; the weariness and wariness that curtailed their conversations; the prohibition on listening to foreign radio broadcasts – anyone tuning in to Ambrose's Orchestra in enemy London risked jail or worse. The big stuff, including the final battle through the ruins, we've read before, but not the mean details of degradation – the stink of halitosis in bunkers after Germans could no longer find a dentist – or the surreal stories, such as that of the S-Bahn train serial killer, an upstanding Nazi party member who was caught by patient detection after murdering eight women. Most Berliners were never free from the silence, fear, want and loss that they had imposed across Europe.HistorySecond world warVera Ruleguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ベラRuleThereによってベルリン、1945年から1939年における生活のムアハウスの記述にドキドキ静粛です

    • China allocates 16.7 bln yuan for housing for low-income urban families
      China's central government has allocated 16.7 billion yuan (2.45 billion U.S. dollars) to help fiscally stretched local governments solve the housing problems of low-income urban families, the Ministry of Finance said Thursday. The move came after Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao promised at the annual legislative session in March the nation would build 3 million low-cost apartments for low-income families and renovate 2.8 million shanty houses. Governments at all levels are forbidden to hold ba ... 中国の中央政府は、家族の都市が割り当てられて16700000000元を(2.45億ドルの所得ドル低)への住宅問題を解。伸ばし自治体に役立つ財政、財務省が発表した

    • Syria bans full face veils at universities
      Syria has forbidden the country's students and teachers from wearing the niqab - the full Islamic veil that reveals only a woman's eyes - taking aim at a garment many see as political.The ban shows a rare point of agreement between... シリアはniqabを - 唯一の女性の目を明らかにフルイスラムベール - 衣服に多くはpolitical.The禁止の間の合意の珍しい点を示して参照してくださいを狙って着てから、国の生徒や教師を禁じている...

    • A few questions for the Muslim brothers who demonstrated in Tahrir Square after Friday prayers on 29 july | Tariq Ali
      I wrote this poem in response to the events in Egypt's capital last FridayI address this poem to the Muslim brothers who demonstrated in Cairo's Tahrir Square after Friday prayers on 29 JulyPatience exhaustedYou emerged from the shadowsTo tell us what was forbidden and why.You spoke loudly and clearly,Each chant a whiplash:God is Great!The laws of God transcend democracy!Liberals and secularists are the scum of the earth!Copts too!And uncovered women!And leftists, trapped on the wrong side of history,Their rage impotent, their numbers miniscule!We Brothers represent the will of God!Who told you?Why did you believe him?Was it the will of God that your leaders collaborate with Mubarak?What of your rivals at home who claim the same?And your noisy neighbours, each with their preachers in tow?The Sultans in Abu Dhabi and Riyadh?The Ayatollahs in Qom and Karbala?The godly warlords in the White House?The Pope in the Vatican?The Rabbis in the Jerusalem Synagogue?Their God is great too, is he not?The Book teaches us there is only one God,Omnipotent, indivisible, all-seeing.Why does He speak in so many different tongues and voices?Is He trying to please all at the same time?Both Israel and Palestine?Both oppressor and oppressed?Leave Him alone for the moment,Tell us what else you believe in?How will you deal with our exploitersstarting with those inside your ranks?Does the sun belong to you alone?Is your God a neoliberal?Must the poor live off charity for ever?Why are our people despairing?How long will you chain their freedoms?Whose side are you really on?Tariq Ali31 July 2011EgyptArab and Middle East unrestIslamReligionPoetryMiddle EastAfricaTariq Aliguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 私はexhaustedYouは禁じられていたものを教えてshadowsToから生まれたとwhy.Youは大声で話すと29 JulyPatienceで金曜礼拝後のカイロのタハリール広場で示されるイスラム教徒の兄弟に最後のFridayIアドレスのエジプトの首都でのイベントに応答してこの詩をこの詩を書いた明らかに、それぞれの聖歌は、むち打ち症:!神は偉大である神の律法は、民主主義を超越し自由主義者と世俗主義者もコプト教徒地球のスカムであり、摘発女性や左翼は、、彼らの怒りは無力、歴史の誤った側にトラップさ!!その数極小!我々の兄弟神の意志を表す!誰があなたに話した?なぜあなたは彼を信じるのですか?それはあなたの指導者がムバラクと協力している神の意志になった?同じことを主張する自宅であなたのライバルの何か、そしてあなたの騒々しい隣人、後ろに従えて彼らの説教師と各?アブダビとリヤドでスルタン?コムとカルバラinアヤトラ?ホワイトハウスの信仰心の厚い武将?教皇、バチカンの?エルサレムのシナゴーグのラビ?彼らの神が大きすぎる、彼ではありませんか?今は1つだけの神、全能の、不可分、すべての- seeing.Why彼は非常に多くの異なる舌と声で話すのでしょうか?彼は一度にすべてを喜ばせるためとしているがあるか?イスラエルとパレスチナの両方を教えてくれる?両方の迫害者と抑圧された?一瞬だけで彼を残すには、年を信じて他に何を教えてください?どのようにあなたのランクの中にあるものと私たちのexploitersstartingに対処するのだろうか?太陽は単独で使用するに属しているのか?あなたの神は、新自由主義か?貧しい必要があります永遠に人の善意に頼って生きるなぜ私たちの人々は絶望的ですどのくらいあなたはそれらの自由を連鎖させる予定の味方しているあなたは本当に上のTariq Ali31 July 2011EgyptArabと中東unrestIslamReligionPoetryMiddle EastAfricaTariq Aliguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンニュース&メディア株式会社2011 |??使用このコンテンツを当社の規約に従うもの|その他フィード

    • Ick: GP claims pesticides found on Wal-Mart, Ito Yokado produce
      Retail giants Wal-Mart and Ito Yokado were among the supermarkets found selling genetically modified food products currently forbidden in China and pesticide and insecticide tainted veg-etables and fruits to Chinese consumers, Green Peace (GP) said at a press conference held yesterday, World Consumer Rights Day. GP made 83 random samplings of items including rice, vegetables and fruits last October and November at 19 supermarket chain-stores, such as Wal-Mart, Ito Yokado, Auchant and Tesco in ... 小売大手Wal - Martとイトーヨーカ堂は、スーパーの間でされた遺伝子組み換え食品の製品は、現在、中国、農薬や殺虫剤で汚染されたベジタリアン- etablesと中国の消費者、グリーンピース(GP)は、果物禁じられて販売が記者会見を昨日、世界開かれたと消費者の権利の日

    • Spain to limit wearing of burka: justice minister
      Spanish Minister of Justice Francisco Caamano Tuesday said the country's future law on religious freedom will limit the wearing of the burka, a kind of all-enveloping cloak, in public spaces. The garment covers the wearer's entire head, shoulders and face, and doesn't contain a slit of eyes as in the case of the similar garment niqab. Caamano's announcement came just one day after Barcelona became the third Spanish city to announce that the wearing of both garments would be forbidden in pu ... スペイン大臣は、火曜日の正義サンフランシスコカーマニョスペースの将来法律が宗教的国と国民の自由、マント着用のすべてのブルカ、親切なエンベロープが制限されます

    • The quiet other half of a flamboyant superstar
      It is a story of a love that dared not speak its name, a tale of heady romance between two products of suburbia who sought a relationship forbidden by convention amid the neatly manicured lawns and swept driveways of their early environs.A... 綺麗に手入れの行き届いた芝生と彼らの初期のenvirons.Aの行程車道の中で規則で禁止されて関係を求めて郊外の両製品の間に、酔わロマンスの物語を、その名前を話すことは勇気の愛の物語です...

    • New Zealand earthquake eyewitness: 'It shook the house like a toy'
      Tragic stories emerge of people trapped as aftershocks continue in ChristchurchIn theory the quake was not as bad as the one we had in September last year that measured 7.1: this was 6.3. But everyone agrees the new one was worse. Buildings in the city centre, including our namesake cathedral, have been severely damaged and of course all but emergency traffic is forbidden there.Tragic stories are emerging of people trapped, saved, and then injured again. Moreover, the aftershocks continue: like the others it shook the house like a toy. Cracks are appearing, books are all over the place, and of course a good deal of crockery has gone. But all in all we personally have been very lucky to have such minimal damage, both this time and the last.The emergency services are acting magnificently. Our power was restored in about five hours and superloos are being installed where the water has gone or there is a danger of sewage infection. In both connections we have been very fortunate. Several suburbs had still not recovered from the September quake and its aftershocks. Our paper, the Press, has its editorial offices in the heart of the damaged city but it produced an emergency issue this morning. One of the worst-hit buildings was the Christchurch office of TVNZ, but the reporters did their job splendidly. (That, it must be said, is hearsay: Sky television, on which we rely, has been off since the start. We should revert to terrestrial!)Geoffrey Taylor is a former foreign editor of the Guardian New ZealandNatural disasters and extreme weatherguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds これは6.3であった:余震は、地震は、我々は7.1を測定した昨年九月にいたものとして悪くはなかったChristchurchIn理論で続けている悲劇的な物語が埋もれている人々の登場

    • Medvedev vetoes law restricting protests
      President Dmitry Medvedev has in a rare move vetoed a bill agreed by the Russian parliament last month which activists said would further restrict opposition protests, the Kremlin said Saturday.The new law was agreed by the State Duma, the lower house, on October 22 and then approved by the Federation Council upper house on October 27 and only needed to be signed by Medvedev to come into force.The changes would notably have forbidden anyone convicted in the past of organising an illegal demonstration of putting in a request for permission to hold a protest. メドベージェフ大統領は異例の法案は、活動家は、さらに反対の抗議を制限すると述べた先月ロシア議会で合。拒否でおり、ロシア政府はSaturday.The新しい法律は、10月22日に下院、衆院で合意したと述べたその後、10月27日連邦会議、参院で承認された唯一の、特に保持するためのアクセス許可の要求に入れての違法なデモを組織の過去の有罪判決を受けた人を禁じているだろうforce.The変更に来て、メドベージェフ大統領が署名する必要が抗議する

    • Women must be leaders in faith | Shaista Gohir
      A woman led Muslim prayers in Oxford last week. Her actions and those of others like her, across faiths, deserve our supportSo far, it seems only Muslim women from abroad dare lead men in Friday prayers in the UK. A Canadian, Raheel Raza, became the second Muslim woman to do so at the Muslim Educational Centre in Oxford last week. An African-American convert, Amina Wadud, was the first Muslim woman to lead mixed prayers at the same centre in 2008. It's not surprising that British Muslim women are not brave enough to follow their footsteps – both have been demonised after leading men in prayers in their own countries.Why is the idea of female imams so controversial amongst many Muslims? When Amina Wadud shocked the world in 2005 by leading mixed-gender Friday prayers in New York, I must admit even I felt uncomfortable. I had been brought up to believe only men could be imams, something I never questioned until recently.An honest study of Islamic texts reveals that women are not forbidden to lead men in prayer – the Qur'an does not even address this issue. In fact the conditions required are Islamic knowledge, skill and piety – none of which are gender related. However, (mostly male) scholars maintain there is consensus on the impermissibility of women leading men in prayer despite lack of evidence to back up their position. In many quarters, this issue is not even open to debate, despite the fact that centuries ago it was discussed without controversy and a diversity of opinions was respected. According to female scholar Halima Krausen, a number of male scholars, such as Abu Thawr al-Kalbi, Abu Isma'il al-Muzani, al-Isfahani, at-Tabari and Ibn Taymiyya, had nothing against women leading mixed prayers. One woman, Umm Waraqa, is known to have led men in prayers in her hous 女性はオックスフォードで先週イスラム教の祈りを主導した

    • Eyes Wide Open reveals the homophobia of Orthodox Judaism
      The important yet depressing Eyes Wide Open is true to life: it shows a Hassidic community that preaches sexual intolerance and a terror of differenceEyes Wide Open may be sensitively filmed and movingly narrated, but it is also profoundly depressing. Set in a fundamentalist religious community in Jerusalem, it tells the story of two men who fall in love and embark on an illicit affair. Same-sex relationships within any conservative religious community are generally forbidden. Orthodox Judaism, for its part, teaches that men and women should marry young, have lots of babies and live as purely and God-fearingly as possible. This film follows on the heels of Sandi Simcha DuBowski's fascinating 2001 documentary Trembling Before G-d, which interviews lesbian and gay Orthodox Jews trying to come to terms with their sexuality. The fascination for me was the subjects' allegiance to their religion rather than their sexuality. Why do they stay wedded to a set of beliefs that interprets their lifestyles as an abomination? What pull does fundamentalist religion have for these people, who, unlike many others, could walk away into the arms of another community?My partner Harriet's brother, Daniel, is a Hassidic Jew living just outside Jerusalem. Two years ago, Harriet and I – out and proud lesbians – attended the arranged marriage of Daniel's 17-year-old daughter. As I stood talking to Harriet's parents, the father of the groom approached me, thinking I was Harriet. I braced myself. When Harriet's father introduced me as his daughter-in-law, the father of the groom blanched and turned away, not out of rudeness or open hostility, but because of his inability to cope with the knowledge of my lesbianism.The odd thing about the wedding was the sex segregation. Men and women do not 重要なまだ気のめいるようアイズワイドオープンの生活に真である:それは性的不寛容とdifferenceEyesの恐怖ワイドオープンに敏感と撮影することが感動ナレーション説教Hassidicコミュニティを示していますが、それはまた、深く気のめいるよう設定します原理主義の宗教社会ではエルサレムは、それが恋に落ちる2人の男の物語と不倫に乗り出す

    • Satellite station dishes up forbidden desire to Tehran willing
      TEHRAN: A satellite TV station co-owned by Rupert Murdoch is pulling in Iranian viewers with sizzling soaps and sitcoms but has incensed mullahs and state television executives. テヘラン:衛星放送は、共同ルパートマードック氏が焼けるように暑い石鹸とコメディとイランのビューアで引いている所有して駅が激昂ムラーと国営テレビの幹部をしています


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