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    ニュース 関連語 チベット 広東省 新疆ウイグル自治区 中国共産党 漢民族 ウイグル族 漢族
    • Chinese Police Find, Kill, Perpetrators of Xinjiang Attack
      Police say the men were found hiding in a cornfield outside the city of Kashgar, where attackers killed six people and wounded 15 others 警察は、男性は、攻撃者は6人が死亡、15人が負傷カシュガル、市郊外のトウモロコシ畑に隠れて発見されたと言う

    • China remodels Silk Road city but scars run deep
      The call to prayer echoes across the old Silk Road city of Kashgar, drawing believers into the main mosque under the watchful eye of armed police, as building cranes loom in the distance.It's the end of a day of fasting in this old trading post between East and West -- a remote city in China's far-western region of Xinjiang that is reeling from recent deadly attacks that laid bare long-standing ethnic tensions. distance.Itのでの間にこの古い交易所で断食の一日の終わりをクレーンの織機を構築するなど、武装警察の監視の目を下に主なモスクに信者を描くカシュガルの旧シルクロードの都市間の祈りのエコーの呼び出し、、東と西 - 裸の長年の民族間の緊張を築いた最近の致命的な攻撃から繰糸された新疆の中国の遠西部地域における遠。都市

    • All roads lead to Urumqi for Central Asia's shoppers
      Urumqi, one of the mainland's poorest cities, in the strife-torn province of Xinjiang, is a study in contradictions. Most of its residents earn only 1,000 to 2,000 yuan a month, but some of its shopping malls sell luxury goods that would take the average Urumqi wage earner years to buy. ウルムチは、1つの最も貧しい都市本土のは、新疆の紛争の州では、矛盾の研究である

    • Resources to fuel Zhongtai growth
      Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co, a chemical raw materials producer based in Urumqi, is eyeing the rich natural resources in the autonomous region for further expansion. The company, which mainly produces polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin and caustic soda, plans to expand its portfolio into areas including the coal-to-chemical business, said Fan Xuefeng, deputy general manager of Zhongtai Chemical. The company has bought the development rights of a coalmine block covering 248.6 sq km and start ... 新疆Zhongtai化学株式会社は、化学原料生産ウルムチに基づいて、拡張さらに自治のための豊富な天然資源ですつけている

    • Shenhua Group in $8b Xinjiang coal projects
      URUMQI - Shenhua Group Corp Ltd, China's biggest coal producer, will invest 52 billion yuan ($8 billion) in coal-to-oil conversion projects in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, aiming to reduce the country's dependence on imported oil, a company official said. According to the company's plan, by the end of 2015, Shenhua will reach 70 million tons of annual coal production and build a coal-to-oil conversion plant with annual production capacity of 3 million tons. Shenhua has 20 millio ... ウルムチ - 神華集団コーポレーション株式会社、中国最大の石炭生産は、石油の輸入国への依存を減らすことを目指し、新疆維吾爾自治区で石炭から石油への変換プロジェクトには52億元($ 8億ドル)投資する、同社の関係者は述べて

    • First highway on Pamirs Plateau to open in 2013
      A highway running through the deep gorges and treacherous currents of the Pamirs Plateau is expected to soon be built in Xinjiang. The road, which will be the first highway on the Pamirs Plateau, will be completed and opened in September 2013. The quick trade route connects Kashgar, an important city in western China, and the Irkeshtam Port. The preparatory work for the highway's construction has been completed, and the construction will soon start, according to the Xinjiang Highway Admini ... 深い峡谷とパミール高原の危険な電流が流れる高速道路はすぐに新疆に建設されると予想される

    • Pakistan leader renews pledge to fight terrorism
      URUMQI, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari on Thursday renewed his pledge to fight terrorism and extremism while vowing closer cooperation with China in counter-terrorism efforts. Zardari made the pledge during a speech delivered at the first China-Eurasia Expo, which is currently being held in northwest China's city of Urumqi. The president applauded China's efforts to fight religious extremism, adding that Pakistan understands the need to root out threats to stabilit ... ウルムチ、9月1日(新華社) - 木曜日にパキスタン大統領のアシフアリザルダリは、テロ対策の取り組みにおける中国とのより緊密な協力を誓う一方、テロや過激主義と戦うために彼の誓約を更新

    • Migrant homes razed
      Chinese authorities are demolishing an area in the northwestern city of Urumqi, home to migrants they blame for disrupting social order, state media said, a year after deadly ethnic riots. The Heijiashan area of the city in Xinjiang... 中国当局はウルムチの北西部の都市で、家庭は、社会秩序を混乱さのせい移民には、国営メディアは、当該区域を破壊さ致命的な民族暴動1年後

    • Aviation administration to build more airports in Xinjiang
      Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) plans to build a western international civilian aviation network connected in Urumqi airport to link the domestic eastern regions with central Asia countries. CAAC schemes regional airline networks both in the southern and the northern part of Xinjiang by allocate air transport resources including air traffic rights, flights and schedules. CAAC will intensify efforts to facilitate civil aviation infrastructures in Xinjiang and improve airports ... 民間航空管理は、中国の(CAACの)空気を割り当てるの計画、構築西部国際新疆のネットワークを民間航空の一部南部と北部の空港接続さウルムチ国内東部地域の両方の地域ネットワークCAACのスキームを航空会社のアジア諸国中央にリンクする民間航空を容易にする交通機関のリソースを含む航空交通の権利に便の努力を強化するとなるCAACのは、スケジュール

    • Kashgar commodities fair draws a crowd
      by Shao Wei Cross-border trade between Kashgar in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Central and South Asian countries is expected to rise by 20 percent in the second quarter of this year. That's according to officials at the ongoing international trade fair in Kashgar, an important ancient town on the historic Silk Road and China's newest special economic zone (SEZ). Zhou Yuhui, the director of the Foreign Trade and Economy Bureau of Kashgar prefecture, told China ... 中国西北の新疆ウイグル自治区や中央アジアと南アジア諸国におけるカシュガル間シャオ魏クロスボーダー取引で、今年第二四半期に20%上昇すると予想されています

    • Helping Western brands build a mainland presence
      A recent CB Richard Ellis report features several maps, one indicating a famous luxury leather goods brand with an outlet in Urumqi, about 2,400 kilometres west of Beijing. Another shows a famous coffee retailer with four outlets in Shenyang, a short distance from North Korea. 最近のシービーリチャードエリスの報告書では、約2400キロ西に北京のウルムチのアウトレットで有名な高級皮革製品のブランドを示すいくつかのマップ、1つ備えています

    • China: Urumqi goes with the flow of walled river
      A bid to escape downtown riots provides quiet moments of reflection beside a once destructive riverI discovered the Urumqi river quite by accident fleeing the riots two years ago. I headed for the hills only to bump into the concrete snake weaving its way through an outer suburb, a haven from the terrors of downtown Urumqi.The river is a shadow of its former self. Its once ferocious path has become an equally ferocious eight-lane stream of traffic dodging chaotically beneath the 10 or so bridges built to replace the rickety wooden versions that were vulnerable to melting glaciers and flash floods; the water is now encased in a five-metre-wide concrete shell.Two giant hilltop pagodas built astride its banks 100 years ago to appease the river gods are all that remain of those heady days of destruction. Today another form of destruction is underway as Chinese bulldozers trap the full force of its might upriver in a series of dams, drainage ditches and reservoirs, leaving an ornamental trickle to wend its way through the city.It had all but disappeared from Urumqi life until a renaissance four years ago. Dragon boats made to herald the comeback lie rotting in the undergrowth, but the creek itself takes on a life of its own during the five short months of summer, when glacial streams are allowed a measure of freedom to run through the city they once ruled with unpredictability and fear.Barely 45-cm deep, the river attracts to its shores as much a variety of human life as it once attracted wildlife. Brain-improving backwards strollers mingle with thigh-slapping miniature-dog walkers, dodging the rows of retiree fishermen who sit outside all day with friends to hook an occasional minnow. Uighur boys from nearby slums skip school to bask naked in the shallows, and poorer famili ダウンタウンの暴動をエスケープするために入札が一度破壊riverIの横にある反射の静かな瞬間を提供する二年前に暴動を逃れてきた。。u200b。。u200b事故によってかなりウルムチ川を発見した

    • Chinese Partners Reach Consumers In Remote Corners
      When I lived in Beijing, occasionally people would tell me I looked like I was from Xinjiang, the natural resources-rich province in far western China. I never quite understood why…that is until my trip to Xinjiang last month. From the moment I landed in Urumqi, the provincial capital, it was clear that the people of Xinjiang were unlike that of the eastern provinces. The Han Chinese ethnicity that constitutes the majority in most of the country was significantly out-numbered in many areas of the city by the local Uighur population. Uighurs are a Turkic ethnic group who share linguistic and cultural ties with communities in neighboring Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. 私は時々、北京に住んでいたときの人々は、私は新疆、これまで中国西部の天然資源が豊富な地域からいたように私は見て答えてくれなかった

    • Kashgar rides property boom as 'new Shenzhen'
      Buying an apartment in the remote desert town of Kashgar is a little like playing Russian roulette. Developers and their agents don't offer price lists, nor do they bother to show flats to home buyers. カシュガルのリモート砂漠の町のマンションを購入ロシアンルーレットを果たして少し似ている

    • New Beijing-Tibet expressway project approved
      An expressway project to ease traffic congestion on a section of the Beijing-Tibet expressway has been given the green light. The proposed 217 km-long six-lane new expressway will link the national capital of Beijing with Hohhot, capital of Inner Mongolia, said the Inner Mongolia Expressway Construction Development Co. Ltd on Wednesday. The company said the expressway will be part of the Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway, which is to link Beijing with Urumqi, capital of northwest Xinjiang Uygur ... 高速道路プロジェクトは、緑色の光を与えられている北京 - チベット道路のセクションの交通渋滞を緩和する

    • Xinjiang to expand petroleum refining capacity by 40 million tons
      In the next few years, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region will establish four internationally competitive petroleum refining bases with production capacity of 10 million tons each in Dushanzi, Urumqi, Karamay and Kuqa to promote the construction of industrial clusters and extend related chains of petroleum and petrochemical industries. This move will allow Xinjiang's resource advantages to transform into an economic advantage and Xinjiang's previous status as simply an exporter of oil and gas r ... 今後数年間では、新彊ウイグル自治区は、産業クラスターの構築を促進するための独山子、ウルムチ、克。。依とクチャで1000万トンの生産能力4つの国際競争力のある石油精。拠点を確立し、石油および石油化学産業の関連チェーンを拡張する、ガスrと油この動きができるように輸出の利点と新疆の以前の状態として、単に経済的な変換にして新疆のリソースの利点は...

    • Foreign investment expected to boost restive Xinjiang
      The government launched an initiative to draw foreign investment into the Xinjiang Uyghur Au-tonomous Region nearly a year after deadly riots rocked the capital city Urumqi, China News Service reported Sunday. The State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC) said in a statement that the foreign investment would be injected into almost every sector: manufacturing, agriculture, technology and the service industry. Xinjiang has a population of more than 20 million people, including ar ... - tonomous日曜日ジョン近く報告サービス、中国ニュース、致命的な暴動が揺れ首都ウルムチ年後オー政府はウイグルイニシアチブを引く外国人投資に新疆を開始した

    • China builds new Silk Roads to revive fortunes of Xinjiang
      For more than a thousand years, camel cavarans carrying silk, jade and porcelain from inland Chinese towns lined the vast deserts in China's far-flung western region. Chinese, Central Asian traders who crossed the daunting mountain range with loads of saffron and rugs converged at Kashgar, an oasis town east of the Taklamakan Desert and a trading hub along the ancient Silk Road that connected China to Europe. The route, however, faded into history with the rise of maritime trade in the 15t ... 年間1000以上、ラクダcavaransは絹を運んで、玉と磁器の町から内陸中国ラグのサフランと負。並ぶ広大な砂漠を中国の遠く離れた山の範囲を西。困難なトレーダー交差アジア中央、地方、中国で収束カシュガルは、オアシスの町砂漠タクラマカン東中国をヨーロッパに接。貿易ハブに沿ってロードシルクロード古代


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