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    ニュース 関連語 チベット 広東省 新疆ウイグル自治区 中国共産党 漢民族 ウイグル族 漢族
    • Western China Security Tightened on Riot Anniversary
      Security forces fan out across Urumqi, scene of deadly ethnic riots that claimed up to 200 lives in July 2009 ウルムチ間治安部隊のファンアウト、200生活に2009年7月まで主張致命的な民族暴動のシーン

    • China's Xinjiang to invest 7.7 bln USD in poverty alleviation in 2011-15
      China's far western Xinjiang region will earmark 50 billion yuan (7.7 billion U.S. dollars) for poverty alleviation in the next five years, a local official said Monday. Zhao Guoming, head of the regional poverty relief office, said 60 percent of the fund will be used on supporting distinctive industries and the rest on improving housing conditions in rural areas. A total of 35 billion yuan, or 70 percent of the poverty alleviation fund, will go to the cities of Kashgar and Hotan and auto ... 今後5年間で貧困の50億元(7.7億ドル)取り分け、中国の西端新疆ウイグル自治区は、地元当局者が明らかにした

    • Akmal Shaikh's family call for inquest into execution
      div class track img alt src http hits guardian co uk b ss guardiangu feeds 1 H 20 3 67795 ns guardian pageName Akmal Shaikh 27s family call for inquest into execution 3AArticle 3A1324897 ch UK news c3 Guardian c4 UK news 2CChina 28News 29 2CWorld news 2CDavid Miliband 2CPolitics c6 Peter Walker c7 10 Jan 03 c8 1324897 c9 Article c10 News c11 UK news c13 c25 c30 content h2 GU 2FUK news 2FChina width 1 height 1 div p p p The family of Akmal Shaikh the Briton executed in China for drug smuggling has called for the government to hold an inquest into his death saying they got no details from Chinese authorities p p The 53 year old former manager of a minicab firm in north London was put to death in Urumqi north west China on 29 December despite a number of appeals for clemency from the UK His family say Shaikh was suffering significant mental illness most likely bipolar disorder and was duped by drug smugglers into carrying 4kg of heroin into the country p p His brother Akbar has written to the foreign secretary David Miliband asking for an inquest in the UK so that some of our questions can be answered and the terrible mysteries surrounding my brother s apparent death 7 000 miles from his family and all alone can be resolved for us p p The lack of information about the execution had caused the family incredible grief and torment he added p p Clive Stafford Smith the lawyer whose organisation Reprieve is assisting the family said the Chinese government had given Shaikh s relatives almost no information about the execution p p Despite having flown to China to be with him Shaikh s family were not told of his death until he was already apparently buried in the frozen soil of Urumqi he said Nobody told the fa 部クラスのトラックのB ß guardianguの1 H実行に審問が20 3 67795ナノ秒後見人ページ名Akmalシャイフ27。家族に電話3AArticle 3A1324897チャンネルUKのニュース83ガーディアンc4 UKのニュース2CChina 28News 29 2CWorldニュース2CDavidミリバンド2CPoliticsフィードAltキーを押し鉄骨のhttpヒット後見人共同英国スペースc6へピーターウォーカーは、政府へのc7 10 1月3日c8 1324897 C9の記事c10ニュースC11を英国のニュース水素区2FUKニュース2FChina幅1高さは1部のPPP Akmalシャイフの家族は英国、中国で麻薬密輸のために実行と呼ばれるc13 C25をC30のコンテンツ彼の死には、中国当局からの詳細を得たと主張し、審問を保持するロンドンウルムチ市の北、西、中国で死亡する12月29日英国からの寛大な処置を訴えるの数にもかかわらず、配置された北のミニキャブ会社の53歳の元マネージャー所蔵彼の家族はシャイフ、おそらく双極性障害の重要な精神疾患を患っていた麻薬密輸業者によってその国へのアクバル外相デビッドミリバンドには、英国での審問のように質問を書いている彼の弟所蔵4キロのヘロインを運ぶにだまされたと言う一部の我々の質問と回答することができます恐ろしい謎を私の弟を取り巻く彼の家族7 000マイルと、すべての人たちが解決されることから明らかな死についての実行は、家族の信じられないほどの悲しみをもたらしたと苦悩とクライブスタッフォード所蔵追加情報の不足所蔵スミス弁護士は、その組織の猶予の家族を支援されるまで、彼はすでに明らかに埋葬された、中国政府シャイフ彼シャイフの家族と一緒にいるにもかかわらず実行所蔵についての中国への飛行がほとんどない情報を親族の死を知らされなかった与えているウルムチの凍。土壌中の彼は誰もファと語ったという

    • China's railway passenger volume up 12.8% to 16 mln in July
      Chinese railways transported 160 million passengers in July, up 12.8 percent from one year earlier, sending the January-to-July passenger count to 976 million, the Ministry of Railway said Tuesday. Summer holidays and the Shanghai World Expo contributed to the increase of the passenger volume in July, when Kunming, Nanchang, and Urumqi saw an increase in rail passengers of more than 20 percent year on year, the ministry said in an online statement. China has the world's largest hi ... 中国鉄道は増加の160運ば万人の乗客を7月%で、12.8から上海世界と夏の休日エキスポが貢献して1年以前では、送信1月


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