GE adding 750 to China sales staff General Electric, the world's biggest maker of jet engines and locomotives, is adding about 750 salespeople to its workforce in China this year and more next year.
Construction of China's jumbo jet engine base starts On the morning of January 12, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China's Commercial Aircraft Engine Company, the main participant and general manufacturer of China's jumbo jet engine project, held a ceremony to mark the beginning of its research and development base construction in Shanghai's Minhang District. Construction of the base which will integrate many functions such as research, development, airworthiness, customer service, and international communication indicates the important progr ... 1月12日の朝には、航空工業総公司、中国の商業用航空機エンジン会社は、主に参加し、中国のジャンボジェットエンジンのプロジェクトの一般的なメーカーの上海市閔行区では、研究開発基地建設の幕開けとなる式典を開催した
Effect of volcanic ash on jet engines being tested BRUSSELS - A major US jet engine maker will investigate the effects of volcanic ash on the engines of aircraft that have flown through the plume.Honeywell Aerospace's engines powered several of the planes sent up to collect scientific... ブリュッセルは - 米国の主要ジェットエンジンメーカーplume.Honeywell宇宙のエンジン機のいくつかの電源を飛行して航空機のエンジンに火山灰の影響を調査し、科学的な収集するために送ら...
Science Weekly podcast: Brain scans in the theatre; volcanic ash in jet engines With the help of a neuroscientist, writers Louise Whiteley and Julian Wilkes have written a play about the growing power of brain scans not just to diagnose disease but also to read our minds and predict our behaviour. Who will own our scans and how might they be used to invade the once-private territory of our thoughts? Interior Traces is a radio play performed live on stage, with live musicians and projected videos. It will be touring the UK from 5 to 14 May, with post-show discussions featuring neuroscientists, ethicists and legal thinkers as part of the Identity Project season from the Wellcome Trust.We hear excerpts and Alok Jha talks to the authors about the issues they explore in the play. Their science consultant, neuroscientist Geraint Rees of University College London, joins us in the studio. You can hear more of the play at the Interior Traces website.Robin McKie, science editor of the Observer, and James Randerson, editor of, lend us their thoughts. They also chew over what happened at the Guardian's green general election hustings last week, where the party spokesmen spelt out what they propose to do about climate change.Finally, why did it take a week for engineers to get a handle on the relative dangers of volcanic ash to jet engines? Air analyst Chris Yates explains to science correspondent Ian Sample.In the Newsjam, the team discovers that playing brain-training computer games won't make them any smarter; why the UK government should ban the use of manufactured trans fats in food; how a chemical known as MDAI is already replacing the banned recreational drug mephedrone; and a treasure trove of weird and wonderful animals in Borneo.Feel free to post your thoughts below. Join our Facebook group. Listen back through our archive.Fo 神経科学の助けを借りて、作家ルイーズホワイトリーとジュリアンウィルクスはプレーを書かれている脳の成長力についてだけの病気を診断するだけでなく、私たちの心を読み取り、私たちの行動を予測することはスキャンされます
Measuring risk: As the dust settles | Editorial We remain in a state of confusion over the threat posed by volcanic ashHas aviation been grounded and tourism tripped up just as the holiday season is starting by European bureaucrats whose governing principle is to ban anything even remotely risky in case they should get blamed later on? Has the nanny state, in other words, been responsible for the fact that your nan has been stuck in Las Palmas? With an end to the ban in prospect because the eruption is subsiding, this is what some airline executives and a number of grumpy commentators have come close to saying. The truth lies elsewhere, and, while it does not reflect that well on governments here or on the aviation industry, this has not been a simple case of overreaction.We remain in a state of confusion over the threat posed by volcanic ash because the basic scientific and technical work needed to measure it more accurately has not yet been done. It has not been done in part because it has not been funded, and in part because competing scientific projects have taken precedence. There is as a result considerable uncertainty on the two fundamental questions of how to gauge more exactly the amount of volcanic material in the atmosphere, and, having gauged it, how to decide what amount aircraft can cope with and what presents a serious danger.That danger was first dramatised in 1982 when a British Airways 747 lost its engines flying over Indonesia during an eruption. Over the years since, an international institutional framework for early warning of volcanic events has been put in place, but progress on the satellite instrumentation needed for accurate measurement of volcanic clouds and on the testing of jet engines to see what levels they can tolerate has not been so rapid. It is perhaps symptomatic that Dr Fred Prata 我々は、混乱の状態に脅威火山ashHas航空によってもたらされる以上の接地されて、観光と同様のホリデーシーズンは、その原理を支配するも、リモートで危険な場合には彼らは後に非難を受ける必要があります何を禁じている欧州官。開始していますがつまずいたままですか?他の言葉で、事実あなたのナンは、ラスパルマスで立ち往生されているを担当して乳母の状態ていますか?見通しの禁止に終止符を噴火は、これは沈下であるため、何人かの航空会社の幹部と不機嫌そうなコメンテーターの数が近いというようになった
Airlines test safety of ash cloud European airlines continue to run test flights to assess possible damage to jet engines caused by volcanic ash that has grounded services. 欧州の航空会社は、テスト飛行を実行するためにジェットエンジンサービスを接地した火山灰に起因する損傷を評価するために続けている
China's jumbo jet engine assembly base to settle in Shanghai The Aviation Industry Corporation of China's (AVIC) Commercial Aircraft Engine Company (ACAE), the main participant and general manufacturer of China's jumbo jet engine project announced January 5 in Shanghai that according to the strategic cooperation framework agreement signed between AVIC and the Shanghai municipal government November 2008, the domestically-made jumbo jet engine final assembly and trial run base will be located in the Lingang area of Shanghai's Pudong New District. When compl ... 航空工業総公司、中国の(『AVIC人)の商業用航空機エンジン会社(ACAE)は、主に参加し、中国のジャンボジェットエンジンのプロジェクトの一般的なメーカーの1月5日、上海で発表したが、戦略的な協力の枠組み協定『AVICと上海市政府の間で署名によると、 2008年11月、国産ジャンボジェットエンジンの最終組立と試運転をベースした上海の浦東新区の臨港地区に位置されます