adobe readerやadobe flash playerの脆弱性を突いた新種のウイルスだそうで・・・こええええええええええ
ちなみに最新版を入れないことが対策になるら・・・あ、昨日フラッシュプレイヤー最新に(ryOh adobe reader adobe flash player and that they will not put the latest version of the way anti-yeah yeah yeah yeah itu0026#39;s beyond the new viruses exploit vulnerabilities in the latest flash player yesterday ( ry噢的Adobe Reader Adobe Flash Player和他们不会把方式的最新版本的反是啊是啊是啊是啊它超越了新病毒的攻击,在最新版本的Flash Player中的漏洞昨日( ry
a dote beaber やa dobe flash player などの脆弱性を付いた新種のウィルスand a dote beaber a dobe flash player with a new virus and vulnerability和宠爱beaber一个新的病毒和漏洞多贝闪存播放器