- 最近
ついにネタが切れたか・・・ I finally ran out of neta 我终于跑出内达
- 豚さんんんんん!!!
ついでに語っちゃうと主食は銀高ですが、たまに高桂とか見るともう・・・・ 百合にしか見えない・・・・ どっちも受けだろ!あれは! Chau said staple food and is high in passing silver, as the other seems to be受Kedaro lily Takashi Katsura or sometimes longer look! Whatu0026#39;s that! 洲说,主食,并顺便银高,因为其他的似乎是受Kedaro百合隆桂,有时甚至更长的时间探讨!那是什么!
- ハルヒあにめネタバレ注意
ついに六週目…今週で終わるって意見が一番多いのは確かなんだけど Week 6 of the most common opinion ... What is it finally ends in a week, but I certainly 6周的最普遍的意见是什么...终于结束了一周,但我肯定
- 皆既日食
ついに今日だね!! I finally did it! ! 我终于做到了! !