Carter in N.Korea on rescue mission Carter, on a rare trip by a Western dignitary, was greeted at an official ceremony at Pyongyang airport by North Korean vice foreign minister and nuclear envoy Kim Kye-Gwan, the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said. カーターは、まれな旅行に欧米の高官が、北朝鮮、韓国外務次官、核特使金桂寛空港を平壌で公式セレモニーで挨拶され、公式韓国朝鮮中央通信は(外務省スポークスマン)と述べた
Libyan opposition's internal strife embarrasses West Libya has been mired in a tug of war for months and the opposition's military commander Abdel-Fattah Younis was recently assassinated.
Those situations not only expose internal rifts in the opposition camp, but they also embarrass the Western countries supporting the rebels.
Analysts believe that the military stalemate in Libya can't be broken immediately because the West continues to back the opposition and both sides stand firm in refusing to stop the fighting.
... リビアは、月間綱引きに陥っていると反対の軍司令官アブデルファタハンユニスが最近暗殺された
Southern Union Saga: Energy Transfer Disses Williams' Offer In the recent tug-of-war over Southern Union Company, Energy Transfer responded to Thursday’s attempts by Williams to take the spoils by calling their own offer “superior to the highly conditional proposal from Williams.” 南部連合の会社経由での最近の綱引きでは、エネルギー移動は、自分の申し出を呼び出すことによって戦利品を取るためにウィリアムズで木曜日の試みに応え、。。u0026quot;ウィリアムズから非常に条件付きの提案よりも優れています
Islamists break Pakistan's military ranks The arrest of Brigadier Ali Khan, suspected of links to a banned militant group believed working in tandem with al-Qaeda, brings into the open a tug of war that has split Islamists and reformists in the military for over a decade. Recent deadly attacks on key military installations show that extremists are still sprinkled within the lower ranks. - Amir Mir (Jun 23, '11) 禁止された過激派グループはアルカイダと連携して作業信じへのリンクが疑われる准アリカーンの逮捕は、10年以上にわたり、軍のイスラム主義者と改革派が分割された戦争のオープン綱引きにもたらします