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    家電 関連語 熱中症 夏休み 熱帯夜
    • Hollywood A-listers are pouring into China
      At the beginning of 2010, Oscar winner Kevin Spacey arrived in Guangzhou to appear in the black comedy Inseparable and was described as the highest-profile Hollywood star to make a film in China. Then, Hugh Jackman touched down in Shanghai in March, tackling Mandarin in Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, a film that follows two women's life-long friendship in China in the 19th century. Will Smith accompanied his son Jaden Smith to Beijing and Shanghai in June to promote The Karate Kid, a co-p ... 2010年の初めには、オスカー受賞者ケビンスペイシーは、ブラックコメディ不可分に表示されるように広州に到着、中国で映画を作ると最高のプロファイルのハリウッドスターとして記述されていた

    • Chinese mainland, Taiwan to hold trade, culture forum in May
      A Chinese mainland official said Wednesday that the mainland and Taiwan will hold a forum on economy, trade and culture, the seventh of its kind, on May 6-8 in the southwest city of Chengdu. Wu Poh-hsiung, honorary chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) will lead the delegation from Taiwan to attend the forum, said Fan Liqing, spokeswoman for the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office, at a press conference. Fan said relevant departments of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and KMT decided to ho ... 中国本土の関係者は、大陸と台。成都の南西部の都市5月6-8経済、貿易、文化、その種の7番目のフォーラムを開催すると発表した

    • China to see more interest rate hikes in Q2: government economist
      China is expected to raise interest rates another two times in the second quarter of this year in an effort to counter persistent inflation pressures, a chief government economist said Wednesday. The full-year inflation would be held between 4 and 5 percent this year, Fan Jianping, head of the economic forecast department at the State Information Center, said in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The central government aims to keep the consumer price index (CPI), a main gauge of inflation, at ar ... 中国は持続的なインフレ圧力に対抗するための努力の今年第2四半期の金利にさらに2回を上げると予想され、チーフ政府のエコノミストが水曜日に言いました

    • China should be cautious of inflation, excess liquidity: economist
      China should be cautious of inflation and prevent the effects of excess liquidity, Fan Gang, a former advisor to the country's central bank, said Saturday. The loose credit policy of the United States is pumping money into the market and increasing expectations for the depreciation of the U.S. dollar and the appreciation of other currencies, including the Chinese yuan, Fan told the annual meeting of China's economy (2010-2011) in Beijing. The policy is reasonable for its own economy but wi ... 中国がインフレを警戒する必要がありますし、過剰流動性の影響を防ぐために、ファンの一団は、国の中央銀行に元顧問、日、明らかになった

    • China's ad industry grows 30% on average annually
      The average annual growth of China's advertising industry stood at nearly 31 percent and the advertising industry has become one of the fastest growing industries in China, said Liu Fan, deputy director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, during the China International Advertising Development Forum on Oct. 17, which is the first activity of the 11th Western China (Chengdu) Exhibition. The growth of China's advertising industry and China's GDP are positively correlated to ... 中国の広告業界の平均年間成長率は、ほぼ31パーセントに立っていた広告業界は、中国で最も急速に成長産業の一つとなっている、。扇風機、中国の国際的な広告の開発フォーラムで産業通。州行政の副所長GDPは、中国の、業界、中国の広告の10月17日であり、最初のアクティビティの成都)(第11回中国西部展

    • Tsingtao Brewery takes over major Chinese brewery
      Tsingtao Brewery, producer of China's most famous beer, Tsingtao Beer, said Tuesday it has agreed to buy a beer brewery in Shandong, in what will be the company's third takeover in two years. The company spent 1.87 billion yuan (281.3 million U.S. dollars) to take over the Hong Kong-funded Shandong Yinmai Beer Co. Ltd., the second largest beer brewery after Tsingtao Beer in east China's Shandong Province. Wang Fan, vice chairman of Tsingtao Brewery, said the deal would consolidate Tsingtao ... 青島ビールは、ビール青島プロデューサーの中国で最も有名なビール、年間二前記買収第三のが同社がどのように、山東省のビール醸造所を合意して買ってビールが火曜日には会社)が費やさ1870000000元を(281300000ドル州山東省のかかる上に、香港の資金山東Yinmaiビール青島のビール中国東部の後にビール醸造所の最大有限公司、第二、。扇風機、青島ビールの副会長、青島言った統合する契約は...

    • AIG may unveil buyer for Taiwan unit next week: report
      Insurance giant American International Group is likely to announce next week the buyer for its Taiwan unit, Nan Shan Life, a report said Thursday as the firm tries to pay back its US government bailout.AIG directors are expected to confer Thursday to try to select a buyer among four bidders, reported the Asian Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar with the situation.Sources said the company intends to pick a bidder that is most likely to win the approval of the island's authorities in the wake of its previous failed attempt to sell the unit, the report said. 会社を選択しようとする木曜日を与えると予想される、米国政府のbailout.AIGディレクターを返済しようとすると保険大手アメリカンインターナショナルグループは、来週には台湾のユニット、ナンシャンライフのためのバイヤーを発表する可能性があると、レポートが木曜日に言いました四入札者の間で買い手は、同社が最も販売し、その前の試行が失敗するのをきっかけに島の当局の承認を獲得する可能性がある者を選択しようとするときのソースをsituation.Sourcesに精通して引用して、アジアンウォールストリートジャーナルを報告ユニット、レポートは言った

    • China approves RMB, TWD exchanges in Asian Games host province
      The Chinese mainland has approved mutual direct exchange of the yuan, or Renminbi, and New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) in Guangdong Province, where the Asian Games will open on Friday. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange has permitted two mainland banks -- Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Bank of China -- to provide exchange services in Guangdong, said Fan Liqing, spokeswoman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office at a press conference Wednesday. The yuan and the TWD are n ... 承認の相互直通の管理は、国金曜日のアジア大会がします開くには、(台湾ドル)で広東省ドルと新台湾の交換を元、人民元、またはいる許可つのExchangeの外国産業本土の銀行を-してきた中国本土は中国の銀行は商業銀行は、中国-広東省で交換サービスを提供するために、と発表した扇風機Liqingは、会議のプレス評議会台湾事務では、州内で、広報担当者のための...


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