- Detention order strains Ecuador-Colombia ties
An arrest warrant issued by an Ecuadorian court against Colombia's presidential candidate Juan Manuel Santos has strained the relations between the two countries.
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa on Wednesday accused Santos, a former Colombian defense minister, of having carried out a raid against a camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in the Ecuadorian territory in 2008.
Correa recalled that the Colombian forces invaded Ecuador on March 1, 2008, and that the raid ha ... _NULL_
- Ecuador town bans booze after mass deaths
Authorities in Ecuador have banned the sale of alcohol in a community where 21 people have died after drinking bootleg liquor.Public Health Minister David Chiriboga says 103 others have been treated for intoxication from adulterated... エクアドル当局は21人が海賊版liquor.Public厚生大臣のDavid Chiribogaが103他人が混ぜ物から中毒の治療をされているという飲んだ後、死亡しているコミュニティでのアルコール販売を禁止している...
- Galápagos Islands are taken off the Unesco endangered list
A United Nations panel has voted to remove Ecuador's Galápagos Islands from its list of endangered sites
- Christmas eve bus carnage in Ecuador, 41 dead
A coach journey by passengers heading home for family Christmas celebrations in Ecuador turned tragic when the overcrowded vehicle plunged off the road, killing at least 41, officials said. エクアドルの家族のクリスマスのお祝いに帰る乗客がバスの旅は少なくとも41を殺して、過密車両が道路をオフに急落したときに悲劇的になって、当局は述べた
- Ecuador: 'If you want to kill the president, here I am'
Before his dramatic rescue, Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa addressed his followers from the hospital where he was besieged by mutinous police
- Chevron Lives With Legacy Of Texaco In Ecuador
Chevron recently launched a legal appeal against charges claiming pollution of Ecuador’s Amazon region. The court demands fine payment of $8.6 billion plus an additional 10% as compensation to claimants. The charges stem from Texaco’s (acquired by Chevron in 2001) operations in Ecuador between 1964 and 1992. Chevron is one of the largest energy companies in the world, and competes with other established oil producers like Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, BP and Anadarko. シェブロンは最近、エクアドルのアマゾン地域の汚染を主張する費用に対する法的訴えを開始した
- China, Ecuador sign agriculture cooperation agreement
China and Ecuador Tuesday signed an agreement to boost their agriculture cooperation.
The agreement was aimed at promoting bilateral technical and economic support, increasing agriculture products trade, and strengthening cooperation in scientific research as well as in agriculture and livestock production.
The two countries will carry out cooperation projects, which involve expert exchange, agriculture policy discussion, agriculture technician training, genetic resources exchange, and so ... 中国とエクアドル火曜日の協力を署名農業合意を高める
- China, Ecuador reach deal over US$2b project
China and Ecuador have successfully renegotiated a financing deal over a US$2 billion dam in the Latin American nation, months after the Ecuador president called off the deal with some harsh criticism of the Chinese parties.
- Video: The National Geographic archives: Agriculture in Ecuador
Conservationists are working with Ecuadorian farmers to reduce deforestation and the use of chemicals
- Ecuador volcano spits out truck-sized boulders
Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano hurled truck-sized pyroclastic boulders more than a kilometre in a powerful eruption that prompted at least 300 people to flee their homes, authorities said.Schools were closed for a third straight... エクアドルのトゥングラワ火山は、少なくとも300人が自宅から避難するように求め、強力な噴火でキロ以上のトラック大型火砕流岩を投げつけ、当局said.Schoolsがために閉鎖されたストレート第三...
- Ecuador troops rescue besieged president
Ecuadorean soldiers firing automatic weapons and concussion grenades rescued President Rafael Correa late Thursday from a hospital where he was trapped most of the day by rebellious police who plunged the country into chaos in a protest... エクアドル兵士の発。自動小銃や脳震盪の手榴弾は、彼が抗議の混乱に国を急落反抗的な警察の一日の大半を閉じ込められて病院から大統領ラファエルコレア木曜日遅くに救出...
- Ecuadorian interior minister announces resignation
Ecuadorian Interior Minister Gustavo Jalkh on Wednesday officially announced his resignation from his post.
Jalkh informed Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa of his resignation last week, he told the press.
Correa has already appointed Alfredo Vera, the former anti-corruption minister, to the post on Tuesday, and he will take office on Thursday.
Vera will be the fourth interior minister in Correa's administration, which began in 2007.
Jalkh resigned amid strong criticisms from Correa ... 水曜日にエクアドル内務大臣て、Gustavo Jalkh正式に彼のポストからの辞任を発表した
- Ecuador, Spain agree to strengthen tourism cooperation
Ecuador and Spain on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding on expanding tourism cooperation in order to increase tourist flow between the two countries.
The memorandum, providing guidelines for the next five years, was signed between Ecuador's Tourism Minister Freddy Ehlers and his visiting Spanish counterpart Joan Mesquida.
It includes provisions for the exchange of information on sustainable development, technology innovation, tourism statistics, marketing experiences, the use o ... エクアドルは、スペイン水曜日にするため、両国間の観光の流れを増加させるために、観光協力を拡大に関する覚書を締結した
- Rafael Correa's referendum verdict | Grace Livingstone
Ecuador goes to the polls on an array of plebiscites – but the outcome will most likely be a vote on the president's popularityBritons who thought their referendum on the alternative vote was complicated, should spare a thought for the Ecuadorean electorate. When voters go to the polls in Ecuador this Saturday, they will be given a ballot paper with ten questions, some of which are so complicated they require annexes with explanatory notes. The referendum includes proposals on judicial reform, media regulation, prisoners' rights and casinos. The leftwing president, Rafael Correa, says he wants a mandate to press ahead with reforms that have been held up by powerful interests, but opponents see it as an attempt to concentrate more power in his hands. Above all, the results will test the popularity of a president, who was elected on a surge of popular support, but who has since alienated many of his erstwhile allies in the indigenous and environmental movements.Ecuador is part of the leftwing block of countries in Latin America, which also includes Venezuela and Bolivia. Like those countries, Ecuador's government has sought to impose tougher conditions on foreign companies extracting oil and funnel the money into social projects. Poverty and unemployment have both fallen under Correa. A left-leaning nationalist, he ordered the United States to remove its military base from Ecuador, joking that the Pentagon could remain only if Ecuador were allowed a military base in New York. He also threatened to default on foreign debt, but in a canny move, the president, an economist trained in Belgium and the US, bought back the bonds when the price fell.In an innovative environmental deal, Correa has asked foreign governments to pay Ecuador not to extract oil from an area of the Amaz エクアドルは、住民投票の配列に投票所に行く - しかし、結果はほとんどの場合、エクアドルの有権者の思考を割く必要があります複雑された別の投票での投票を考え大統領popularityBritons上で投票されます
- Ecuador ejects US ambassador
Ecuador said yesterday it is expelling the US ambassador over a diplomatic cable divulged by WikiLeaks that accuses a newly retired police chief of a long history of corruption and speculates that President Rafael Correa was aware... エクアドルは、腐敗の長い歴史を新たに退職した警察署長を非難し、大統領ラファエルコレアは知っていたと推測Wikileaksはで漏らした外交ケーブルを介して米国大使を追放しています明らかにした...
- Chevron Plaintiffs Launch Nuclear Option, Seek Judge's Removal
From the beginning, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan has made no attempt to disguise his distaste for Steven Donziger, the crusading attorney representing Ecuadorian villagers in their long-running pollution suit against Chevron. 当初から、連邦地裁判事ルイスカプランは、スティーブンDonziger、シェブロンに対する彼らの長時間実行されている公害訴訟で、エクアドルの村人を表す十字軍弁護士のための彼の嫌悪感を隠そうと試みをした
- New York Judge Stays Chevron Judgment, Orders Bond
Judge Lewis Kaplan of the U.S. District Court in New York has made no secret of his distaste for lawyer Steven Donziger's tactics in the Chevron/Ecuador case. Yesterday he put a worldwide hold on Donziger and his onetime clients against enforcing an $18 billion verdict they recently obtained in Ecuador. ニューヨークの米連邦地方裁判所の判事ルイスカプランは、シェブロン/エクアドルのケースで弁護士スティーブンDonzigerの戦術のための彼の嫌悪感の秘密をした
- Mines continue to claim lives
LONDON - Just three days after the last of the Chilean miners was rescued, normal service was resumed in the world's most hazardous mines.In China, 26 men died and 11 are trapped after an explosion at a coalmine. In Ecuador, two... ロンドンに - チリの鉱山労働者の最後のわずか三日後に通常のサービスは、中国、26人が死亡、世界で最も危険なmines.Inで再開された11炭鉱で爆発後に捕捉され、救助された
- ECUADOR: President Correa may push legislation to nationalise oil fields
President Rafael Correa said Saturday he intends to push legislation to nationalise Ecuador's oil fields in the event foreign oil companies refuse to sign contracts that would give the country more control over its resources. ラファエルコレア大統領は土曜日、彼は立法イベント外国の石油会社の経営資源をより細かく制御国を与える契約を結ぶことを拒否するエクアドルの油田を国有化にプッシュしようとすると述べた
- $11.4b penalty stuns Chevron
QUITO - An Ecuadorean judge ruled yesterday in an epic environmental case that Chevron was responsible for oil drilling contamination in a swathe of Ecuador's northern jungle and ordered the oil giant to pay US$8.6 billion ($11.4... キトは - エクアドル裁判官は、シェブロンは、エクアドルの北部のジャングルの包帯での石油掘。汚染に責任があったことを壮大な環境の場合で、昨日支配し、米国に86億ドル(11.4ドル支払う石油大手を命じた...
- Ecuador journalist jailed for insulting official
QUITO, Ecuador - A district court judge has convicted a newspaper editorial writer of insulting the head of the Ecuador government's National Financial Corp, sentencing him to three years in prison.Emilio Palacio, who works for... キト、エクアドル - 地裁判事は、prison.Emilio 3年パラシオ、誰のための作品に彼の量刑エクアドル政府の国家財政Corpの頭を侮辱するのは、新聞論説有罪判決を受けたが...
- Thirty-five killed in Ecuador bus crash
QUITO, Ecuador - Rescue workers say a bus ran off a foggy, rainy mountain road in Ecuador and plunged about 350 metres, killing 35 people and injuring 23 others.Red Cross worker Jorge Arteaga says by telephone that Friday's accident... キトは、エクアドル - 救助隊員は、バスは、エクアドルの霧、雨の山道をオフに走り、約350メートルのところに墜落し、35人が死亡、23 others.Redクロス労働して、Jorge Arteagaさんは、金曜日の事故電話での意見が負傷と言う...
- Bus plunges off the road in Ecuador
QUITO: A coach journey turned to tragedy for dozens heading home for family Christmas celebrations in Ecuador when their overcrowded bus plunged off the road, killing at least 35. キトは:コーチの旅は、混雑したバスは、少なくとも35を殺すことは、道路をオフに急落エクアドルの家族のクリスマスのお祝いに帰る数。悲劇になった
- Miner's body found
Rescuers found the body of the fourth and final miner missing following a cave-in at a gold mine in southern Ecuador. The four miners were trapped last Saturday when a tunnel collapsed 150m underground at the Casa Negra mine near... 救助隊は、次の不足している4番目と最後の鉱山労働者の遺体を発見した洞窟の南部、エクアドルで金鉱山インチ。鉱山労働者は、トンネルの近くカサネグラ鉱山で150メートルの地下を崩壊した時前土曜日に閉じ込められた...
- Sinohydro may lose key role in US$2b project
Sinohydro, China's biggest dam builder, is at risk of losing its role as the main contractor in a US$2 billion contract to build Ecuador's biggest dam, which also represents the biggest overseas hydroelectric project ever taken on by a Chinese firm.
- Dynamic duo strike as Brazil hit form at last
Strikers Alexandre Pato and Neymar, pictured, scored two goals apiece as Brazil beat Ecuador 4-2 to finish top of Group B at the Copa America and set ... ブラジルはコパアメリカとセットでグループBの上位フィニッシュにエクアドルを4-2で勝利としてストライカーアレシャンドレパトとNeymar、写真は、個々に2ゴールを決めた...
- Protesting police throw Ecuador into chaos
The Ecuador government has declared a state of siege after rebellious police angered by a law that cuts their benefits plunged the nation into chaos, roughing up the president, shutting down airports and blocking highways in a nationwide... その利点をカットする法律で怒り反抗的な警察が空港をシャットダウンし、全国の高速道路をブロックして、大統領を荒加工、混乱に国を急落後、エクアドル政府は非常事態を宣言している...
- Ecuador suspends senior police officers over mutiny
Thirteen senior police officers in Ecuador were put on administrative leave and could be fired for their role in a September 30 police mutiny, officials said.Scores of other police officers have been detained for their alleged role in the mutiny, in which President Rafael Correa was cornered in a hospital by police who seized barracks and stormed Congress to protest cuts in bonus pay.The president, who denounced the uprising as an attempted coup, was rescued hours later by loyal soldiers and police but 10 people were killed and 274 people were wounded in clashes that day. エクアドルで13警察幹部は、休職に置かれた9月30日警察の暴動での役割のため解雇される可能性が、他の警察官の職員said.Scoresは、その年に大統領ラファエルコレアはした反乱での疑惑の役割のために拘禁されている兵舎を押収し、クーデターの蜂起を非難ボーナスpay.The社長で、カットに抗議して、議会を襲撃し、された警察病院に追い詰めて、忠実な兵士や警察が10人で数時間後に死亡した救出274人が負傷した衝突で同日
- Caribbean banana industry decline is no sideshow | Aurelie Walker
Europe's trade policy has sold the Caribbean banana industry down the river, exacerbating drug trafficking and povertyToday, EU leaders and their counterparts from Colombia and Peru will strike lucrative trade agreements spanning financial services, industry and agriculture – the first between the EU and any Latin American nation since 2003. The EU's attention will then focus on securing similar deals with the mighty Latin American Mercosur bloc that includes Brazil and Argentina.Another example of the power of globalisation to generate wealth? Maybe, but there is a less rosy side to the seemingly inevitable victory march of trade liberalisation.As European business interests ready themselves for new markets, it should not be forgotten that breakthrough would never have materialised without selling the Caribbean banana industry down the river. Unlikely as it may seem, until last December, there was an impasse in closer trade ties between Europe and Latin America. It came in the form of the banana – the world's most exported fruit.Since 1975, Europe protected Caribbean banana growers. But the largely American interests that controlled the vast banana plantations in Ecuador and Colombia, where workers' rights are at best an afterthought, persuaded the then fledgling Clinton administration, whose election they lavishly funded, to lodge a complaint with the World Trade Organisation demanding they overturn this perceived unjust support.For 17 years, the banana wars raged. Then, five months ago, with one eye on huge trade deals between Colombia and Peru, Europe relented.Compensation for banana farmers in a dozen Caribbean and African countries comes in the form of €190m fund. The money will be paid to Caribbean governments in the form of budget support. In other words, farmer ヨーロッパの貿易政策は、川下り、有利な貿易協定、金融サービス、産業と農業 - EUとの間の最初にまたがる打つ麻薬とpovertyToday、EU首脳、コロンビア、ペルーからの対応を悪化させるカリブのバナナ業界を販売しているすべてのラテンアメリカ2003年以来、国家
- Unasur approves statute for defense policies coordination
The Defense Ministers of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) approved on Friday here the statute project of the Strategic Studies Center, which will promote coordination and harmonization of defense policies in South America.
The approval was made during the 2nd Ordinary Meeting of the South American Defense Council (CDS), which started on Thursday in Guayaquil, southwest to Ecuador.
The Strategic Studies Center is part of the CDS Action Plan, aimed to generate a strategic thought ... 国防長官は)のUnasur連合の南アメリカ連合(アメリカで承認金曜日政策の南の防衛ここ法令プロジェクトの調和を戦略的研究との調整が促進センター
- Ecuador, China sign cooperation agreement
Ecuador and China have signed an agreement of cooperation with a potential investment of 1 billion U.S. dollars, the Ecuadorian presidential office said on Wednesday.
The agreement was signed here by Ecuador's National Secretary of Planning and Development (Senplades) and the Chinese company CAMC Engineering.
The projects will involve areas of grain storage, power generation and water conservancy projects, the office said in a statement.
Mateo Villalba, assistant secretary of Public Inv ... エクアドルと中国は水曜日に事務所によると、大統領エクアドルドル、10。潜在的な投資の1が契約を行ったとの連携
- Ecuadorean wins Spanish siesta contest
A 62-year-old Ecuadorean has snored long enough to win Spain's first siesta championship. 62歳のエクアドルは、十分な長さ、スペインの最初のシエスタ優勝していびきをかくている
- Beating the rest
A 62-year-old Ecuadorean man managed to ignore the uproar of a teeming Madrid shopping centre and snore long enough to win what was billed as Spain's first siesta championship. Organisers proclaimed unemployed security worker... 62歳のエクアドル人が溢れてマドリードのショッピングセンターの騒ぎを無視するように管理し、スペインの最初の昼。選手権として請求されたか勝つために十分な長さいびきをかく
- Ecuador, Iran agree to build 3 hydroelectric centers
Ecuador and Iran agreed to build three hydroelectric centers in Ecuador, the Ecuadorian Presidency's office said Monday.
During an official visit of Ecuadorian Vice President Lenin Moreno to Iran over the last weekend, the representatives of both countries decided to construct three hydroelectric centers in Ecuador by using Iranian technology, with a hydroelectric generation capacity of more than 100 megawatts.
Acknowledging that both countries are geographically far apart, the Presidency' ... エクアドルやイランエクアドルの3つの水力発電所建設に合意した、エクアドル大統領の事務所と発表した
- A climate journey - The Andes: The farmers' struggle
In the second of a four-part video series on climate change in Ecuador and Peru, Peruvian llama shepherds Pantaleon Choque-Condori and Sebastian Llosa Perez explain how farming in the Andes is changing as climate change hits water availabilityJohn VidalDan Chung
エクアドル、ペルー、ペルーのラマ羊飼いパンタレオンChoque - Condoriアンドセバスチャンリョサペレス気候の変化に応じて変更する方法農業アンデスの説明で、気候変動に関する4つの部分のビデオシリーズの第2水availabilityJohn VidalDan。会長が当たる
- Video | A climate journey - The Andes: Retreat of the glaciers
In the first of a four-part video series on climate change in Ecuador and Peru, John Vidal takes us through the snow-capped peaks of the Andes, where the Cayambe mountain glaciers are meltingJohn VidalDan Chung
エクアドル、ペルーの気候変動に関する4つの部分のビデオシリーズの最初で、John Vidalがカヤンベ山の氷河がVidalDan鄭meltingJohnているアンデスの雪に覆われたピークを介して私たちを取得
- David vs Goliath fight in Ecuador's banana industry
Ecologically friendly Ecuadoran banana producers, with the help of President Rafael Correa, are trying to secure their niche in a market dominated by multi-national giants.The organic farmers' cooperative El Guabo was founded in 1998 in the agricultural region of El Oro iby farmers who wanted to be independent from big companies.And they are proud of their achievements.The cooperative has brought together some 350 farmers who have all chosen to produce organic bananas. 大統領ラファエルコレアの助けを借りて、環境に配慮したエクアドルのバナナ生産者は、エルオロiby農家の農業地域で1998年に設立された多国籍giants.The有機農業協同組合エルGuaboが支配する市場でのニッチを確保しようとしている誰が彼らのachievements.The組合のすべての有機バナナを生成するために選択した約350の農家をまとめている誇りに思っている大きなcompanies.Andから独立していました
- The dumbest non-statistic in journalism: New Yorker edition | Richard Adams
The New Yorker is the latest of far too many to fall for the fallacy of comparing corporations and national economiesIt's a recurrent fallacy: writers trying to conjure up the awesome size of a multinational corporation by comparing it to actual nation states. It happens over and over again – and the New Yorker is merely the latest of many, including the Guardian.In an article on PepsiCo (currently behind a paywall), the New Yorker's John Seabrook falls for the bad analogy:If PepsiCo were a country, the size of its economy – $60bn in revenues in 2010 – would put it 66th in gross national product, between Ecuador and Croatia.Leaving aside the idea that if PepsiCo was a country it would also have a navy and an Olympic curling team, the mistake is to compare a corporation's revenues with a nation's gross national product, because they are measuring different things in different ways.This vexes some people because they sound like they should be the same thing, because money's money, right? But they aren't.I don't know where the New Yorker got its figures from but the World Bank's latest gross national income figures from 2009 would indeed place a $60bn PepsiCo between Ecuador and Croatia. Here's the World Bank's definition:GNI (formerly GNP) is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad.In contrast, PepsiCo's revenues – in fact only $57.8bn in 2010 – merely measure a cashflow, rather than the value added to inputs as national income accounting seeks to do. And of course PepsiCo rarely sells products directly to consumers but as an intermediary through bottlers, distributors, wholesalers and ret ニューヨーカーはあまりにも多くの最新のは、企業を比較する国家economiesItが再発誤謬だの誤謬に落ちている:実際の国家と比較することによって、多国籍企業の最高サイズを呼び起こすしようとしている作家
- Andean voices: Alberto Acosta
Former oil minister Alberto Acosta, of Quito, Ecuador, talks to John VidalOil is very important in a country like Ecuador. We have extracted 4.5bn barrels so far, which has given us around $130bn. We are at the top of the curve. We have consumed half and we have half left. It has helped our infrastructure but we have not developed, or gained full advantage of the money. Oil has not solved our problems. Instead it has brought us immense contamination and environmental destruction. Since the 1950s the impact on people has been dramatic. Pollution and deforestation are bringing problems everywhere.I knew the oil industry from the inside. I have seen the monster from the inside. I worked as a marketing man for the state oil company for years. When I was oil minister we found 850m barrels of heavy crude reserves in a block of the Yasuni national park, the most biodiverse place in the world. It was the equivalent of around 20% of our reserves, and was worth around $7.5bn.I had to examine the options for Ecuador. I began to think perhaps we were poor because of our resources. I called it the harm of abundance. So [we made] the proposal to leave the oil underground if rich countries gave us half the money it was valued at. It would save 400m tons of carbon dioxide being burned. We had a Plan B, to extract it, too.A trust from the Yasuni money could be used for infrastructure investments and to protect national parks and develop renewable energy. We should be investing in science and teachers. We need a massive reforestation programme. We cannot bring mass tourism [to the Amazon] in place of oil, but we can have scientific research. It would be an opportunity for pharmaceutical industry. What about making the Yasuni park a sanctuary for humanity and nature? It would be extraordi Quito、エクアドル、ジョンVidalOilと協議の元石油相アルベルトアコスタは、非常にエクアドルのような国で重要です
- UNHCR offers Ecuador support on Colombian refugees issue
The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) Monday offered the Ecuadorian government support on joint actions to solve the problem of thousands of Colombian refugees.
The deal was made during a meeting between UNHCR High Commissioner Antonio Guterres, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa and other senior officials.
Guterres said the UNHCR will promote an awareness campaign on how the refugees' human rights could be guaranteed in Ecuador and cooperation will be focused on preventing anti-social ... 国連難民機関は官事務所(UNHCR)月曜日コロンビア難民数千人の問題を解決するための共同行動にエクアドル政府の支援を提供した
- Death toll from Ecuador's bus accident reaches 42
The death toll from Sunday morning's bus accident in the Andean region of Ecuador has reached 42 with 11 others injured, the Ecuadorian Red Cross said.
Most of the injured were in serious conditions and had been taken to nearby hospitals, local media reported.
The accident occurred early Sunday morning at 3 a.m. local time (0800 GMT) when a passenger bus carrying 53 passengers fell into a cliff. It was traveling from Cuenca, in the center of the country, to Quito.
The latest death toll ... regionエクアドルアンデスのバスの事故の朝フリーダイヤルfrom日曜日のdeathの負傷others 11としたに達した42、エクアドルレッドCross said
- Ecuador hosts 4th Euro-Latin American Parliamentarian Assembly
The 4th Euro-Latin American Parliamentarian Assembly (Eurolat) was inaugurated Thursday in Cuenca city in southern Ecuador, with presence of 150 parliamentarians from Europe and Latin America.
Among the participants were President of Ecuadorian National Assembly Fernando Cordero and Co-President of the Eurolat Assembly Jose Ignacio Salafranca.
During the inauguration, Ecuadorian Vice President Lenin Moreno reaffirmed Ecuador's commitment to strengthen the unity of Ecuador and Latin America ... 第四ユーロラテンアメリカ国会議員総会は、(Eurolat)中南米、欧州議会から150の存在と、エクアドル南部の都市クエンカされた発足木曜日に参加者の中にEurolatであった大統領のエクアドル国会共同社長、フェルナンドCorderoさん国会ホセイグナシオSalafrancaは就任時に、エクアドル副大統領レーニンMorenoさんは、アメリカ、エクアドル、ラテンアメリカの団結を強化して再確認したエクアドルのコミットメントを...
- From the lab to the field: How does climate science play out in reality? | John Vidal
For the next 10 days, I'm trekking from the chilly Andes to the sweltering Amazon, to hear how climate change is affecting human development in Latin America. First stop: PeruTonight we are in Lima, Peru's coastal capital city. It's freezing, with a bitter wind coming off the Pacific, but it's going to get worse. Tomorrow we go to Cusco at 3,400m to acclimatise and from there we're heading up into the really high Andean communities of Cuatro Lagunas and the remote valleys of Espinar at over 4,000m.Brrrr!Peru is going through its coldest winter in 50 years and hundreds of people and thousands of animals have already died of hypothermia as temperatures have fallen to record -23C lows in the mountain villages. But while this year's cold has been put down to a periodic La Niña phenomenom, scientists here are convinced the bigger picture in the Andes is of progressive climate change. Retreating glaciers, wild fluctuations of temperatures, unseasonal weather patterns, unpredictable frosts and extreme weather events are all consistent with climate change models.The idea of this 10-day journalistic expedition – I'm travelling with people from Oxfam, and writers from Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador and elsewhere – is to see on the ground how changing weather is affecting human development in the Andes. So, from the glaciers we plan to drop down through the many climatic zones all the way to the humid Yasuni national park in the Ecuadorean Amazon rainforest, where vast quantities of oil have been found. Along the way we hope to meet scientists, community leaders, farmers and others who will share their experiences and observations.We want to know what's happening to water supplies, crops and glaciers. Are the changes in climate pushing people to the cities? I 次の10日間、私は、気候変動はラテンアメリカで人間開発に影響を及ぼしているかを聞いてうだるようなAmazonに冷ややかなアンデスからトレッキングしています
- Survivor of Mexico massacre heading home
The sole survivor of a massacre of 72 migrants by a Mexican drug gang will be repatriated to Ecuador after turning down a humanitarian visa. メキシコの麻薬ギャング72移民の大虐殺の唯一の生存者は、エクアドルへの人道ビザを却下した後送還されます
- Basque separatists convicted of 2006 Madrid airport bombing
Three members of Eta sentenced to 1,040 years in prison for bomb at Barajas airport car park that killed two peopleThree members of the Basque separatist group Eta were convicted today of a 2006 bombing at Madrid airport that destroyed a Madrid airport parking garage and killed two people in an attack that shattered a ceasefire.The three men were each given prison sentences of 1,040 years. Spain frequently hands down lengthy sentences in terrorism cases – although they are mostly symbolic because the maximum jail sentence a person can serve for a terrorism conviction is 40 years.The national court found the three men guilty of murder, attempted murder and taking part in a terror attack on 30 December at Barajas airport. The blast destroyed a five-storey parking garage, killing two Ecuadorean immigrants and wounding 41 other people.Eta later claimed responsibility for the attack, which marked the end of the ceasefire that the group had begun nine months earlier.Convicted were Mattin Sarasola, Igor Portu and Mikel San Sebastian. The three were ordered to pay €1.2m (£1m) in compensation to the families of the two Ecuadoreans.Eta is seeking an independent Basque homeland in northern Spain and southwestern France. Considered a terrorist organisation by the European Union and the US, the group has killed more than 825 people since the late 1960s.The group declared a ceasefire in March 2006 but reverted to violence in a matter of months after peace talks with Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's government went nowhere. Spanish and French police have arrested dozens of suspected Eta members in both countries since the end of the ceasefire.Today's verdict came a day after French and Spanish police arrested Eta's suspected leader and his second in command in what officials termed イータの3つのメンバーが刑務所で1040年にバラハス国際空港の駐車場で爆弾のことイータ今日2006爆撃のマドリード空港では、マドリードの空港駐車場を破壊し、2つの人を殺した有罪判決を受けたバスク分離グループの2つのpeopleThreeメンバーを殺害した受。粉々に攻撃ceasefire.The 3人1040年の各指定された実刑判決された
- Ecuador, Colombia seek to restore diplomatic ties
Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino met with Colombian representative Maria Angela Holguin Monday on the resumption of the diplomatic ties between the two countries.
The talks were held as Ecuador and Colombia are taking steps to repair their estranged relations. Quito cut off diplomatic ties with Bogota in March 2008 following Colombia's bombing attack on a guerilla camp on the Ecuadorian side of the border.
Holguin, Colombia's foreign minister-designate, told reporters that her visit was aim ... 外交通商部長官リカルドパティーノの国ホルギン会ったとコロンビア代表マリアアンジェラの2つの間の関係の外交再開日
- Andean voices: Jiovanny Rivadenaira
Community leader Jiovanny Rivadenaira, of Kichwa Anago, Napo river, Ecuador, talks to John VidalWe emphatically do not want to work with the oil companies any more. None of our community will ever do so again. We don't like them because they contaminate our land, soil and water and they bring climate change. We are famous for fighting them. When they first came many people went to them to find work. But the companies have brought nothing but problems like oil spills and polluted water.These days we see the sun when our knowledge says it should be raining. We have seen the climate change. We say that Mother Earth is sick.So, in response to this climate change and the oil companies, we have turned to tourism. With the help of a foundation in Quito we have built a wildlife centre and a lodge. We rotate the work and everyone in the community gets $250 a month when they work. About 70 people work there at any one time, but 170 families directly benefit and 2,000 do so indirectly. We get around 250 tourists a month and they are welcome. Our target is 280 but we never want more than 300. We don't want or need more people. The money we earn from the community hotel pays for the school, and computers, as well as health needs. That's all we need.We are considering opening another lodge, deeper into the forest. Life is better without oil. It makes you want more of everything. I think we must all change the way we live.EcuadorOilEnergyFossil fuelsJohn Vidalguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
Kichwaあなご、ナポ川、エクアドル、ジョンVidalWeと協議のコミュニティリーダーJiovanny Rivadenairaは、断固としてそれ以上の石油企業と仕事をしたくない
- Costa Rica will pay the price for cheap fruit | Felicity Lawrence
Environmental laws remain weak and have barely kept up with an industry that has seen explosive growth and huge foreign investmentWhile making our film about the pineapple industry in Costa Rica, I interviewed the buyer of one of the major European supermarket chains, who wanted to remain anonymous(they usually do).He was worried that the most intense production of pineapples is based in Costa Rica's flat Atlantic region where the humidity is highest and pests on the monoculture plantations are the most troublesome. They need more pesticides there than the farms in the hilly, more windy area further west, but without the same economies of scale and with the extra distance from the port, it's more expensive to produce where the environmental cost is lower.When it came to growing bananas, he wasn't sure Costa Rica was even the right country from an environmental point of view. The humidity of the region meant that 54 agrochemical treatments are typically needed in a cycle compared to only 14 or 15 in parts of Ecuador where the climate is less favourable to the sigatoka fungus that is ravaging the crop around the world.Agrochemicals are an issue for pineapples too. Clearing old pineapple plants after harvest so that you can replant the next crop again is done fastest and mostly cheaply with very high doses of paraquat. Paraquat is banned in Europe because it is so acutely toxic. Some Costa Rican plantations avoid it – notably those with Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade certifications, but they then have to plough in the old stalks and wait for the plant matter to decompose. Time is money and if no one will pay a premium for your efforts, it's harder to justify.Other environmentally beneficial techniques don't come cheap either: buffer zones between the edge of plantations 環境関連の法律は、弱いままかろうじてコスタリカのパイナップル産業についての私達の映画を作る爆発的な成長と巨額の対外investmentWhile見ている産業界との交流続けている、私は匿名のままにしたいヨーロッパの主要スーパーマーケットチェーンのいずれかのバイヤーにインタビュー(彼らは通常ありません)
- Surgeons arrested in Ukraine for selling transplant organs
Donors were recruited and paid up to $10,000 for their kidneys and other organsUkraine's interior ministry says four surgeons and four others have been arrested for taking part in a scheme to recruit organ donors from former Soviet countries and transplant the organs into wealthy foreigners.The head of the ministry's department on human trafficking, Yuriy Kucher, says the scheme was headed by an Israeli who was arrested last month.Kucher said yesterday that they sought mostly kidneys from people in Ukraine and other countries. Most of those who sold their organs for up to $10,000 (£6,300) were impoverished young women.Surgeries were performed in Kiev, Azerbaijan and Ecuador, Kucher said. The surgeries cost up to $200,000 apiece.Those arrested have been charged with human trafficking and face up to 15 years in prison if convicted.UkraineHuman traffickingOrgan donationguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
ドナーは採用され、$ 10,000への腎臓やその他のorgansUkraineの内務省の上で支払われる方式で募。臓器提供者に旧ソ連の国々から参加し、裕福なforeigners.The頭のに臓器を移植するために逮捕されている4つの外科医と他の4人を言う人身売買、ユーリクチャーの部の部門では、スキームが最後の人month.Kucher逮捕されたイスラエルで言った向かっていたによれば、彼らは主にウクライナおよびその他の国の人々から腎臓を求めた昨日
- Ecuador police mutiny censorship
Last week's mutiny by police in Ecuador resulted in injuries to more than 20 reporters and the imposition of TV and radio censorship. In the course of a 12-hour crisis hundreds of officers took over police barracks across the country in protest at cuts to their benefits.After declaring a state of emergency, the country's president, Rafael Correa, ordered TV and radio stations to interrupt their programming to carry state news broadcasts. It meant that citizens were unable to receive balanced information from an independent media at a critical time, said Freddy Barros, editor-in-chief with the TV station Ecuavisa.At least 22 reporters and photojournalists were attacked, threatened, or harassed as they covered the police rebellion, according to the Quito-based group press freedom group Fundamedios. Sources: CPJ/RSFJournalist safetyEcuadorPress freedomGreenslade on Latin AmericaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
- Colombia arrests Ecuadorian carrying explosives for guerrilla
The Colombian police have captured an Ecuadorian citizen along the Colombia-Ecuador border who was trying to deliver explosives to Colombia's guerrilla of the Army of National Liberation (ELN).
The police said Wednesday that the Ecuadorian, Antonio Pena, was carrying 25 kg of pentolita explosives when he was arrested in Tuquerres in the Narino department in southwest Colombia.
The Colombian authorities have captured several Ecuadorians with explosives in the past for illegal armed groups w ... コロンビア警察はpentolitaの帳簿25キロだったエクアドルは、アントニオペーニャ、あること固めた警察にされたとの国境キャプチャエクアドルエクアドル市民に沿ってコロンビア配信爆薬をコロンビアのゲリラ軍の)(今回のELN解放国。爆発は、彼がコロンビア南西部に逮捕されたのナリーノ部門でツケレス
- Corruption index 2010 from Transparency International: find out how each country compares
Which country is most corrupt? Why has the US score gone down? See how the annual corruption index has changed• Get the dataThe Corruption Index is always controversial. And it's out today.Transparency International's 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is the world's most credible measure of of domestic, public sector corruption. The CPI scores countries on a scale of zero to 10, with zero indicating high levels of corruption and 10, low levels. And the most corrupt places in the world are not the most surprising. Unstable governments, often with a legacy of conflict, continue to dominate the bottom rungs of the CPI. Afghanistan and Myanmar share second to last place with a score of 1.4, with Somalia coming in last with a score of 1.1.The world's most peaceful countries score the best. In the 2010 CPI, Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore tie for first place with scores of 9.3. The ranking is based on data from country experts and business leaders at 10 independent institutions, including the World Bank, Economist Intelligence Unit and World Economic Forum. Transparency International says that it has seen improvements in scoresfrom 2009 to 2010 for Bhutan, Chile, Ecuador, FYR Macedonia, Gambia, Haiti, Jamaica, Kuwait, and Qatar. The scores of the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Madagascar, Niger and the United States have all gone down.The full data is below - and download the complete version for background scores and all the indicators. What can you do with it?Country summaryDownload the data• DATA: download the full list as a spreadsheetCan you do something with this data?Flickr Please post your visualisations and mash-ups on our Flickr group or mail us at datastore@guardian.co.ukWorld government data• Search the world's government datasets• More environm どの国で最も腐敗ですか?なぜダウンして、米国のスコアは?年間腐敗指数は•破損インデックスは、常に議論の余地があるdataTheを取得変更されている方法を参照してください
- 10th ALBA Summit begins in Ecuador
The 10th Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) began on Thursday in the Ecuadorian city of Otavalo to discuss regional integration and development.
The summit is aimed at seeking inclusion mechanisms for natives and Afro-descendants to apply intercultural and multi-nationality principles, official sources said.
About 300 representatives from Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Cuba, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, and San Vicente and the Grenadines will discuss and i ... (アルバ)アメリカアライアンスボリバル10サミットの開発を日に始まったのエクアドルの都市の木曜日と統合オタバロする方法について説明地域
- Colombia's new president sworn in (2)
Ecuador severed its ties with Bogota in March 2008, after Colombia launched a raid on a guerilla camp in its territory and Venezuela broke up diplomatic ties with Colombia last month after Bogota accused it of hosting Colombian guerilla chiefs in its territory.
Before the official ceremony, Santos attended on Saturday morning a symbolic ceremony with the spiritual authorities of four ethnic groups in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the north of the country.
Santos said in the inaugural spe ... 襲撃をベネズエラの領土とのゲリラのキャンプエクアドルの開始後、コロンビアは、とボゴタの関係を断絶、その2008年3月、コロンビアとの外交関係を解散先月領土後、の首長をゲリラのホスティングコロンビアにボゴタで非難した
- UN General Assembly elects members to human rights body (2)
Angola, Libya, Mauritania, and Uganda took the four open seats representing the African regional group. Libya received the least support of all the countries running in the election with 155 votes.
Ecuador and Guatemala are the only states that ran for the two Latin American seats this year. In the Western European and Other group, only Spain and Switzerland submitted their candidacy. And, in the Eastern European group, only Moldova and Poland ran for the two available seats, Croatia having w ... アンゴラ、リビア、モーリタニア、ウガンダの4つ開いている席をアフリカ地域グループを表すしました
- Backgrounder: Recent major strong earthquakes worldwide
A 6.0-magnitude quake struck Elazig province of eastern Turkey early Monday, killing 38 people and injuring dozens of others.
Earthquakes are frequent in Turkey. In 1999, more than 18,000 people were killed in two devastating earthquakes in the country.
The following is a chronology of major strong quakes around the world since 1900:
On Jan. 31, 1906, an 8.8-magnitude quake struck the coasts of Ecuador and Colombia, killing nearly 1,000 people.
On April 18, 1906, a 7.8-magnitude eart ... 6.0の大地震、トルコ東部は9日未明の省エラズー、38人が死亡し、他の多数が負傷した
- Oil companies under attack
BP is not the only major oil group that has had to deal with an environmental catastrophe or public relations disaster• Full coverage of the BP oil spillExxonMobilMarket capitalisation: $282bnRevenue: $337bnNet income: $21bnThe oil giant environmentalists love to hate, Exxon has drawn flak in recent years for its stance on global warming and financial support for groups on the lunatic fringe of the climate debate. Officially its view has softened in recent years but the company, one of the biggest and most profitable in the world, remains very much an oil man's oil firm. The BP spill looks likely to relieve it of an unwanted oily albatross around its neck: the enormous 1989 leak from its Exxon Valdez tanker off Alaska was previously the biggest in US history.ChevronMarket capitalisation: $149bnRevenue: $184bnNet income: $13.2bnIf BP feels it is being unfairly picked on, it could point to the damage blamed on Chevron in the Ecuadorian jungle. Dubbed the Amazon Chernobyl by locals, the dumping of massive amounts of waste is being investigated in a lengthy and acrimonious court case. Thousands of Ecuadorians have brought the £18bn lawsuit, which claims their land was contaminated during three decades of oil exploration and extraction by Texaco, now owned by Chevron.Royal Dutch ShellMarket capitalisation: $112bnRevenue: $207bnNet income: $9.8bnShell has faced persistent criticism over its environmental record, particularly in Nigeria, where the company recently admitted spilling 14,000 tonnes of oil in 2009. The majority, said the company, was lost through two incidents – one in which the firm claims that thieves damaged a wellhead at its Odidi field and another where militants bombed the trans-Escravos pipeline. Local communities and environmental groups blame the company' BPは環境の激変やBPのオイルの広報災害•フルカバーspillExxonMobilMarket総額:$ 282bnRevenue:$ 337bnNet所得:$ 21bnThe石油大手の環境保護嫌いに大好きに対処するためてきた唯一の主要な石油グループではありません、エクソンは集めている地球温暖化と気候変動の議論の過激派のグループのための財政的支援の姿勢のため、近年で非難
- Michael Tomasky: Hillary, Obama and the Arizona law
Funny, these circumstances surrounding the administration's evident intention to file a lawsuit against Arizona over the state's new immigration law. First, Hillary Clinton made the announcement, not attorney general Eric Holder, whose department would actually be handling the matter. Second, she made it to a local television news station in Quito, Ecuador, according to this Wall Street Journal item. Third, she said it June 8, but it didn't come out until late yesterday. Strange. I don't know that there's any big conspiracy behind it. It seems reasonable that Clinton, who surely is peppered with questions about this everywhere she goes south of the border, said it down there rather than here.But why Hillary and not Holder? There's no doubt that the issue affects our relations with Latin American countries, which have pretty uniformly denounced it. And sure, it's fair to speculate that politics is a factor here. Clinton is obviously extremely well-known among Latino voters, and Holder is not. And she is popular among them. And Obama has been losing support among Latinos in the last couple of months.Before conservatives start braying, I would point out that it's scarcely unusual for administrations to make moves to placate the people who voted for them, even in the face of public opinion. George Bush did exactly this in 2001 with regard to his stem-cell research decision.Large majorities in 2001 backed government funding for stem-cell research, majorities equal to or maybe even larger than majorities that now support the Arizona law. But Christian conservatives did not. Interestingly they weren't nearly as opposed to that as Latinos are to the Arizona law: the link at the beginning of this graf will take you to a survey showing that evangelical white protestants were spli おかしい、このような状況政権の意図が明らかにアリゾナに対する状態の新しい移民法をめぐる訴訟を提出する周囲
- Clinton seeks better Latam ties despite rows
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was set to leave Sunday on a tour for stronger security and trade ties with Latin America despite US friction with powerful Brazil over Cuba, Honduras and Iran.The chief US diplomat will first hold a full day of talks in Lima on Monday with officials of the 33 active members of the Organization of American States (OAS) before traveling on to Ecuador, Colombia and Barbados. 米国務長官のヒラリークリントン日曜日より強固なセキュリティとラテンアメリカとの貿易関係のツアーに強力なブラジルキューバの上、ホンジュラス、Iran.The米国首席代表の外交官と米摩擦にもかかわらず、最初のリマの会談の一日を保持するままに設定されて米州機構(OASの)の33アクティブなメンバーの職員日とエクアドル、コロンビア、バルバドスに旅行する前に
- Biggest earthquakes in history
Deadly earthquakes that registered a magnitude of at least 8.522 May 1960: A magnitude-9.5 earthquake in southern Chile and the ensuing tsunami killed at least 1,716 people.27 March 1964: A magnitude-9.2 quake in Prince William Sound, Alaska, and the ensuing tsunami killed 128 people.26 December 2004: A magnitude-9.0 quake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra triggered a tsunami that killed 226,000 people in 12 countries, including 165,700 in Indonesia and 35,400 in Sri Lanka.13 August 1868: A magnitude-9.0 quake in Arica, Peru, (now Chile) generated catastrophic tsunamis; more than 25,000 people were killed in South America.31 January 1906: A magnitude-8.8 quake off the coast of Ecuador and Colombia generated a tsunami that killed at least 500 people.1 November 1755: A magnitude-8.7 quake and ensuing tsunami in Lisbon, Portugal, killed an estimated 60,000 people and destroyed much of Lisbon.8 July 1730: A magnitude-8.7 quake in Valparasio, Chile, killed at least 3,000 people.15 August 1950: A magnitude-8.6 earthquake in Assam, Tibet, killed at least 780 people.15 June 1896: A magnitude-8.5 quake in Sanriku, Japan, caused a tsunami that killed at least 22,000 people.11 November 1922: A magnitude-8.5 quake on the Chile-Argentina border killed several hundred people.7 November 1837: A magnitude-8.5 magnitude quake in Valdivia, Chile, generated a tsunami that killed at least 58 people in Hawaii.20 October 1687: A magnitude-8.5 quake in Lima, Peru destroyed much of the city.Natural disasters and extreme weatherguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
致命的な地震は、1964年3月、少なくとも8.522 1960年5月の大きさ:マグニチュードチリ南部で9.5の地震とそれに続く津波は、少なくとも1716 people.27人登録:マグニチュードプリンスウィリアム湾、アラスカ州、および9.2の地震その後津波128 people.26 2004年12月死亡:マグニチュードスマトラはインドネシアの島沖で9.0の地震は、165700、インドネシアおよび35,400スリランカLanka.13 1868年8月を含む12カ国で226,000人:マグニチュード9.0の地震の犠牲者を出した津波アリカ、ペルー、(今でチリ)壊滅的な津波の生成; 25000人以上の韓国America.31 1906年1月:マグニチュードエクアドルの沖合8.8の地震とコロンビアでは、少なくとも500 people.1人が死亡した津波の発生で死亡1755年11月:マグニチュード8.7の地震とリスボンでの津波のその後、ポルトガル、推定60,000人が死亡し、多くのLisbon.8 1730年7月の破壊:マグニチュードValparasio、チリ、少なくとも3000 people.15人で8.7の地震が1950年8月:マグニチュードアッサム、チベットは、少なくとも780 people.15人で8.6の地震1896年6月:マグニチュード三陸沖、日本では、8.5の地震は、少なくとも22,000 people.11 1922年11月死亡した津波:マグニチュード8.5の地震が発生チリは、アルゼンチンの国境、いくつかの100 people.7 1837年11月:マグニチュードバルディビアには8.5の大地震、チリは、Hawaii.20 1687年10月に少なくとも58人:マグニチュードリマ8.5の地震の犠牲者を出した津波の発生が死亡ペルー多くのcity.Natural災害や極端なweatherguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンニュース&メディアリミテッドの2010年の破壊|このコンテンツを使用してGoogleの利用規約が適用されます|ほかのフィード
- Corriente deal fuels surge in Canadian mining stocks
The acquisition of Canadian mining company Corriente Resources by the mainland's Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Holdings and China Railway Construction Corp (CRCC) for US$653 million has set Vancouver mining stocks rocking. Corriente owns a significant swathe of the Corriente copper belt in Ecuador.