男がSEX以外に考えていること what every man thinks about apart from sex/sheridan simove
British English wikiのwest country dialectsの項目を見るとバースを含む南西部で聞かれる方言が挙げられていますが、その中に hagrid (harry potter の作中人物 ) is supposed to have some kind of west country accent. という記述があり、つまりは結構訛ってるって事かも と思いました
Three wise men day, 2nd part THE PRESENTS yessssssafter breakfast we open our presents, thats very good feeling.my first present is not arrive in spain because with christmas season the post office is more slow and my sister dont get it for give me but she give me a pretty card for tell me what is my present (*^▽^*)rilakkuma slipper rilakkuma say: perhaps you have cold feet?kiiroi torii say : that's not happen againsecond present from my father was harry potter and the half-blood prince, i wanna watch soon because i'm very harry potter addict. (/ω\)and finally from my mother, the gazette, them last single ^^ she give 2 editions and i have to buy me the third edition when i'll have more money. after it, we when to my grandmother house to take lunch and there i get money from my grandmother and body lotion pack from my aunt of my favorite body care brand, body shop today i start to use it ^^
hm science fiction
1. evolution
2. donnie darko
3. spawn
4. i, robot
5. star wars i
6. star wars ii
7. star wars iii
8. star wars iv
9. star wars v
10. star wars vi
11. aliens
12. predator
13. predator 2
14. alien vs. predator
15. back to the future
16. back to the future 2
17. back to the future 3
18. v for vendetta
19. the matrix
20. the matrix reloaded
21. the thing
22. planet of the apes
23. the terminator
24. the terminator 2
25. the butterfly effect
26. x-men
27. x-men 2
28. x-men 3
29. 8-legged freaks
30. the war of the worlds
31. godzilla
32. men in black
33. men in black 2
34. galaxy quest
35. mars attacks
36. e.t.
37. independence day
38. armageddon
39. king kong
40. doom
it's you. questions
01. do you have a dog: no
02. do you go to church: yes.
03. do you watch mtv: no
04. do you watch reality television: no.
05. do you still go to the park: no
06. what color are your nails: no
07. do you have a favorite model: no.
08. who is your best friend: kelly
09. how many times have you moved: 2
10. do you like to sing: sure off key lolrobust
01. do you like to eat healthy foods: some.
02. do you eat a lot of vegetables: i try
03. have you ever had a complete makeover: nope.
04. when is the last time you showered: ytd morning
05. do you ever work out: no
06. are you very straight forward: sure.
07. when you like some one, do you usually let
them know: no
08. can you speak any foreign languages: yes
09. do you like to make your own clothes: no
10. do you ever wear anything wacky just to stand out: nah.school
01. who is your favorite teacher this year: errr blair
02. least favorite teacher this year: anderson d:<
03. who do you sit beside in fourth period: choi yee
04. how many periods do you have a day: 4
05. what is your school’s mascot: waves
06. what’s the last thing you got in trouble at school for: um.
07. of course, your school has bad food: sure?
08. sluttiest girl: duno
09. hottest guy: lol
10. your president: vincent loltyranny
01. do you feel like you’re superior to most people: no
02. do you boss a lot of people around: no
03. are you very open about your rude opinions: nope.
04. do you feel very blunt: no.
05. when people give you criticism, do you ignore it: no
06. when people give you ideas, do you ignore them: no
07. are you confident: no
08. do you feel that everyone likes you: no
09. do you feel that you don’t need authority figures: no.
10. true or false: your opinions matter more than anyone elses: funderdogs
01. are you the youngest of your friends: not rly
02. were you the first to do anything new: no
03. were you the last to do anything: not that i know of
04. do you like hanging out with younger people: uh
05. have you ever “under dogged” on a swing: nani
06. favorite band that doesn’t quite make it on trl: um.
07. do you like listening to music that nobody has heard of: no
08. are you shorter than most of your friends: yes
09. do you watch movies that nobody has really ever heard of: nah.
10. do you feel sometimes people just don’t understand you: yesvivid
01. do you like wearing bright colors: no
02. do you have a lot of energy: no
03. do you ever have morbid mental images: no
04. do you like to look at the stars: yes
05. do you like to be noticed: yes
06. do you ever wear plaid pants: nope.
07. what color of shoes do you wear: one i always wear
08. what does your alarm sound like: n/a
09. do you like wearing colored socks: no
10. have you ever thought of killing yourself: yeswater
01. do you like to swim: no
02. do you ever go to water parks: no
03. do you drink a lot of water: mhm.
04. do you take a shower everyday: every other day
05. do you wash your hands after you use the restroom: yes
06. does it rain a lot where you live: yes
07. do they allow you to have water bottles in class: yess
08. do you take showers or baths more: showers.
09. do you have any plants that you have to water: used to
10. do you drink tap water, or straight from the faucet: nonexrays
01. have you ever had any xrays: yes
02. have you ever broken anything: just fractured.
03. what was the purpose of your last doctor visit: dun rmb
04. have you ever had any work done on your teeth: yes
05. do you get sick a lot: yes. right now >___>
06. have you ever stayed over night in a hospital: nope.
07. have you ever rode in an ambulance: no
08. does anything hurt right now: nah.
09. do you know anyone who has broken their neck: no.
10. last time you got a physical: ?years
01. the year of your twentyfirst birthday: 2012.
02. the year you graduate: june 2009
03. the year you get/got your license: lol soon to come
04. the year you turn eighteen: 2009
05. the year you realized who you really were:
06. the year you started “that time of the month”: dun rmb
07. the year three years from next year: 2013.
08. the year you would like to get married: no idea.
09. the year you plan on moving out: duno
10. the year you were born: 1991.zoo
01. last time you went to a zoo: never
02. favorite animal at the zoo: idk
03. favorite animal in general: panda, polar bear, penguin
04. do you like to feed the animals: no
05. are you afraid of anything: n/a
06. if you got a job at a zoo, what would you do: duno
07. do you have any pets: yep
08. if you got a monkey, what would you name it: eunhyuk 8dd.
09. ideal pet: dog or cat.
10. are you against animal cruelty: yes definetly