新・新砂漠化-1 「ヒックス」で、「ヒッグス粒子」を感じること-1 i have been drinking liquor on and on and keep on looking up at the star because a night sky is dazzling strangely(夜空が異様に眩いから、酒を呑み呑み、星を見上げ続けている)!
Sir M Atiyah氏の講演を4月4日、ポルト大で聞きました i . newton ( 1642−1724 ) 、
j. c. maxwell (1831−1879)
hermann weyl (1885-1855)
sir w. hodge (1903-1975)
mark kac (1914-1984)ed. witten (1951- )
paul dirac (1902-1984)
w. clifford (1845-1879) u . jones (1952 − )
s. donaldson (1958- )
やってみます。 i think there is. during over twenty year research of hado measuring and
water crystal photographic technology, i have been witnessing that water can
turn positive when it receives pure vibration of human prayer no matter how
far away it is.
energy formula of albert einstein, e=mc2 really means that energy = number
of people and the square of people’s consciousness.