- Einstein left out of cash equation
The theory of relativity does not help very much if you belong to the same family tree as Albert Einstein, the legendary physicist who invented it. You're his kin? Sorry, but E=MC equals diddly squat.Feeling especially left out... 相対性理論は、非常にアルバートアインシュタインは、それを発明した伝説的な物理学者と同じ家系に属している場合、あまり効果がない
- Morning Tech Wrap: Apple, Verizon, Google
The unauthorized biography of Apple CEO Steve Jobs will hit the shelves in 2012, according to the Associated Press. Two years in the making, author Walter Isaacson has interviewed the man himself, members of his family, colleagues and competitors for "iSteve: The Book of Jobs." As a former executive at CNN and Time magazine, Isaacson has also penned biographies on Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein. Jonathan Karp of publisher Simon & Schuster said it was "a perfect match of subject and author. Isaacson is telling a unique story of revolutionary genius.” Apple CEOのSteve Jobsの非公認の伝記はAP通信によると、2012年に店頭に並ぶでしょう
- Let's Not Have a British Freddie Mac for Business
To call Will Hutton insane would be much to harsh: misguided perhaps, insufficiently reflective might be more appropriate. But he does bring to mind Einstein's comment about insanity being doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. より適切かもしれないが不十分反射、おそらく見当違い:呼び出すにはハットン非常識はかなり厳しいのだろうだろう
- Faster Than Light? Using Money to Check Whether Einstein Was Wrong
Articles all over the place today on CERN's apparent discovery that neutrinos can travel faster than the speed of light. Does this mean that Einstein was wrong? Over turn all previous physics? Is it even true at all? すべてのニュートリノは光速より速く移動できることがCERNの見かけの発見上の場所、今日以上の記事