- C2―2
▲中座×△小林宏:引き飛車ufo銀 Kobayashi Hiroshi excused × △ ▲: ufo silver rook argument
- C1の4
▲佐々木×△浦野:後手、角道をひらかない引き角 Urano Sasaki × △ ▲: behind the curve, the road angle angle argument Hirakanai
- B2-2
▲佐藤秀 × △ ▲ Iizuka, Hiroshi Nakada: Mino left behind the curve similar to the master of the seventh round Saki × initiative. But it was enclosed by a reasonable? Which shall Sato Hide ▲
- C1-6
結局△4四歩~△4三銀だ Murayama × △ ▲ Megumi Tamura: Similar to the above, is forestalled from silver △ 4 eventually step △ 4 2 4 3 ~ △ 4u0026#39;s silver