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    音楽 テクノロジー 関連語 valentine iCal 原油価格 MAJOR ESTA Dolla
    0 .
  • ○■ crud

  • ○■ 『Beatrice!』 Maga crudele! Di bellezza senza pari 『beatrice!』 Oh! Di dolcezza capricciosa mia potrò potrà liberarmi dal tuo incantesimo se questa pena deve durare, almeno una volta abbi pietà] [Translated by Beatrice Beatrice beauty cruel witch kind Marenaru me once again given the mercy of things that somehow come true if you get away from this suffering to exist forever kindness縛Meru freaky me (from wiki Umineko)

  • ○■ 『beatrice!』 maga crudele! di bellezza senza pari 『beatrice!』 oh! di dolcezza capricciosa mia potrò potrà liberarmi dal tuo incantesimo se questa pena deve durare,almeno una volta abbi pietà 【訳】 ベアトリーチェ残酷な魔女類まれなる美貌 ベアトリーチェ気紛れな優しさ永遠に私を縛める存在 この苦しみから逃れる事が叶わないのなら どうか今一度の慈悲を与えてくれ (うみねこwikiより)

  • ○■ Finally the last thing I said a little opera company

  • ○■ 最後の最後に、歌劇団の事をちょっと話したよ

  • ○■ ① un cucchiaio scampi piccanti thai con germogli

  • ○■ ①un cucchiaio scampi piccanti thai con germogli

  • ○■ su, affondate le unghie! fino a farle cadere su, piangete e

  • ○■ su, affondate le unghie!fino a farle cadere su, piangete e

  • ○■ the big secret of dealing with people there is only one way under high heaven to get anybody to do anything. did you ever stop to think of that? yes, just one way. and that is by making the other person want to do it. remember, there is no other way. of course, you can make someone want to give you his watch by sticking a revolver in his ribs. you can make your employees give you cooperation --- until your back is turned --- by threatening to fire them. you can make a child do what you want it to do by a whip or a threat. but these crude methods have sharply undesirable repercussions. ■ Check revolver revolver word whip whip rib rib repercussion rebound ■ rib訳出point is u0026quot; rib u0026quot;u0026quot; rib u0026quot;in the sense that, where that represents the gun around towards the

  • ○■ the big secret of dealing with people there is only one way under high heaven to get anybody to do anything. did you ever stop to think of that? yes, just one way. and that is by making the other person want to do it. remember, there is no other way. of course, you can make someone want to give you his watch by sticking a revolver in his ribs. you can make your employees give you cooperation --- until your back is turned --- by threatening to fire them. you can make a child do what you want it to do by a whip or a threat. but these crude methods have sharply undesirable repercussions. ■単語チェック revolver リボルバー ribあばら whip むち repercussion反動 ■訳出のポイント ribは「肋骨」「あばら骨」という意味で、ここではそのあたりに 銃をむけていることを表します

  • ○■ The two countries failed to renew an agreement on crude oil export tariffs that expired on New Yearu0026#39;s Eve raising the prospect of another midwinter fuel shut off 2 oil export duty is one of the country, raising the prospect of another winter fuel for New Yearu0026#39;s Eve isolation failed to renew its contract expired

  • ○■ The two countries failed to renew an agreement on crude oil export tariffs that expired on New Year’s Eve raising the prospect of another midwinter fuel shut off 2つの国の原油輸出関税は、大晦日の夜に別の真冬の燃料の見通しを引き上げ期限切れで契約を更新に失敗した遮断

  • ○■ hen i was 12 my dad quit his job and we moved to lake tahoe it rocked my stable world i had a real

  • ○■ the first 12 years of my life well just as we were m

  • ○■ for like 20 years they had both lived in so cal all their lives snacks nuts i would die

  • ○■ leepy mama 10 waiting for me 11 theres only one captain on this boat 12 very special scarves 13 mi

  • ○■ sudden im 30 i thought id be driving a mini van full of kids and happily decorating my own home bu

  • ○■ at it is 2009 kids dont like to get all fussied up anymore and i dont think they would go to the t

  • ○■ ff her name- signing was a must taking the valentines hap

  • ○■ effects pcos- so i hope you dont mind if i just answer all the questions here instead of going thr

  • ○■ percent year-on-year jump in exports. But imports jumped by

  • ○■ the middle (due to the out of control insulin and resultant too high of testosterone) and a high p

  • ○■ y valentine (but honestly i dont snack alot when you eat so much protein you dont get hungry as of

  • ○■ from China's customs office, showed a massive 17.7% year-on-year

  • ○■ pushing China's overall trade surplus in the month do

  • ○■ atrice!』 oh! di dolcezza capricciosa mia potrò potrà liberar

  • ○■ ひどいやつだ:crudel! perche finora)」です実際に歌うのは次回の

  • ○■ . currency. Crude prices were also supported by

  • even day cheesebeef penny not what oil dont just want deli time spring protein make bars picnic freesnack life kids than sugar all where wholegrain like making dearanne had good hard eventhough lost nutsilove church think anymore corner homemade eat much has will lovethose afewwhole when youdont mind would got idont andmore their going alot through them old thinking girl crudeoil withafew years remember areeating hungry skirts thatit picture things answer toget thefirst people due everything world hatsand control afternoon girls stuff liketo whilethe fora reasons iwas aboutlost days isthat insteadof andholding itwasthe say box tobe kind iwant howit andthen 原油価格 were together getting togive beableto whati film ijust weekend these staying foods imitation obsessed scarves why layingin onthe withtheir mama themost care aroundthe each togetall dress 残酷 iteffects shehad itis ieat today allthe togoto wait lived next makeme high afewhours mindifi onlyone and pull igotalot ithink 主要 percent dinner China blood quite 意味 anything april feel forme added theold might goodand ride job fondof idontneed helpswith thepug stacknoon 注意 children theday untitled full andthat song meidont 思います special オペラ done 悲劇 isthe name churchand foreverone didyou shehadan hiworking movedto thingi ithoughtid holeupand 株式 didn noteformy iloveher istill itsnot idbe candofor andeven inDecember againthati mykidsthe wheniwas thesame righton whois thiswas willbe duetothe outfor yearsofmy thegood liveby ifthe andas 存在 theworld new 最初 控えて 今年 下落した 知って 言われて some 言っても
    評価強度 可変性 記述詳細 感情強度 描写総量 装飾量
    0.027 0.099 0.678 0.029 0.650 0.334
    total 31221.000000001113


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