- China stocks climb 2.6pc to 6-month high
China's key stock index jumped 2.6 percent to its highest close in more than six months.
Non-ferrous stocks such as Xiamen Tungsten and heavily we... 中国の主要株価指数はヶ月以上、さらに6最も近いの上昇2.6パーセントに設定してください
- Shares of rare earth, tungsten producers soar
Share prices of rare earth mineral and tungsten producers soared sharply on Tuesday after the government said it had stopped accepting applications for new mines in order to curb depletion of the valuable commodity.
The rare earth sector scored broad gains on Tuesday and ended up 1.26 percent, as 22 of the 26 stocks rose sharply.
Shares of Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth Hi-tech Co, the rare earth unit of Baotou Iron & Steel Group, rose nearly 3.83 percent to 24.75 yuan on Tuesday a ... 後に、政府はそれで貴重な商品の枯渇を抑制する新たな地雷の申請受付を停止すると発表した希土。鉱物、タングステン生産者の株価急落火曜日に急騰した
- Global Witness to Sue British Government Over 'Conflict Minerals'
Lobby group says some British firms trading minerals like tin, tungsten, mined by rebel groups in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo ロビーグループは、いくつかの英国企業は、タングステン、東部コンゴ民主共和国の反政府勢力によって決まりますスズのようミネラルを取。意見
- Letters: Fifty years on, DRC still lacks stability
This week marks 50 years of independence for the Democratic Republic of the Congo – but a brutal conflict continues in the east with severe civilian suffering since the 1990s. More than 5 million people have died as a consequence of a war widely regarded as the deadliest since the second world war.Meanwhile, profits from exported minerals such as gold, tin, tungsten and coltan are funding armed groups, including the Congolese army. These armed groups commit horrific human rights abuses, terrorise civilians and prevent stability and development from gaining a real foothold in the region.There is a need for a robust certification mechanism so that conflict minerals can be identified and separated from those mined from legitimate sources. In the absence of such a system, UK companies buying minerals run the risk of indirectly funding rebel and militia activity. Responsible and transparent trade and investment form a key component to long-term stability in the DRC and should be encouraged and supported by the UK government.This year, the UK has committed £130m towards building a stable and peaceful DRC. British companies buying minerals that perpetuate violence and corruption is outrageous and self-defeating. British companies, multinationals and, crucially, the Congolese people need a secure business and development environment, which cannot exist under the shadow of militias.Eric Joyce MP Chair, APPG on the Great Lakes Region of AfricaGeoffrey Dennis Chief executive, CARE International UK Neil Thorns Head of Advocacy, CAFODAlain Kabeya CAFOD representative in the DRCColin Robertson Senior policy and advocacy officer, Christian AidJudy Rous Chair, Congo Church AssociationDaniel Balint-Kurti Team leader, Democratic Republic of Congo, Global WitnessFiona Napier International 今週はコンゴ民主共和国のindependence 50周年をmarks - しかし、残忍な紛争は、east 90年代以降severe民間sufferingを続行します
- In Brief
China Minmetals Corp plans to spend at least 4.5 billion yuan (HK$5.14 billion) over five years to explore for rare earth, tungsten, tin and bismuth in Hunan province. Minmetals signed an agreement with the Chenzhou city government in Hunan for strategic co-operation, Xinhua reported. 中国Minmetals株は5年間で希土類、タングステン、探求に少なくとも4.5億元(香港5140000000ドル)を投じる計画スズと湖南省でビスマス