- Libya and the decline of the petrodollar system
Western military action in Libya is too easily portrayed as a just fight to protect civilians against their own villainous ruler. A deeper cause lies in Muammar Gaddafi's anti-colonial vision for Africa and the West's defense of the global petrodollar economy, now in decline. - Peter Dale Scott ただ自分の極。支配者に対する一般市民を守るために戦うようにリビアの西洋の軍事行動は、あまりにも簡単に描かれている
- Gaddafi sons' Australian days
THE sons of the Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi may have salted away millions of dollars in oil money in hidden Australian investments during a series of visits to Sydney, Perth and Queensland over the past nine years. リビアの独裁者大佐Muammarのカダフィ大佐の息子は、過去9年間、シドニー、パース、クイーンズランド州を訪問し、一連の中に隠された、オーストラリアの投資のオイルマネーで数百万ドルを取り置かいる可能性があります
- Twin blasts jolt Nigeria's Bayelsa State, no casualties
Two separate explosions on Wednesday night rocked Yenegoa, the capital of oil rich Nigeria's Bayelsa State, a security source told Xinhua on Thursday.
No life was lost in both blasts that occurred at about 8:30 p.m. local time, the source said, noting that one of the blasts took place around Baby bridge road area, where the private residence of the state deputy governor Peremobowel Ebibi is located.
The second explosion set off at Etegwe behind White Eagle hotel, property of the state depu ... 水曜日の夜の爆発は2つの別々の木曜日資本の華を告げ口したオイルマネーで潤うナイジェリアのバイエルサ州、セキュリティソースYenegoaを揺るがした
- Nigerian pirates free foreign sailors
A dozen foreign seafarers seized two days ago in Nigeria's restive oil rich Niger Delta were freed on Sunday, the military said, while three sailors taken hostage in May were also reportedly released. 3つの船員は5月にも伝えにリリースされた人質に取られながら12の外国船員が2日前にナイジェリアの反抗的なオイルマネーで潤うニジェールデルタの日曜日に解放された押収、軍は、と述べた