- 米CITが破産法申請 総資産6.4兆円、公的資金焦げ付きも
その場合、金融安定化法に基づいて米政府が注入した資金が焦げ付いて国民負担が発生する初の事例になる可能性があり、今後の公的支援の是非を巡る議論にも一石を投じそうだ In that case, could be the first case caused a national burden焦Ge付I the U.S. government injected funds based on financial stabilization, one likely to cast a stone controversy over the propriety of public support for future
- 国連制裁決議
これらの資金のために、金融安定化法で設けた7000億ドルに2500億ドルが追加され、この 国債 約半分を日本、中国で買わされる事になる For these funds, the Financial Stability Act established in 7000 to 2,500 billion U.S. dollars 100 million U.S. dollars is added, about half of Japanese government bonds, and will be talked into buying things in China
- 26日 権利落ち日
ny ダウ7749.81ドル+89.84(+1.17%) ナス1528.95ポイント+12.43(+0.82%) cme2258465円(大証先物比+25円) cme225円建て8375円 為替ドル/円1ドル=97.56円 件名 耐久財受注-2月件名 耐久財受注-2月(除輸送用機器) 予想 -2.3%予想 -2.0% 結果 3.4%結果 3.9% 前回 -4.5%前回 -3.0% 件名 新築住宅販売件数-2月 予想 30.0万件 結果 33.7万件 前回 32.2万件 ↑の指標の結果で一時+200くらい上げてたのに、5年。米国債入札が低調に終わり大規模な国債増発を市場が消化しきれず、大型景気対策や金融安定化策の実行に支障が出るかもってことでマイ転 Dow ny $ 7749.81 +89.84 (+1.17%) 1528.95 Bonus points +12.43 (+0.82%) cme2258465 yen (compared to +25 yen futures OSE) cme225 yen exchange $ 8375 yen / dollar, yen 97.56 yen durable goods subject -2 Mon -3 durable goods orders subject Mon (except transport equipment) expected -2.0% -2.3% expected results of 3.4 percent the previous result of -3.0% 3.9% Previous -4.5% -2 expected number of new home sales subject Mon. 300,000 Results Results ↑ 33.7 million 32.2 million last 1:00 of the indicators in the results I was up around +200, 1993. Overtaken the market digested a weak end to large-scale issuance of government bonds Treasuries bid, What is it that my abductor may be detrimental to the execution of large-scale economic measures and financial stabilization measures