- Shonan 2009: meme temps !
temps officiel en 2008:
- Ohme Takamizu Trail 2009
vers le km 2, on est suffisament espaces pour ne pas se gener. meme si le chemin devient etroit.
- ら~めんの
var so = new swfobject( rcflash09, 365, 200, 8, #ffffff);
- 告知!!!
var so = new swfobject( rcflash09, 365, 200, 8, #ffffff);
- 2010年2月の天秤座 byスーザン・ミラー
the month's emphasis on health and wellness could have a noticeable, positive effect on your love life, too. scientists say that we are biologically attracted to partners who are in good health. you have the very best chance of seeing vibrant skin, hair, and eyes by following a healthier lifestyle now. jupiter will help bring very noticeable results if you begin now. your looks will become radiant and get you more compliments than a product packaged in bottle.
- いかにも太田プロっていう感じと
var so = new swfobject( rcflash09, 365, 200, 8, #ffffff);
- ラジオスターの悲劇
var so = new swfobject( rcflash09, 365, 200, 8, #ffffff);
this is copied from sugizo san blog in myspace英語ヴァーションfriday, june 26, 2009 a hell of humidity current mood: listlesswe’re right in the midst of the rainy season, which is unbearable…it’s so humid that it feels like i’m living in hell. i really hate this weather. it’s as if japan is located in the subtropics. and i’ve been insanely busy with projects that are really simple but somehow take up lots of time. no matter how many of them i complete, it never ends…interviews, photo shoots, meetings – one important thing after another. i’m surrounded by things that i have to do, no matter how simple and boring they are. seriously, i’m going crazy. (>_lots of time has passed, so i’m going to write about a number of different things. first of all, the x japan show in taiwan. i hadn’t performed there for a long time, and it was amazing! as always, the taiwanese fans were full of enthusiasm, and they were even more beautiful than before. the energy of the place was fantastic, too. each time x japan plays, our high spirits and our quality just keep growing. in that way, i think this was probably the best show since x japan got back together. i’m not a huge fan of the weather in taiwan, but this trip was great! it wasn’t too hot or too humid at all, which felt wonderful. it was like heaven was on our side. and unlike the performance in hong kong, i felt really good and so i was even able to enjoy my beloved taiwanese food. i’m also really happy that i got to see some dear friends again for the first time in a long while. i look forward to going back as soon as i can.then there was my collaboration with the blue man group, which was a blast! when the idea was first mentioned to me, i was a bit worried about how it would turn out. but i believed that if i was myself, and if i interacted with the group in my usual natural way, then our collaboration would result in an amazing chemistry. and i think that’s exactly how it turned out. i’m really into blue man’s 80’s-esque “vivid” sense, as well as their art, humor, and musical sense. i feel that our collaboration was a wonderful and natural one and that i was able to be my true self. and all the people who had a blast with us were amazing as well. thank you so much! the blue man group, the band members, and the office staff are all fantastic people, overflowing with positive energy, love, and pride. performing together was a spectacular feeling, and i also felt really comfortable. i think that this performance was the start of an important new relationship.lots of different news stories have been grabbing my attention lately. an example (even though it’s slightly old news) is the government’s vague “abandonment” of plutonium-thermal power. and in the end, the whole thing has been shelved for five years. what nonsense. from the start, i can’t agree with plutonium-thermal power, with its incomplete facilities and development. and how much nuclear waste has been brought into japan? where and how are they going to process the dangerous waste that was supposed to be used as fuel for plutonium-thermal power? the whole thing is too risky, the political policy too unprincipled…i so long for truly safe, bright, and promising methodology, guided by wise and accurate judgments.looking at the recent presidential election in iran and the current chaos there, i find myself wondering where the middle east is headed. personally, i had a lot of hope for mousavi, who is a reformist and proactive in regards to dialogues with the international community, so the results were disappointing. the election was carried out unfairly, but what if it had been entirely honest? i think it’s a really complicated and delicate problem. mousavi is a reformist and has great respect for international harmony, and he also tried to breathe new life into the customs and conventional wisdom of islam. it would have been a chance for many muslim women to gain greater freedom. i am entirely in favor of going beyond preconceived ideas, and i encourage everyone to respect and value freedom. but perhaps what happened was a realization of the wishes of many devout muslims who were not seeking change. maybe many people who love traditional islamic culture are in need of president ahmadinejad. if so, things can’t be changed so easily. however, i am against nuclear capability, no matter what the country, and president ahmadinejad is entirely too fond of conflict. no one can intervene, but it’s a huge international problem. i pray that calm overcomes the intense chaos in iran as soon as possible, and that the people there can return to lives of safety and security.and we can’t turn our attention away from what president obama is going to do. during negotiations prague on holding dialogues with iran, he said that america should be the one to take the initiative to renounce nuclear weapons. i couldn’t believe it, but if it’s true, then i am so grateful. the “green new deal,” the “smart grid,” and energy policy show a future full of hope. and his words to the overbearing israeli government were full of boldness – the very fact that such a president exists in america is a miracle. i hope that president obama is well protected by the people who support him, and that he is free from the (likely very real) threat of assassination by the opposition factions that surely exist and the neoconservatives who even now push for a strong america. and i hope that he makes his words a reality. i truly expect a great deal out of president obama.and finally, ryuichi was blessed by the birth of his child the other day! i’m so happy for him that it feels as if my own family has gained a new, beloved member. his son has been born into a chaotic and difficult world, but i hope that he has a wonderful and glorious life. congratulations, from the bottom of my heart!once again, i’m secluding myself in the studio for the time being. the hell of humidity outside makes it feel like i'm undergoing ascetic training. i wonder when i’ll see you all again?sgz日本語ヴァーション湿気地。梅雨真只中でホントにキツい・・・