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    ビジネス 経済 関連語 アラブ首長国連邦 欧州連合 日本航空 金融危機 経営統合 ドバイ首長国
    • Dubai World seeks to buy time from creditors on US$26b debt
      Dubai World, the state-owned holding company in talks to renegotiate about US$26 billion of debt, will ask banks for permission to delay loan repayments when it presents a plan to creditors this month, three bankers familiar with the negotiations said. ドバイの世界は、国営会談で米国の約260億ドルの債務再交渉し、許可をローンの返済遅延するときも、債権者は、今月の計画を提。銀行の要請する持ち株会社の所有する、3つの銀行との交渉に慣れている

    • HK First Pacific raises $400 million
      Hong Kong-based holding firm First Pacific Co. Ltd. raised 400 million U.S. dollars in fresh capital on Wednesday to refinance existing debt obligations. The 10-year bonds were backed by the company's shares in Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT), Philippines' largest telecommunication firm, and yielded an interest rate of 6. 375 percent per annum. The bond issue was also unsized to 400 million U.S. dollars and was 11.3 times oversubscribed, signaing a high degree of confidence i ... 香港を拠点とする持ち株会社の第一太平洋有限公司は、債務を借り換え、既存の債務水曜日資本新鮮なドルを米国の発生400000000 10年債)はPLDTの(長距離電話会社フィリピンしたバックアップによって、同社の株式は、フィリピン最大の通信会社が、6の金利が得られた

    • How Billionaires Lost And Made Fortunes In LyondellBasell
      Len Blavatnik, the billionaire Russian-American industrialist, is known for having gotten rich in post-Soviet oil and metals companies and doing big Internet and media deals. At his holding company, Access Industries, he has been referred to by his employees as the “King of Optionality” or sometimes just the “King,” a moniker he earned in the battles being waged by billionaires for the petrochemicals business. The sector has humbled Blavatnik like no other, handing him his biggest business defeat and massive losses when he was forced to push his LyondellBasell into U.S. bankruptcy court. But Blavatnik has not been deterred, making a daring second bet on the company that looks like a winner. “Filing for Chapter 11 is an experience I would never want to repeat, it was really a dark moment,” says Blavatnik. “I put so much money back in. It is a lot of money for anyone.” レンBlavatnikは、億万長者のロシア系アメリカ人の実業家、ポストソ連の石油と金属企業とやって大きなインターネットやメディアのお得な情報が豊富で得したことで知られる

    • Family Bolsters Hermès Defenses
      Members of the family controlling French luxury-products company Hermès International announced plans to create a holding firm that will have more than 50% of the company. 制御の家族のメンバーはフランスの高級製品情報会社エルメスインターナショナルは、企業の50%以上を持って持ち株会社を作成する計画を発表した

    • SinoPac in pact with Guosen
      SinoPac Financial Holdings Co's brokerage unit signed a memorandum of understanding with the mainland's Guosen Securities Corp in Taipei on Monday, the financial holding company said in a faxed statement. SinoPac Securities Corp and Guosen agreed to share information and conduct employees training, the statement said. No financial details were disclosed. &$&$Source:China Daily&$&$ ... SinoPac金融ホールディングス株式会社の証券ユニットは本土Guosen証券株台北の月曜日に関する了解覚書を締結、金融持ち株会社は、ファックス声明で述べた

    • Philippine stocks end lower, market confidence remains
      The Philippine market lost 0.53 percent of its value on Monday but investors' confidence over the long-term prospect of the market remains intact. The bellwether Philippine Stock Exchange index managed to recover some of the 30-point loss it made during the intra-day session to settle at 3,424.29 or just 18.39 points lower than Friday's close. The broader all-share index was also down by 9.24 points to 2,167.79, although three of the six subsector indices, namely the financial, holding firm a ... フィリピン市場はしかし、月曜日%を失った0.53その価値の市場の見通しで長期的な信頼は、投資家はそのまま残ります

    • New York Times Sale Values Fenway Sports Group At More Than $1.2 Billion
      The sale of a majority of its holdings in Fenway Sports Group by the New York Times values the sports holding company controlled by billionaire John Henry at $1.24 billion. ニューヨークタイムズでフェンウェイスポーツグループにその持分の過半数の売却は12.4億ドルで億万長者のジョンヘンリーによって制御されるスポーツの持ち株会社を大切に

    • Berlusconi's company sentenced to pay 560 mln euros to rival
      An Italian appeal court on Saturday sentenced Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's holding company Fininvest to pay 560 million euros (around 800 million U.S. dollars) to its rival media group CIR, over a long-running corruption case, local media reported. According to the civil court of appeal in Milan, Fininvest should pay this amount of money in compensation to CIR, the holding company of Berlusconi's rival Carlo De Benedetti which fought with Fininvest for control of the Italian leading pu ... 土曜日にイタリアの控訴裁判所は、シルヴィオベルルスコーニ首相の持ち株会社は、ライバルのメディアグループCIR〜560万ユーロ(800万ドル程度)を支払うことにFininvest刑、長時間実行される汚職事件を介して、地元メディアが報じた

    • U.S. insurer files for bankruptcy
      U.S. insurance company Ambac Financial filed for bankruptcy Monday after failing to reach a deal with its creditors on restructuring. Ambac Financial filed a petition for Chapter 11 protection Monday at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan. The insurer, the holding firm of Ambac Assurance Corp., has liabilities of 1.68 billion U.S. dollars as of June 30 on an unconsolidated basis. The company seeks to reschedule payments on more than 1 billion dollars in bonds and other claims. Sen ... 米国の保険会社アムバックファイナンシャルはリストラの債権者の対処に達する失敗した後に破産月曜日の適用を申請した

    • UNDP: Women under-represented in SEA
      Women have gradually been elected to local governments in the Asia-Pacific area but they have yet to be installed as leaders in South East Asia, a joint report released on the eve of the 100th commemoration of International Women’s Day states. 女性は徐々にアジア太平洋地域の地方自治体に選出されているが、彼らは東南アジア、国際女性の日の状態の100記念の前夜に発表した共同報告書でリーダーとしてインストールされていない

    • ABN Amro Bank completes legal separation from RBS
      The Dutch state-owned ABN Amro Bank said Friday that it had completed its legal separation from the Royal Bank of Scotland. This means ABN Amro Bank has been transferred to a new holding company, ABN Amro Group N.V., which also holds a share in Fortis Bank. It was an important step by ABN Amro Group towards the legal merger of Fortis Bank and ABN Amro Bank by the second half of this year. The merger will cost 1.2 billion euros (1.6 billion U.S. dollars) over the next three years, and is ... オランダ国営ABNアムロバンクオブスコットランドは言った金曜日、銀行からロイヤル分離、それを終了した法律は、これがフォルティスを意味ABNアムロのシェアを保持している持ち株会社、ABNアムログループNVのも、銀行が持つ新しいに転送され銀行はそれは1年半、この2番目の銀行ABNアムロ銀行、ABNアムロフォルティスグループへの法律上の合併のアムロステップでABNアムロに重要でした

    • Legend confirms buying stake in BOCI Securities
      Liu Chuanzhi, president and CEO of Legend Holdings and deputy to the People's Congress, confirmed Monday that the global investment holding company has brought shares of Bank of China International Securities Limited (BOCI Securities), according to the China Business News. During a meeting break at the third session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC), Liu announced the acquisition of shares. Previous reports said that Legend spent 900 million yuan ($131.8 million) to buy a 12-per ... 劉Chuanzhi、大統領と伝説ホールディングスと人民議会副CEOは、月曜日には、グローバルな投資持ち株会社の銀行の中国国際証券株式会社(BOCI証券)の株式を持っており、中国ビジネスニュースによると確認された

    • Santander, CCB plan joint venture
      China Construction Bank (CCB) and Europe's second largest lender Banco Santander, are planning to set up a joint financial holding company and open 100 village banks in the country over the next three years, people familiar with the matter told China Daily. The joint venture is likely to be set up with a registered capital of 3 billion yuan and this could eventually go up to 5 billion yuan in three years. CCB would invest 1.8 billion yuan and hold a 60 percent stake in the joint venture, whi ... 中国建設銀行(CCB)やヨーロッパ最大の貸し手バンコサンタンデール、2番目の共同の金融持ち株会社を設立し、国では、今後3年間で100以上の村の銀行の営業を計画して、人々はこの問題に精通中国日報と語った

    • China Southern gets govt cash boost
      Shares in China Southern Airlines were suspended yesterday on the Shanghai and Hong Kong bourses after the carrier said it is yet to decide how use the 1.5 billion yuan cash injection received from the government. Guangzhou-based China Southern, the nation's largest carrier by fleet size, said the funds received from the Ministry of Finance would be routed through its parent, China Southern Air Holding Company. The carrier and its parent are discussing the modalities of using the fund to ... 後のキャリアはまだどの1500000000元現金注入は、政府から受け取った使用を決定することだという中国南方航空の株式は昨日、上海、香港証券取引所に中断された


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