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    音楽 関連語 stay with me 倖田來未
    • EU lays basis for Greek lifeline
      European finance ministers laid the groundwork for a financial lifeline to debt-stricken Greece, breaking a taboo against aid to cash-strapped governments to avert a euro crisis. 欧州財務相の負債は金融ライフラインのための土台を築いたのギリシャ被災、現金への援助に対するタブーを破らユーロの危機を回避するため政府は苦しい

    • Japan puts sales tax taboo on the agenda
      Finance Minister Naoto Kan's readiness to debate Japan's first sales-tax increase since 1997 signals the risk of a fiscal crisis may be weighing heavier with policy makers than dangers to economic growth. 以来、1997信号の財政危機のリスクが、経済成長への危険性よりも、政策立案者負担の重されることがあります財務大臣、菅直人の準備日本初の売上税の引き上げを議論する

    • 'Elle' anoints trend to plus-size models
      It has featured naked women on the cover and even actresses without make-up.But now one of the world's leading fashion magazines has created a real shock for France's fashionistas by tackling the last taboo: plus-size models.The... これは、表紙には、裸の女性が紹介しているもようせずに女優、今では世界有数のファッション雑誌のup.Butの最後のタブー:プラスサイズのモデルすべて...取り組むことにより、フランスのfashionistasのためのショックを作成して

    • Supercar sales on high gear as US economy revives
      Super-luxury cars, whose sales plunged during the financial crisis, are making a comeback. Fiat's Maserati and Ferrari brands, Bayerische Motoren Werke's Rolls-Royce and Daimler's Maybach are moving out of the lots again as taboos over conspicuous consumption fade with the recovering economy. その販売金融危機の際に急落超高級車は、カムバックを作っている

    • Abuse by priests triggers celibacy row
      The scandals raging in the Catholic Church have set off an unprecedentedly public debate among senior clergy on one of Roman Catholicism's strongest taboos - the issue of whether the paedophilia in its ranks is a consequence of priestly... スキャンダルは、カトリック教会で荒れ狂う1カトリック最強のタブー - の問題かどうか、そのランクでは小児性愛の聖職者の結果は上の上級聖職者の間で空前の公開討論をオフに設定している...

    • Letters: Responding to attacks on Islam
      Your special report on the English Defence League (29 May), while a useful commentary, hardly comes as a surprise. During the Labour years, the nation has had to put up with unbridled immigration, supplemented with an enforced political correctness that has made any rational criticism of radical Islam a taboo subject. Failure by politicians and opinion formers to address this has resulted in a reaction like the EDL. I'm staggered the authorities permitted the Islamic extremist demonstration on the return of the Royal Anglican regiment from Afghanistan, which you quote as the reason for the genesis of the EDL. While organisations like the EDL must be challenged and opposed, so too should radical Islam in the UK. It must be demonstrated that action is being taken against all proscribed Islamic groups.Eamonn GaffeyLondon • Shocking as it may seem, the EDL have, for the moment, the right to demonstrate and voice their opinions. There are things we find objectionable but they are not going away, no matter how much you try to gag the voices. The only sensible approach is to challenge the ideas in the open. In my younger days, I was a member of the Anti Nazi League. I recall how successful they were in getting marches banned. Of course we were expecting the National Front marches to be banned. How shocked we were when the first march banned under the new guidelines was our own. Calling for bans only backfires, because the law covers everyone.Denis JoeLiverpool• The English Defence League is a violent, bigoted organisation and an embarrassment to our country. They should be condemned everywhere, but will be particularly unwelcome if they come to Tower Hamlets. Most people in the East End live in peace and mutual respect for neighbours, regardless of their faith or skin colour. 英語防衛リーグ(29月)にあなたの特別報告書、有用な解説は、ほとんど驚きだが

    • The People's Manifesto is not a joke | Danny Kushlick
      I'm standing on a single issue – the legalisation and regulation of drugs – to try and engage the parties in a key debateI've been thinking about standing for parliament for many years and now I'm a candidate in Bristol West where I live. I have been selected by Mark Thomas to support the People's Manifesto. However, I have chosen to stand on only one of those polices – the legalisation and regulation of drugs. It is a small part of what the people want, but it represents much of what the Manifesto stands for. Why am I choosing to stand in Bristol West? Because this is where I have lived for nearly 20 years and like many other urban constituencies, we have a substantial (drug) prohibition problem.I'm standing on the single issue of the need to replace the global war on drugs with a just, effective and humane system of control and regulation (legalisation) because the main political parties have refused to engage on it. This refusal is, in my opinion, a collective act of wilful neglect – an oversight of staggering irresponsibility. My aim in this campaign is to do my little bit to place the issue at the centre of the election debate. Global prohibition needs to end, but it is almost impossible to discuss this seriously at election time if none of the three major parties pick it up and make it a popular issue. Collectively all three parties collude with the perception that it is a taboo issue – fear of 'political suicide' trumps actual deaths (22 000 have died in Mexico's drug wars in the last four years). Now that the manifestos have all been published we know that the Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems will not raise a debate on the efficacy of prohibiting drug supply. And the Mafia will be thanking them all the way to the money launderer.This, despite the fact that man 私は1つの問題の上に立っている - 合法化薬の規制を - しようとするキーdebateI。。u0026#39;veの当事者に従事、長年にわたって議会のために立つのが、今はブリストルウェスト私が住んで候補だと考えて

    • Victims of harassment speak out in Lebanon
      On three occasions Doha had to jump out of her cab when the driver assaulted her in broad daylight. But now she has joined a growing number of women in Lebanon who speak out against sexual harassment.While the subject remains taboo to a large part in the tiny Arab country on the eastern Mediterranean, a group of activists have launched a campaign to raise awareness.A television ad features a young employee named Salwa who is summoned by her boss. When she enters his office, he is sprawled out in his chair, cigar in hand, and slyly holds out a promotion form to her. 3回のドーハは、彼女のタクシーのドライバーが白昼堂々と彼女を暴行ジャンプしなければならなかった

    • The continuing lack of equal pay proves feminism's work is still far from done | Editorial
      As we celebrate another International Women's Day, the essential spirit of the 1970 Equal Pay Act is still not being honouredBritain has not traditionally made a great fuss over international women's day, but that is no indication of how well a country performs in guaranteeing equal rights between the sexes.There are societies where tomorrow's holiday will be celebrated with much pomp, and where institutional prejudice, discrimination and violence against women are routinely tolerated. That is generally not the case in Britain.In that respect, there is no doubting the transformation that has taken place in this country within two or three generations. Prejudices that acted as a blanket prohibition on equality have been dismantled: taboos over women attending university; working in certain professions; working at all.Feminism worked. But its success is only partial – sufficient to trigger a backlash, but not comprehensive enough to smash glass ceilings in many areas of economic and cultural life.The result is a disorientation, expressed in a lively debate between the generations in the New Review today. Many young women, who have benefited from battles their mothers won, do not want to be defined as gender combatants. At the same time, many women, who remember how recently mainstream culture was flagrantly, oppressively sexist, are alarmed by what they see as their daughters' complacency.Much of that disorientation is born of the cult of consumerism that has grown alongside women's economic empowerment. As the female workforce has grown and acquired a higher disposable income, the marketplace has overtaken writers, philosophers and politicians in the race to define what it means to be a successful, independent, modern woman.Often what marketing executives – male or femal 我々はまだされてhonouredBritain別の国際婦人デー、1970年の同一賃金法の基本的な精神を祝う伝統的な国際女性の日で大騒ぎしていないが、それがどのような国の間で平等な権利を確保する上で実行する兆候であるsexes.There社会が、明日の休日をはるかに華麗に祝われる予定であり、ここで制度的偏見、差別、女性に対する暴力を日常的に容認されます


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