- A Brief Tour Through the Gunpowder Innovation
recommend reading:
- National Stakes2009
vincent o'briennational stakes(g1)
- 偉大な賞だが、しかし....?
the nobel committee members made no bones about it: helping obama achieve ambitious peacemaking goals was their goal in awarding the prize friday to an as-yet mostly unaccomplished u.s. president. ノーベル賞の委員会のメンバーは、そのことに拘らなかった
- Okinawa hovers at the negotiating table/田中秀征(元経済企画庁長官)財務省の「一人天下」を止められるか
this quirky footnote to japanese (and bolivian) history illustrates a broader point. okinawa, a semi-independent kingdom
until it was formally annexed by
japan in 1879, has always had a raw deal.
barack obama, the us president, should ponder this fact when he arrives in tokyo tomorrow against the backdrop of a messy
tussle over an okinawan base for us marines. he should know that there are
three – not two – parties to any discussions about the us-japan alliance, the
half-century old military arrangement that has underpinned postwar asian
stability. like banquo’s ghost, okinawa hovers uncomfortably at the table.
- オバマ大統領がノーベル平和賞!
the norweigian novel committee decided that the nobel peace prize for 2009 is to be awarded to
president barack obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen
international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. the committee
has attached special importance to obama's vision of and work for a
world without nuclear weapons. 日本語に訳してみます
- Kyoshiro Imawano Rocks in Heaven
the other day i received 15 dollars from a man who has been on his back for twenty years, and the only part that he can move is his right hand. and the only companion that he enjoys is smoking. and he said to me: i do not smoke for one week, and i send you this money. it must have been a terrible sacrifice for him, but see how beautiful, how he shared, and with that money i bought bread and i gave to those who are hungry with a joy on both sides, he was giving and the poor were receiving.