- Kreuzkopplung
die methode der palladiumkatalysierten kreuzkopplung wird angewendet, um den stoff discodermolid k?nstlich herzustellen, einen naturstoff, der in meeresorganismen vorkommt und krebszellen abt?tet, wie die k?nigliche schwedische akademie mitteilte.
- Living and the death Franarry O’cconer’s destinated world
i read almost short stories of franarry o’ccorner this year. it has passed a few months since i finished the book but in this hideous hot summer of tokyo, i recall sometimes the violent and strong peoples in the stories. my interest is the reason why in this woman livi
- 偉大な賞だが、しかし....?
at just 48 years old and not even nine months in office, obama became only the third sitting u.s. president to win the prize. まだ48歳であり、執務室で9ヶ月にも満たないが、オバマは米国の大統領がその賞を受賞した僅かに3番目の人物になった
- Okinawa hovers at the negotiating table/田中秀征(元経済企画庁長官)財務省の「一人天下」を止められるか
a promise by the
democratic party of japan, which swept to victory in august elections, to
reopen negotiations over the futenma relocation has thrown us-japan relations
into a tailspin. at a time when china is growing more confident, washington is
desperate to avoid any appearance of cracks in its most important asian
alliance. yet in truth, even under the supposedly alliance-friendly liberal
democratic party, the futenma relocation plan had not been implemented in 13
years. bogged down in endless debates over its cost and impact on the
environment, some doubted whether it would ever happen at all.
- NHKスペシャル「魔性の難問 -リーマン予想 天才たちの戦い-」
a beautiful mind: the life of mathematical genius and nobel laureate john nash