- ノーベル賞作家が政界へ
nobel laureate wole soyinka launches political party - 1986年にアフリカ人として初めてノーベル文学賞を受賞したナイジェリアのウォーレ・ショインカさんが、来年の選挙に向けて、腐敗した政権を倒すべく新たな政党を立ち上げることを明らかにしました
- Barak Obama Nobel Prize 2009 !?
now that he was awarded, i expect him to work better and better.
- 偉大な賞だが、しかし....?
that's not to say it wasn't an impressive achievement. それが印象に残る業績ではなかった、というべきではない
- Okinawa hovers at the negotiating table/田中秀征(元経済企画庁長官)財務省の「一人天下」を止められるか
published: november
11 2009 20:25 | last updated: november 11 2009 20:25 not far from the bolivian
city of santa cruz lies the
curiously out-of-place japanese farming district of colonia okinawa. many of
those living there are descendants of okinawan farmers, forced off their land –
by bulldozers or at bayonet point – by american soldiers in the 1950s. some of
the dispossessed were persuaded to make a new life in bolivia. but when they
arrived, instead of the fertile land they had been promised, they were dumped in the jungle where many died of hunger or unfamiliar
diseases. only the more fortunate mad