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    政治 国際 関連語 補正予算 金融危機 リーマン・ショック
    • AIG Could Be More Valuable Than You Think But Less Than Market Price
      AIG’s share of the property & casualty insurance market has been declining in the past few years due to declining insurance rates, lower employment and increased competition. In addition, consumers have become more price sensitive in recent years due to the economic crisis. The decline in the real estate, construction and transportation markets in 2008-09 also affected AIG’s share. AIG mainly competes with Hartford Financial, Prudential Financial and Metlife in the property & casualty insurance market. We believe that as the economy improves further, AIG’s market share of property & casualty insurance will also improve by leveraging the company’s widespread presence globally and from its diversified product portfolio in property & casualty insurance. プロパティ&損害保険市場のAIGのシェアは過去数年間減少し保険料率、低雇用や競争の激化に伴い低下している

    • Experts concerned over huge loans to local govts
      About 40 percent of new loans in the first quarter went to local government bodies, said an economist with the State Council's Development Research Center (DRC), with analysts warning that a potential crisis is looming. Wei Jianing, deputy head of macroeconomic research department at the DRC, said the scale and debts of these local government-owned bodies - mainly financing companies using land and fiscal revenue as collateral - has been swelling rapidly, and may pose great risks to the econo ... 第1四半期の新規融資の約40%は、ローカル行ったに体を政府が)で、コンゴ民主共和国の経済学者で、国務院の発展研究センター(と言い部門アナリスト警告、研究マクロ経済危機の可能性は迫り来る頭の。魏Jianingを

    • Air China still climbing after its best quarter
      Air China has bounced back from the economic crisis with its best quarterly result ever, reporting 2.17 billion yuan (HK$2.47 billion) net profit, up more than 100 per cent year on year. エアチャイナは戻って、その最高の四半期の結果、これまでに以上の100%年間前年2170000000元(香港2470000000ドル)、純利益、レポートとの経済危機からバウンスしています

    • Survey: Two in 10 underage Greeks live in poverty
      Approximately two out of 10 Greeks aged 0-17 years old today live in poverty, announced on Saturday Greek National Center of Social Surveys experts on the occasion of the World Children Day. At least 450,000 children across Greece, which represent a 23.3 percent of the total underage population in the country, live in poverty, according to the National Social Portrait survey. The numbers are rising since the country has been hit by an acute economic crisis this year, stressed local experts ... 歳今日の0から17まで約2歳10ギリシア人はの日子供の世界の際に調査の専門家に対する社会のナショナルセンター、ギリシャの土曜日発表ライブで貧困、23.3パーセントを表す時に、子供を伝えるギリシャ450000以上国の人口が。未成年、調査ポートレート社会国立に住んでの貧。応じ、数字は、今年の立ち上がりから経済危機急性がされてヒットして、国がいる専門家を強調し、ローカル...

    • German model 'hard to follow'
      As European countries seek to emerge from economic crisis, France accused Germany Monday of trying to boost business on the back of Berlin's eurozone partners by squeezing salaries and pushing exports. 欧州諸国の経済危機から抜け出すため求めるフランス、ドイツ月曜日の給与を圧迫し、輸出を押すことで、ベルリンのユーロ圏のパートナーの背中に事業拡大しようとすると非難した

    • Greek entrepreneurs find bad old habits run deep in battle to rebuild
      A few Greek entrepreneurs perch in front of laptops in bare offices above a ground-floor supermarket, five minutes' walk from the Athens square convulsed by riots last month over the country's economic crisis. 地上階のスーパーマーケット、アテネ広場から徒歩5分上記の裸のオフィスでノートパソコンの前に少数のギリシア起業家の止まり木は、国の経済危機を先月暴動で身もだえする

    • Low Ratings, Hidden Treasures: Bonds You Need To Own
      A major economic meltdown should spark a revival of common sense as investors wise up to the faulty ideas that led them to disaster. 主要な経済危機は、投資家交流災害にそれらを導いた障害アイデアをするのが賢明と常識の復活を点火する必要があります

    • Bankruptcies of Greek companies up 44 percent in 2010
      Bankruptcies of Greek companies increased by 44 percent in 2010 on an annual basis due to the severe economic crisis that has hit Greece, the National Confederation of Greek Trade (ESEE) said in report on Monday. Furthermore, approximately one in two major enterprises (43.7 percent) intend to proceed to mass dismissals of employees in 2011, ESEE President Vassilis Korkidis added, presenting the annual report of the Confederation. In 2010 more than 27,100 jobs were lost in the sector due to ... 企業ギリシャ倒産の月曜日レポートによると)貿易(ESEE、ギリシャの国立連。増加ギリシャヒットで44年間2010パーセントの基底のために経済危機厳しいがまた、約1〜2の大企業(43.7 %)が2011年には従業員の大量解雇に進むつもり、ESEE大統領ヴァシリスKorkidisは、連合の年次報告書を発表しました

    • China backs Spain to emerge from crisis: Beijing
      China is confident Spain will recover from its economic crisis and Beijing will buy Spanish public debt despite market fears of an Irish-style bailout, a top Chinese official said Monday. 中国はスペイン、アイルランドスタイルの救済の市場の懸念にもかかわらず、スペインの公的債務を購入する経済危機、北京から回復すると確信され、中国でトップの関係者が明らかにした

    • Belarus Potash Pits Chinese Against Uralkali
      China may thwart Russian efforts to control almost half the potash market as Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko seeks to sell part of fertilizer producer Belaruskali to stave off a deepening economic crisis. 中国は、ベラルーシ大統領のルカシェンコが深まり、経済危機を食い止めるために肥料生産Belaruskaliの一部を売却しようとしてほぼ半分カリの市場を制御するためのロシアの努力を阻止することができる

    • Double dip's a possibility - but no more than that
      Concerns over a possible double-dip recession in the United States linger, and while some analysts caution there may also be a double dip for the US housing market, others discount that prospect. A collapse in house prices was the main cause of the recent economic meltdown in the US, with home values dropping more than  30 per cent from their peak in 2005. Given the continuing fragile state of the housing market and the economy at large, a double dip in one could lead to a double dip in the other, argue some analysts. 米国では可能なダブルディップ景気後退の懸念は、残る一方、一部のアナリストは、米国の住宅市場のダブルディップ、他の割引見通しがある可能性があります注意してください

    • CHEC registers record revenues
      Despite an industry downturn worldwide, port building contractor China Harbour Engineering Co Ltd (CHEC) had record revenues of $1.89 billion last year and signed new contracts worth $4.49 billion. As growth slowed due to the global economic crisis, CHEC responded by reorganizing its resources and moving into new sectors. Shrinking infrastructure markets in the Middle East and Africa, which before contributed more than 60 percent of its revenues, resulted in CHEC developing business in H ... 業界の低迷、世界にもかかわらず、ポート、建設業者の中国港湾工学Co株式会社(CHEC)1890000000ドル、昨年の記録的な収益いたと4490000000ドル相当の新たな契約を結んだとして、成長率は世界的な経済危機のために、CHEC、そのリソースを再編し、反応抑制新しい分野に移行する

    • Chinese sales boosts luxury goods market in 2009
      Despite the economic crisis, 2009 ended better than it began for the French luxury goods sector, thanks largely to China's growing taste for high-end products, encouraging thoughts of a better 2010.Following the trend set by other global luxury brands, Hermes and LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy) announced fourth quarter sales growth on Thursday and Friday, suggesting the worst of the crisis could be over for the sector. よりも、フランスの高級品部門のために始まった経済危機にもかかわらず、2009年より、ハイエンド製品の中国の成長の味主のおかげで、励みになった方2010.Following傾向は他の世界の高級ブランド、エルメス、LVMH社によって設定された思考(ルイヴィトンモエヘネシー)は、セクターを超えることが、危機の最悪のことを示。木曜日と金曜日に第4四半期の売上高の伸びを発表した

    • Mortgages Could Be Morass For Deutsche Bank
      Deutsche Bank has taken some lumps recently. The German investment bank has been sued by the European financial group Dexia for losses incurred on bonds worth $1 billion that the latter bought from Deutsche Bank before the global economic crisis of 2008. ドイツ銀行は最近、いくつかのしこりを取っている

    • EU antitrust regulators throw the book at bathroom fittings companies over price fixing
      European Union antitrust regulators fined 17 bathroom fittings companies a total of €622 million (HK$5.947 billion) yesterday for fixing prices, with five receiving lower penalties because of the economic crisis. EUの反トラスト規制当局が17日浴室の付属品の会社に合。罰金€622百万円(香港5947000000ドル)昨日の価格を固定するための、5つの経済危機のための下部の罰則を受けています

    • G-7: Banks Must Help Pay Crisis Costs
      Financial officials agreed that the banking sector must help pay costs stemming from the financial and economic crisis, but disagreement remained on exactly how. 金融当局は、銀行部門のコストは、金融経済危機に起因する負担を助けなければならないが、意見の不一致に残ったことで合意したがどのよう

    • Former Irish Prime Minister dies
      Garret FitzGerald, who was prime minister in Ireland from 1981 to 1987 during a time of severe economic crisis, has died aged 85.The Irish government says FitzGerald died in a Dublin hospital with his family at his bedside. The... 深刻な経済危機の時に1987年から1981年からアイルランドの首相だったギャレットフィッツジェラルドは、85.Theアイルランド政府歳で死亡したフィッツジェラルドは彼の枕元で彼の家族と一緒にダブリンの病院で死亡したと言います

    • Economy firing on all cylinders in first quarter
      Germany's economy is off to a strong start this year, growing a quarterly 1.5 percent in the first three months to a level last seen before the economic crisis in 2008, provisional data showed on Friday. ドイツ経済は、レベル、2008年の経済危機前に見た最後に最初の3ヶ月間の四半期1.5%成長し、今年は好調なスタートを切った、仮のデータは、金曜日に示した

    • Mobile phones to top 5 billion this year
      Global demand for mobile telephones remains strong, despite the economic crisis, with the number of individual mobile cellular subscriptions likely to top 5 billion this year, according to the UN telecom agency. 携帯電話のための世界の需要は、経済危機にもかかわらず、個々の携帯電話でのサブスクリプションの数は、今年5000000000トップへ戻る可能性は、国連の通信機関によると、強力なままです

    • IMF report: Greek exit crisis plan on right track, tax evasion remains big challenge
      Greece has made a strong start in the implementation of a bold Stability and Growth Program to exit the severe economic crisis, meeting targets set so far, said Wednesday a first review report on the progress of the Greek economy by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). But challenges ahead remain, with facing tax evasion the most significant among them, stressed the IMF report. Since this May, IMF along with the European Union, financially supported the debt- ridden Greece to overcome the c ... ギリシャは深刻な経済危機を終了するには、大胆な安定成長プログラムの実装では、好調なスタートをした、会議の目標はこれまでに設定するには、水曜日よると、国際通貨基金(IMF)のギリシャ経済の進展に最初のレビュー報告書しかし、課題は先に、それらの間に有意なままで直面している脱税税金、レポートを強調したIMFの

    • Greece officials optimistic on economy as only one of six banks fails EU stress test
      Greek officials and analysts voiced optimism on the course of the national economy on Friday, as five in six Greek banks who took part in the stress tests conducted by European Union experts, passed. The Committee of European Banking Supervisors announced that of a total of 91 European banks who were tested to check if they can overcome more pressures due to the international economic crisis in the near future, only seven failed. Among them is ATEBank from Greece. The result is regarded qu ... ギリシャ関係者やアナリストは、金曜日コースの声楽観の経済国家にストレスとしてした部分を5つの銀行がギリシャ語で6渡さ連合ヨーロッパテスト実施した専門家委員会は、監視の欧州銀行発表91の合計は、ば、より圧力を近い将来には国際的な経済危機のために克服できることを確認するテストされて欧州系銀行は、唯一の7つの失敗しました

    • Guatemala-Cuba relations at their best: FM
      Guatemala-Cuba relations have reached a new high, Guatemala's foreign minister said Thursday in Cuba while promoting Latin American and Caribbean integration. Guatemalan Foreign Minister Roger Haroldo Rodas, who arrived Wednesday,said his three-day visit to Cuba aims to review the bilateral agenda. He also mentioned his government's interest in promoting Latin American and Caribbean integration to face challenges such as the economic crisis, climate change, drug trafficking and organized crim ... ラテンアメリカとカリブ海地域の統合を推進しながら、グアテマラ、キューバとの関係は、新しい高に達している、グアテマラの外相は、キューバで明らかにした

    • Clinton Pushes Cyprus Solution in Turkey, Greece
      Her talks with Greek officials in Athens will also cover that country's economic crisis アテネでギリシャの当局者との彼女の話はまたその国の経済危機をカバーします

    • Global economic turmoil exposes flaws in Islamic finance industry
      Islamic finance has emerged relatively unscathed from the global economic crisis and Dubai's turmoil, but experts say the dramas have exposed the need for tighter regulations and higher standards. イスラムは、財政は比較的世界的な経済危機とドバイの混乱から無傷で浮上しているが、専門家は、ドラマは規制強化とより高い基準の必要性を露出していると言う

    • Leading Russian economists: crisis is not rooted out yet
      Leading Russian economists cautioned on Tuesday that while generally the economic crisis is lifting its grip, the root of the crisis is still there and the world economy is vulnerable to fluctuations. At a round-table discussion on Tuesday, Yevgeny Yasin, head of research of the Higher School of Economics, pointed out that the causes of the crisis are still embedded in the world economy. It was low-cost loans that has fed the economic growth, but it was also the culprit that tapped the resour ... ロシアの大手経。火曜日に注意をしながら、一般的に、経済危機は、グリップを持ち上げて、危機の根がまだ残っては、世界経済の変動に対して脆弱です

    • Giving credit to old Chinese model of lending to help poor
      Many people firmly believe China can save the world from economic crisis by consuming more. But saving for a rainy day is embedded in the Chinese culture. 多くの人がしっかりと中国は経済危機がかかる以上でから世界を救うことができると思います

    • Minmetals on the prowl for more overseas, domestic buys
      Metals trader China Minmetals Corp yesterday said it expects better fortunes this year on the back of double-digit growth fueled by more overseas and domestic mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Zhou Zhongshu, president of Minmetals, said revenue for this year may go up by 20 percent. The company's revenue dipped 4 percent last year to 173 billion yuan from 181 billion yuan in 2008, as the global economic crisis dampened commodity prices. Profit slumped nearly 50 percent in 2009 to 3.15 ... 金属トレーダー中国Minmetals Corp昨日は今年二桁成長、海外と国内企業の合併買収(M&Aの)周仲舒、Minmetalsの社長、燃料の背面に良い運命の見通しを示した今年の収入が上がる可能性がありますという20パーセント

    • Over 6 mln Cubans discuss reforms advocated by Raul Castro
      More than six million Cubans have participated in public debates on leader Raul Castro's economic reform proposals, according to an editorial in the official daily Granma Friday. The Cuban government is promoting an action plan to relieve the decades-long economic crisis on the island. The measures include the dismissal of 1.5 million workers in bloated state companies during the first half of this year, an increase in foreign investment and the promotion of private small businesses. Th ... 600万人以上のキューバ人は、公式の日常グランマ金曜日の社説によると、指導者ラウルカストロの経済改革案についての公開討論に参加している

    • Et tu, comrade? Cuban model wears thin
      No one can accuse Cuba of being impulsive. Some 20 years after the economic meltdown of most of Eastern Europe, and about three decades after China saw the light, the socialist paradise in the Caribbean is also having qualms about the effectiveness of the command economy. 誰も衝動的であることのキューバを非難することができます

    • White House: June Jobs Numbers 'Disappointing'
      Opposition Republicans blaming president's policies for country's economic troubles 国の経済危機のための大統領の政策を非難する野党共和党

    • Air France-KLM returns to profit
      PARIS - AIR France-KLM says it returned to profit in its latest fiscal year as the rebounding global economy lifted traffic and helped offset a ?1 billion (S$1.77 billion) rise in its fuel costs. Europe's largest airline by passenger numbers said in a statement it made a ?613 million net profit for the 12 months ending March 31, in contrast to the ?1.6 billion net loss a year earlier when the global economic crisis hammered freight and passenger traffic. パリ - エールフランス- KLMオランダ航空は、トラフィックを解除リバウンド世界経済としては、最新の年度の利益に戻って、その燃料費1億円(のS 1770000000ドル)の上昇を相殺する助けと言います

    • Video: Greek protests turn deadly
      Police have opened fire with teargas in response to Greeks throwing rocks and petrol bombs. Three people are thought to have died in the riots sparked by public spending cuts as the country deals with its economic meltdown 警察はギリシアの岩や火炎瓶を投げるに応答して催涙ガスを使って火を開いている

    • Obama: new rules needed
      President Barack Obama yesterday challenged opponents of tougher US financial regulations, saying the nation is doomed to repeat the economic crisis without new rules and that American taxpayers would again be stuck with the bill.The... バラクオバマ大統領は昨日、国家は新たなルールなしに経済危機を繰り返す運命にあると言っと厳しい米国の金融規制の反対派に挑戦というアメリカの納税者が再びbill.Theで立ち往生される...

    • Obama rapped over economy
      Some US business groups, upset about budget and regulatory policies they say are costing jobs, are accusing President Barack Obama of pursuing an agenda that is hurting the US economic recovery. The criticism comes amid a tepid pace of private-sector job creation. The White House is responding by saying a lack of regulations triggered the economic crisis and that a balance is needed to protect Americans. The issue could give Republicans a potent weapon in the November elections in which th ... 一部の米ビジネスグループは、ジョブを混乱させるの予算原価の規制と言う人は政策を、回復の経。傷つけ、米国が議題です追。非難するバラクオバマ大統領を

    • Greece does not need IMF help: Brussels
      There is no need for the International Monetary Fund to help Greece out of its economic crisis as Europe can handle the problem, EU Economic Affairs Commissioner Joaquin Almunia said Tuesday. そこは、国際通貨基金の必要はないギリシャヨーロッパの問題に対処することができますとしての経済危機のうち、EU経済総務委員会アルムニアと発表した支援することです

    • China need to boost consumption: IMF officer
      The Chinese consumer has been held back for too long, and now must be put front and center in China's growth model, vsaid Anoop Singh, director of the International Monetary Fund's Asia and Pacific Department. According to an article by Singh published on Thursday's Straits Times, Singapore's leading English newspaper, he said that China has weathered the economic crisis well and the world waits to see if last year's domestic demand growth can be sustained. Singh said that one key idea to ... 中国の消費者へあまりにも長い間、開催されており、現在、フロントと中国の経済成長モデルを中心に据えたものである必要がありますアヌープシンは、国際通貨基金アジアのディレクター、太平洋部門vsaidシン木曜日のストレーツタイムズに掲載の記事によると、 、シンガポールの主要な英語の新聞、彼は、中国だけでなく、経済危機に風化している世界の場合、昨年の国内需要の伸びシン持続することができます参照してくださいするのを待ちます氏によると、1つのキーの考えに...

    • Cyprus government and parties agree on austerity measures
      The Cyprus government and parliamentary parties on Friday reached an accord on an austerity package aimed at resolving an economic crisis in the aftermath of a destructive blast on July 11. Many of the measures in the package had been agreed upon before the huge blast of military explosives and munitions in a naval base in the south of the island, which killed 13 people and wrecked a electricity producing station, cutting the islands power capacity by 53 percent. However, the destruction t ... 金曜日にキプロスの政府や議会関係者は7月11日に破壊的な爆発の余波で経済危機を解決するための緊縮政策パッケージに合意に達した

    • EU launches ambitious move toward revival
      The European Union (EU) is finally on its way to ambitious revival following years of sluggish growth and the worst economic crisis in decades. A two-day summit of the EU concluded here on Friday with initial approval of a 10-year economic strategy, apart from a bailout package for Greece. In response to the immediate threat of the Greek debt crisis, countries of the euro zone managed to agree on a mechanism on how to bail out Greece if necessary. This would not only help restore stability ... 欧州連合(EU)がついに野心的な復興への道を数十年の伸び悩みと、最悪の経済危機の歳以下の通りです

    • Russian economy won't return to pre-crisis levels until 2012: minister
      The Russian economy won't regain the level it was at before the global economic crisis until the end of 2012, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said Saturday. Russia's gross domestic product (GDP) last year contracted 7.9 percent as compared with that of 2008. Kudrin noted that a quarter of Russia's GDP was created in the oil and gas industry, and that about 40 percent of the federal budget relies on oil exploration, processing and transportation. However, by 2020 ... GDP)最後のそれに比べパーセントをとして年間7.9契約(ロシア経済がそれはレベルを回復されなかったでbefore世界経済危機になるまで製品が最後に2012年、副首相兼財務相アレクセイクドリンは、国内総ロシア土曜日だ2008

    • UNICEF calls Yemeni rivals to resolve political crisis for sake of children
      The Yemeni prolonged political crisis has negatively affected education, health and alimentation of children across the impoverished Arab state, the UNICEF representative said Monday in a press conference in Sanaa. Gert Camilleri said the children are the most affected group during the current political, security and economic crises that triggered severe water, oil and power shortages, food prices hike and roadblocks, blaming all Yemeni political rivals. Camilleri appealed to all political ... イエメンの長引く政治危機が悪影響を貧しいアラブ国家間の子どもたちの教育、健康と栄養に影響を与えている、ユニセフの代表は、サナアでの記者会見で明らかにした

    • Rio Tinto's Iron Rich Diet Fattens Stock Up To $97
      The average iron-ore price realized by Rio Tinto has increased historically through 2008 driven by Chinese demand for iron ore and a continuous rise of international sea freight but declined in 2009 due to the economic crisis. Backed by strong global demand post-crisis, Rio’s average iron-ore price increased to $101 per ton in 2010. We expect the average price will continue increasing through 2012 and then decline due to a probable oversupply scenario of iron-ore, which will likely result in declining price for Rio Tinto as well as competitors like BHP Billiton, Vale, and Cliffs Natural Resources. リオティントによって実現される平均的な鉄鉱石の価格は鉄鉱石のための中国の需要と国際的な海上輸送の継続的な上昇によって駆動される2008年まで歴史的に増加したが、経済危機により2009年に減少している

    • Gulf states wary of Europe crisis effect
      The economic crisis in Europe may affect the economies of Gulf Arab states by sapping demand for oil, said Henry Azzam, chief executive for the Middle East and North Africa at Deutsche Bank. ヨーロッパの経済危機は、石油の需要が急速に悪化し、湾岸アラブ諸国の経済に影響を与えるヘンリーアッザムは、ドイツ銀行の中東と北アフリカのためにCEOは述べた

    • Doubts cloud Spanish job reforms
      The economic crisis in Europe might be enough to jolt politicians to introduce jobs reform in Spain, where 20 per cent of the population is unemployed, double the euro-zone rate and double the number two years ago. ヨーロッパの経済危機は、スペイン、20人口のパーセント失業している、ダブルユーロ圏の金利の改革を仕事を紹介する政治家を揺るがすのに十分な可能性があります2年前の数を2倍に

    • PM sets three main economic goals
      The government has been able to get the country out of economic crisis and is now preparing to implement its three main economic development goals, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Friday. 政府は経済危機の国を得ることができており、現在3つの主要な経済発展の目標を達成する準備をしている、内閣総理大臣アビシットによると

    • Eurozone employment in record drop
      The number of people employed in the 16-nation eurozone fell by a record 2.7 million last year, as the economic crisis took its toll, official figures showed Monday. としては、経済危機の打撃を受けた人々は16カ国のユーロ圏の雇用者数が過去最高270万ドルで、昨年減少した、公式統計による示した

    • World's Rich Richer Than Ever; Wealth Growth Beats GDP Avgs
      The rich get richer.  In fact, despite economic crisis, recessions and slowdowns, the incomes of the planet's high net worth individuals rose more last year in percentage terms than the world's GDP. 金持ちはもっと金持ちになる

    • Yuan hits 5-year high after reforms
      The yuan jumped to a record high against the dollar Monday, a week after the People's Bank of China (PBC) announced further reforms of the exchange rate regime. The PBC set the yuan's central parity rate at 6.7890 against the dollar Monday, the highest level since July 2005 when China depegged the yuan from the dollar. Such reforms were suspended during the economic crisis, but the announcement on June 19 resumed a depegging. Over the past week, the yuan fluctuated around 6.80 against t ... 人民元が政権増高レコードに対するドル2009年レート1週間後に人々銀行では、中国(為替の改革をPBC)を発表さらに

    • U.S. president reiterates shared history in Ireland speech
      U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday touted the influence that Ireland has had on the United States and pledged support for battling the economic crisis. Up to 100,000 people gathered at Dublin's College Green square to listen to a near 25-minute speech by Obama. Obama, who earlier in the day had visited Moneygall in central Ireland's County Offaly, a small town of his great-great-great grandfather, said that Ireland and the United States are bound by history, affection and bonds of frien ... 月曜日にオバマ米大統領は、アイルランド、米国に与えてきた経済危機と戦うためのサポートを表明し影響力を売り込んだ

    • US debt tops 13 trillion dollars for first time
      US debt has reached 13 trillion dollars for the first time in history, the Treasury Department has said, stoking a political furor over government spending.Amid vast government outlays designed to end the economic crisis, the debt reached a record 13,050,826,460,886.97 dollars on June 1, according to official figures.The debt has more than doubled in the last 10 years and now stands at just under 90 percent of annual gross domestic product. 米国の債務は史上初めて13兆ドルに達しており、財務省は、政府をめぐる政治的騒動を焚き広大な政府支出を経済危機を終わらせるように設計さspending.Amid、負債は6月1日、レコードを13,050,826,460,886.97ドルに達したとしている公式figures.Theの借金に応じて複数の最後の10年間で倍増しており、現在の年間国内総生産のすぐ下に90%に立っている

    • Spain's ruling Socialists defeated in Catalonia
      Voters hammered Spain's ruling Socialists over a biting economic crisis Sunday, turfing them from power in Catalonia in a bad omen for 2012 national elections, an exit poll showed.Catalans gave an overwhelming 63-66 seats to a moderate nationalist party, the Convergence and Union, and just 24-27 for the Catalan Socialist Party, said an exit poll by TV3 station.It was the worst result in the 32-year history of the Catalan Socialist Party, which has been in power since 2003. 有権者は、2012年の国政選挙に悪い前兆でカタルーニャの権力の座から、それらをしょくせいこう、日曜日痛烈な経済危機でスペインの与党社会党を打って、出口調査showed.Catalansは、穏健な民族主義者党、コンバージェンスとユニオンに圧倒的な63から66議席を与えた、およびカタロニア社会党のためだけに24-27、TV3 station.Itによる出口調査は2003年から力をされているカタルーニャ社会党の32年の歴史の中で最悪の結果であると言いました

    • Belarus Shoppers Panic as Ruble Collapses
      Weeks of economic crisis prompts many Belarusians to buy foreign currency to protect themselves against their national currency's plunge 経済危機の週の指示に多くのBelarusiansは、自国通貨の暴落から身を守るための外貨を購入する

    • Zambia copper earnings up in first half of 2010
      Zambia, Africa's biggest copper producer, saw its earnings from copper exports rising during the first half of this year, figures from the central bank have shown. Quoting an official from the central bank, the Post of Zambia reported on Thursday that earnings from copper sales rose 2.5 million U.S. dollars. The country's increased receipts from copper exports have been attributed to the rise in output in most mining units in the aftermath of the global economic crisis, rallying on the res ... ザンビアは、アフリカ最大の銅生産に示すのはこの前半がある銀行から中心人物は、今年、見た輸。銅、収益から中に上昇、銀行、中央からの引用関係者は、ポストは、ザンビアの木曜日に報じたところによる販。銅の収益からドルバラは250万米ドル

    • Italian university graduates struggle for jobs
      by Wang Yunjia, Silvia Marchetti Italian university graduates are facing a hard time in finding jobs as the global financial crisis and economic downturn have worsened the employment situation. The overall picture is a bit gloomy. According to Italy's National Statistics Office, or Istat, the unemployment rate for young people between age 15 and 24 rose from 29.1 percent in April to 29.2 percent in May, the highest level since Istat began recording the data in 2004. An annual survey by ... 卒業生王Yunjia、シルビアマルケッティイタリアの大学の状況を雇用して悪化不況経済危機での就職のように世界的な金融時間を難しい面しています

    • IMF chief warns of global currency war
      The International Monetary Fund's managing director on Saturday urged major economies to co-operate to prevent a global currency war, which would risk impeding recovery from the economic crisis. 土曜日に国際通貨基金の専務理事は、共同で経済危機からの回復を阻害する危険がある世界的な通貨戦争を防止するために、動作するように主要経済国を促した

    • Brazil, Argentina call for joint efforts to counter economic crisis
      Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and her Argentine counterpart Cristina Kirchner said Friday Latin American countries should coordinate in tacking the global economic crisis. During a meeting Friday in Brazil's capital of Brasilia, the two leaders reaffirmed the consensus reached at a meeting of the South American Union (Unasur) Thursday in Peru to ensure that crisis will not hinder the economic and social progress in the continent. Rousseff said she discussed the biggest problems facing ... ブラジル大統領Dilma Rousseffと彼女のアルゼンチン相手クリスティーナキルチネルは、金曜日ラテンアメリカ諸国は、世界的な経済危機をタックで調整すべきだと述べた

    • ECB raises key interest rate as expected
      The European Central Bank (ECB) raised its key interest rate to 1.25 percent Thursday as expected. To counter the economic crisis, the ECB has kept its key interest rate at 1 percent, a record low, since May 2009. The market widely expected the hike because of recent high inflation due to rapidly rising oil prices and the world economic recovery. In March, inflation in euro area reached 2.6 percent, the European Union's statistics office said last week, higher than the ECB's medium goal ... 欧州中央銀行(ECB)は予想通り木曜日1.25パーセントにキー金利を引き上げた

    • Kosovo in danger of further stalemate | Ian Bancroft
      The EU is ill-equipped for the political and diplomatic challenges it will face following the ICJ's verdict on Kosovo's independenceAfter many months of careful deliberation, the international court of justice (ICJ) will finally deliver its advisory opinion on the legality of Kosovo's declaration of independence this week.Though the nonbinding ruling is unlikely to clearly vindicate the position of either party, Serbia's envisaged diplomatic course is once again set to expose and widen divisions within the EU over the issue – in particular the stance of Spain, Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Cyprus, who each remain opposed to recognition. Distracted by the global economic crises and with enlargement fatigue mounting, the EU finds itself ill-equipped to contend with the political and diplomatic challenges that lie ahead.EU foreign ministers are expected to meet on 26 July to discuss and formulate a common response to the ICJ opinion; a response that is likely to seek renewed dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, and a constructive approach by the latter, but will fall short of anything more substantive due to the differences that persist.With Serbia expected to call for a debate at the United Nations general assembly and for the passing of a new resolution in support of renewed negotiations on Kosovo's status, there is plenty of scope for EU divisions to publicly resurface, as they did during the oral proceedings before the ICJ last December. The EU's concerns are such that it has apparently offered to help write the resolution together with Serbia.While some EU member states – particularly the UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands – will continue to draw an implicit and explicit link between Serbia's EU membership prospects and its stance towards Kosovo, others will remai EUは、悪いことは慎重審議のコソボのindependenceAfter何ヶ月もの国際司法裁判所の判決次の直面する政治的外交的課題に装備されて、正義の国際裁判所は、(国際司法裁判所)最終的にコソボの独立宣言の合法性、その勧告的意見をお届けしますこのweek.Thoughは拘束力のない判決を明確いずれかの当事者の位置を立証するそうです、セルビアのは外交のコースを想定再び設定を公開し、EU内の問題で分裂を広げるです - スペイン、ギリシャ、ルーマニア、スロバキアのスタンス特に、キプロス、認識に反対し、。残っている

    • MPF reports strongest annual growth on record
      After being battered by the global economic crisis in 2008, Hong Kong's mandatory pension funds bounced back to show their strongest annual growth on record last year. 後に2008年には世界的な経済危機によって疲弊されており、香港の必須の年金基金への記録は昨年の最強の年間成長率を見るには立ち直った

    • UN urges redoubled anti-poverty efforts as deadline approaches (2)
      The global financial and economic crisis has also affected the MDG progress. Even though the world has come out of the recession and is on track to a slow growth, the recovery remained fragile and unemployment rates stayed high in developed economies, which cast a shadow on those countries' actions on MDG. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which, in a study it prepared for the September MDG summit, noted that the economic crisis of the past three years has been a setback in the fight aga ... 世界的な金融経済危機はまた、ミレニアム開発目標の進捗状況に影響を与えている

    • Clinton urges strong Europe action on debt crisis
      US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Saturday called on European leaders to make a powerful response to economic crises rippling across Europe.During a visit to Madrid she also praised reforms by Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero to revive the economy and rein in debt aimed at calming market fears that Spain will follow in the footsteps of Greece, Ireland and Portugal in seeking a financial bailout. 米国務長官土曜日にヒラリークリントン、彼女はまた、経済を復活させ、目的とする債務を抑制するためにスペインの首相ホセルイスロドリゲスサパテロによる改革を賞賛マドリッドを訪問Europe.During渡っ波打つ経済危機への強力な応答をするためにヨーロッパの指導者に呼ばれるスペインが救済金融を求めてギリシャ、アイルランド、ポルトガルの足跡をたどることが市場の不安を落ち着かせる時

    • Japan begins to dig for dead amid escalating nuclear crisis
      SOMA, Japan - Rescue workers used chainsaws and hand picks today to dig out bodies in Japan's devastated coastal towns, as Asia's richest nation faced a growing humanitarian, nuclear and economic crisis in the aftermath of a massive... SOMAは、日本 - 日本の荒廃した海岸沿いの町で遺体からチェーンソーや手ピックスを掘るに現在使用されて救助隊員は、アジアで最も豊かな国は、大規模の余波で成長し、核人道経済危機に直面しているように...

    • Japan's PM calls for cross-party talks to address public debt
      The new head of the world's second-biggest economy yesterday called for cross-party talks to end an "unsustainable" dependency on public borrowing and avoid the economic crisis besetting Greece. 世界第二位の経済大国の新しい頭が昨日クロス協議と呼ばれる公的借入の。。u0026quot;持続不可能な。。u0026quot;依存関係を終了し、経済危機をギリシャ付きまとう避けてください

    • Luxury retailers look to China for sales growth
      Europe's brewing economic crisis is threatening to halt luxury's rebound, but the industry is banking on growth from China and a recovering US. ヨーロッパの醸造は、経済危機高級のリバウンドを停止するが、脅かしている業界は中国からの成長に、銀行や米景気が回復されます

    • Welcome to Spain
      The Guardian's four-part Europe season leaves France and this week takes an in-depth look at SpainThis week, the Guardian's New Europe series travels to Spain, arguably the hardest hit of any big EU country by the economic crisis and the only one with a left-of-centre government.Our correspondents, columnists and critics will report on everything from food to fertility treatment, street style to sculpture, bullfighting to Britons abroad. We will interview leaders from the worlds of politics, business, gastronomy and education, and will investigate the strains on federalism that periodically undermine Spanish unity.We are teaming up with leading publications in each country to get a better sense of the national conversation. Stay with us on this journey. Get to know your neighbours a bit better.EuropeSpainguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 保護者の4つの部分で、ヨーロッパのシーズンは、フランスを離れる今週はSpainThisの週の詳細を見て受け取り、ガーディアンの新ヨーロッパシリーズは、間違いなく最も経済危機との一方のみで任意の大きなEU加盟国のヒット、スペインへの旅左の中心government.Our特派員、コラムニストや評論家は、彫刻ストリートスタイルは、海外のブリトン人に闘牛不妊治療食品に至るまでに報告されます

    • EAC region poised to be major economic powerhouse in Africa
      While Africa has demonstrated greater than expected resilience through the global economic crisis and has become one of the fastest-growing regions in the world, the East African Community (EAC) region is poised to be a major economic powerhouse on the continent. REGION OF GREAT PROSPECTS, OPPORTUNITIES The Africa Investment Forum 2011 recently held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania put the EAC region, which consists of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda, under the spotlight to offer uni ... アフリカは世界的な経済危機を予想弾力性よりも実証されている間、世界で最も急成長している地域の一つとなっている、東アフリカ共同体(EAC)領域は、大陸の主要な経済大国に態勢を整えています

    • Greek hoteliers expect reduced revenues in 2010 due to economic crisis
      Greek hoteliers foresee a bad year in 2010 for the country's tourism industry, which holds a crucial part in Greek economy, due to the economic crisis, according to Athens-Attica Hotel Association on Monday. This year's tourist season is expected to end with a marginal increase in occupancy of hotels in Athens and Attica compared with 2009, but with less revenues, the president of the Athens-Attica Hotel Association, Giannis Retsos, told a press conference, expressing the agony of the people ... ギリシャのホテル経営者不作の年、2010年にはギリシャの経済の中で重要な部分は、経済危機のために保持している国の観光業界にとって、アテネによるとアッティカホテル協会月曜日に予測する

    • Latin America begins to recover from global economic crisis
      The economy of Latin America has begun to recover from the global economic crisis, the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) announced on Monday. FGV said in its study with the Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich (IFO) that the economy of Latin American had entered a good recovery period. According to the study, which analyzed the economic conditions in the countries of the continent and their recovery, Latin America registered an Economic Situation Indicator (ICE) of 5.6 ... ラテンアメリカの経済は、世界的な経済危機から回復し始めており、getúlioバルガス財団(FGV)が28日

    • Cash-hit Liceu delays opening
      Spain's economic crisis has forced Barcelona's Liceu opera house to delay the opening of its 2011-2012 season by a month and could lead to temporary layoffs at the famous theatre, a spokeswoman said. The Liceu said cuts in subsidies... スペインの経済危機は、今月には、2011年から2012年シーズンの開幕を遅らせるためにバルセロナのリセウ劇場のオペラハウスを余儀なくされた有名な劇場で一時的なレイオフにつながる可能性が、広報担当者は述べた

    • U.N. Reports 'Considerable Slowdown' in Wage Growth
      The Global Wage Report said the financial and economic crisis also accentuated gaps between the highest and lowest earners in many countries. グローバル賃金報告書は、金融経済危機はまた、多くの国で最高値と最低所得者の間のギャップを強調した

    • Zapatero faces election defeat in Catalonia despite cabinet reshuffle
      Spanish prime minister, already suffering a slump in approval ratings, is also plagued by dissent inside his Socialist partyThe campaign for the regional election in Catalonia on 28 November got off to a discouraging start for Spain's ruling Socialist party (PSOE). Opinion polls are predicting that its Catalan branch (PSC), in power since 2003, will suffer a heavy defeat at the hands of the centre-right nationalist Convergence and Unity party. This would be another blow for the embattled Spanish prime minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. It would also be a bad sign for the following two polls: the local elections in May 2011 and the general election the following year.Zapatero, suffering abysmal approval ratings, is dogged by the consequences of the economic crisis and a rate of unemployment of more than 20%. By the end of the year he wants to push through plans to raise the retirement age from 65 to 67.The most recent polls suggest that even PSOE voters are losing patience and the gloom seems to be infecting members of the party itself, of which Zapatero is general secretary. At the beginning of this month PSOE militants in Madrid inflicted a terrible snub on the prime minister. He wanted the health minister, Trinidad Jiménez, to run against the powerful leader of the Madrid regional government, Esperanza Aguirre, of the rightwing People's party. Tomás Gómez, the top PSOE figure in the capital, refused to accept this, called for a primary and won the run-off with a 52% share of the vote.On 8 October a statement by the head of the Castilla-La Mancha regional council, José María Barreda, confirmed party dissent. After 27 years in power there, the PSOE is under threat from the right. Barreda proposed an eight-year limit on any term of office, the implication being that 既に支持率の低迷に苦しんでスペイン首相は、また、11月28日にカタロニアの地方選挙のための彼の社会主義partyTheキャンペーン内での意見の相違で悩まされているスペインの裁定の落胆開始社会党(PSOE)を切った

    • We mustn't abandon the Windward Islands' farmers | Renwick Rose and Nick Mathiason
      Hurricanes, drought and disease have devastated the eastern Caribbean banana industry, and Europe should support the region's farmers through this difficult timeThe destruction caused by Hurricane Tomas in the Caribbean in recent weeks is heartbreaking. But although the destruction in Haiti received media coverage, Tomas's intensity was reserved for the eastern Caribbean. A spiralling storm lingered over St Lucia. The deluge created terrible landslides, cutting off the south of the island. The damage is similar in St Vincent and Dominica.Now we are facing up to the total destruction of the Windward Islands' rural economy. Tomas has ripped up virtually every banana tree in St Lucia and St Vincent where the entire crop has been wiped out. Coconuts, cocoa and breadfruit are also all gone.Farmers who rely on bananas face an economic disaster, and a food emergency is looming. They will have no income for at least eight months, until the next harvest. That is if they can afford to replant trees.Parents are also agonising over whether they can afford to enter their children for the summer exams. Entry fees are due in January.Agriculture is the motor of the Windward Islands' rural economy. It accounts for 9.75% of GDP, according to the IMF. It is the largest form of employment in the countryside, away from the tourist areas. And earnings from bananas allow shops and small business to survive.Farmers are relying on the compassion of banks to allow them to keep their homes. They are likely to get deeper in debt.Tomas caps one of the worst ever years for Windward farmers. The financial crisis in the Caribbean is stark. The bank crisis has not just reduced tourist numbers, it has created a damaging economic downturn thanks to the over-reliance on the offshore finance industry. And ハリケーンは、干ばつや病気は、東カリブのバナナ業界を荒廃しており、ヨーロッパは悲痛され、最近数週間でカリブ海でハリケーンTomasさんによる、この困難なtimeThe破壊によって地域の農家をサポートする必要があります

    • Moscow wildfires fanned by Soviet legacy of neglect
      Marie-Hélène Mandrillon, of the Graduate School of Social Sciences in Paris, talks to Grégoire Allix Some have cited the reform of forest law, initiated by Vladimir Putin in 2007, as a possible explanation for the scale of the forest fires in Russia. Is this justified? Indeed, but the changes to forest law were just the last step in the dismantling of measures to protect Russia's forests. The Soviet Union had a large body of highly skilled, specialist foresters. With the collapse of the regime and the economic crisis that followed, they were allowed to sell the timber they felled. This work very soon took precedence over all their other duties.How did the new forest law make things worse? The function of forest protection completely disappeared, with no human or technical resources allocated to it whatsoever. It was no longer a federal mission and central management was dropped.Greenpeace Russia has condemned the extent to which business interests close to the regime control the forests. Is this fair? Large industrial firms have invested in land, particularly woodland. This has sometimes had a positive effect, preventing the rural exodus and the spread of deserts in agricultural areas. But it has not brought well-organised husbandry or responsible management to the forests. Worse still, financiers and even political leaders have cleared patches of woodland and developed isolated housing estates without planning permission.Draining of marshland has created many peat bogs which are now fuelling the fires. How did this happen?This practice started under the Soviet regime. The budget of the ministry of water was linked to the area of marshland it drained, in pursuit of an approach to sanitation inherited from the 19th century. But the peat was not systematically exploited a マリー。。u003dエレーヌMandrillonは、大学院社会科学のパリで、グレゴワールAllixに交渉が一部では、プーチン大統領が2007年に、ロシアの森林火災の規模の可能な説明として開。森林法の改革を引用している

    • China airlines back in black, but turbulence ahead: experts
      China's airlines returned to profit in 2009 as traffic rose, fuel prices fell and government policies provided a favorable tailwind, but analysts warn they could face turbulence this year. The country's three biggest carriers, China Southern Airlines, Air China and China Eastern Airlines, all suffered heavy losses in 2008 as the global economic crisis struck, but said this month they will be in the black for 2009. The industry as a whole posted a combined profit of 7.4 billion yuan ($1.1 b ... 中国の航空会社などのトラフィック増加した2009年の利益に戻り、燃料価格上昇や下落、政府の政策有利な追い風を提供するが、アナリストらは、今年は乱流直面するかもしれないと警告する

    • Volcker warns of euro 'disintegration' risk from Greek crisis
      The head of US President Barack Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board has warned that Greece's economic meltdown might cause the euro to implode. オバマ米大統領の経済回復諮問委員会の長は、ギリシャの経済危機は、ユーロを内部崩壊になるかもしれないと警告しています

    • Crisis and recovery: the cultural roots of the financial collapse | Rowan Williams
      The questions of the financial crisis aren't just economic • Rowan Williams will be taking part in a debate on these issues tonight. Post your questions to the panel in the thread below and watch live on this page from 6.30pmWhen we all started to become aware of the financial crisis at the end of 2008, all kinds of new conversations started up. People began to ask what are the roots of this crisis? Not just the financial causes, but what are the cultural roots of it? How did we get to a situation where we took for granted that certain kinds of behaviour were to be rewarded, never mind the failure or devastation they left in their wake? We woke up to the fact that a great deal of our economic life seemed to be based on, well, nothing very much really, except the exchange of currencies and speculations.So in the months that followed the first wave of the economic crisis many of those conversations began to happen. They happened between people who were studying ethics and even theology, as well as economics. They happened among people who were involved in business and the Financial Services Authority. They happened in the pages of various journals and newspapers; and as a result of some of those conversations, this book has come into being: Crisis and Recovery, published by Palgrave Macmillan.Among those who have contributed to the book there are some people involved in those worlds that I've just mentioned: in the Financial Services Authority, in academic economics, in the actual business of business, as well as people commenting from a broader political, cultural and moral perspective. We have working politician's here, as well as people working in the financial sector.The questions that the book leaves us with are, I think, primarily these: What kind of culture have we 金融危機の問題は単に•ローワンウィリアムズは、これらの問題は今夜の議論に参加する経済ではありません

    • Chapter closes on US bank bailout
      Handing over US$700 billion of taxpayers' money to Wall Street bankers who caused the global economic crisis was never going to be popular. And so it proved for the much-maligned Troubled Asset Relief Programme (Tarp), which begins its slow wind-down yesterday. 誰が世界的な経済危機は決して人気があるとしていた原因ウォール街の銀行家、米国で7000億ドルを納税者のお金の受け渡し

    • Obama blasts Wall St again
      QUINCY - President Barack Obama hailed an apparent US Senate breakthrough to regulate Wall St, saying Americans must never again allow the financial practices that triggered an economic meltdown nearly two years ago.In a campaign-style... クインシーは - バラクオバマ大統領、再び2年近くは、キャンペーンのスタイルをago.In経済危機を引き起こした金。慣行を許可することがありますアメリカと言って明らかに米上院の画期的なウォール街を規制する歓迎...

    • Entrepreneur: China's private enterprises have not hit bottom
      China's private enterprises are in economic crisis now, but they have not bottomed out yet, said Yan Jiehe, the chairman of the board of directors of Huatuo Wisdom Int'l Group and who ranked second on Hurun China's richest list in 2005. China's private economy should experience an eight-year period of adjustment and fluctuations to get back normal, Yan told a delegation from Harvard University in a speech on March 15 about the state of private investment in China. Yan said after more than 30 ... 中国の民間企業の経済危機になりましたが、彼らはまだ、底入れしていないヤンJiehe、Huatuo知恵国際グループの役員、取締役会の会長とは2番目の2005年にHurun中国の富豪リストにランクインした

    • This is not the end for tax havens | William Brittain-Catlin
      Reforms in the world's tax havens may be under way, but hunger for profit and wealth will ensure the survival of offshore financeSurvey the world's tax havens and you will find that change is afoot.In the Cayman Islands, long the beacon of offshore finance, the many thousands of hedge funds domiciled there are fleeing to respectable onshore havens, where they hope newly emboldened regulators will look at them more approvingly.The island of Jersey, another tax haven grandee, is now thinking the unthinkable: raising taxes, to stave off a fiscal deficit. Its economy was for years dependent on financial services, but the financial crisis struck and more familiar, onshore ways to sustain an economy will have to be imposed.Elsewhere, the US department of justice, on a mission to unearth US tax evaders in Switzerland, batters the cantons of Zug, Zurich and Ticino into submission, overturning in a matter of months long held traditions of banking secrecy.Is it time to sound the death knoll for tax havens? Will the combination of economic crisis and direct action by onshore governments spell the end of these treasure isles, making life that much tougher for their willing clients in banking and finance?No, it is not the end, merely a prelude to the next time offshore capitalism returns.For what we are witnessing now in the tax haven world is a great reconfiguration of these hidden conduits of finance and ownership that appropriate and preserve wealth; passageways of financial power that will, as sure as night follows day, spur global capitalism on to another so-called golden age some 10, 15 years hence.This is not prophecy, simply a lesson from history.Modern tax havens were themselves born out of the financial crises of the late 19th century, and took off as depression-struck nat 世界のタックスの改革が進行中かもしれないが、利益と富への渇望は、オフショア世界のタックスヘイヴンをfinanceSurveyの生存を確実にすると、その変更が長いケイマン諸島、オフショア金融のビーコン、afoot.Inことに気付くことでしょうヘッジファンドの多くは何千人も今は考えられないと考えている、そこには彼らはニュージャージー州、別のタックスヘイブングランディーの詳細approvingly.The島を見ていきます新たに勇気づけレギュレータを願って立派な陸上避難所に避難している住所:食い止めるために、調。税金を財政赤字

    • Letters: G8 leaders must fulfil their aid promises to developing countries
      G8 leaders meeting in Canada this week must face the fact that collectively their countries have failed to deliver on the promises made to the world's poorest five years ago. Had the promised aid been delivered it would have had a dramatic effect on the lives of poor people. Where aid has increased it has made a massive difference. The number of people receiving HIV treatment, for example, has increased tenfold in recent years.Now recent gains in reducing poverty are under attack from the economic crisis, climate change and food shortages. That is why the G8 club of rich nations must look beyond their own economic struggles and set out how they will fulfil the promises made in 2005.The G20 must also step up to the plate. When considering how the financial sector should repay the costs of the economic crisis, they have an opportunity and a duty to help poor countries hit by a crisis they did nothing to cause.A global tax on finance, such as a financial transaction tax, or the FAT tax, proposed by the IMF, could raise hundreds of billions to help poor countries threatened by rising poverty and climate change. It should not be too much to ask for poor countries to receive their share.Annie Lennox Singer/songwriter and activist, Gael Garcia Bernal Actor and Oxfam ambassador, Jeremy Hobbs Executive director, Oxfam International, Miguel Bose Singer, Rahul Bose Actor, Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Angelique Kidjo Singer, Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, Musimbi Kanyoro Board member, Realizing rights, Die Toten Hosen rock band, Colin Firth Actor, Kristin Davis Actor, John Githongo CEO, Inuka Kenya Trust, Bill Nighy Actor, Mary Robinson Honorary president, Oxfam International, Helena Christensen Photographer and model, Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda General secretary, World YWCA, カナダのG8首脳会議は今週、という事実を総称して自分の国は、世界で最も貧しい5年前に約束した上で配信に失敗して直面しなければならない

    • World Bank sets up investment fund to help poorer nations
      WASHINGTON: As the World Bank tries to rebuild after a global economic crisis that arguably boosted its reputation but left it strapped financially, the agency will get support from a new quarter: sovereign wealth funds. ワシントンは:世界銀行は間違いなく、その評判を高めたが、それは金銭的に苦しい。世界的な経済危機後の再構築しようとすると、代理店は、新しい四半期からのサポートを取得します:ソブリンウェルスファンドを

    • Global economic crisis hampering poverty reduction, other MDGs, World Bank-IMF report says
      &$ &$Justin Yifu Lin, senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank, speaks at a news conference during the meeting of the Group of Twenty (G20) Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in Washington D.C., capital of the United States, on April 23, 2010. The global economic crisis has slammed efforts to cut poverty worldwide, but plans are still on track to meet a key goal by 2015, the World Bank said here ... &$は&$ジャスティンYifu林、チーフエコノミストの世界銀行と上級副社長、アメリカ合衆国イギリスの首都、ワシントンDCで話すの記者会見で会議のグループの20知事(G20の)銀行中央財務大臣と上の2010年4月23日

    • European carrier launches non-stops to Hangzhou
      Air France-KLM Group, Europe's largest airline, will start flying nonstop between Amsterdam and Hangzhou from May 8, making it the first European carrier to launch a new route to China after the global economic crisis struck a devastating blow to the industry since late 2008. The new service, to be operated three times a week, reflects a steady improvement in international routes from the precipitous fall in demand that characterized the early part of 2009, analysts said. KLM will fly th ... エールフランス- KLMグループは、ヨーロッパ最大の航空会社、5月8日から、アムステルダムと杭州の間ノンストップで飛んで、それは最初のヨーロッパの航空会社を中国に世界的な経済危機後の新ルートを開始するが開始されます業界に、2008年後半以来、壊滅的な打撃を被ったの新サービスは、週3回の運営する、需要は、2009年の早い時期の特。急落から国際的なルートで、着実に改善を反映し、アナリストは指摘する

    • Greek PM has telephone conversation with U.S. president
      Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou had a telephone conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday evening, after the announcement of a final deal on the loans Greece will receive from the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to overcome an economic crisis that has spread anxiety for a domino effect in Europe. The Greek prime minister's office announced that Papandreou talked to Obama, as well as U.S Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. According to Greek media re ... ギリシャ首相ジョージパパンドレウ日曜日の夜に、ローンの最終契約の発表後、ギリシャはユーロと国際通貨基金(IMF)から広がっている経済危機を克服するためにが表示されますオバマ米大統領との電話の会話をしたヨーロッパではドミノ効果の不安が

    • 920 mln people to remain in extreme poverty by 2015: WB-IMF report
      The global economic crisis has slowed the pace of poverty reduction in developing countries, and some 920 million people will remain in extreme poverty by 2015, a new report says. The report released jointly by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund said the crisis is having an impact in several key areas of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Those areas, among others, include the goals related to hunger, child and maternal health, gender equality, access to clean water, ... 世界的な経済危機が、途上国の貧困削減のペースを持って遅く、920万人が意見報告書になるままpoverty極端2015年、新しい報告書を基金released通貨共同で、世界銀行と国際だ危機はのうち、他の

    • Oxfam tells the UN we need action to feed the hungry, not words
      A lengthy document is in circulation, drafted for world leaders to sign at the UN's Millennium Development Goals summit in New York. But Oxfam is calling on participants to deliver more than fine words to help the poorJust over a week to go to the big showpiece summit at the United Nations in New York. Government leaders, officials, industry bosses and many, many NGOs will convene to assess progress towards reaching the eight Millennium Development Goals agreed by the G8 in 2000. The endpoint is 2015 - just five years to go.And the tension is rising. So many people want this meeting to be significant. There has been real progress on some of the MDGs, but there is so far to go, and economic recession is going to make the donors think twice before getting into deeper financial commitments.But the prospect of a meaninglessly worthy three days provoked an outburst from Oxfam today. In the way of major governmental meetings, officials have been working on the document that the leaders will all sign for some considerable time. It is now 26 pages long and detailed and thoughtful. Who could argue with this, for instance?We recognize that progress, including on poverty eradication, is being made despite setbacks, including due to the financial and economic crises. In this context, we recognize the deeply inspiring examples of progress made by countries in all regions of the world through cooperation, partnerships, actions and solidarity. We are deeply concerned, however, that the number of people living in extreme poverty and hunger surpasses one billion and that inequalities between and within countries remains a significant challenge. We are also deeply concerned about the alarming global levels of maternal and child mortality. We believe that eradication of poverty and hunger 長いドキュメントでは、循環では、世界の指導者のためにニューヨークの国連のミレニアム開発目。首脳会談で署名する起草されます

    • Millennium development goals: UN summit must prompt action, not complacency | Larry Elliott
      With inequality, poverty and food prices rising, and the global economy in turmoil, leaders must honour their MDG pledgesThere are two ways of looking at this week's events in New York. The upbeat take is that it was a mightily useful opportunity to assess progress towards hitting the UN's millennium development goals, marked by calls for action, pledges of support, and recommitment to previously established targets.The downbeat interpretation is that, on past form, the calls for action will be followed by torpor, the pledges of support will be quietly reneged on, the goals missed. Even worse, the assumption that the global community will somehow muddle through ignores trends that in the past have been the recipe for misery, civil unrest, and even revolution.Let's just examine a few pieces of evidence that have emerged in recent weeks. Exhibit number one comes from the International Monetary Fund, which, in a study it prepared for the New York summit, noted that the economic crisis of the past three years has been a setback in the fight against poverty. The IMF estimates that 71 million fewer people will have escaped absolute poverty by 2020 than would have been the case had the financial meltdown not occurred.Exhibit number two was a report from Unicef highlighting the gulf between the life chances of rich and poor children, not only between developed and developing countries but within developing countries themselves. In the least-developed nations of sub-Saharan Africa, a child born into one of the most impoverished families is three times more likely to be underweight than a child growing up in the richest 20% of families in the same country.Inequality, in other words, is everywhere.Exhibit number three is the recent sharp increase in food prices, up almost 17% in t 不平等、貧困と食料価格が混乱の世界経済は、上昇して、日EU首脳は、pledgesThereニューヨークで今週のイベントで探しているの2つの方法がありますがミレニアム開発目標を尊重しなければならない

    • Europe crisis worst since war: Trichet
      Europe is facing its deepest economic crisis since the second world war or even the first world war, according to European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet. ヨーロッパは第二次世界戦争や第一次世界大戦以来、欧州中央銀行総裁ジャン。。u003dクロードトリシェによると、その深い経済危機に直面している

    • Backgrounder: Chronology of global counter-crisis actions since 1st BRIC summit
      Financial and economic issues will be high on the agenda of the second BRIC summit to be held Thursday in Brasilia, Brazil, aiming to accelerate the economic recovery. The following is a chronology of global counter-crisis actions since the first BRIC summit held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in June 2009. June 24 - 27, 2009 -- U.N. Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development was held in New York. Its outcome document called on the international communit ... 金融と経済の問題は回復の経済、2番目の議題が高い上に加速するBRICs諸国2009首脳会談することが開催を目指し、ブラジルでブラジリア、次のはエカテリンブルク開かれた首脳会談アクション以来初めてBRICs諸国の危機は年表のカウンタのグローバル、ロシア、2009年6月6月24〜27、2009 -国連会議が開発に関する世界金融経済危機の影響でそのとニューヨークニューヨークにいた開催しました

    • Cuban first VP meets with UN General Assembly president
      Cuban First Vice-President of the Council of Ministers Jose Ramon Machado Ventura met here Monday with Ali Abdussalam Treki, president of the United Nations General Assembly. During the meeting, they exchanged views on major issues at the UN General Assembly which include preparations for the High Level Plenary Meeting on the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, the UN's role in tackling the aftermath of the global economic crisis, the international negotiations on climate chan ... キューバ第一副大統領は、ベンチュラのマチャド評議会の閣僚ホセラモン国会に会ったここ一。月曜日アリAbdussalam国連米国Treki、大統領の会談で、彼らは上の意見交換の準備を主要な問題で、国連など国会全般高レベルの総会は、ミレニアム開発目標、世界的な経済危機の余波に取り組んで国連の役割の実装に会議、気候ちゃんに関する国際交渉...

    • A new model to help EU's jobless 23m | Adrian Pabst
      The EU summit is a chance to look beyond Franco-German state centralism and Anglo-Saxon free-market fundamentalismThe two-day EU summit starting today in Brussels comes a critical juncture. Once Europe was an economic giant with global geo-political ambitions. Now the European economy is in crisis and the union of 27 lacks a clear direction.The most immediate challenge is to stop the ongoing crisis over Greece spreading to the other highly indebted members of the eurozone such as Portugal, Ireland and Spain. Yesterday's downgrading of Portugal's credit rating by Fitch due to the weakness of economy recovery is alarming. It shows that the euro countries are edging towards a vicious spiral of debt deflation that could bring down the entire economic and monetary edifice.Faced with this escalating emergency, Germany's stubborn insistence on respecting the rules and calling in the IMF is adding fuel to the fire. Unless there is a credible rescue plan that helps bring down interest rates on public bonds, the speculative forces of global finance will bet against the eurozone's most vulnerable members. By refusing to agree decisive EU action now, the German chancellor Angela Merkel is putting narrow national interests before the stability and solidarity of Europe as a whole.As Europe's erstwhile economic powerhouse, Germany bears a particular responsibility to address the EU's structural problems. Rewriting the rules of the eurozone amid a faltering recovery is getting the world wrong. Lessons from the current crisis will have to be learned, but right now the priority is to secure and boost economic growth – Europe's second most pressing problem. One option is to bring forward the disbursement of substantial EU structural and regional funds in order to sustain fiscal expansion EU首脳会議の機会フランスとドイツの国家中央集権とアングロサクソン系の自由市場fundamentalismThe 2日EU首脳は本日、ブリュッセルで始まるを超えて見るためには重要な時期だ

    • Letters: Greece's economic problems and euro threats are exaggerated
      Joseph Stiglitz's article (A principled Europe would not leave Greece to bleed, 25 January) and your leader (Under a Byzantine shroud, 30 January) offer quite a sensible analysis of Greece's recent economic troubles. Some other international press coverage vastly ­exaggerates the problem.The European Central Bank's dogmatic hardline euro policy, at a time of severe recession, is responsible not only for Greece's loss of competitiveness, which led to the twin deficits, but also for a really bad European export performance. This has been reduced by $109.1bn (€78.3bn) in the past 12 months. The recession is seriously testing the euro.Greece is a small part of the euro area, 2.7%, with roughly 3.9% of euro-area public debt. It is indeed in serious trouble, and various domestic factors, such as its rigid product markets, its tremendous public waste and, above all, its incompetent political elite, have offered plenty of room for extended international discontent. Ho。。ever, Greek GDP declined by 1.1% in 2009, from 2.9% in 2008, less than the average fall in the euro area, and much less than that of some countries. Also, the rise in the debt-GDP ratio for Greece from 2007 to 2011 will be 39.8% points – bad, you may say. But compare it with the UK's 44% points, Ireland's 71.1% points, Spain's 37.9% points, and the US's 35.7% points. Not quite the tragedy some people allude to!As for the risk of bankruptcy, which many believe may lead to an exit from the euro area, the current level of Greek indebtedness in both the private and public sectors is already comparable to those of the euro area countries. According to IMF data, Greece's average total indebtedness, private and public, is about 179% of GDP. The EU's average is 175%; Belgium's 219%; Ireland's 222%; Italy's 194%; the Neth ジョセフスティグリッツの記事(原則的なヨーロッパギリシャ、1月25日)とあなたのリーダーは、ビザンチンシュラウド(の下で、1月30日)ギリシャの最近の経済危機はかなり賢明な分析を提供して出血を残していないだろう

    • Dim sums for China | Richard Adams
      China's economy is booming and its property prices are going through the roof. What could possibly go wrong?What Gordon Brown and Barack Obama wouldn't give to have a piece of the action that China's economy is enjoying: the latest quarterly figures show a spectacular 11.9% expansion in its GDP, retail sales up 17.9% in March from the year before, industrial production expanded by 18% and consumer price inflation running at just 2.4%. Global economic crisis, what global economic crisis?But here's another statistic: China's urban property price index rose by an extraordinary 11.7% in March, its fastest increase in five years. Property investment was up 35% annually, making it easily the biggest contributor to those spectacular economic growth figures. As has been pointed out, this leap comes after concerted efforts by the government to cool down the housing market by restricting lending. It doesn't seem to be working. Talk about a Chinese property bubble will only get more credible – and China's authorities seem nervous, having just this week announced new measures to curb speculative buying by raising the minimum down-payment for purchases of second homes from 40% to 50%.The fear is that we've seen this movie before and we know how it ends: strong growth, export bonanza, low exchange or interest rates, a property bubble ... what could possibly go wrong? If you think things are different this time, then I have some condos in Florida, a bank in Iceland and a hotel in Dubai that might interest you for investment purposes. Unfortunately, because local and central government in China benefits so directly from property deals, there's a very strong incentive for them to keep the bubble expanding – which is exactly what has happened.But that's for the longer run. In the short r 中国の経済は、そのプロパティの価格ブームの屋根を通過です

    • Reducing high jobless rate to be top priority for EU
      Although there are signs of economic recovery of the European Union (EU), the job market has not recovered from the economic crisis as such. Analysts say cutting the record high jobless rate within the 27-member bloc is to be the top priority for the EU in the near future. According to the latest figures published by the EU statistic arm Eurostat, the unemployment rate of the 16-member eurozone reached 10 percent in December 2009, a 1.8-percentage increase compared with the same period last y ... があるものの、欧州連合(EU)の景気回復の兆しが見られると、ジョブは市場としては、経済危機から回復していないような

    • EU to phase out rescue
      European Union finance ministers will agree next week to phase out aid measures for banks, industries and the labour market that were introduced to fight the economic crisis, a draft statement showed Tuesday. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... 欧州連合財務長官は来週、銀行、産業界、労働市場のためには、経済危機、草。戦うために導入された応急措置を段階的に同意することを明らかした

    • Spanish PM in Britain for discussions on economic crisis
      Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero arrived in London Friday to meet his British counterpart, Gordon Brown, for discussions on the current economic situation in Europe. The two leaders will share a round table discussion along with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, exchanging views on Greece's economic status and the general economic situation in Europe amid the economic crisis. Zapatero will also discuss issues of Iran, A ... スペイン首相ホセルイスロドリゲスサパテロロンドンの金曜日、ヨーロッパでは、現在の経済状況に関する議論のための彼英外相、ゴードンブラウン氏を満たすために到着した

    • China to hold unemployment rate within 4.6% in 2010
      China plans to keep the urban registered unemployment rate no higher than 4.6 percent and create over 9 million new jobs in urban areas this year, according to a government work report to be delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao here Friday. China created 11.02 million new jobs in urban areas in 2009 amid the lingering financial crisis, while the country's urban unemployment rate stood at 4.3 percent, with 9.21 million people being registered to be unemployed. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 中国はより高い4.6%、都市部の登録失業率を維持し、今年の都市部では9万人の新規雇用を創出し、政府活動報告をするの温家宝首相、金曜日、中国で配信するには、11020000、新しい雇用を創出よると、計画長引く経済危機のさなか、2009年に都市部の一方、国の都市部の失業率は4.3%で、9210000人が失業することに登録されて立っていた

    • Bring back economic sanity | Jeffry Frieden
      Financial regulation should help those in need and take from those who profited most from the excesses of the past decadeThe current economic crisis has caused widespread suffering, and the suffering is far from over. We welcome signs of recovery, but this will not end the need for continued sacrifice. A decade of irresponsible policies has left many countries in an unsustainable position, and the impact of attempts to remedy those mistakes will be felt for another decade to come. Progressives need to respond to the crisis and its aftermath in a way that is both economically sensible and socially defensible.We in the US are living through a classic debt crisis. The roots of the crisis go back to 2001, when massive tax cuts drove the federal government from large-scale surpluses to huge deficits. This began an extraordinary surge in American foreign borrowing, which averaged between half a trillion and a trillion dollars a year between 2001 and 2007.The borrowing binge was intensified by American monetary policy, as the Federal Reserve kept interest rates at unprecedentedly low levels. This encouraged households to join the borrowing bonanza, expanding housing and credit card debt at a dizzying pace. The five trillion dollars flooding into the country from abroad had the typical effects of an inflow of foreign funds: demand for hard goods rose, leading to an import surge and swelling the trade deficit, while demand for non-traded goods and services also rose, leading to a surge in the price of such non-tradables as healthcare, entertainment, education and housing.As is typical in classical capital flow cycles of this sort, foreign borrowing sparked an economic expansion, which became a boom, which became a bubble, which has now burst. This pattern was common to a phalanx 金融規制は、これらを必要としなければならないと人のほとんどは、過去decadeThe現在の経済危機の行き過ぎから利益を得てからかかる広範な被害が発生しており、苦しみをはるかに上からです

    • Economists warn of caution over optimistic prospect for Israeli economy
      As world leaders are pondering international efforts to promote the sound recovery and sustained development of the world economy in the post-crisis era in Davos, Switzerland, Israeli economists are eyeing the present macro- economic policies of Israeli government and the prospect of Israeli economy. The economy enjoys a picture upbeat in the short term and is viewed as a developed economy which has pretty well defended itself from the international financial crisis and headed to a road of re ... 世界の指導者の国際的努力のポストのサウンドの回復と世界経済の持続的な発展、スイスのダボス、イスラエルの経済危機の時代を促進するためを考えているとして、現在のマクロイスラエル政府の経済政策とイスラエルの経済の見通しに注目している

    • Politics, as much as economics, is behind Greece's current troubles | Kevin Featherstone
      If the country is to recover, it needs EU support to overcome systemic problems and realise necessary reformsGreece has presented the eurozone with its biggest challenge since the global economic crisis erupted. The issues arising from the high levels of government borrowing and debt in Athens pose delicate problems for the European Central Bank and EU governments. Last week, Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel prize winner for economics, weighed in to urge Europe to show solidarity with Greece.The signals given by EU leaders thus far have been uncertain, putting the pressure on Greece to be bold in its domestic reforms. In the next two weeks, the EU commission and EU finance ministers (ECOFIN) will decide whether the country is doing enough to avoid Armageddon. Officials are currently preparing their assessments and by February 16 ECOFIN will decide whether to escalate the sanctions on Athens for running an excessive deficit.In the land that gave us the very notion of politics, it is crucial for such assessments to recognise that it is politics, more than economics, that will determine Greece's longer-term fate. A euro-exit would be so nightmarish that it is almost unthinkable that Athens would not do whatever is necessary to avoid it, and this is what the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has promised. Left outside the EU club with its own currency, the costs of recovery would be truly horrendous. Moreover, the eurozone must avoid the risk of creating a domino effect with perhaps Spain and Ireland being pressed by the markets to follow.The more uncertain question is whether Athens can put its house in order and avoid a recurrence of this crisis. And this is where politics comes in. There are two major hurdles for the Socialist government in Athens to surmount. One concer 場合は、国を回復する場合は、EUの制度の問題や実現に必要なreformsGreece克服するために世界的な経済危機以来、最大の課題とユーロを提示した支援を必要と噴出した

    • China Minmetals Development 2009 profit down 50 pct on falling commodity prices
      Minmetals Development Co., Ltd, the nation's leading non-ferrous metal producer, said on Thursday its profit slumped at least 50 percent in 2009 year on year as the global economic crisis dampened commodity prices. Stagnant coke exports and recession in domestic iron and steel industry squeezed its profit margin, the company said in a preliminary estimation report posted on the Web site of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The company of which 64 percent of the shares are controlled by the Chin ... Minmetals開発有限公司は、国内有数の非鉄金属生産は16日、利益を少なくとも50%は2009年の年に世界的な経済危機が下落した商品価。湿らせたと述べた

    • President Obama's banking speech in full
      Good morning, everybody. I just had a very productive meeting with two members of my Economic Recovery Advisory Board, Paul Volcker, who's the former chair of the Federal Reserve Board, and Bill Donaldson, previously the head of the SEC.And I deeply appreciate the counsel of these two leaders and the board that they've offered as we have dealt with a broad array of very difficult economic challenges.Now, over the past two years, more than seven million Americans have lost their jobs in the deepest recession our country has known in generations. Rarely does a day go by that I don't hear from folks who are hurting.And every day, we are working to put our economy back on track and put America back to work. But even as we dig our way out of this deep hole, it's important that we not lose sight of what led us into this mess in the first place.This economic crisis began as a financial crisis, when banks and financial institutions took huge, reckless risks in pursuit of quick profits and massive bonuses.When the dust settled, and this binge of irresponsibility was over, several of the world's oldest and largest financial institutions had collapsed or were on the verge of doing so. Markets plummeted, credit dried up and jobs were vanishing by the hundreds of thousands each month. We were on the precipice of a second Great Depression.To avoid this calamity, the American people, who were already struggling in their own right, were forced to rescue financial firms facing crisis largely of their own creation.And that rescue, undertaken by the previous administration, was deeply offensive, but it was a necessary thing to do. And it succeeded in stabilizing the financial system and helping to avert that depression.Since that time, over the past year, my administration has recovered m 午前中は、誰も良好です

    • Obama to unveil bank fee
      President Barack Obama will Thursday unveil a 90 billion dollar fee on 50 top finance firms to recoup taxpayer dollars used to bail out Wall Street, which is blamed for igniting the economic crisis. バラクオバマ大統領は木曜日上位50社のファイナンス会社で、ウォール街は、経済危機の発火の原因とされ救済するために使用納税者のドルを回収するために90億ドルの費用を明らかにします

    • Expert: Indonesia fails to spend 2009 budget well
      The Indonesian government has failed to spend 38 trillion rupiah about 4 billion U S dollars of its 2009 budget a local media report said here on Monday Hendri Saparini an analyst at the economy think tank agency Econit said on Sunday that the unspent budget was due to inefficient bureaucracy and poor planning despite much of the proposed spending being part of the stimulus package to overcome the impact of global economic crisis This is not the first time the governme インドネシア政府は現地のマスコミの報道にここでは、経済でのアナリスト、月曜日ヘンドリSapariniを明らかにした38000000000000ルピアは、2009年の予算の約4000000000ドルを費やすに失敗したタンク機関Econit日曜日には、未使用の予算を非効率的な官僚主義によるものだと思う提案された支出は刺激の一部パッケージの中の世界的な経済危機はこれが初めてgovernmeされていないの影響を克服するために多くのにもかかわらず、不十分な計画


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