☆GIAHS北京会議-上- 里山イニシアティブとの相乗効果
giahsは、globally important agricultural heritage systems(giahs). 「世界農業遺産」とも呼ばれる「世界重要農業資産システム」のことだ
Norway, China in ecology projects Cooperation between China and Norway on environmental protection has moved forward with the drawing up of lists of projects around the country at the Shanghai Expo 2010 Garden.
A two-day seminar on Sino-Norwegian Environmental Collaboration at the expo, held in the Norway Pavilion earlier this month, was jointly organized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China and Norway's Environment Ministry. Issues under discussion at the seminar included biological diversity, climate change ... 協力は、保護の間に、中国との環境ノルウェーでの一歩前進した庭の描画2010博覧会、上海でのプロジェクトの周りの最大のリストの国
EU adopts conclusions ahead of crucial environment summits European environment ministers adopted important conclusions on Thursday in preparation for the forthcoming Nagoya biodiversity summit and Cancun climate conference.
The Environment Council brought together European environment ministers on Thursday to discuss the loss of biodiversity ahead of the Nagoya summit next week, and also to adopt conclusions in preparation for the forthcoming climate conference to be held in Cancun in November.
The council reconfirmed on Thursday the European hea ... 欧州環境大臣は、会議カンクンの気候と首脳会談、生物多様性名古屋今後の採用の重要な結論を木曜に準備してください
Conservation stories of 2010 The International Year of Biodiversity saw mixed fortunes for Earth's animals. Some species suffered further declines, but there were also conservation success stories to celebrate
Green Inc. Column: Failed Efforts in Protecting Biodiversity The world is losing ground on efforts to protect biodiversity, according to Ahmed Djoghlaf, the executive secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity. 世界の取り組み生物多様性を保護するために、アハメドDjoghlaf、生物多様性条約事務局長によると、地面を失っている
Gallery: Biodiversity 100 – the actions in pictures The 26 actions compiled by the Guardian and its readers is to prompt governments into action at the Convention on Biological Diversity meeting later this month in Japan. Here are those actions, in pictures
FAO: forest biodiversity at risk but conservation efforts growing The world's forest biodiversity is threatened by a high global rate of deforestation and forest degradation as well as a decline in primary forest area, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in a report released on Monday.
In many countries, however, there is a continued positive trend towards the conservation of forest biological diversity via dedicated conservation areas, the report said.
According to the final report of FAO's Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 20 ... 世界の森林の生物多様性は、地域の森林をプライマリとして減少してもです脅かさ高グローバルレート劣化としての森林の伐採と、国連食糧農業機関(FAO)は月曜日にレポートをリリースで述べている
In pictures: New species discovered by British Antarctic Survey The British Antarctic Survey has discovered new species as part of its work for the Census of Marine Life, a 10-year project to chart the biodiversity of oceans involving more than 2,700 scientists from 80 nations that comes to an end this week
In pictures: Protected species in the Amazon's Cristalino state park A new management plan for Cristalino state park has set out how the biodiverse area will be managed in terms of research, conservation and education, and ensure that local people are involved
UNEP urges world to redouble efforts to reverse biodiversity loss The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) on Wednesday called on governments to redouble their efforts to reverse the loss of biodiversity across the world.
In an interview with Xinhua, UNEP's Deputy Executive Director Angela Cropper also warned of the dire consequences resulting from the loss of biodiversity, including the impacts on the economy, development and efforts to mitigate climate change.
She regretted that tropical forests continue to be felled across the ... 国連環境計画(UNEP)は水曜日に、政府に努力を世界の生物多様性の損失を逆に倍加するよう求めた
In pictures: The week in wildlife The world's smallest lily saved by Kew Gardens, the world's smallest wallaby - all creatures, flora and fauna great and small are celebrated this week to mark the the International Day for Biological Diversity
世界最小の百合はキューガーデン、世界最小のワラビー - すべての生き物、動植物大と小が今週生物多様性のための国際デーを記念して祝ったて保存
Asian Ministers Tackle Mekong River Development Officials take on challenge of balancing economic development against environmental protection of one of world's most bio-diverse rivers 当局は、世界で最も生物多様性河川の一つの環境保護に対する経済発展のバランスを取るのに挑戦