- 4月13日(金)のつぶやき
22:40 from tweet button windows7のfirefoxが対応してないとか・・
- IBM Rules The Roost In Enterprise Software But Mister Softee Sure Can Sell Windows
According to a recent report, the global enterprise software market grew by 8.5% in 2010 to reach $245 billion. Microsoft held on to its position as the largest enterprise software company with a 22.4% market share, driven largely by virtue of its Windows 7 sales. IBM came in second with a 10.4% share followed closely by Oracle at a 9.8% share. 最近の報告によると、グローバルなエンタープライズソフトウェア市場は2450億ドルに到達する2010年に8.5%増加した
- Here's Why I'm Grateful Microsoft Doesn't Build Airplanes
Last week one of my favorite technologists, Bob Cringely, complained on his blog about Microsoft’s Anytime Upgrade service. He purchased the service so that his kids could play their favorite games on a Windows 7 PC that was missing a necessary component. But Bob ran into a wall: The service had been down for the past two days. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40
- Motorola Jumps On CEO Jha's Windows 7 Interest
Motorola Mobility stock jumped over 7% Tuesday as CEO Sanjay Jha gave his assessment of MMI?s future role in the global smartphone market at the Oppenheimer Technology & Communications Conference. In particular, he commented that MMI would be interested in Microsoft?s Windows 7 OS for its phones if it could secure a deal similar to the one that Nokia received. He also said that Mototola?s strong patent portfolio will help it differentiate itself in the mobile phone market. Most importantly, he made encouraging remarks on the upcoming product portfolio that includes the LTE Droid Bionic, a high profile smartphone which was earlier supposed to be launched in Q2 2011 (see Declining Smartphone Mix a Worrying Sign for Motorola Mobility). He also mentioned that more global smartphone devices will be launched in addition to the Droid Bionic. CEOのSanjay Jhaにはオッペンハイマーテクノロジー&コミュニケーションズの会議で、世界のスマートフォン市場におけるMMI?の将来の役割の彼の評価を与えたとして、Motorolaのモビリティの株式は火曜日7%以上上昇した
- Nokia's Outlook Darkens, So Does Qualcomm's Chance To Ride Its Coattails
Nokia announced a strategic partnership with Microsoft in February this year that included its adoption of Windows Phone 7 as the main operating system for its smartphones replacing Symbian. This transition is currently in progress and Nokia plans to introduce Windows based phones by the year end. A few months back, Nokia also announced that the first Windows 7 phones will include Qualcomm?s chipsets. This was an attractive proposition for Qualcomm when it was announced; however, as Nokia continues to lose market share and given the wait until the new Windows Phones are released, this indicates that the benefit to Qualcomm could be much less than initially expected. ノキアは、Symbianを交換する、そのスマートフォンの主要なオペレーティングシステムとしてのWindows Phone 7の採用を含まれている今年2月、Microsoftとの戦略的提携を発表した
- Mana Mina Quest -R-18 no Daibouken- DLsite
hey... this wasn't in the game i remember!
- ■ こんな感じの構成で・・・
endeavor pro5000 pro5000 。。67,200
windows 7 home premium 64bit 正規版 service pack 1 (sp1) 適用済み
インテル core i7-2600 プロセッサー (3.4ghz) 。。34,650
インテル p67 express チップセット(標準搭載)
nvidia geforce gtx 460 1gb 。。34,650
16.0gb(4.0gb×4) pc3-10600 ddr3 sdram 。。33,600
160gb シリアルata 300mb/s対応ssd(mlc) インテル製 。。39,900
blu-ray disc ドライブ(cprm対応 再生ソフト付) 。。17,850
マルチカードリーダー (内部usb接続) 。。2,100
インテル ハイ・デフィニション・オーディオ (標準搭載)
1000base-t/100base-tx/10base-t対応ネットワーク機能 (標準搭載)
シリアル (d-sub 9ピン×1) (標準搭載)
パラレル (d-sub 25ピン×1) (標準搭載)
109 ps/2キーボード 。。1,050
ホイール付きps/2オプティカルマウス(m-sbf96) 。。630
キーボードカバー (109 ps/2キーボード用) 。。2,100
キャリングハンドル 。。2,100
5年間 お預かり修理 (コンピューター本体) 。。10,500
3年間 安心プラス保証 (コンピューター本体)※単独加入不可 。。1,785
19型:エプソン ld1958s (アナログ+デジタル) (pcリサイクルマーク添付) ld1958s 。。22,050
5年間 お預かり修理 (ディスプレイ) 。。6,300
3年間 安心プラス保証 (ディスプレイ) 。。1,575
ステレオスピーカー woody land 木の音 22(owl-spwl22(b))