- Markets Await Bernanke's Historic Moment
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s first post-FOMC press conference has taken center stage as investors around the globe look toward the head of the world’s most important central bank to set the town for what lies ahead. With the discussion centered on the end of a highly controversial program of quantitative easing and the possible transition to a cycle of monetary tightening, Bernanke’s press conference takes on a special meaning as markets prepare for June 30, the scheduled end of QE2. 連邦準備制度理事会のベンバーナンキ議長の最初のポス。。u200b。。u200bトFOMCの記者会見が先にあるもののために町を設定するには、世界で最も重要な中央銀行の総裁に向かって世界中を見ての投資家としてセンターステージを撮影しています
- Mantega: Inflation Under Control In Brazil As QE2 Pressures Real
“Emerging economies have already left behind the crisis,” according to Brazil’s sharp-tongued Finance Minister, Guido Mantega, who also blamed quantitative easing for the appreciative forces on the Brazilian real while noting that the largest Latin American economy would grow at a “sustainable” rate of 4.5% in 2011. また、最大のラテンアメリカ経済は。。u0026quot;持続可能で育つということに留意しつつブラジルに感謝して軍の量的緩和政策を非難したブラジルの鋭い舌財務大臣、グイドマンテガによると、。。u0026quot;新興国はすでに、危機の背後に残っている。。u0026quot; 2011年には4.5%の。。u0026quot;レート
- Will Oil Spike Lead To QE3?
Recent comments from Atlanta Federal Reserve President Dennis Lockhart, combined with spiking oil prices, have led to speculation regarding future rounds of quantitative easing. Lockhart spoke recently at the National Association of Business Economics conference, commenting on rising oil prices and the potential for spikes to affect the economic recovery. 原油価格の急上昇と組み合わせて、アトランタ連邦準備制度理事会会長デニスLockhartさんからの最近のコメントは、量的緩和政策の今後のラウンドについての憶測につながっている
- US Fed's QE2 affects RMB's internationalization
RMB may face a roadblock on its way to internationalization. Since the US Federal Reserve's second round of quantitative easing, the US dollar has been on the fast track to depreciation this month. And it's not just the greenback going down.
After the Federal Reserve decided to essentially print money in QE2, many currencies have strengthened against the greenback. Its effect on the value of the Chinese yuan hasn't been especially great, but it has been affected in other ways.
Expe ... 人民元は、国際化への道の障害に直面する可能性があります
- Bank may halt quantitative easing
The Bank of England will report later on its policy of quantitative easing, with many analysts expecting it to halt the scheme. 中央銀行のイングランド銀行のそれ以降の量的緩和政策では、多くのアナリストでは、計画停止を期待して報告されます
- Just Accept Inflation And Start Making Money
While the U.S. Federal Reserve continues its commitment to QE2 (its second round of quantitative easing to increase the money supply) and maintaining a Fed funds rate of 0-0.25%, some foreign central banks are taking a different path. 米連邦準備制度理事会は、QE2(通貨供給量を増加する量的緩和政策の第2ラウンド)と0から0.25パーセントのFF金利。。u200b。。u200bを維持するための取り組みを続けているが、いくつかの外国の中央銀行が別のパスを取っている
- QE2 may accelerate wane of U.S. dollar as world's reserve currency
As G20 nation leaders gather in Seoul to seek common ground in an effort to revive the global economy, the recently announced new round of quantitative easing by the U.S. has cast a shadow over the gathering, as concerns grow about the stability of the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency.
In order to stimulate its economy and cut its high unemployment rate, the U.S. Federal Reserve last week decided to buy 600 billion U.S. dollars of U.S. Treasury securities and other assets held by bank ... G20の国家指導者が世界経済を復活させるための努力の共通点を求めてソウルに集まるように懸念がドルの安定化を図るの育つように、米国が量的緩和政策の最近発表された新ラウンドは、収集に影を落としている世界の準備通貨が
- Turning the Page on 'QE': Euro's Turn for Pain?
This week could see currencies finally turn the page on U.S. quantitative easing and then turn to other issues, such as the euro zone's simmering sovereign-debt crisis. That could mean it's the euro's turn for pain. 今週の通貨は最終的に米国の量的緩和政策のページを有効にしてからユーロ圏の煮えるソブリン-債務危機のような他の問題に向けるを参照してください可能性があります
- Asia Faces Inflation, Capital Flows After US Federal Reserve Stimulus
Move, known as quantitative easing, keeps interest rates near zero and encourages banks to lend to consumers and businesses.
- Bank of England holds key interest rate at 0.5%
LONDON - THE Bank of England has held its base lending rate at an all-time low of 0.5 per cent, as analysts expected, despite mounting concerns about high inflation. The Bank's Monetary Policy Committee on Thursday also announced no new funding for its economic stimulus program of asset purchases, known as quantitative easing. ロンドン - アナリストが予想通り、イングランド銀行は、高インフレの懸念にもかかわらず、0.5%の史上最低で、そのベースの貸出金利を開催しています
- Holding of US debt hits highest in year
The future of China's massive holdings of US Treasury debt appears to be shrouded in mystery, as the US plans to engage in a new round of quantitative easing that could diminish the dollar's value, economists warned Thursday.
China in October increased its holdings of US Treasury bonds by 2.3 percent, to $906.8 billion, bringing the country's holdings to their highest level since November of last year, according to updated US Treasury Department data released Wednesday.
The US Fede ... 米国債中国の大規模な保有の将来は、米国がドルの価値を低下させる可能性が量的緩和政策の新ラウンドに従事する計画として、謎に包まれて表示され、経済学者は木曜日と警告した
- G20: The power of yuan | George Magnus
The G20 should recognise that it is China, not the US, which holds the key to world recoveryAs the G20 chair passes from South Korea to France, it will be down to President Sarkozy to try to stop the protectionist trends of the last two years. The G20 nations have introduced more than 400 trade restraint measures, according to the monitoring organisation Global Trade Alert. And Japan, China, Brazil and several other emerging nations have been intervening in markets to stop their currencies rising. US treasury secretary Timothy Geithner's proposal to establish a policy framework in which balance-of-payments surplus countries, such as China, would increase their imports, was shot down by China and Germany.Most recently a number of emerging nations, including Brazil, Korea, and Indonesia, have put controls on inflows of capital from abroad. These have picked up sharply following the move by the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, to start a second round of quantitative easing (QE) by buying up to $600bn of treasury bonds over the next few months. The decision was criticised by China, Germany and a few other nations as a form of monetary protectionism before the summit, and clearly soured the mood between the major G20 participants. We now face the prospect of still more protectionism that could destabilise the world economy. David Cameron may have tried to convey this message to China's leaders earlier this week, but this is really an issue for the US and China to resolve.America's support for QE reflects the economic trauma in the US brought on by the financial crisis. A bungee-jump recovery in production has taken place since the 2009 abyss, but demand is weak, and the real rate of unemployment is nearly double the official measure rate of 9.6%. For the US, increasing G20は、それが中国であることを認識する必要があります、G20の議長は、フランス、韓国を通過し、世界recoveryAsの鍵を握っていない米国は、それは過去2年間の保護主義的な傾向を停止しようとするサルコジ大統領に停止いたします
- Ben Bernanke's too timid QE2 | Dean Baker
The Fed's $600bn bond spree is not wrong, just not enough. The US economy needs a target of 3-4% inflation to get movingThe recent economic data leaves little doubt that the economic recovery in the United States is anaemic at best. There was much celebration over the October jobs report, which showed a gain of 151,000 jobs. This was better than the near-zero number anticipated by most economists, but should hardly provoke cries of joke. The economy must create 100,000 jobs a month just to keep even with the growth of the labour force, which means that it will take more than a decade at this pace to get back the 7.5m jobs lost to date.The picture painted by the data on third-quarter GDP, which was released the prior week, was even bleaker. Most reports focused on the 2.0% growth number, which was slightly higher than had been expected. However, these reports missed the fact that most of this growth was due to the extraordinary pace of inventory accumulation in the quarter. The rate of accumulation in the third quarter was the second highest ever, adding 1.4 percentage points to growth for the quarter. Excluding this jump in inventories, the economy grew at just a 0.6% annual rate in the third quarter. If inventory growth returns to a more normal level, fourth-quarter growth will likely be negative.The Fed's decision to try another round of quantitative easing must be understood in this context. The US economy is operating far below capacity and is not likely to return to potential output any time soon without some outside boost. The Fed's decision to buy $600bn in government bonds over the next eight months is a step in this direction.This is a followup to an earlier round of quantitative easing announced at the beginning of 2009, in which the Fed bought $1.25tn of mort FRBの$ 6,000債券まくるだけで、十分に間違っていないことをされていません
- Dollar falls as Fed's move may be larger than expected
The U.S. dollar fell against major currencies in late New York trading on Thursday as the Fed's new round of quantitative easing policy might be larger than expected.
The dollar rebounded on Wednesday as a report from The Wall Street Journal said the Fed's bond purchases might amount to a few hundred billion dollars over several months, which would be much less than the previous predictions.
However, a fresh survey on Thursday renewed the market's expectation. The New York Fed surv ... ドルが予想よりも大きいかもしれないの量的緩和政策のラウンド新しいの木曜日、連邦準備制度取引後半ニューヨークの通貨の主要なに対して下落した
- FTSE Seen Opening Higher
LONDON (Reuters) - The FTSE 100 index is seen gaining on Wednesday, tracking advances on Wall Street and in Asia overnight, after surprise moves by the Bank of Japan to stimulate economic growth fuelled speculation that another round of U.S. quantitative easing is on the cards. ロンドン(ロイター) - FTSE 100の指数は、米国量的緩和政策の別のラウンドは、カード上にあることを投機を煽って経済成長を刺激するために日本の銀行が驚きの移動後、ウォール街で、アジア、一晩の進歩を追跡し、水曜日に得て見られている