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    音楽 関連語 ライフハック 東洋経済
    • The Department of Homeland Security Wants You To Be More Careful With Your Phone
      Happy Cyber Security Awareness Month, readers! It's appropriate that the Department of Homeland Security chose the month of Halloween for this yearly reflection on how scary our lack of security and privacy is in the age of digital devices and the Internet. The cyber tricks and treats of the month have included celebrity e-mail hacks, inadvertent spillage of private rants into the public sphere due to confusing sharing settings, kids hacking their friends' accounts, and the news that most of the sites we visit on the Web pass along our user names to third parties to build better profiles of us. Boo! _NULL_

    • Crackland: a nation's journey to hell
      In the dark before dawn, social workers advance slowly down a narrow road dividing two vast slums, entering a landscape of littered streets and broken-down shacks, where an open-air crack cocaine market does business among piles of... 夜明け前の暗闇の中で、ソーシャルワーカーの事前ゆっくり散らかって街やオープンエアのクラックコカイン市場はの山の中で事業を展開して壊れた小屋の風景を入力して、二つの巨大なスラム街を割って細い道を...

    • Prince Harry shacks up with reunited love
      Prince Harry has reportedly moved into his girlfriend's London home after he recently reunited with her after breaking up last year.He is said to have received his own set of keys to girlfriend Chelsy Davey's £1.5 million (NZ$3.4... 後、彼は最近彼女と一緒に最後のyear.He解体後の再会のハリー王子によるガールフレンドのロンドンの自宅に引っ越してきた彼女にChelsyデイビーの£ 150万ドル(ニュージーランド$ 3.4キーの彼の独自のセットを受けていると言われて...

    • Mississippi Delta braces for historic flood
      The bulging Mississippi River has rolled into the fertile Mississippi Delta, threatening to swamp historic mansions, wash away flimsy shacks, and destroy fields of cotton, rice and corn in a flood of epic proportions.The river... 膨らんだミシシッピ川は、薄っぺらな小屋を洗い流す、歴史的な邸宅を圧倒すると脅して、肥沃なミシシッピデルタにロールバックされた壮大なproportions.The川の洪水の中で、綿、米、トウモロコシのフィールドを破壊する...

    • Sweet honey nabbed from jaws of death
      The honey that is sold in discarded whisky bottles from the shacks that line the pathways of Pakhiralaya cries out for a more high-end display.The honey, which costs just a handful of rupees, is light-hued, almost liquid and,... Pakhiralayaの行経路はルピーのほんの一握りのコストよりハイエンドdisplay.Theの蜂蜜、と叫ぶことは小屋から廃棄されるウイスキーのボトルで販売されている蜂蜜は、光は、ほとんどの液体色のついたであり、..

    • Warm U.S. Winter Whacks Natural Gas To 10-Year Lows
      By Alan Lammey and Michael Barak, WeatherBELL Analytics null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Wounds in village of the damned are slowly healing
      The shantytown called Vingerkraal seems trapped in South Africa's apartheid past.Tin shacks resemble those hurriedly built by black people evicted from white territory. Women and children are left on their own for most of the year... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • How do we re-moralise our society? | Nick Spencer
      So we are less honest than a decade ago. No wonder, we've shed the familial, community and economic links that moralise usSo now we know. It's not just lying politicians, thieving bankers, treacherous hacks or light-fingered rioters. It's all of us.According to recent research from the University of Essex, the British are, on balance, less honest than we were a decade ago.The survey says the Britons of 2011 were more likely to tolerate extramarital sex, drink-driving or failing to leave a contact after damaging a parked car than those of 2001. The only transgression of which people had become less tolerant was benefit fraud. And it looks like it will get worse, with the study reporting that young people were more likely to condone bad behaviour than older ones.It is not hard to see the flaws in such research. Abstract, decontexualised questions make a dubious foundation for comprehensive, ethical assessment. No matter how virtuous you think yourself, unable to contemplate ever speeding or dodging your taxes, some sophist will be able to manufacture a scenario in which you find yourself lying, cheating and bribing like a tin-pot dictator.That may be so, but it is also largely irrelevant when comparing longitudinal trends. If the questions have their problems today, they are no different to those of 2001. The trends in the data remain valid, and the trends are downward.This is wonderful grist to the Christian mill. We warned you what happens when you ignore God's commands, and now you can see for yourself. Secular ethics is inadequate. Moral progressivism in nonsense. We've all leapt on the liberal bandwagon only to find out it's a handcart destined for hell.However, it's not as simple as that. While only the wilfully blind will deny that Britain is facing serious moral p null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Anonymous hacks into phone call between FBI and Scotland Yard - video
      This is an edited extract of the recording posted on YouTube by Hackers from the group Anonymous. The group has broadcast a private conference call between the FBI and Scotland Yard exposing details of a major international cybercrime investigation null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Chinese student hacks website over homework
      In his bid to highlight his frustration due to excessive homework, a Chinese teenager hacked a government education website. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • The arsonist and the fire fighter | Michael Tomasky
      Andrew Sullivan makes an excellent argument (I know it's excellent because I've made it myself) and concludes it with a boffo line:But [the Tories] are doing what Obama should, in my view, have done from the start: relentlessly remind people of what the GOP did to this country. Obama allowed the hacks on the right to pivot immediately to pinning the entire deficit and debt on Obama - and, amplified by the FNC, they have somehow managed to turn the debate back into the exhausted big-government vs little-guy choice - rather than debating exactly what, if anything, we can do to rescue ourselves from the Bush-Cheney hangover.Here's an alternative approach - aggressively blaming even future bleakness on the GOP, matching their refusal to take any responsibility for the worst period of governance in modern times with a no-holds-barred assault on their brand. It will soon be time for Obama to go on the offensive against these nihilists and amnesiacs and to remind people of the difference between the arsonist and the fire-fighter.The Tories reference is to an ad they've released which you can watch here. It's a great ad, and really my kind of negative politics: it plants a seed in voters' minds that can grow and grow and grow over time, and it frames the argument before the other side had a chance to. The DNC should have done an ad like this, a series of them, immediately after the GOP wall of defiance on the stimulus. It really would have so easy. Shooting fish in a barrel. Instead, as Sully says, the Republicans got to set the terms of debate. The Democrats will never learn this.Sullivan's last line is great, and Obama could do a lot worse (and probably will) than simply to nick it. But I wonder if it isn't too late for the White House even to establish a narrative for the el アンドリューサリバン氏は)私はそれを自分自身作ったので、優秀な知っている優秀な引数を(になり、大ヒットラインで結論:しかし、[保守党]はどのようなオバマ氏は、私の見解では、開始:執拗に思い出させるから行っている必要がありますしているの人々共和党がこの国にやった

    • Group hacks US law enforcement sites, steals data
      LITTLE ROCK (US) - THE GROUP known as Anonymous said it hacked into some 70 mostly rural law enforcement websites in the United States, a data breach that at least one local police chief said leaked sensitive information about an ongoing investigation. The loose-knit international hacking collective posted a cache of data to the Internet early on Saturday, including emails stolen from officers, tips that appeared to come from members of the public, credit card numbers and other information. Anonymous said it had stolen 10 gigabytes worth of data in retaliation for arrests of its sympathisers in the US and Britain. リトルロック(米国は) - Anonymousとして知られているグループは、米国、少なくとも一つの地元警察署長は、進行中の調査に関する機密情報を漏らしたと言ったデータ違反で約70主に農村部の法執行機関のウェブサイトをハッキングだ

    • Why is Hillary Clinton so interested in cyber-attacks on Google? | Jeffrey Carr
      Hacking Gmail is small fry compared with potentially devastating defence hacks. But Clinton seems to care only about GoogleThere has recently been a lot of media attention focused on a relatively unsophisticated and even mundane act of information exploitation against high-level Gmail users and, not surprisingly, a Chinese IP address.There's absolutely nothing new or sophisticated about the attacks, which have been going on for a year or more and which essentially add a forwarding instruction so that others can read copies of everything coming to your Gmail account or even be allowed access to your account – all without you knowing about it. In fact, a Washington DC-based security researcher published samples on her blog last February; I recall giving it a quick read back then and thinking how the simple strategies are still the best when it comes to hostile or criminal acts in cyberspace.Spear phishing attacks are simple, elegant things that cost almost nothing to develop except a bit of homework on the potential targets, and they continue to work regardless of millions of dollars being spent to stop or intercept them.For example, EMC's RSA security division, the company that makes SecurID tokens that help protect sensitive and classified data around the world, had its own network breached through a spear phishing attack last March. It was a potentially devastating attack because it apparently provided the attackers with the ability to duplicate the security tokens and within a matter of weeks gain access to Lockheed Martin, L3 Communications and possibly Northrup Grumman's networks – all massive US defence department contractors.However, that incredibly important set of multiple breaches with the possibility of many more occurring in the near future was completely pus ハッキングGmailは潜在的に壊滅的な防衛ハックと比較して雑魚です

    • Activist Hacks Ashton Kutcher's Twitter Account To Push For Increased Security
      Ashton Kutcher, who traveled to technology conference TED this week, has been punk'd. That's what happens when you hang out on the same wireless network as a bunch of technology geeks -- who probably don't even need hacking-made-easy-tool application Firesheep to eavesdrop on Internet sessions on unencrypted Web pages. _NULL_

    • India: Land of many cell phones, fewer toilets
      The Mumbai slum of Rafiq Nagar has no clean water for its shacks made of ripped tarp and bamboo. No garbage pickup along the rocky, pocked earth that serves as a road. No power except from haphazard cables strung overhead illegally.And... Rafiqさんナガーのムンバイのスラム街のリッピングタープや竹製のその小屋にはきれいな水を持っています

    • Australian doctor uses hacksaw to amputate legs of earthquake victim
      An Australian urologist on Friday described how he used a hacksaw and a utility knife to amputate the legs of a man trapped in the earthquake rubble in Christchurch, New Zealand. Dr Stuart Phillip, 38, was one of the first people on the scene of the Pyne Gould building after the 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the South Island city at a shallow depth of just four kilometers on Tuesday. Dr Phillip, who has arrived back in Australia on Friday, said he found one man who was pinned by the legs by ... 金曜日に、オーストラリアの泌尿器科医は、彼が弓、クライストチャーチ、ニュージーランドの地震のがれきの下に閉じ込められた男の足を切断するためのユーティリティナイフを使用する方法を説明しました

    • Hack attack: Anything for the story
      Tabloid hacks do not tend to be nice people, concludes Sharon Marshall in her insider's account of the popular press, Tabloid Girl , in which she recounts her experiences of working for News of the World , The Sun and other red... タブロイドハッキングはいい人に、シャロンマーシャル人気のマスコミは彼女のインサイダーのアカウントに結論しない傾向が、タブロイド少女で、彼女はニューズオブザワールド、太陽や他の赤のために働く彼女の経験を語って...

    • Fuel truck explosion kills at least 230 people in Congo
      A tanker overturns in the rural east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, unleashing a fireball that killed scores of bystanders, including many who had been watching the World Cup in flimsy roadside shacks 農村コンゴ民主共和国の東のタンカー転覆など、傍観者の得点を殺した球を解き放つ人薄っぺらな道端の小屋でW杯を見ていた多くの

    • ・最近読んだオススメ本【時間管理・仕事術】
      var gajshost = (( == document.location.protocol) ? : src=' + gajshost + google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3e%3c/script%3e)); try {var pagetracker = _gat._gettracker(ua-2447679-2); pagetracker._trackpageview();} catch(err) {} var ywatracker = ywa.gettracker(1000108408559); ywatracker.addexcludeprotocol(file:); ywatracker.submit();

    • Echoes of ideologies clashing
      While Beijing has flatly rejected Google's claims it supported hacks into e-mail accounts of diplomats, journalists and human–rights activists, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has evoked the First Amendment in expressing support for the US search-engine company's decision to stop cooperating with Internet censorship. (Jan 25, '10) 一方北京きっぱりとその電子メールの外交官、ジャーナリスト、人権活動家のメールアカウント、アメリカ合衆国国務長官のヒラリークリントン大統領は、米国での検索をサポートエンジン会社の意思決定を停止する表現の修正第1。誘発してをハッキングするサポートはGoogleの主張を拒否していますインターネットの検閲に協力

    • スマイル
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    • 年収200万円からの貯金生活宣言
      table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 td {margin:0 !important;padding:0 !important;border:0 !important;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmhead a:hover {background:url( no-repeat 0 0 !important;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmembed object {float:left;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmfoot td.lfmconfig a:hover {background:url( no-repeat 0px 0 !important;;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmfoot td.lfmview a:hover {background:url( no-repeat -85px 0 !important;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmfoot td.lfmpopup a:hover {background:url( no-repeat -159px 0 !important;}</style> <table class=lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 style=width:184px;><tr class=lfmhead><td><a title=dnatsume: 最近聴いたトラック href= target=_blank style=display:block;overflow:hidden;height:20px;width:184px;background:url( no-repeat 0 -20px;text-decoration:none;border:0;></a></td></tr><tr class=lfmembed><td><object type=application/x-shockwave-flash data= codebase= id=lfmembed_1494371062 width=184 height=199> <param name=movie value= /> <param name=flashvars value=type=recenttracks user=dnatsume theme=red lang=jp widget_id=chart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 /> <param name=allowscriptaccess value=always /> <param name=allownetworking value=all /> <param name=allowfullscreen value=true /> <param name=quality value=high /> <param name=bgcolor value=d01f3c /> <param name=wmode value=transparent /> <param name=menu value=true /> </object></td></tr><tr class=lfmfoot><td style=background:url( repeat-x 0 0;text-align:right;><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 style=width:184px;><tr><td class=lfmconfig><a href= charttype=recenttracks user=dnatsume chartfriends=1 from=code widget=chart title=自分だけのウィジェットをゲット target=_blank style=display:block;overflow:hidden;width:85px;height:20px;float:right;background:url( no-repeat 0px -20px;text-decoration:none;border:0;></a></td><td class=lfmview style=width:74px;><a href= title=dnatsume のプロフィールにアクセス target=_blank style=display:block;overflow:hidden;width:74px;height:20px;background:url( no-repeat -85px -20px;text-decoration:none;border:0;></a></td><td class=lfmpopustyle=width:25px;><a href= charttype=recenttracks user=dnatsume chartfriends=1 from=code widget=chart resize=1 title=このウィジェットをポップアップに読み込む target=_blank style=display:block;overflow:hidden;width:25px;height:20px;background:url( no-repeat -159px -20px;text-decoration:none;border:0; onclick=window.open(this.href + ' resize=0','lfm_popup','height=299,width=234,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); return false;></a></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> </div></li>


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