- おひなまつり♪
i always loved to see tiny detailed and elaborated tools of this dolls.
- Winter comes soon...被災地では紳士服の冬服が不足とのこと
in this small town, two japanese leading magicians organized a charity
event. some venture companies support their idea so it became a big
event. i also joined the deed and face painted the children.
- ☆ あの鐘を鳴らすのは栞 ~12/12写真ぃっぱぃレポ~ ☆
in summer time
- アメリカ軍が市街地より撤退
iraqi policemen in basra celebrated the withdrawal on
tuesday. a recent spate of high-profile bombings
that has killed over 250 people has added to the
uncertainty of the handover, but it did not dampen
the national pride of the day.
- What I've been up to...
it's pink this time~
- Anniversary 25th of marriage
i 'm looking forward to getting it.
- #305
i am one day late (笑)
or not, depends on where you are from.
(in germany we celebrate on the 24th and get our presents)
but anyway, it's still x-mas.
i hope santa brought you all the things you wished for
- 【VOA】サンクスギビングの食事の準備も時代により変化。
it hold true to japanese holidays when we once prepared a big meal but no more. the trend reminds me of the japanese holiday of new years day. here in japan, it's considered bigger than christmas as a holiday, and generations of our grandparents once cooked such as rice cake from scratch, but we buy ready-made products. and, as i saw the photo in which a man is picking a turkey, it was amazing to me that those meats are as they are. we rarely eat turkey and hardly see whole chicken carcasses.(93 words)
- tomorrow
it's belated anniversary tho'