- Happy Wedding!! Congrats!
*tie the knot=結婚する *are tring the knot=結婚すること aubree:“at a beautiful wedding and this fool is askin to go to taco bell... @jin_akanishi #smh” こんなに素晴らしい結婚式なのにこのバカったら(仁のこと/笑)タコベルを食べに行こうって言うのよ...jin akanishi #ガッカリ *smh=sshaking my headの略 頭を横に振ってがっかりした様子を表す&失望すること jin→aubree:“ yo lets have some taco bell. ” ねぇ、タコベル食べに行こうぜ taco bellって何ぞ?とググってみたらアメリカで有名なチェーン店なんですね
- 3日目
-------------------------- it was cold today. and it rained this afternoon. today is my birthday. many people celebrated it. -------------------------- es war heute sehr kalt. es regnete vom nachmittag. エスヴァールホイテゼーアカルト.エスレーグネテフォムナハミターク es war heute mein geburtstag. エスヴァールホイテマインゲブーアツターク viele leute feierten es. フィーレロイテファイアーテンエス -------------------------- sehrとても非常に regne雨が降る vomvonとdemの融合形 nachmittag午後に viel たくさんの leute人々 feier祝い
- 国際女性デー International Women'a Day
(leader of the 'women's office' for the social democratic party in
germany) tabled the idea of an international women's day. she proposed
that every year in every country there should be a celebration on the
same day - a women's day - to press for their demands. the
conference of over 100 women from 17 countries, representing unions,
socialist parties, working women's clubs, and including the first three
women elected to the finnish parliament, greeted zetkin's suggestion
with unanimous approval and thus international women's day was the
(l to r): third placed nico rosberg (ger) williams; pole sitter lewis hamilton (gbr) mclaren; and third placed sebastian vettel (ger) red bull racing in parc ferme. formula one world championship, rd 14, singapore grand prix, qualifying day, marina bay street circuit, singapore, saturday, 26 september 2009
- TeamOscarでパーティーをします。
---------------------------------------------- - date: friday, april 16th - venue: tba - fee: tba - contact: chie maeda chiemaeda()gmail.com()の中は@ ------------------------------------------------
- メラトニン、月経、およびお月さま(1)
(1). gladstar, r. herbal healing for women. new york: fireside press, 1993. 123.
- これを幸せと言わず、なんと言う。
-------- 「you gotta be」 des'ree -----------