- メキシコを総崩れにした日本
sawa, playing in her fifth world cup, opened the scoring
in the 13th minute before a crow of 22291 at bay arena.
the 32-year-old captain added her second goal in the
39th after shinobu ohno had made it 2-0 in the 15th.
sawa had plenty of room in the 80th minute when she
was set up by yukari kinga for her last score.
- 2011 Countdown Party, Brindiamo!
pole dancerとしてvalege lingerie paris ファッションショー、paul joe beauty party等に出演
絵画やaccesorryの展示会、tatoo eventやアーティストのafter partyなど
- What I've been up to...
saw this advert. damn cute!!