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    Barack Obama

    政治 国際 関連語 民主党 opera アフガニスタン ホワイトハウス iCal MAJOR Heal tween
    0 . 1 . 2 . 3 .
  • ○■ barack obamaは嫌いじゃないけど~大統領だ+_+だから、お気に入りにしてみた(笑)

  • ○■ 08年の米大統領予備選においてヒラリー・クリントンがバラク・オバマに対して、

  • ○■ (profile) mr. rich porter is from the united states. he has two master-degrees and some teaching experiences at some universities in japan. currently, he teaches american history at sia (sasaki international academy).

  • ○■ 日本ではおとといの夜中、外務省が急遽アメリカの国務次官補(東アジア・太平洋担当)として指名されたカート・キャンベルが来日するということだったので、数日いろいろ動いておりました

  • ○■ 日航への債権の放棄に伴い、国は日本政策金融公庫を通じて政投銀に約440億円を損失補償することになる

  • ○■ そして、f-22a 増�

  • ○■ オバマ氏の間でサポートしています

  • ○■ オバマ政権は「大手金融機関は金融危機に深く関与し、公的資金による救済の恩恵を大きく受けた」(高官)とし、課税は国民への恩返しと説明している

  • ○■ アルは、アフガニスタン、パキスタン、イラク、イエメン、ソマリア、北アフリカ、最高の情報提供、約2100機を追加するの見積もりに基づいて、国際テロ組織アルカイダの突撃部隊アメリカは約140万人の現役男性と女性の腕の下にしています

  • ○■ しかし、氏はオバマ氏の誠実さ、今日の低政治的な通貨があります

  • ○■ しかし、多分、ガーディアンの書いていることは現実に近いでしょうね

  • ○■ しかし、アメリカ軍のハイテク部品には日本製のものが結構使われている

  • ○■ しかし、それは甘かったということだ

  • ○■ top 200 world universities(2009)*top 201.harvard university us2.university of cambridge uk3.yale university us4.university college london uk5=imperial college london uk5=university of oxford uk7.university of chicago us8.princeton university us9.massachusetts institute of technology us10.california institute of technology us11.columbia university us12.university of pennsylvania us13.johns hopkins university us14.duke university us15.cornell university us16.stanford university us17.australian national university australia18.mcgill university canada19.university of michigan us20=university of edinburgh uk20=eth zurich (swiss federal institute of technology) switzerlandtop 200 world universities(2008) *top 201.harvard university us2.yale university us3.university of cambridge uk4.university of oxford uk5.california institute of technology us6.imperial college london uk7.university college london uk8.university of chicago us9.massachusetts institute of technology us10.columbia university us11.university of pennsylvania us12.princeton university us13=duke university us13=johns hopkins university us15.cornell university us16.australian national university australia17.stanford university us18.university of michigan us19.university of tokyo japan20.mcgill university canada

  • ○■ oprah winfreyもbarack obama支持していた!!!

  • ○■ アメリカの人々に国家医療保険に入って貰おう!とか…貧しい人々を考えている公約とか出していた

  • ○■ とにかく~頑張れ頑張れfob!!!!!!

  • ○■ well known as a writer as well as a politician before becoming a candidate, he published some books such as dreams from my father and the audacity of hope . (see below.) this makes him famous for a writer as well as a politician.

  • ○■ libya’s qaddafi tells un to abolish security council sept. 23 (bloomberg) -- libyan leader muammar qaddafi told the united nations today to abolish the security council, its most powerful body, saying the five permanent members had created a “terror council” to punish small nations. in a speech that lasted more than 90 minutes and touched on dozens of topics, qaddafi tried to rip in two a pocket-sized copy of the un charter, charging that the council’s existence violated the provision that all un members be treated equally. he called for power to go to the general assembly, whose rotating presidency this year is held by libyan diplomat ali treki. “the security council since its establishment did not provide us with security but on the contrary provides us with terror and sanctions,” he said. “it was used against us. it should not be called a security council, it should be called a terror council.” qaddafi’s appearance was his first before the general assembly and his first in the u.s. since the country was removed from the u.s. government’s list of state sponsors of terrorism in 2006. libya was under sanctions imposed by the security council until 2003 after a libyan security agent was convicted of blowing up pan am flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland, in 1988. the agent was returned to libya last month. other candidates the u.s., britain, france, china and russia are the permanent members of the 15-nation council. libya is among the current temporary members of the panel. at one point, qadaffi said security council seats should go to multinational organizations, including the organization of african unity, the non-aligned nations and the 50 u.s. states. qaddafi blamed the council for the global conflict that has occurred since the end of world war ii. the security council, sometimes referred to as the un’s principal policy-making panel, is the only body in the organization whose resolutions are legally binding on all members. “sixty-five wars broke out after the establishment of the un and the security council, and the victims are millions more than the victims of world war ii,” he said. “were these wars in the interest of all of us? no, they were in the interest of one country or three countries or four countries.” turning to the heads of state gathered in the assembly chamber, qaddafi said, “you are just like speakers on hyde park corner” in london. “you make a speech and then disappear.” more voices urged he said the security council should be replaced by a new mechanism he didn’t clearly identify. he said greater voice should be given to the assembly, where each of the 192 un members has a vote. “the general assembly is the parliament of the world, the master of the world, and no one should object,” he said. qaddafi asked for $7.77 trillion in restitution for the wealth he said europe’s former colonial powers stripped from the continent of africa. he wore a silhouette of africa on a brown shirt under a matching tunic. the libyan leader said he is proud of barack obama’s election to the u.s. presidency as a “son of africa” and called him “a glimmer in the dark.” he praised obama’s call for a reduction in nuclear weapons. obama spoke just before qaddafi. qaddafi used his platform to address a range of global issues, from nuclear disarmament to piracy in somalia. he said the un only objects to the nuclear ambitions of small states, and offered to broker a treaty between somali sea bandits and the nations that fish and dump toxic waste along the country’s coast. on mideast peace turning to the israeli-palestinian conflict, just days after obama urged israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and palestinian leader mahmoud abbas to build two states living side-by-side in peace, qaddafi said a two-state solution was “not practicable.” “the solution is an arab state without religious fanaticism,” he said. “look at palestinian youth, look at israeli youth -- they want peace and want to live in one state.” qaddafi’s speech was delayed by at least 10 minutes, as the libyan leader stayed in his seat in the assembly hall greeting well-wishers as treki banged his gavel and called in vain in english and french for the delegates and heads of state to take their seats. as diplomats returned to their seats, treki called on security to escort the libyan leader, whom he called “the king of kings of africa” and “leader of the revolution,” to the podium. move un sessions at one point, qaddafi noted that many world leaders appeared to have dozed off during his speech, and complained that holding un sessions in new york caused jet lag. he said he had woken up at 4 a.m. because of the change in time zones. qaddafi arrived in new york yesterday, and it wasn’t clear if he had spent the night at the libyan mission to the un or at an estate owned by developer donald trump in bedford, new york, about 40 miles northeast of manhattan. bedford town officials yesterday told the estate’s manager to stop the construction of a tent on the property where qaddafi might have spent the night, according to the web site of the journal news, a local newspaper.

  • ○■ バラク・オバマアメリカ大統領に広島を訪れるよう呼びかけています

  • ○■ michelle obama : thakoon coat (white tulle with black grosgrain trim) and jimmy choo kitten heels.・president obama the nobel peace prize for 2009the norwegian nobel committee has decided that the nobel peace prize for 2009 is to be awarded to president barack obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. the committee has attached special importance to obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons. obama has as president created a new climate in international politics. multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the united nations and other international institutions can play. dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. the vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. thanks to obama's initiative, the usa is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. democracy and human rights are to be strengthened. only very rarely has a person to the same extent as obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. his diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population. for 108 years, the norwegian nobel committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which obama is now the world's leading spokesman. the committee endorses obama's appeal that now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges. oslo, october 9, 2009 世界の大学を、研究・就職・国際性・教育といった要素から評価する「the world top 200 universities」は、英誌「time higher education」より先日リリースされています

  • ○■ filipinos are among the biggest spenders in the us, second only to indians, and spending an average of $88.6 billion in goods and services annually.

  • ○■ -ジムローブ(01月28日。。u0026#39;10)

  • ○■ but lawyers for the new york fed, which engineered aig's bailout with the bush administration's treasury department, told aig to remove the information from a draft.

  • ○■ by ap / tom krisher wednesday, apr. 29, 2009

  • ○■ asked if that meant that the palestinians want to see israel begin dismantling settlements before there is a resumption of peace talks, fares said the extreme nature of the current israeli government precludes any such thoughts, particularly when it has not even been able to agree to a settlement freeze, let alone a reduction.

  • ○■ 【12月9日 afp】都内の人形専門店「久月(kyugetsu)」で9日、今年話題になった人を描いた「変わり羽子板」が発表された

  • ○■ people at the grass roots are reckoning with the realities of a battered economy every day, so arguments that clearly benefit the big banks ought to be studied, said iowa sen. charles grassley, the top republican on the powerful senate finance committee.

  • ○■ ンス/張6月)。。u0026amp;$。。u0026amp;$米大統領バラクオバマ水曜日の夜、キャピトルヒルで

  • ○■ ding Barclays. Last year there were $46bn worth of over

  • ○■ tes.Zeituni... バラクオバマ氏の叔母、ケニア、かつて彼の兄弟の世話をし、

  • ○■ &$ &$U.S. President Barack Obama (Front) waves before

  • ○■ 医療になります-民主党-バラクオバマ-アメリカ合衆国-政治Obama tells Democrats to have faith in him, and voters, as he makes f

  • ○■ もしれない、とも思える-----------------------------

  • ○■ cember period, according to a bloomberg survey, foll

  • ○■ on Jan. 27, 2010. (Xinhua/Zhang Jun)&$&$ U.S.

  • ○■ ld news c13 c25 c30 content h2 GU 2FWorld news 2FObama administration width

  • ○■ John Brennan President Barack Obama s aide on homeland secu

  • ○■ 29 2CYemen 28News 29 2CWorld news 2CTerrorism

  • ○■ 1 height 1 div p The White House said to

  • ○■ ongress. ワシントン(ロイター) - 日曜日のバラクオバマ大統領への医療関係者は、医

  • ○■ Health care - Democratic Party - Ba

  • ○■ United States Congress - Barack Obama

  • ○■ Republican - United States - Barack

  • ○■ Barack Obama's decision to lean more on ex-Fed chi

  • ○■ Barack Obama's State of the Union address. Japan's key benchm

  • ○■ before Obama's announcement. While it is still unc

  • ○■ John Brennan President Barack Obama s top advisor on counterter

  • ○■ ... 英国の銀行はウォール街の救済を取り戻すのに、

  • ○■ k img alt src http hits guardian co uk b ss guardiangu feeds 1 H 20 3 86855 ns guardian pa

  • President and barack his States 大統領 アメリカ合衆国 are more year 共和党 政治 ワシントン said there 計画 経済 可能 government who had world banks White Republican today now 国際 can should one people Washington last plan take time you years アフガニスタン reform Jan Senate support him care say ニュース make 議員 healthcare 国家 week come being country America 非難 overhaul change help theworld 場合 other news Politics yesterday China 関係 another off agenda 影響 fromthe budget withthe office then crisis 以来 good 一般教書 Friday relations right content Street way the thathe 発表 days before 記事 too Union much three WallStreet guardian 規模 アルカイダ term Obamahas isa 主張 最初 fact made Democrat 日afp 使用 nation ダウン deal バラクオバマ候補 米大統領 totake theWhite 企業 policy effort point 可能性 might announced リスク 財政 companies Dalai 月日 状態 attack vote takes such response 非常 however markets risk 戦争 ページ ク・オバマbarackobama米大統領 opposition againstthe 投資 Umar 世界 不満 会談 law notbe 構築 yet ハイチ amid フィード ダライラマ CWorldnews isnot 警告 。ナノ 担当 far long 訪問 newyork 直面 金曜日 election oftheUnion thereis Paul thecountry John of 設定 万人 failed reforms proposals する必要 becoming onThursday height bomb unlikely according Wednesday 成長 size seat 最近 won 保険 theend ジョージ don 実施 officials コンテンツ become candidate outof votes 持って フィードAltキーを押し鉄骨のhttpヒット後見人共同 評価 terror 月日c。Cの記事c クラス 期待 reason five plane ノーベル 対処 独自 表示 Haiti 米国 committee businesses contenthGU 月日。Cの記事c jobs theSenate Brown find isto スペース positive 制裁 商品 few 大統領バラクオバマ company 準備 発売 上院 run worth 与える 米国のバラクオバマ ……続きを hisfirst 日。Cの記事c pay post 国際テロ組織 goingto 国家安全 theDalai heightdiv points 現実 変更 percent 提供 フィードAltキーを押し鉄骨のhttpヒット後見人共同英国スペース 公開 hesaid night 述べた Cのコンテンツの水素区 深刻 管理 昨日 考えて 適用 amazon売れ筋商品 最新 部クラスのトラックのBßguardiangu 表明 c。cArticlec March 英国 バラク・オバマbarackobama 出席 主要 反応 バラクオバマアメリカ合衆国 時代 theTaliban isnow 指導 新たな thatthere AArticleA 年間 理事会 言って aplan 。ナノ秒後見人ページ cJanc。cArticlec cCをCのコンテンツの水素区 予想 部クラス 最後
    評価強度 可変性 記述詳細 感情強度 描写総量 装飾量
    0.013 0.082 0.721 0.010 0.710 0.296
    total 120873.89999997723


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