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    スポーツ 関連語 イチロー選手 アスレチックス マリナーズ ヤンキース
    • Video: Newborn white tiger cubs make public debut
      A litter of rare white tiger cubs have been unveiled at a zoo in northern Germany. Fewer than 250 white tigers exist worldwide, most of them in captivity 希少なホワイトタイガーカブスの敷料は、北ドイツの動物園で公開されている

    • Pandas get lessons in survival skills
      BEIJING: Four pregnant pandas bred in captivity have been released into an area of forest in south-west China to prepare their cubs for life in the wild. 北京は:4妊娠パンダ飼育下で繁。南西部の森林面積は中国に野生での生活のためにカブスの準備にリリースされている

    • The week in wildlife - in pictures
      Poisonous caterpillars, legless lizards and rare Sumatran tiger cubs - the pick of this week's images from the natural world 毒毛虫、フラフラになったトカゲや珍しいスマトラトラのカブス - 自然界からの今週の画像のピック

    • Kirsten Dunst Poses Nude With Lion For Bulgari Ad
      The cubs are all grown up and spring is here. Bulgari, following its sultry Fall-Winter 2010-11 spread, recently unveiled its new Mon Jasmin Noir fragrance campaign featuring a disrobed Kirsten Dunst posing alongside a feline friend. カブスは、すべての育っており、春はここにあります

    • Video: Baby panda twins unveiled at Madrid Zoo
      The cubs are the first of their species to be born in Spain since 1982 and only the third litter to be born in Europe カブスは、その種の最初の1982年以来、スペインで生まれたことだけ第三落葉ヨーロッパの負担とさせていただきます

    • Tiger cub triplets born in south-east China - video
      Tiger cubs, each weighing around 1.25kg and measuring 20cm, born at Mt Huangshan Tiger Habitat in Anhui province タイガーカブスは、それぞれ1.25キロ、安徽省の山黄タイ。。u200b。。u200bガーの生息地で生まれたの測定20cm以上周辺地域を計量

    • Tom Ricketts Makes a Necessary Splash in Wrigleyville as Theo Epstein Joins the Chicago Cubs
      Just as the National League Central is enjoying a resurgence of prominence in 2011 with the Milwaukee Brewers and the St Louis Cardinals facing off in the league championship series, the happy-go-lucky Chicago Cubs just got a lot happier with the addition of ex-Boston Red Sox General Manager Theo Epstein. ナショナルリーグ中部地区は、ミルウォーキーブルワーズとリーグチャンピオンシップシリーズでオフに直面しているセントルイスカーディナルズで2011年に卓越性の復活を楽しんでいるのと同じように、楽天的なシカゴカブスだけを追加することでたくさんの幸せなんEX -ボストンレッドソックスゼネラルマネージャーテオエプスタイン

    • Pujols gets 2,000th career hit
      St. Louis slugger Albert Pujols has notched the 2,000th hit of his career, becoming the 263rd Major League Baseball player to reach the milestone.The hit was a double down the third-base line in the eighth inning of the Cardinals' 9-2 victory over the Chicago Cubs on Friday.It came off Chicago relief pitcher Carlos Marmol and drove in a run, giving St. Louis a 9-2 lead that would prove to be the final tally.The crowd of 42,042 responded with a standing ovation for the 10-year veteran. Pujols, at second base, waved his helmet to them. セントルイス強打者アルバートプホルスは彼のキャリアの2000番目のヒットをノッチがあり、milestone.Theヒットに到達する第二百六十三メジャーリーグの野球選手になることは枢機卿。。u0026quot;9-2の8回に三塁線ダウンダブルだったFriday.Itでシカゴカブスの勝利はのためにスタンディングオベーションで応答したシカゴ救援投手カルロスマーモルをオフに来て、セントルイスの42042の最終的なtally.The群集であると証明する9月2日のリードを与え、実行時に運転10年のベテラン

    • Adobe 64-bit対応のFlash plug-inのBeta版を公開
      adobe delivers 64bit flash player preview version (techconnect magazine) adobe offers beta 64-bit flash plug-in with ie9 support (the tech report) adobeがようやく64-bitにnative対応するflash plug-inのプレビュー版をwindows, mac, linuxのメジャーなブラウザ向けにリリースした

    • Rare lion cubs rescued from traffickers in Somalia
      Authorities intervened before the young animals were shipped to Dubai and potentially sold to private buyers as petsSomali officials have intervened to save two three-month-old lion cubs smuggled on board a ship in the port of Berbera, Somalia. The brother and sister are believed to be rare Berbera lions.They were confiscated four weeks ago after Mogadishu's port manager told Bancroft, an organisation training African Union peacekeepers in the Somali capital, of his suspicions that the animals were being trafficked as pets.The cubs, believed to have been destined for Dubai, are now being cared for by Bancroft staff, who have suitable facilities and veterinary care because they provide teams of bomb-sniffing dogs.SomaliaAnimalsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 当局は、若い動物は、ドバイに出荷される前に潜在的に民間のバイヤーに販売petsSomali職員は、ボード上のベラ、ソマリアの港で船を密輸2つの3ヶ月のライオンの獅子を保存するために介入したとして介入した

    • Endangered Sumatran tiger cubs caught on camera by WWF – video
      The World Wildlife Foundation has released footage of rare Sumatran tiger cubs in the Bukit Tigapuluh region of Indonesia, an area threatened with forest clearance despite government promises of protection 世界自然保護基金の保護の政府の約束にもかかわらず、インドネシアのブキティガプル地域における森林伐採と脅さエリア珍しいスマトラトラのカブスの映像を公開しました

    • Cubs boss Piniella to call it a career
      Chicago Cubs manager Lou Piniella, pictured, said he will retire at the end of the season, ending a glorious career of more than two decades as a Maj... シカゴカブス監督ルーピネラは、写真、彼はシーズンの終わりに引退するとして20年以上の輝かしいキャリアを終了した少将..

    • Cubs ace in hospital after broken-bat accident
      Chicago Cubs outfielder Tyler Colvin, pictured, was taken to hospital where he was in stable condition after being hit in the chest by a piece of a ... シカゴカブス外野手タイラーコルヴィンは、写真、彼が安定した状態でも胸の一枚にはねられていた病院に運ばれた...

    • Cubs pitcher to receive treatment for anger issues
      Hot-tempered pitcher Carlos Zambrano has been put on the restricted list by the Chicago Cubs and will be required to undergo treatment for anger issue... 短気投手カルロスザンブラーノはシカゴカブスで制限されたリストに入れている怒りの問題の治療を受けることが必要となります...

    • Cubs' Lilly gets final word in Windy City pitching duel
      Ted Lilly, pictured, took a no-hitter into the ninth inning for the Chicago Cubs before White Sox pinch-hitter Juan Pierre led off the final frame w... テッドリリーは、写真、シカゴカブスの9回にホワイトソックスの前にフアンピエールピンチヒッターをノーヒットノーランを達成したワット..最後のフレームをオフになった

    • Red panda cubs to show at Australian zoo
      Twin red panda cubs born seven weeks ago at the Melbourne Zoo spent Monday out of captivity to receive injections from the veterinarian. Born on December 10, the male and female, who are yet to be named, emerged from their breeding box for their first vaccinations against cat flu and feline enteritis. An endangered species, the twins are the first offspring of mother Roshani and father Sathi who arrived at the zoo in 2009 as part of a regional breeding program. Carnivore keeper Meagan T ... 双子のレッサーパンダカブス7週間前には、メルボルンの動物園で月曜日飼育のうち、獣医師から注射を受けるに使わ生まれ


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