Video: Tomasky talk: Time for Democrats to start leading on health Michael Tomasky calls on elected Democrats to put constituents aside and take a lead on healthcare reformAndy GallagherMichael TomaskyRebecca Lovell
マイケルTomasky成分の脇に置くと、医療reformAndy GallagherMichael TomaskyRebeccaラベルにリードを取るに選出、民主党の呼び出し
Video: What New Housing Numbers Say About Future New home sales see the biggest jump in 47 years. Rebecca Jarvis talks to Dolly Lenz, Vice Chairman, Prudential Douglas Elliman about the current housing boom.
放送大学★実践英語(10’)Vol.20 ② whenever he sees me, he says something critical about my job performance.
Rebecca's hair-raising success As fans from across the globe get ready to bid adieu to the FIFA World Cup, many Chinese merchants are getting ready to cash in on the business boom resulting from the soccer extravaganza.
&$Luciano Tavares and his family from Brazil watch the FIFA World Cup broadcast at a Latin American bar in Beijing. Guan Xin / China Daily&$&$
Be it the ubiquitous vuvuzelas, flags or the colorful wigs on the heads of fans, ... カップ全体からとしてファンが世界FIFAに別れを告げる世界中を得る準備ができて、多くの中国商人は、派手なサッカーされ、結果からブームなって準備ができて、ビジネスの現金でいます
Coming clean on nuclear weapons Day one of the non-proliferation conference in New York brought a small but significant breakthrough for nuclear transparencyThe Obama administration took the view that numbers would trump words on the opening day of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in New York. The decision to reveal the size of the US nuclear stockpile both demonstrated a long-delayed commitment to transparency, and provided a graphic illustration that at least some of the weapons states have been doing something about disarmament. The numbers do not come as any surprise to regular readers of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) Strategic Security Blog, which turned out to have got its estimates almost bang on. Hans Kristensen, the FAS numbers man, has the most detailed analysis of the newly disclosed figures in his latest post.The day before, Kristensen noted that the US appears to be moving rapidly towards the new ceilings for deployed warheads agreed in the New Start treaty, and at the current rate could reach the target 1550 figure before the end of the year. The timing of the administration's release drew some of the sting from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's fire and brimstone speech. It was a characteristic sermon - long and repetitive, combining combattive rhetoric with appeals for love, affection, compassion etc. In her daily blog, Rebecca Johnson of the Acronym Institute describes the impact on at least parts of the audience.It wasn't a walk out, more a shuffle, in twos and threes, as if a few delegates at a time suddenly remembered they were supposed to be somewhere else. Or that syndrome when one person leaves a boring meeting to go to the loo, and then half the room discover they need to go too.But most of the delegates that stayed produced a resonant round of a 日は、ニューヨークの非拡散会議の核transparencyTheオバマ政権のための小さいが重要なブレークスルーをもたらしたという見方を数字は、核不拡散条約(NPT)再検討会議ニューヨークでの開幕日に言葉を切り札とした
Iran sanctions snarl global nuclear talks The brisk rejection of a last minute compromise on Iran proposed by Brazil and Turkey has snarled broader UN talks on disarmament and non-proliferationThe rapid flurry of diplomatic activity in the past few days over Iran has collided with the month-long talks in New York on mending the threadbare Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the results have not been pretty. Some observers inside the NPT negotiations are saying the US and other weapons states have sought a quick diplomatic victory over Iran at the expense of the long-term prospects of the global arms control regime. The Security Council smackdown of Brazil and Turkey's efforts to secure a compromise over Iran's enriched uranium stockpile has taken many inside the conference chamber by surprise and triggered a wave of anger over the humiliation of the two countries' leaders, who had invested considerable political capital in the deal. Anne Penketh of the British American Security Information Council and Rebecca Johnson of the Acronym Institute both report on the diplomatic blowback.The Turks and Brazilians are of course mightily annoyed, but so are many NAM countries who see this week's sequence of events as yet one more example of P5 arrogance. All this has come at a delicate moment at the conference. A deal on how to proceed on a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East remains a key to avoiding another fiasco like 2005, as my colleague Ed Pilkington is reporting. There is a meeting on the zone idea on Wednesday afternoon, to talk about what a conference on the issue would look like, what it would discuss, and whether it would be convened by the UN secretary-general. The details are potentially a deal breaker for Egypt, and if Cairo and other Arab capitals side with Brazil and Turkey, that could spell disast イラン、ブラジル提案に土壇場の妥協の活発な拒絶、トルコ、イラン、過去数日中に軍。外交活動の非proliferationThe急速に相次いで広範な国連交渉をもつれたが、ニューヨークに一カ月間の協議に衝突したとお粗末な核不拡散条約(NPT)に補修の結果はかなりされていない
Guardian Daily podcast: FSA chief executive quits; plus National Trust attempts to change its image Hector Sants has resigned as chief executive of the Financial Services Authority - which the Conservatives say they'll disband if they win the election. Deputy City editor Jill Treanor believes that his departure leaves the City regulator in chaos. And how does the City regard the prospect of George Osborne becoming chancellor?Steven Morris meets British soldiers - members of 4th Mechanized Brigade - getting ready to go to Afghanistan for the first time.The National Trust, which boasts 3.8 million members, launches a new strategy today aimed at shaking off its fusty, paternalistic image, reports Jon Henley.Justin McCurry reports from Toyko on the problems facing Toyota, which has has to recall yet more cars for safety changes.This time it involves almost half a million hybrid cars over safety concerns about their brakes.A new government study into our diets in Britain reveals that teenage girls eat more unhealthily than other people. Rebecca Smithers, our consumer affairs correspondent, explains why.Jon DennisPhil MaynardTim Maby