- Sydney needs better planning to prevent traffic chaos in major event
&$Traffic crosses a major road bridge leading to Sydney's central business district May 11, 2009. (Xinhua/Reuters File Photo)&$&$
Sydney desperately needs better planning to prevent traffic chaos during major events, said Australia's New South Wales Roads Minister Duncan Gay on Monday.
Gay said the government would now review traffic management plans for major events.
He admitted the traffic jam on Sunda ... &$&$トラフィックは2009年5月11日、シドニーの中央ビジネス地区につながる主要道路の橋を渡る
- Afghan, U.S.-led NATO forces launch major offensive against Taliban in Afghanistan
&$British soldiers from the First Battalion The Royal Welsh mobilise for Operation Moshtarak, a combined force of 15,000 troops launching major assaults on Taliban strongholds in Helmand Province, at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan February 13, 2010. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)&$&$
The United States, British and Afghan forces have kicked off a major offensive operation against Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan, ... 操作用&$&$、英兵1大隊ロイヤルウェールズ語を動員Moshtarak、キャンプのBastion、アフガニスタン、2010年2月13日で1万5000人部隊ヘルマンド州のタリバンの拠点に大きな攻撃開始の結合力
- Making a beeline for the suburbs (3)
Liu went to study civil engineering as a postgraduate at Cardiff University in Wales in 2004. Her husband went to pursue the same degree at the University of Southampton in England in the same year. Liu started her job in Shanghai in 2005. She is now a business manager working for the UK-based management and construction consultants Gleeds Building Surveying Ltd, while Qiu is now a ... &$&$劉さんは2004年にウェールズのカーディフ大学で大学院生として土木工学を学ぶに行きました
- British Chancellor introduces new pro-growth economic policy
&$Britain's Chancellor George Osborne speaks at the Conservative spring forum, in Cardiff March 5, 2011. Britain's Conservative Party is in Wales for it's annual spring forum. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)&$&$
British Chancellor George Osborne said on Saturday that the UK government is to announce new enterprise zones in England and vowed to get Britain's economy growing again.
In a speech at the Conservative Party ... &$&は$英国の首相ジョージオズボーンカーディフ2011年3月5日には、保守的な春のフォーラムで話します