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    映画 関連語 ダ・ヴィンチ バチカン ローマ法王 天使と悪魔 コンクラーベ ラングドン教授 三銃士 カトリック
    • Fearless Holland cools down Cardinals bats
      Derek Holland threw a dazzling World Series gem as the Texas Rangers shut out the St Louis Cardinals 4-0 to level the best-of-seven championship at 2-... テキサスレンジャーズが2で、ベストオブ7つのチャンピオンシップを平準化するために4から0セントルイスの枢機卿をシャットアウトとしてデレクホランドは、見事なワールドシリーズのgemを投げ-...

    • Guardian Focus podcast: Scottish sectarianism
      Last week, Celtic's Catholic manager Neil Lennon was attacked by a spectator during a match against Hearts. It was the latest in a series of sectarian incidents against high profile Catholics in Scotland – and a powerful wake up call to the Scottish authorities. But just how much of a problem is sectarianism? And what needs to happen to eradicate it?Hugh Muir explores the reasons for this apparent upsurge in religious hatred. He is joined by Bob Dorris MSP for Glasgow, Peter Kearney the spokesman for Cardinal Keith O'Brien, and Tom Gallagher Professor of the Study of Ethnic Conflict and Peace at Bradford University.Let us know your thoughts on the podcast below.Hugh MuirPeter Sale 先週は、ケルトのカトリックマネージャニールレノンはハーツ戦で観客に襲われた

    • Brian Tate obituary
      Respected and long-standing university historian of SpainProfessor Brian Tate, who has died aged 89, headed the department of Spanish (later Hispanic studies) at Nottingham University for more than a quarter of a century, from 1958 until his retirement in 1983. Nottingham was notably diverse in its array of strongly defined academic personalities and practices; respect and friendship for Brian held the disparate elements together in a formidable intellectual community.Brian's schooling at the Royal Belfast Academical Institution – unusual among big-city grammar schools in the inter-war years in having Spanish in its curriculum – led him in 1939 to a modern languages course at Queen's University. In his second year there, he volunteered for war service, which took him successively to India, Nepal and Burma, as a staff captain in the Gurkha Rifles. He recalled those experiences with quiet and justified pride.After Brian completed his degree in 1948, his Belfast mentor Ignasi González i Llubera, an inspirational scholar and Catalan patriot, sent him to Barcelona and Girona to work on the history of a region whose study, under Franco, was an act of political dissent. Brian began a lifelong dialogue with a generation of historians – Vicens Vives, Pierre Vilar and others – for whom that dissenting vantage-point influenced their understanding of Catalan and Spanish history.Brian wrote a master's thesis on the 15th-century diplomat, historian and early humanist Cardinal Margarit of Girona. There followed a doctorate (1955) on Italian humanistic influences in late-medieval historical writing in Spain. In this work, Brian's careful charting of a complex transition implied searching reassessments of the ways in which history is known and written.After brief lecturing appointments 尊敬は、89歳で死亡したSpainProfessor 。。u200b。。u200bBrian Tateさんの長年の大学の歴史は1983年に引退するまで1958年から、世紀の4分の1以上のノッティンガム大学でスペイン語学科(後のヒスパニック系の研究)に向かった

    • Pujols gets 2,000th career hit
      St. Louis slugger Albert Pujols has notched the 2,000th hit of his career, becoming the 263rd Major League Baseball player to reach the milestone.The hit was a double down the third-base line in the eighth inning of the Cardinals' 9-2 victory over the Chicago Cubs on Friday.It came off Chicago relief pitcher Carlos Marmol and drove in a run, giving St. Louis a 9-2 lead that would prove to be the final tally.The crowd of 42,042 responded with a standing ovation for the 10-year veteran. Pujols, at second base, waved his helmet to them. セントルイス強打者アルバートプホルスは彼のキャリアの2000番目のヒットをノッチがあり、milestone.Theヒットに到達する第二百六十三メジャーリーグの野球選手になることは枢機卿。。u0026quot;9-2の8回に三塁線ダウンダブルだったFriday.Itでシカゴカブスの勝利はのためにスタンディングオベーションで応答したシカゴ救援投手カルロスマーモルをオフに来て、セントルイスの42042の最終的なtally.The群集であると証明する9月2日のリードを与え、実行時に運転10年のベテラン

    • Stolen treasures list published by Spanish police
      Catalogue is designed to help reunite stolen art and precious objects with their rightful ownersSpanish police have published a catalogue of recovered stolen art and precious objects in the hope of reuniting them with their rightful owners. Among the items retrieved during raids are six Picasso pieces from 1933 titled Cardinal Sins, each in its own silver frame. Other pieces featured in the catalogue include an Etruscan bronze sculpture estimated by police to be 2,000 years old, jewellery made of gold, diamonds and emeralds, Roman coins, and a 17th-century tapestry depicting the Battle of the Granicus, at which Alexander the Great defeated the Persian Empire. AP MadridSpainEuropeArt theftArtguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds カタログは、その正当な所有者とそれらを再会の希望でアートと貴重なオブジェクトを盗まれた回復のカタログを発行している正当なownersSpanish警察に盗まれた芸術と貴重なオブジェクト再会するために設計されています

    • Letters: Images of the cross and Piss Christ
      I would have hoped that Christians might welcome any image of Jesus Christ being subjected to cruel indignities (albeit artistically), given that the real-life cruel indignities described in the crucifixion stories and ever-present in the iconography of the cross are central to Christian belief (Letters, 23 April). The original Roman nails were presumably real; the extra nails of Piss Christ merely metaphorical. Is there really that much to get upset about when images of Jesus being mistreated dangle from every cardinal's neck and appear on every cathedral and chapel altar, and in every stained-glass window around the world, and have done so for 2,000 years?There is a bigger irony here: Piss Christ is a visually compelling piece which, without knowing the work's title and method of construction, many Christians would happily hang on their walls (though I wouldn't pay more than a tenner for it). Meanwhile, traditional crucifixion paintings (El Greco, say) portray a beautiful, bearded, western white guy, somehow radiant at his point of departure. In either case, you could say smoke and mirrors: both true or untrue, depending on what you care to believe.As for the Danish cartoons: like all businesses, the Guardian has a duty of care to its own staff. Not subjecting employees to the unwanted attentions of Islamo-fascist terrorists does not equate to editorial oversensitivity to Muslim feelings at the expense of Christian ones. As an atheist, I don't care much either way about theological arguments, but do care when too easily offended religious believers of any stripe try to limit the Guardian's journalistic freedom of expression.Nigel LonghurstLiverpoolArtReligionChristianityIslamFreedom of speechguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this conten 私はキリスト教徒は、十字架の図像に常に存在し、はりつけのストーリーで説明した実際の残酷な屈辱は、キリスト教の中心であることを考えると残酷な屈辱(芸術的ではあるが)を受けているイエスキリストの任意の画像を歓迎するかもしれないと期待していた信念(文学年4月23日)

    • Pope elevates 24 new cardinals
      Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday elevated 24 new cardinals from around the world, bringing them into an elite club which will eventually elect his successor. 土曜日のローマ法王ベネディクト16世は最終的に彼の後継者を選出するエリートクラブにそれらを持って来るのは、世界中から24の新枢機卿を上昇させた

    • Cuba to free two dissidents who refused Spain exile
      Cuba will soon release two of the 11 political prisoners it is holding who have rejected exile in Spain, the Catholic Church said on Friday.The statement by the office of the archbishop of Havana, Cardinal Jaime Ortega, did not say when the men would be released.They were identified as Angel Moya -- the husband of Berta Soler, one of the leaders of the Ladies in White group of dissident wives and mothers -- and Guido Sigler, whose brother Ariel was released from prison in June 2010 and allowed to travel to the United States. キューバはすぐに誰がスペインに亡命を拒否されている保持している11の政治犯のうち2つをリリースする予定、カトリック教会は、男性は次のようになりますときに言っていない、ハバナ、枢機卿して、Jaime Ortegaさんの大司教の事務局がFriday.The文によるとバータソレル、反体制派の妻や母親のホワイトグループ内の女性のリーダーの一人の夫 - - 、グイドシグラー、その兄のアリエル2010年6月に刑務所から解放され、許可released.Theyは天使モヤとして同定された米国への旅行

    • Labour's organising roots | Luke Bretherton
      David Miliband is right to highlight the power of community organising, a power that often has religion at its foundationThrough his movement for change David Miliband has made community organising the basis for what he hopes will be a renewal of the Labour movement. This raises the question of what the relationship is between Labour and community organising. It turns out they share a common ancestry.In the American and British contexts forms of popular, local self-organisation and common action emerged within such movements as the anti-slavery and abolitionist movements, the chartists and the temperance movement. These were aligned and had a symbiotic relationship with popular religion. Whether it was Methodism, working class Catholicism or the Shtetl movement in Judaism, popular forms of religiosity were a key social force generating the practices and common values vital for such grass roots activism. We see this confluence embodied in a figure like Keir Hardie, RH Tawney and Cardinal Manning – Manning was of course central to the 1889 London dockers strike, a turning point in the history of the British labour movement, as well as being founder of the Catholic temperance society. It resurfaced on 3 May this year at the CitizensUK event when Gordon Brown connected to his Presbyterian and Labour roots and gave the speech of the campaign, if not his career.What all such movements shared is a commitment to the priority of relationships – family, friendship, and neighbourhood – and the commitment to a common set of values – taking responsibility, hard work, loyalty (what religious people call faithfulness), reciprocity and the dignity of the individual. What these movements represent, and what they feed into community organising and the unions, is the assertion of the prio デイヴィッドミリバンドは、しばしば、そのfoundationThrough変更のための彼の動きでデービッドミリバンドは、コミュニティを、彼は労働運動の更新されることを願って何のための基礎を整理した宗教を持って力を社会組織の力を強調するための権利である

    • Guardian Focus podcast: Pope Benedict XVI
      Pope Benedict's four-day tour of Britain culminated on Sunday with the beatification ceremony of Cardinal John Henry Newman in Birmingham.Riazat Butt has followed the pope's progress from a meeting with the Queen in Edinburgh, to mass in Glasgow, to an address at Westminster Hall and finally to the event in Birmingham.Along the way she hears from Catholics who have queued for hours to catch a glimpse of the head of their church - and from those who have protested against the state visist, part-funded by the British government.John Hooper, the Guardian's Rome correspondent, has travelled with the pope; Stephen Bates, a religious affairs expert, has been following his tour for the Guardian and [NAME GOES HERE] discuss the issues raised by the visit and what it tells us about attitudes to religion in 21st century Britain.Riazat ButtJohn HooperStephen BatesPeter Sale イギリスのベネディクト16世の4日間のツアーは日曜Birmingham.Riazatバット枢機卿ジョンヘンリーニューマンの列福式で女王エジンバラとの会合から法王の進捗状況を続けており、グラスゴーの質量に、ウェストミンスターホールでアドレスに結実一部は、英国政府が資金のイベント、最終的に彼女はカトリック時間のために教会の頭を垣間見ることにキューに入れているから聞く方法をBirmingham.Alongにする - と人々の状態visist抗議しているから

    • Pope's UK visit culminates in beatification of Cardinal Newman
      Pilgrims braved the early morning rain to join Benedict XVI at a beatification mass for the Victorian poet-priest Cardinal John Henry Newman, the first such ceremony on British soil 巡礼者は、早朝の雨のビクトリア朝の詩人、司。枢機卿ジョンヘンリーニューマン、英国土壌の最初のような式の列福質量でベネディクト16世への参加を勇敢に立ち向かった

    • Irish Catholic leader Sean Brady suffers suspected heart attack
      Embattled cardinal stable in hospital after being taken ill at confirmation ceremonyIreland's embattled Catholic Cardinal Sean Brady was taken to hospital tonight with a suspected heart attack.The Catholic primate was taken to Craigavon Area hospital in Northern Ireland after being taken ill at a confirmation ceremony in Co Tyrone this evening.A spokesman for the hospital said the 70-year-old cardinal was in a stable condition.Brady faces demands from clerical abuse victims to stand down over his role in silencing two young victims of the paedophile priest Brendan Smyth. Smyth was one of Ireland's most notorious paedophiles whom the Catholic church continually moved around the country, Northern Ireland, England and the US even after it knew about the allegations against the Norbertine priest.The cardinal confirmed he met two alleged victims in the 1970s and passed the information on to superiors, who removed Smyth's licence to act as a priest.But Smyth continued to rape and molest young boys and girls until he was brought to justice in the mid-1990s.His case was one of the first paedophile priest scandals to rock the Catholic church in Ireland and also led to the collapse of the Irish government's Fianna 。áil/Labour coalition in 1994.He was later jailed for sex attacks on about 90 children in the north and south of Ireland over a 40-year period and died in prison.Brady has said he will address the issue of the alleged church cover-up on Pentecost Sunday, 23 May.CatholicismIrelandReligionHenry McDonaldguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 病気確認ceremonyIrelandの四面楚歌のカトリック枢機卿ショーブラディーで撮影されて陥っ枢機。病院で安定した後、病院に今夜疑いの心attack.Theカトリック霊長類と北アイルランドでクレイゲーボン周辺の病院に病気共同の確認式で撮影された後、撮影された撮影されたタイロンは病院このevening.Aスポークスマンは70歳の枢機卿が安定condition.Bradyでシャット小児性愛者の司祭ブレンダンスミスの2人の若い者を黙らせるに彼の役割に立って事。虐待の被害者からの要求に直面していると述べた

    • Guardian Daily podcast: PM admits Iraq inquiry evidence was wrong; and calls for resignation of head of Ireland’s Catholic Church
      Gordon Brown has told the Commons he made a mistake over defence spending in his evidence to the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war. Chief political correspondent Nicholas Watt assesses the damage to the prime minister.Reporter Helen Pidd looks at Labour's election strategy, which will include a series of intimate meetings with Gordon Brown in voters' front rooms.Cardinal Sean Brady, the head of the Irish Catholic Church, has said sorry for failing to tell the police in 1975 about a paedophile priest. The cover-up allowed Father Brendan Smyth to continue abusing children for 18 years. Ireland correspondent Henry McDonald says Cardinal Brady may be forced to resign.Europe's colonisation of the New World is the theme of this year's Edinburgh Festival. The festival's director, Jonathan Mills, told the Guardian's Scotland correspondent Severin Carrell about the highlights.Ai Weiwei, China's greatest living artist, is doing the Tate Modern's next Turbine Hall installation. He talks to Beijing correspondent Tania Branigan.A group of writers have ascribed imaginary lives to a collection of 16th and 17th century portraits of people whose identity has been lost in the mists of time. Steven Morris reports from a new exhibition at Montacute House in Somerset.Jon DennisAndy DuckworthTim Maby ゴードンブラウン氏は、防衛支出の上の彼の証拠には、イラク戦争にChilcotお問い合わせへミスコモンズ話しました

    • Who can claim Newman? | The question
      Cardinal Newman was the greatest English Catholic of the Victorian age. But whose side would he be on today?The beatification of John Henry, Cardinal Newman will be the centrepiece of the pope's visit to Britain this autumn. But his legacy is contested within the Catholic church. Depending on your angle, he is either a model for a liberal and fairly autonomous church, in which the believer's conscience is an authority higher than the pope, or a man whose example shows how the conscience can be educated and disciplined so that it would never disagree with the magisterium – and only then is it worthy of respect. Was he a man who showed how the church might change, or one who showed that it never really changed, only deepened and developed? Or is his real message to the church the one left in his enigmatic grave, which turned out to contain nothing at all when his remains were to be reinterred in preparation for this autumn's ceremony. His spirit was not to be found there. But where would it lead us today?ReligionChristianityCatholicismguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ニューマン枢機卿が最大の英語カトリックビクトリア時代だった

    • Maria Kerigan
      While she was head of English at Cardinal Griffin school, Poplar, in east London, in the 1950s, my grandmother Maria Kerigan, who has died aged 95, developed an interest in drama and broadcasting. When she retired from teaching in 1968, she decided to volunteer for Mary Whitehouse's National Viewers' and Listeners' Association, and in 1970 became its first national secretary. However, her approach to censorship and broadcasting standards was quite different from Whitehouse's.Films such as Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange were then testing the limits of the British Board of Film Censors (later Classification, BBFC). While denouncing Kubrick's most controversial work, Maria was careful to differentiate between a film depicting violence for its own sake and one where it could be contextualised. Where Whitehouse's approach was absolute, Maria believed instead in providing information to viewers and listeners. Indeed, she felt that the violence in films such as The Godfather (which became one of her favourites) could be fully justified by the story.Whitehouse regularly appeared on television, arguing for taste and decency. Maria, however, quietly operated the machinery of the association, engaging in effective diplomacy with figures in the BBFC, BBC and government, and making the case for greater provision of information and education about film and television productions.Her pragmatism may have produced an unspoken tension with Whitehouse. They parted company as campaigners shortly after The Romans in Britain trial of 1982. Whitehouse's autobiography, Quite Contrary (1993), omitted all mention of Maria, despite her years as a dedicated volunteer.Born near Leigh, in Lancashire, Maria won a scholarship to Mount St Joseph grammar school in Bolton, then read 一方彼女は東ロンドンにある枢機卿グリフィン学校、ポプラ、で英語の頭は、1950年代にあった、私の祖母マリアKerigan氏は95歳で死去したが、ドラマの放送に関心を開発した

    • Timothy Radcliffe on the crisis | Andrew Brown
      More Catholic thoughts on the abuse crisis, from the admirable Dominican Timothy RadcliffeAlso this morning, Timothy Radcliffe writes in the Tablet on why he is still a Catholic. He is one of the most personally impressive Christians I have ever known; I don't like to write about that sort of thing partly because of an old joke which says that the superego is that part of the personality dissolved by alcohol. Well, goodness is that part of the personality which dissolved in journalism and any attempt to describe or testify to it results in absurdity or worse – cf Malcolm Muggeridge. However, I listen carefully to anything Timothy Radcliffe has to say, and his defence of the Vatican is interesting as well as well-informed: It is generally imagined that the Vatican is a vast and efficient organisation. In fact it is tiny. The CDF only employs 45 people, dealing with doctrinal and disciplinary issues for a Church which has 1.3 billion members, 17 per cent of the world's population, and some 400,000 priests. When I dealt with the CDF as Master of the Dominican Order, it was obvious that they were struggling to cope. Documents slipped through the cracks. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger lamented to me that the staff was simply too small for the job.People are furious with the Vatican's failure to open up its files and offer a clear explanation of what happened. Why is it so secretive? Angry and hurt Catholics feel a right to transparent government. I agree. But we must, in justice, understand why the Vatican is so self-protective. There were more martyrs in the twentieth century than in all the previous centuries combined. Bishops and priests, Religious and laity were assassinated in Western Europe, in Soviet countries, in Africa, Latin America and Asia.Many Catholics still s 立派なドミニカ共和国ティモシーRadcliffeAlsoから虐待の危機に関するさらに詳しいカトリック考え、今朝、ティモシーラドクリフは、タブレットで、彼はまだカトリック理由に書き込みます

    • The Catholic church should free its priests from celibacy | Editorial
      Pope Benedict XVI needs to break with tradition and allow priests to marrySpare a thought for the typical Catholic priest. His image has been blackened by successive child abuse scandals, first in Ireland and America, now in Germany, Holland and Italy. His vocation is vanishing – only seven men were ordained in England and Wales last year – and as a result, his work-load has multiplied. With several parishes to tend, his isolation grows. Hardly the kind of vibrant and healthy culture to inspire men with the strength to deal with society's ills.Clearly this is unsustainable. The church needs to grapple with the issue at the heart of its scandals: sex. Rome must review its position on celibacy and an all-male priesthood. When a priest is locked into a solitary lifestyle as part of his contract with his church, rather than with his God, resentment will surely follow. In a lonely and sometimes hostile environment, that resentment will fester.It is now an open secret that many priests have live-in lovers, with parishioners sympathetically keeping quiet. Priests involved in homosexual relations have been more covert, but anonymous polls have repeatedly showed that homosexuality is common among the clergy.These shadow-lives need to be allowed into the open. There is now hope that they will. The arch-traditionalist cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna is calling for an urgent examination of the celibate priesthood. The issue of women priests should also get an airing. As we report today, the Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, has published an analysis that links systemic cover-up of scandal to the dearth of women in the hierarchy. Allowing women priests, as the Church of England has done for over 15 years, would blow open the doors to an establishment canthat, in its ローマ教皇ベネディクト16世の伝統を打破し、祭司は、典型的なカトリックの司祭のことを考えmarrySpareすることが必要です

    • JD Salinger: A guy you'd want to call up (but he wouldn't take calls)
      Not the beatnik you'd expect to write the novel that invented the 20th-century teenagerHolden Caulfield, the hero of The Catcher in the Rye, says that a good writer is someone who makes you feel you can call them up on the phone.JD Salinger's work had that quality in spades, which made it all the more intriguing that he spent so many decades not taking calls from journalists, biographers and – above all – publishers.His silence and unwillingness even to be photographed made him a powerful mythical figure. Don DeLillo once wrote a whole novel inspired by a photo of Salinger fending off a photographer.Yet Salinger was not a man for avant-garde stunts. He made his name writing for the New Yorker in the legendary days when short story writers could command big bucks and big audiences.Nor was Salinger the kind of beatnik figure you'd expect to write the novel that invented the 20th century teenager – at least not until he started taking an interest in Zen Buddhism and writing his last published stories. For all his marvellous grumbling, Caulfield was a privileged east coast prep schoolboy.Even so, Holden became a role model for several generations of disaffected teens. Ian Hamilton, Salinger's first biographer, wrote that when he first read The Catcher he went around for months afterwards being Holden, and was annoyed to discover later that thousands had done the same.The fact that people felt that way was only partly to do with Holden's appealing anti-phoney stance. It came down to Salinger's ability to make sophisticated writing look like speech – a harder thing to do than he made it seem.Salinger's silence since 1965 has invited a lot of speculation. Like Thomas Pynchon, but perhaps less deliberately, he turned himself into a cardinal symbol of the cultural refusenik i 探しているビートニク場合には、20世紀teenagerHoldenコーフィールド、畑でつかまえてキャッチャーの主人公は、発明小説を書くことを期待したいことは、優れた作家たちあなたphone.JD上でそれらを呼び出すことができますを感じさせる誰かが言うサリンジャーの作品はスペードのそれよりは、彼のジャーナリスト、伝記作家のすべて-上-からの呼び出しを取らないので、何十年も過ごした魅力のすべてては、品質が沈黙し、不本意にも撮影するpublishers.Hisは彼に強力な神秘的な有名人となりました


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