- Happy Friday!!
maxx is always very beautiful and handsome dog
- 1960 Stanley Cup Finals Game 4
maurice richard の他にも、jacques plante ,doug harvey ,jean beliveau ,bernie geoffrion ,henri richard と、2000年にthe hockey news が選んだthe top 100 nhl players of all timeに選ばれた選手が1970年代のcanadiens 同様に6人が選出されており、人によってはこちら(1960年代)のcanadiens こそが歴代最高のhockey club だという声もある
- 8月の音源
little boots - new in town
- シェパードニーム「マスタブルー」「レイトレッド」
master brew bitter
this is the beer that shepherd neame is best known for in the brewery's kentish heartland - a distinctive, mid-brown bitter ale, with all the hoppy aroma you'd expect of a beer brewed in the heart of the hop country. well balanced, with a taste that's been described as wonderfully aggressive, tinged with sweetness .master brew is brewed using only the finest kentish barley and hops, and is the best-selling cask ale brewed in kent.
tasting notes:
a clean, dry, refreshing, session bitter, having a touch of sweetness, but displaying an assertive and vibrant hop with a lingering bitter finish.
tasting notes by peter ogie, famous beer writer