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    医療 健康 関連語 知的障害 統合失調症 デイケア
    • Parents mourn loss of second daughter
      SYDNEY - The final act in a searing family tragedy has been played out with the death in prison of a mentally ill woman who killed her younger sister after rows about internet access and a hair straightener.Kathleen Worrall, 22,... シドニーは - 焼け付くような家族の悲劇の最後の行為のインターネットアクセス、ヘアドライヤーstraightener.Kathleenウォラル、22、約行の後に彼女の妹を殺した精神障害者の女性刑務所で死をも演じている...

    • Pakistan frees mentally ill woman on Qur'an charge after 14 years
      Zaibun Nisa arrested in 1996 after Muslim prayer leader told police someone had desecrated holy bookA court has freed a mentally ill woman who has been held without trial for 14 years on allegations of desecrating the Qur'an. Under Pakistan's strict blasphemy laws, anyone accused of insulting Islam, the prophet Muhammad or the Qur'an can be sentenced to death. Zaibun Nisa, 60, was arrested in 1996 after a Muslim prayer leader told police that someone had desecrated the holy book. Her family did not challenge the charge, and the woman was sent to a mental hospital in Lahore. Her lawyer said he was shocked to know that police had arrested her despite knowing that she was mentally ill.PakistanIslamReligionguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds Zaibunニサは1996年にイスラム教徒の祈りの指導者は、警察が誰かが聖なるブッカ裁判所を冒涜したと語った後、クルアーンを汚しの容疑で14歳の裁判なしに行われている精神障害者の女性を解放した逮捕された

    • South Asia needs to root out mental health stigmas | Jagannath Lamichhane
      Negative social attitudes towards mental illness are a problem that can't be addressed in a purely medical frameworkMental health is generally excluded from the social context in developing countries. The absence of mental health policy and programmes, negligible budgets for mental health care, and routine human rights violations of mentally ill people are evidence of the need for action.Available mental health services tend to be urban-centred and hospital-based, with the result that 80%-90% of populations have no access to treatment. People labelled as mentally ill are the worst victims of social violence; mainstream society still fails to acknowledge their suffering as a valid human experience that requires attention and support. Once people are labelled as mentally ill, as far as society is concerned, their civil and human rights are suspended for ever. They are exposed to discrimination that results in a non-human identity and damaged personality.When, I publicly shared my experience of struggling with mental disorder since my early childhood, I had never thought that the majority of my friends would turn their backs on me instead of being supportive. These were the same people who treated me as a lifelong friend before they knew I had some mental problems.It is sad for me, and hard to accept that my public identity of a person facing mental disorder ruined my social contacts and a sense of belonging to my society as an equal human. I don't feel responsible for such artificial social behaviour; however, I am suffering because of that. But this experience gave me a new mission in life: to fight to ensure justice and human dignity for the mentally afflicted community across the world.Recalling my own experience, social ostricisation is worse than the real illness. Fu 精神疾患への負の社会的態度は、純粋に医療frameworkMental健康で対処できない問題一般的に発展途上国の社会的文脈から除外されます

    • What next for Nepal? | Jagannath Lamichhane
      Time is running out for Nepal to reach political consensus, but a national unity government under the Maoists could avert conflictFour years after the Maoists and the government of Nepal signed a comprehensive peace accord, the red-dressed Maoists' protests have once again surrounded Nepal. Since 2 May, they have been staging nationwide protests demanding the resignation of the prime minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal, and the formation of new national unity government under the leadership of the Maoist party's chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal.Back in 1996, Maoists instigated a people's war in order to bring about a new democratic and federal republic. The decade-long insurgency claimed 13,000 lives and left thousands of people displaced, widowed, and both physically and mentally disabled. Victims are still waiting for justice. As the largest political party in the constituent assembly, Maoists claim that their current protest is spearheading the timely promulgation of a new constitution, which is due by 28 May. But time is running out, and new political tensions and public frustrations are gripping the country. If the major political parties fail to reach a consensus before the deadline, Nepal could plunge into conflict.The current coalition government is headed by an unelected prime minister and a majority of unelected ministers backed by India, who has already declared its own homegrown Maoists as the country's biggest internal security threat – it suspects that Nepalese Maoists are aiding their southern comrades. The Maoists, who have the people's mandate to rule the country, are now in the opposition. This makes it difficult for the Nepalese government to take independent decisions and reconcile with the Maoists.The Maoists' urban-centered demonstrations have also further pol タイムアウトがネパールの政治的合意に到達するが、実行しているマオイストの下に挙国一致政府が毛沢東の後、ネパール政府conflictFour年を回避することが包括的和平協定を、赤服マオイスト。。u0026#39;抗。署名再びネパールに囲まれている


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