090510[bx2]身体系×3 090510[bx2]-1 body schema; body structural description; fmri
what is the position of an arm relative to the body?
neural correlates of body schema and body structural description
090607[bx2][mz1]紡錘状回と扁桃体と社交不安 090607[bx2][mz1] fusiform gyrus; amygdala; social anxiety; fmri
influence of the fusiform gyrus on amygdala response to emotional faces
in the non-clinical range of social anxiety
090912[bx2]なんでもかんでもまねするわけじゃない 090912[bx2]-1 imitation; mirror neurons; response inhibition
the brain's intention to imitate:
the neurobiology of intentional versus automatic imitation
090731[bx2]co-speech gesturesとpantomimeの比較 090731[bx2]-2 multimodal integration; action; language; co-speech gestures; pantomimes; fmri
differential roles for left inferior frontal and superior temporal cortex
in multimodal integration of action and language
090731[bx2]imagined transitive movements 090731[bx2]-1 left inferior parietal lobule; transitive movements; tools; fmri
tool responsive regions in the posterior parietal cortex:
effect of differences in motor goal and target object during imagined transitive movements