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    ビジネス 経済 関連語 サウジアラビア クウェート NY原油 カルテル 原油価格 CRUD 原油先物 金融緩和
    • OPEC weekly oil price hits new record high
      Impacted by the decline in U.S. dollars exchange rate, the weekly average prices of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) last week rebounded again, hitting a new record high of 84.90 U.S. dollars per barrel over the past two years, the Vienna-based cartel said Monday. It represented the highest level of OPEC weekly average oil price since the first week of October 2008. On Friday, OPEC crude oil price reached 87.13 dollars a barrel, also reaching a new high of OPEC daily o ... 米ドルの為替レートの下落の影響を受け、石油輸出国機構(OPEC)は先週の週間平均価格は、新しいレコードをバレル当たり84.90ドルの過去2年間、高打撃、再び反発し、ウィーンベースカルテルは明らかにした

    • OPEC weekly oil price keeps rising for fourth week
      The weekly average oil price of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) increased to 110.29 U.S. dollars per barrel last week, the Vienna-based cartel said Monday. The OPEC basket prices have so far continued to increase for four consecutive weeks. Analysts believe that this round of continual price hikes is not driven by big changes in supply and demand in oil market, but due to market speculation promoted by the turmoil in North Africa and Arab countries, many of which a ... 石油輸出国機構(OPEC)の週平均原油価格がバレルの最後の週に110.29ドルに増加し、ウィーンベースのカルテルが月曜日に言いました

    • OPEC weekly oil prices settle below 90 dollars at end of 2010
      Although the weekly average prices of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) continued to increase at the last week of 2010, it maintained below 90 U.S. dollars, representing 89.89 dollars per barrel, the Vienna-based cartel said Monday. OPEC weekly average price kept increasing for the fifth week last week, which also has hit a new record high for the consecutively fifth time since the first week of October 2008. Since late November 2010, OPEC oil prices have begun a new ... 石油輸出国機構(OPEC)の週間平均価格は、2010年の最後の週で増加し続けたが、それは1バレル当たり89.89ドルを表す、90ドル以下に維持、ウィーンベースのカルテルが月曜日に言いました

    • OPEC weekly oil price keeps rising
      The weekly average prices of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) continued to increase by 2.34 U.S. dollars last week after it got above 90 dollars, reaching 93.30 dollars per barrel, the Vienna-based cartel said Monday. OPEC weekly oil prices kept increasing for seven consecutive weeks. During last five trading days, OPEC oil prices increased with a largest range over the passing six weeks. An increase in international oil prices last week was significantly caused by ... 石油輸出国機構(OPEC)の週間平均価格が90ドル以上得た後バレル当たり93.30ドルに達し、先週の2.34ドルに増加し続け、ウィーンベースのカルテルが月曜日に言いました

    • OAPEC sets 2011 budget at 7.28 mln USD (2)
      &$&$ Ministers of the Arab oil-producing countries pose for photos prior to the Ministerial Conference of the Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) in Cairo, capital of Egypt, Dec. 25, 2010. (Xinhua/Cai Yang)&$ 【1】 【2】 </a ... 。。u003chtml。。u003e &$&$は、閣僚アラブ産油国のカイロでアラブ石油輸出国機構(OAPEC)、エジプト、2010年12月25日の首。閣僚会議の前に写真のポーズ

    • Oil retreats on OPEC's output talks
      U.S. crude oil retreated from a multi-year high on Tuesday as Kuwaiti Oil Minister Sheikh Ahmed al- Abdullah al-Sabah said that Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) members are in informal talks about raising oil output amid the unrest in Libya continues. Al-Sabah said that he has talked to Abdalla El-Badri, the OPEC secretary general, about the necessity of raising output and El- Badri is calling everybody and making a consensus on whether OPEC needs an urgent formal meeting ... クウェート石油相アハマドアルアブドラアルサバーハは、石油輸出国機構(OPEC)のメンバーが引き続きリビアの不安の中で石油生産を上げるについて非公式協議になっていることを言ったように、米国は、原油火曜日に複数年ぶりの高値から後退した

    • OPEC: 'Acceptable' for oil price to spike to $120
      OPEC's leading oil price hawk Iran joined Venezuela and Libya Sunday to say it saw no need for the cartel to consider raising crude supplies to rein in crude prices now near $100 a barrel. Iranian Oil Minister Massoud Mirkazemi said some members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries saw no need for producers to act even if prices went to $120 a barrel. The comments will be of concern for consumer countries worried that rising commodity costs are igniting inflation and j ... OPECの主要な石油価格の鷹イラン、ベネズエラ、リビア日曜日は、1バレル100ドル近くになりました原油価格の抑制への原油供給の引き上げを検討してカルテルのための必要を見たと言って参加しました

    • OPEC weekly oil price continues to tumble
      The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) weekly average prices dropped significantly last week, falling by 6.1 U.S. dollars to 71.56 dollars per barrel, the Vienna-based cartel said Monday. On Thursday, OPEC's daily average oil price hit 69.64 dollars per barrel, its lowest level this year. OPEC's weekly average oil price reached its record high this year of 83.36 dollars a barrel in the last week of April, after a significant period of decline. However last week, the weekl ... 組織は1週間の石油輸出国機構(OPEC)週平均最終価格下落大幅バレル米国落下6.1 1 71.56ドルにドル、ウィーンベースのカルテルによると月曜日木曜日で、OPECの1日の平均原油価格が1バレル。。u003dドル当たり69.64ヒット最も低いレベルは今年

    • OPEC weekly oil price slightly descend
      The weekly average price of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) slightly dropped to 77.24 U.S. dollars per barrel last week from 77.71 dollars of the previous week, the Vienna-based oil cartel said Monday. The fall came after a lasting price rise for four consecutive weeks. Early this year, the OPEC weekly oil price once got close to 80 dollars per barrel. But the price fell to as low as 70.55 dollars in the second week of February. Afterwards, the price rebounded to 7 ... 機構石油輸出国機構(OPEC)の週間平均価格はわずかに1バレル当たり77.24ドルは先週、ウィーンベースの石油カルテル前の週の77.71ドルから下落月曜日

    • OPEC oil keeps increasing for four consecutive weeks
      The weekly average prices of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) kept rising for four consecutive weeks, reaching 78.24 U.S. dollars per barrel last week, the Vienna-based cartel said Monday. In the first week of July this year, OPEC weekly average oil price has dropped to 70.63 U.S. dollars a barrel, following a persistent increase to 72.93, 73.43, and 74.01 U.S. dollars in the second, third and fourth week respectively. In the first week of August this year, OPEC wee ... 国機構(OPEC)のエクスポート週間石油平均価格は、組織の週連続の4つの保管上昇週間最後のドルバレル米国に到達78.24、ウィーンベースのカルテルは、明らかにした

    • OPEC oil prices rise with fluctuations in narrow range
      The weekly average price of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) continued to rise to 77.71 U.S. dollars per barrel last week, up by 1.42 dollars over a week ago, the Vienna-based cartel said Monday. Over the entire week, OPEC's oil prices remained at a high level, fluctuating at a narrow range between 77.38 dollars and 77.86 dollars. Last week, major international energy agencies, in their latest reports, all predicted a growth for international crude oil demand this y ... 機構石油輸出国機構(OPEC)の週間平均価格が1バレル当たり77.71ドルは先週、最大1.42ドルで、1週間以上前に、ウィーンベースのカルテルを明らかにした上昇を続け、まるまる1週間以上、OPECの石油価格は、高いレベルでは、77.38ドルと77.86ドルの間の狭い範囲で変動していた

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