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    飲食 関連語 ショーシャンクの空に コーヒーメーカー アッサム
    • Rockets pair on a high after triple-overtime win
      Aaron Brooks scored a career-high 43 points and Chuck Hayes snagged a career-high 17 rebounds as Houston downed NBA rivals Minnesota 120-114 in trip... アーロンブルックスキャリアハイの43ポイントとチャックヘイズキャリアヒューストンの旅でミネソタ120から114までのNBAのライバル撃。高17リバウンド引っかかる点...

    • American hunting for Bin Laden released from Pakistan
      American citizen Gary Brooks Faulkner, who arrived in Pakistan earlier this month with a greed to collect a big bounty for killing al-Qaeda chief, has been released and left for the United States, local media reported on Wednesday. Faulkner, 51, was arrested from the northern Pakistan's scenic city of Chitral on June 15 while attempting to sneak into Afghanistan's Nuristan province. Caught being armed with pistol, sword, dagger and night vision device, the American has confessed to be on ... アメリカの市民ゲイリーブルックスフォークナーは、チーフに到着したパキスタン今月で国際テロ組織アルカイダを-のために殺すアル恩恵を大きくする収集欲がリリースされており、米国イギリス左は、地元メディアは、逮捕された51の報告は16日

    • Air rage lands Kiwi in jail
      A Kiwi jailed after going on a booze-fuelled rampage on a flight to Singapore says he flipped after alcohol reacted with his anti-depressant drugs.Gavin Brooks, 38, from Mt Wellington, Auckland, had been en route to Beijing with... キウイは、大酒を飲んで行くことの後投獄シンガポール行きの飛行機に大暴れ煽られて、アルコールは、北京に向かう途中されていたが、山ウェリントン、オークランドからの彼の抗うつdrugs.Gavinブルックス、38、と反応後、彼は反転言います...

    • Michael Tomasky: Kagan and the problems of meritocracy
      David Brooks writes on Elena Kagan today, and it's rather devastating. Not in an ideological, fodder-for-the-right kind of way, but about the system and process and to some extent about her:What we have is a person whose career has dovetailed with the incentives presented by the confirmation system, a system that punishes creativity and rewards caginess. Arguments are already being made for and against her nomination, but most of this is speculation because she has been too careful to let her actual positions leak out.There's about to be a backlash against the Ivy League lock on the court. I have to confess my first impression of Kagan is a lot like my first impression of many Organization Kids. She seems to be smart, impressive and honest — and in her willingness to suppress so much of her mind for the sake of her career, kind of disturbing.I think we have here in Kagan an extreme case from which we should be careful to make general statements. As Brooks notes elsewhere, she apparently knew from the time she was quite young that she wanted to be a judge, and comported herself accordingly, never saying anything remotely controversial or, probably, interesting.Maybe this confluence of facts - a ridiculous process that everyone knows is ridiculous, brought to its logical endpoint of ridiculousness by the presence of a nominee who has been planning for this moment for decades by saying as little as she could - will result in this being the last time we go through this charade in just this way. Yglesias wants to address this by giving Scotus appointees fixed (and lengthy) terms, rather than lifetime appointments. I'd go for that, although the political system we have today doesn't have the capacity to agree on that kind of change.By the way, little known fact: there is noth デビッドブルックス氏はエレナカガン今日書いて、それはむしろ壊滅的だ

    • Michael Tomasky: Faking it during a crisis
      I was able to was only bits of yesterday's press conference. First of all, I think it's ridiculous that Obama hadn't given a press conference in 10 months, and I think it's absurd that as far as I can remember he has not done a single one of those 8 pm from the Oval Office 30-minute talks to the American people. Those are a great venue for getting a point across without any media interference, no GOP response, etc. I don't get it. Anyway.Gail Collins and David Brooks of the Times both agree that they're happy Obama has been strutting around declaiming these past few spillagey weeks. Brooks:I persist in the belief that unless Barack Obama has a degree in underwater engineering that he's not telling anybody about, there's really not a lot, post-spill, he could be doing. Like you, I'm not a huge fan of presidential grandstanding. The idea that the president is the big national daddy who can take care of all our problems is silly.It may be silly, but Obama has a habit of letting crises sneak up on him. You have to look like you're doing stuff even when you're not. A very crucial executive skill.I think I've said this before but Giuliani was far and away the best I've ever seen at this. That guy was in rhetorical charge at all times. He thrived on crisis and sought out confrontation. It was just his personality.Exasperated liberals used to wonder: Why isn't Giuliani more roundly condemned in the mainstream media for putting his emergency bunker in the only building in his city that had ever been the target of a terrorist attack (the same one they blew up on 9-11)? It's an extremely fair question and one I often asked.The answer is partly that after 9-11 the media insisted on keeping up this pro-Giuliani narrative But it is also that Giuliani always just seemed so in charge o 私はできるだけ、昨日の記者会見のビットされたことだった

    • 'One in four lap-dancers has a degree'
      Lap-dance club owner Peter Stringfellow and university researcher Dr Belinda Brooks-Gordon discuss the findings of university research which reveals that one in four lap-dancers has a degree. ラップダンスクラブのオーナー、ピーターストリングフェローや大学の研究者博士ベリンダブルックス。。u003dゴードンは、1つは4つのラップダンサーの学位を持って明らかに大学の研究成果を議論する

    • US police OK to Taser pregnant woman
      SEATTLE - A federal appeals court says three Seattle police officers were justified when they used a stun gun on a pregnant mother who refused to sign a traffic ticket.Malaika Brooks was driving her son to school in 2004 when... シアトル発 - 米連邦控訴裁判所の3つのシアトル警察が彼らブルックス、2004年に学校に息子を運転していたトラフィックticket.Malaika署名を拒否し、妊娠中の母親のスタンガン使用を正当化したというときに...

    • Film Weekly meets Justin Kerrigan and goes to Lourdes
      This week's podcast is a broad church, going from a chat with Sylvie Testud, who plays a sceptic in search of a miracle in Lourdes, to reviewing Tilda Swinton vehicle I Am Love and Drew Barrymore's paean to roller derby Whip It, and talking to Human Traffic's Justin Kerrigan about his first feature in 10 years.Sylvie Testud is cast as Christine, a wheelchair-bound woman on a life-changing trip, in Jessica Hausner's award-winning new drama. The French actor tells Jason Solomons what it was like to shoot in the famous pilgrimate site, and how the film manages to retain a slightly irreverent view on this religious icon.Xan Brooks then talks to writer-director Justin Kerrigan about I Know You Know, his first feature since his seminal rave comedy Human Traffic a decade ago. The film, set in south Wales in 1988 and starring Robert Carlyle and Aaron Fuller, is a drama about a son's love for his charismatic father, who may or may not be a secret agent. Kerrigan is candid about how autobiographical the film is, why it took eight and a half years to make, and what it was like to watch Carlyle transform into his father.And finally, Xan and Jason run the rule over this week's major releases: the wantonly seductive I Am Love, which wears its Visconti and Sirk influences very much on its sleeve, Drew Barrymore's sly and knowing directorial debut Whip It, which stars Ellen Page, and the David Baddiel-scripted The Infidel, a religious identity-crisis flick saved by the presence of The West Wing's Richard Schiff.Xan BrooksIain ChambersObserverJason Solomons 、アイアム愛とローラーダービーホイップそれにドリューバリモアの賛歌をティルダスウィントン車の見直しを今週のポッドキャストは、広範な教会、シルヴィーテステュー、ルルドの奇跡の検索ではIDNの懐疑論を果たしている、とのチャットから起こっていると人間と話してトラフィックのジャスティンケリガン10 years.Sylvieで彼の最初の機能についてテステューはクリスティン、人生を変える旅に車椅子の女性としてキャストされた、ジェシカハウスナーの賞を受賞した新しいドラマです

    • Guardian Daily podcast: Public sector strikes threatened during election; plus the Oscars' short list
      The public sector workers' union, the PCS, is balloting its members for strike action over the government's plan to cut redundancy pay. By cutting lump sums paid to staff made redundant to a maximum of two years' pay, it's hoped to save £500 million. But our Whitehall correspondent Polly Curtis says that the union plans a series of strikes to have the maximum impact during the election campaign.The former cabinet minister Clare Short gave evidence to the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war yesterday. Sketch writer Simon Hoggart says that she was the most entertaining yet and startled the panel with her frankness about what she considered Tony Blair's dysfunctional government.The Oscars shortlist was published yesterday. Film critic Xan Brooks believes that though there are ten names, the contest is between two very different films: the Hollywood 3D blockbuster Avatar and the low-budget documentary story The Hurt Locker about a bomb disposal team in Baghdad.With only months to go before the general election Gordon Brown announced a referendum on changing the voting system. Julian Glover says it is unlikely to be passed through parliament as the Labour party might lose the election and the Conservatives are against changing to an alternative vote method of picking MPs.Psychologists at Birmingham University have found an answer to an age-old question for viewers of cowboy films: why does the good guy always win in a gun fight. Science correspondent Ian Sample reports that they have proved humans are quicker when they react to something, than if they draw their pistols first.Jon DennisTim MabyPhil Maynard 公共部門の労働者の労働組合は、PCS、投票されている政府の計画は解雇手当を削減する上でのストライキのため、そのメンバー


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