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    • MJ死亡裁判、分析を求める緊急要請
      ■ urgent plea for testing in mj death case (27-10-2010) arguing that evidence is quickly deteriorating, defense lawyers for the doctor charged in michael jackson's death are seeking urgent testing of two syringes and an iv bag found in the singer's mansion after his death. attorneys for dr. conrad murray said during a 40-minute closed session with a judge that liquids in one of the syringes had already dried up and was now salt, according to a transcript of the proceeding obtained wednesday by the associated press. quantities of substances in the syringes and iv bag could be crucial to explaining how the singer died, the lawyers said at the tuesday hearing. according to the transcript, officials tested what was in the items and found traces of propofol and lidocaine, but the amounts of the substances were not determined, and defense attorneys contend that may be significant in the case, which is expected to hinge on technical and scientific data. however, authorities contend that murray administered a lethal dose of sedatives, including the anesthetic propofol, to jackson in the bedroom of his rented mansion in june 2009. superior court judge michael pastor declined to order testing on the substances tuesday because he wanted defense attorneys to confer further with prosecutors. the judge may order the testing late next week if the two sides can agree on how it will be conducted. i want to act as quickly as we can, pastor told the attorneys. still, defense attorney ed chernoff struck an urgent tone, telling the judge, we are doing it because the house is on fire. we need a hose. chernoff said substances in one broken syringe found at the mansion had dried up since june 2009, when pastor ordered the evidence preserved. the tests sought by murray's attorneys will destroy the samples and can only be performed once. prosecutor david walgren questioned why defense attorneys had not raised the issue sooner. defense attorney j. michael flanagan told the judge his efforts to get the substances tested has been delayed because an expert in the los angeles coroner's office had been on a lengthy vacation. he argued the tests should have been done directly after jackson's death. it hasn't been done yet, flanagan said. it should have been done a year ago. flanagan said he was told by the coroner's office that the makeup of the liquids in the syringes and iv bag were not tested because the values were not necessary to establish the cause of jackson's death. flanagan said in the closed session that the results of the tests would be very helpful information perhaps for both sides. tissue samples in jackson's body were tested for levels of various substances and led to the coroner's determination that the superstar died in part from acute propofol intoxication. the anesthetic is supposed to be administered only in a hospital setting, but murray told investigators he had been providing it to jackson as a sleep aide and had been trying to wean him off the drug. chernoff told the judge results of the testing, which may take a month or more to complete, would not be used during a preliminary hearing scheduled to begin jan. 4. prosecutors will lay out some of their evidence during the hearing, and pastor will then decide whether there is enough evidence to order murray to stand trial. source: mjfc / ap / thanks to juliana for bringing this to our attention.

    • 英和対訳軍事用語ブログ291
      unofficial negotiations非公式交渉 unofficial personal contacts私的な接触 vice chairman of the workers party of korea's central military commission鮮労働党中央軍事委員会副委員長


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